I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 420 Development of the situation

The federation's statement is not the end of the story.

Hermione reached over and turned the page.

In the next article, its wording is completely different.

Compared to the worries and worries before.

What follows is all condemnation.

——In addition, the performance of the Magical Congress of the United States in this incident is incomprehensible. A week after the war broke out, no official has stated the incident and casualties to the Federation. According to the previously exposed devil [Pretender]. This leads us to believe that MACUSA is filled with a large number of "pretenders". And they have joined forces with the Death Eaters. "

——"At present, the Federation has recalled the Federation-affiliated troops in Africa. They will leave for North America as soon as possible. I hereby call on all European countries to send Auror troops to support frontline operations to avoid expansion of casualties.

——For the follow-up to the incident, please also pay attention to the Federation’s External Liaison Office. "

Finally, the little wizards, including Owen, finally read this statement.

"Is Voldemort crazy?"

This was Owen's first thought after reading it.

Does he have the strength to be the enemy of the entire wizarding world?

Judging from the power he showed after his resurrection last year, he is even worse than Dumbledore.

Of course - this may be because he has just recovered physically and has not yet regained his full victory.

But because of this, he should stay quiet for a while to accumulate strength.

Instead of creating such a large-scale invasion incident so perversely, it is unreasonable in any way.

And - is it such a mess in the United States?

Has the power of the Magical Congress weakened to this extent?

Is it possible that the states are seeking secession or independence?

Will it soon follow in the footsteps of the Soviet Union and be shattered into pieces?

Otherwise, as one of the most powerful magical governments in the world, the Magical Congress should not be so weak.

Meanwhile, on the faculty desk.

Professor Dumbledore still didn't show up.

Professor Gerard was talking quietly to Professor Flitwick, both of whom had extremely serious faces. Professor Sprout leaned the "Daily Prophet" against the ketchup bottle and read the first page intently, holding the spoon up. In the air, I didn't even notice that the egg yolk in the spoon dripped onto my legs.

Across the table, some distance away from all the other professors, Umbridge was sipping her cereal.

The toad's eyes scanned the contents of the newspaper quite easily, and from time to time he would cast a resentful look at Owen.

"Look here -" Hermione frowned, quickly turned the page of the newspaper again, pointed to the third page and said.

That's the list of the dead and missing.

The Federation has identified a number of murdered wizards as well as missing wizards.

Owen glanced over and saw that there were dozens of death wizards.

Most of them are native American wizards and some foreign tourist traders.

There are many more missing people than dead people.

There are more than a hundred names.

Arranged in English alphabetical order.

Owen quickly found Ernie and Ron's names.

In addition, there are seven or eight Hogwarts young wizards.

Most of them are Ravenclaws.

The only Slytherin is Tracey Davis, a Muggle-born witch.

The sudden name caught the onlookers by surprise.

Many names - they had only met a few days ago.

Either a friend or a rival.

Who would have thought that after just one holiday, they might be separated forever.

"Oh! Brohe." Among the crowd, Padma Patil cried directly.

Mandy Broghe was her friend. They were both Ravenclaw students, in the same grade, and roommates.

Mandy Blocher also invited her to go to the United States during the Christmas holidays, but she and her sister had to return to India during the holidays, so she declined her invitation.

Who would have thought that this would be a farewell forever.

the other side.

In the Gryffindor common room.

Harry slowly opened his eyes.

He didn't know how he got back to the dormitory.

Short clips appeared in his memory, and now his mind was blank.

Harry got up weakly. There was no one in the room, and Harry looked out the window.

The sky outside was gray and the howling wind was blowing against the windows, making it impossible for him to tell what time it was.

"Ron!" Harry shouted.

Rubbing his head.

His scars were bulging, and the pain was as intense as if someone was carving his head open with an axe.

Harry held his head and calmed down for a while, then realized that Ron wasn't back yet.

He is in the United States.

Thinking of this, Harry suddenly had some unknown premonition.

Yesterday - oh - damn - he remembered.

Yesterday, he learned Occlumency under the torture of Snape, and then - then he seemed to have entered Voldemort's consciousness again.


"No-no-no!" Harry screamed.

Then he put on his clothes in a panic and stumbled out of the dormitory.

On the spiral staircase, Harry's first thought was to go to the principal's office.

But he didn't know the password.

He wanted to find Professor McGonagall again, but her office was closed and no one was there.

In the end he could only come to the auditorium.

The noisy voices of the little wizards filled his ears.

He heard Padma Patil's cries.

"Harry!" Ginny was the first to spot him.

"Where's Professor Dumbledore! I have something important to tell him."

Harry hurriedly walked through the crowd and walked directly to the guest of honor table.

Professor McGonagall looked at him and frowned, "The principal is not in school, what do you want?"

"Not there? At this time?" Harry was startled, and then remembered that Snape was casting the Legilimency spell on himself at that time. He should have seen the scene of Voldemort torturing the young wizard, and he had already reported it to Professor Dumbledore.

"Yes! He wasn't in school a few days ago. It might be something related to the Federation." Professor McGonagall said calmly.

A few days ago, Albus left in a hurry. She didn't know what happened. Today, she realized that Albus's departure might be related to the war that broke out in the United States.

"A few days ago?" Harry was surprised, and then asked quickly: "What about Snape?"

"It's Professor! Mr. Potter." Professor McGonagall corrected, "This is the most basic respect."

After criticizing Harry's rude behavior, she continued, "Professor Snape left school last night, Potter, what happened?"

"Leaved?" Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

Because he knew that Snape must have gone to find Dumbledore.

"It's okay." He said again.

A huge feeling of powerlessness enveloped him.

"Harry!" Professor McGonagall roared, her tone becoming more stern.

"If you have something to say, you should tell me now." The professor was a little angry.

Because Harry seemed to think that he was not capable of handling certain things, so he did not communicate with her.

Even if Harry didn't think so. But he has shown it subtly.

"I am your dean." Professor McGonagall emphasized.

"I know, I know," Harry murmured. He stood there in despair.

After seeing Harry showing the same expression as last time.

On the Gryffindor bench, Hermione immediately realized something. She moved closer to Owen and whispered, "I think Harry entered that person's mind again and he saw something."

Miss Granger pointed at the newspaper with a clear intention.

"I think so too." Owen nodded.

Then he picked up the newspaper, stood up and walked over to Harry.

He kicked his foot and hit him in the calf.

Harry came to his senses in pain, bent over, and rubbed his legs.

"Look at—" Owen said.

Then handed him the newspaper.

"Did you see something again?"

Harry gritted his teeth and remained silent.

He mechanically took the newspaper from Owen's hand.

The green eyes turned quickly, and it took only ten seconds to read the federation announcement.

Then he quickly turned to other pages, and finally his eyes stopped on the list of missing persons.

When he saw those names.

His expression instantly became extremely painful.

When Ron's name appeared, he even fainted for a moment and staggered back. It was Owen who supported him behind him and kept him from falling.

Harry's eyes widened in disbelief.

Trembling all over.

"No-" Harry groaned in pain.

Then he covered his forehead and threw the newspaper aside.

Headache - like it's about to split.

"What's going on?" Owen asked.

Professor McGonagall on the guest of honor table also cast a serious look.

Not only her, but also Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout were looking at her.

"She's dead," he said.

"Who died?" Hermione also got up and rushed over.

Just stand next to him.

"Mandy Broghe!" Harry said the name after a while.

"She also had Stephen, Tracy, and Kevin. They were all captured by Voldemort. I saw him torturing them, dying. It was - there was no hope."

"What?" Has the thing that everyone was most worried about finally happened?

When they saw those familiar names in the newspaper, they had already guessed it.

The little wizard can't be so lucky, and everyone is safe.

But when Harry tore apart their fantasy, the shock of that moment was still hard to accept.

"Oh my God -" Professor McGonagall turned pale and let out a shrill cry that no one had ever seen before.

Then it began to shake heart-wrenchingly.

Professor Sprout quickly supported her.

"Are you sure?" Hermione's face also turned pale, but maybe it was her experience during the summer vacation. Several times she thought Owen was leaving forever, which gave her some resistance. Although she didn't appear as sad as Professor McGonagall, But his voice still trembled and he asked, "Where's Ron? And Ernie, are they there?"

"I" Harry closed his eyes tightly, his face full of pain, "I didn't see clearly, but there were many people caught. It was a hall, there were many people - they were all locked up. In the iron cage. Some are still struggling, some.

I don’t know, there were too many people. I don't know if they are among those people. "

His heart felt as if it was being pressed down by a boulder, heavy.

The tragic situation of those classmates who were tortured by Voldemort made him feel painful and helpless.

Especially when those torture spells come from ‘his hands’.

Harry thought he had experienced the worst, that he had even walked with death.

But now he understands.

But in fact, it's not. Seeing a friend trapped in darkness and unable to do anything about it is harder to accept than death.

"We have to do something," Hermione said.

“Calm down—honey.

What you have to do is to raise the magic level of the little wizards as quickly as possible. Owen said calmly.

"As for things in North America, for now, there is the participation of the Federation, Dumbledore, my grandfather, and a lot of Aurors.

If something of this magnitude happened, Aurors from all over the world would be involved.

Our involvement will not solve the problem quickly. You may also get yourself into trouble and cause trouble to others. "

His voice was calm but extremely loud.

This quickly woke up Professor McGonagall.

She supported the guest desk and said as if she had aged ten years: "Mr. Sanchez - Owen is right. All of you must calm down and don't think about leaving the school. I know you have a way to leave. Especially You Owen.”

"I understand, Professor McGonagall."

"I hope you understand." The professor said seriously with a pale face.

Last night, when Snape said angrily that he was going to find Dumbledore, she was by his side.

Because apart from the floo network leaving the castle, there is only one in Umbridge's office.

He left in a hurry and didn't have time to explain too much.

Under her questioning, Snape just said seriously that something happened to the little wizard.

Then he left in a blaze of green flames.

She didn't think much about it at the time. She thought it was the troublemaking gentlemen and ladies in the college who were fighting again, or trying to challenge Umbridge, etc.

Until just now - seeing clearly what was in the newspaper and hearing what Harry said.

Only then did Professor McGonagall realize what Snape meant when he said something happened to the little wizard.

"Now - you continue with class. Leave other matters to us and other professors." The professor said firmly.

Then, she immediately stood up and left the guest table in a hurry.

Exit through the small door on the side.

The other professors also followed suit.

All of a sudden, only Umbridge was sitting there tasting the food like a normal person.

Hermione pulled Harry with her.

The three returned to the Gryffindor table.

She leaned over and whispered in Owen's ear, "You can ask her for some information, you know."

"I'm about to do it!" Owen nodded. He also left the auditorium quickly. He was going to find Kreacher and ask him to bring a message to Bella.

Owen's departure did not attract the attention of other little wizards. Now everyone's attention is on the newspapers.

However - one person raised his head inadvertently.

That was Umbridge sitting on the guest of honor table.

Her eyes flashed with joy.

Like a greedy snake, it licked the corners of its mouth.

But she soon restrained this part of her expression.

In less than a second, it returned to its usual sweet and disgusting smile.

the other side--

At the Gryffindor table.

The three Weasleys finally realized that Ron might have been captured by Death Eaters.

Oh my God - the news was so shocking that it took their breath away.

"Mom, why didn't anyone tell us? The wall clock at home." George hissed, and then realized, "Oh! I'm such a fool. Of course she wouldn't tell us. Mom was afraid that we would worry."

The Weasley Clock is a clock in the Weasley family that displays the whereabouts of each family member.

This clock is usually placed in the living room of the Burrow, and its function is not to indicate time. There are nine gold needles on the dial of the clock, each of which is engraved with the name of each member of the Weasley family.

There are no numbers on the clock face, but the place or state where each family member may be, such as "home", "school", "work", "on the road", "missing", "hospital", "prison" ", and at the twelve o'clock position of an ordinary clock, it says "fatal danger".

The Weasleys may have known that their children were in danger earlier than the Federation or even MACUSA.

They must have informed Sirius or Kingsley.

In short, Dumbledore must have learned the news in advance.

"Ron. And Bill." Ginny's face turned pale.

She couldn't bear to lose two brothers in one day.

Especially because of Owen's participation, in the second grade, he and Ron used Malfoy's name to cheat everywhere and made a lot of benefits.

Ginny's first school robe, first set of new textbooks, new cauldron, etc. were all bought by Ron.

The relationship between the two is much deeper than meets the eye.

"No -" she wailed, and her whole body was about to collapse.

It was Harry who had sharp eyes and quick hands and helped her.

And immediately, Ginny fell into Harry's arms and cried bitterly.

Suddenly the auditorium was filled with sadness, fear, anxiety, and crying.

in the following time.

The whole Hogwarts fell silent.

Professor McGonagall personally warned the little wizards in the auditorium that Principal Dumbledore and officials from the Federation had gone to North America and believed that the trapped little wizards would be rescued soon.

In addition, she prohibited the young wizard from making any move to leave Hogwarts.

In order to ensure that no one causes trouble for the professors, all young wizards will be prohibited from going to Hogsmeade from mid-January.

She even went to Harry, Hermione, and of course Owen in private, and sternly warned them not to cause trouble and not to think about leaving the castle and heading to North America.

Remember that you are students now, not Aurors.

Let the adults do what adults do.

Professor Sprout seemed to have received instructions from Professor McGonagall, and he pulled Owen into the greenhouse when he had nothing to do.

They even let him live in a greenhouse.

The little wizards naturally understand the painstaking efforts of the professors.

After a hellish, frightening few days.

Kreacher finally brought back Bella's message.

She said: Voldemort did capture a group of young wizards. But instead of killing them, they are now just imprisoned. He had other plans.

Although there was no specific person in Bella's message.

But this is undoubtedly good news.

Let Harry, Hermione and Weasley's three little thorns calm down a little.

And Molly also got in touch with her three children.

Tell them that the wall clock only shows that Ron and Bill are in 'prison' and are not in mortal danger.

In this way, the worst thing did not happen.

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