I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 413 The First Day of Christmas

The dispute between the two legendary wizards was nothing more than the issue of whether the power of the Federation could be monitored.

If so, then Dumbledore would also agree to expand the Federation's law enforcement capabilities.

If not, he would rather take his time at this speed.

There is nothing right or wrong about this.

However - for Hermione, she had seen the dangers of [Pretenders] with her own eyes and had even fought against them.

In addition, the Egyptian Ministry of Magic was so deeply eroded that it was useless and provided intelligence to the enemy.

These all make her more partial to Mr. Grindelwald's hardline doctrine.

She supports using more force in times of crisis.

As for how to reduce the personal infringement caused by power in the future - we can only put it aside for the time being.

However, Hermione was unable to express her thoughts in the end.

Because as she was thinking.

Owen is back.

Take Neville with you.

"What happened today?" When he walked into the restaurant, he was startled by the battle in front of him.

what happened?

So neat?

In one afternoon he dealt with five or six seriously infected patients.

The remaining ones are accompanied by other curses.

Most of those Americans were caught by digging ancient ruins. In addition to the mutations, of course there were also magic traps in the ruins.

For these, he can't help.

I really think of him as a therapist!

You can only ask a professional therapist first, and then he can provide follow-up treatment after the curse is lifted.

As for Neville - the treatment from his parents was great.

Under his care, the soul is greatly replenished and restored.

However, the sudden saturation of the soul will cause the body to fall into a protective coma.

You will probably be in a coma for a period of time, and when you wake up, you may wake up directly.

Even if it doesn't work, some consciousness will be restored.

"You're finally back." Hermione looked at him in surprise, and then breathed a silent sigh of relief.

God - she almost choked.

It felt really bad to be stared at by a legendary wizard.

"Yeah!" He nodded, and then walked towards Wenda, "Merry Christmas! Grandma."

Then Owen glanced in the direction of Grindelwald, and then said, "You're happy too!"

Humph - he shook his neck and walked towards Hermione.

It’s been a whole year!

All year long!

Not a single letter was sent. There is no love anymore.

As for the child’s grandpa

He simply ignored Owen's resentful eyes and observed the little guy carefully.

After not seeing each other for more than a year, this child has changed a lot.

He didn't even know him.

Not only his appearance and figure, but also his temperament have undergone amazing changes.

From a false and flamboyant indifference - to gentleness.

His whole body exuded a Dumbledore-like temperament, which surprised him greatly.

He couldn't help but turn his attention to the old principal.

Then he found that the other party was looking at him with a triumphant smile.

Tsk - boring.

Grindelwald scoffed in response to Dumbledore's childishness.

Then he looked at Owen again, "You came back just in time."

He said: "What are your responses to [Pretenders]?"

"Coping?" Owen raised his eyebrows and transformed into a chair next to Miss Granger, "Why do you have to cope?"

“I think it is a genius idea to assimilate the species and life on the entire planet into an independent consciousness. That consciousness can call itself a god, and the world will become an eternally peaceful heaven on earth.

I do not understand?

Why would people with such means be stupid, idiots, and have sick minds to pursue immortality and a young body?

The more I come into contact with other people, the more I understand, humans! It is really a hopeless life. As a human being, there are really limits to our abilities. The more a person plays tricks, the more he will make mistakes in unexpected situations and become a being beyond human beings! asshole!

I-don’t want to be a human being anymore.”

Someone's sudden seizure instantly caused the tense atmosphere over the long table to dissipate.

Everyone looked at Owen as if he were a madman.

Surprised by his crazy ideas.

As for Owen, he was fine. He looked indifferent and sat steadily, as if he wasn't the one who just went crazy.

"Hmm -" In silence, Grindelwald snorted.

Sure enough - this child has been led astray by Dumbledore.

But Owen, who was already hungry and had his chest pressed against his back, started to eat without waiting for the others.

Because he felt that grandma, grandpa and the principal were not hungry at all! When they started to sit down, it was time for him to lie down.

The swaying teeth bit into the foie gras on the dinner plate.

The sound of swallowing instantly relieved the dull atmosphere around him.

Owen was like a bottle of palliative, and after that, the little wizards began to become active.

The Saints and the Order of the Phoenix also chatted on their own.

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.

She found that the big family in front of her was complicated and complicated. It seemed that the two giants were involved in each other. In fact, everyone present was inextricably connected with Irving. They were sitting here because Irving was here.

He is Mr. Key.

It is the absolute protagonist of the banquet.

Fortunately - he came back in time.

"Eat!" Owen said. He has always adhered to the habit of feeding the little witch.

He put a few pieces of duck meat into the little witch's dinner plate using the floating spell.

Hermione's eyes flashed with warmth, and then she lowered her head shyly under several glances.

"Thank you," she whispered, then picked up her knife and fork and began to taste the food on the plate.

Owen smiled, she was so cute.

If there weren't so many people around, he would definitely be tempted to kiss her.

And all of this naturally fell into the eyes of other wizards, including the child's grandfather, grandmother, and grandmother.

Fleur smiled sweetly on the side, her eyes constantly flowing from Owen and Hermione, and then fell on Bill.

It seemed to be reminding him.

Bill also understood it and immediately poured her a glass of red wine in a gentlemanly manner.

Then he clinked glasses and drank.

On the saint's side, Roy's eyes were shining and he looked at the two of them very happily.

I can't even close my mouth and smile.

She was the happiest. This scene was exactly what her sister wanted to see the most.

And Sirius was talking to Harry the whole time.

It seemed like he was apologizing that he was too busy and didn't have time to spend Christmas with him.

Harry shook his head, indicating that this was already good.

In his heart, having a family member who truly loves him is more important than anything else.

In addition, Sirius also discovered that the Weasley girl seemed to have been secretly observing him - or rather observing Harry next to him.

He knew the affection in the eyes all too well, he often saw it in the eyes of James and Lily.

Then the dog godfather, who had never had any experience in love, directly told Harry about it.

Now - Ginny blushed when she heard the sound.

She stared at Sirius with wide eyes - surprised, wondering why he could say it so bluntly.

Then Harry's green eyes appeared in his sight.

Ginny's face turned redder, she lowered her head and whispered: "Harry, I..."

Harry's face also felt slightly hot. He didn't know if it was because the elf had made the fire in the fireplace too hot, or for some other reason.

Oh - God - he had never realized that Ginny had grown up and was a beautiful, independent girl.

In his memory, Ginny seemed to still be the little girl following Mrs. Weasley.

But it's undeniable.

She is indeed very beautiful.

The figure is slim and well-proportioned, and the hair is long and straight. She always has a vibrant smile on her face, and like Hermione, she is a quite independent girl. This can be seen from this year's Quidditch trials. She provided Ron with a series of goalkeeper training, those They were all collected and traced by herself.

In the lounge, the girl's talk was very attractive.

Angelina told him more than once that she would admit Ginny to the team after they graduate next year, or recruit her as a substitute now and train her slowly.

Angelina thought she was talented.

As for Ginny's thoughts, of course Harry knew, he was not a fool.

In the past, he definitely had no feelings for Ginny.

But now - Harry was a little confused.

He didn't know what to say, there seemed to be a throbbing in his heart, but it wasn't enough to make him speak.

He could only quickly avoid Ginny's eyes and focus on the food on the plate.

The little girl didn't feel disappointed about this, on the contrary, she was very happy - because Harry's reaction completely exceeded her expectations, and she thought the boy would refuse directly.

Now it seems - it seems.

Ginny's face turned red, she was indeed right to follow her!

Just like that - this Christmas dinner finally returned to its original meaning.


This is the eternal theme of Christmas.

As for the disputes outside, on this day, let them wait outside for now and enjoy the night!

This is a new beginning to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new.


Half an hour passed.

The dinner party came to an end.

His grandfather was the first to get up.

He left quickly, as if he had something important to do.

Dumbledore did not follow.

He chatted with Sirius and Bill for a while, and seemed to be making some plans.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Owen stepped forward and gave Dumbledore the information on Bella that Kreacher had sent in the afternoon.

The two also talked for a while, mainly about Bella and the Department of Mysteries.

The old principal looked worried. He seemed to know the powerful 'time magic item' in the Department of Mysteries. After pondering for a while, he also left the manor.

It seems there is a countermeasure.

On the other side, only Victor was left among the saints. The witch who claimed to be his aunt, Roy - held his face, kissed his cheek hard, and left with a smile on his face.

This immediately made Miss Granger's eyes look strange.

It wasn't that she was jealous or anything - she just thought that 'aunt' was too weird.

If she had anything to do with Owen's mother, she should tell it openly - it would be weird to keep it secretive.

At the Order of the Phoenix, Sirius and Moody didn't stay much longer.

It was clear that the wind and snow outside were already very heavy, but they walked in a hurry.

Bill and Fleur didn't stay either. They were anxious to have a date together, which was reasonable.

Neville also left.

He wants to stay with his parents.

This was the first time in fifteen years that hope shone upon him.

After a rush, only Owen, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Luna were left.

In the evening, the little wizards sat around the fire and chatted for a long time, from Neville to Harry, from the love of school girls to what plans Dumbledore and the others were executing.

Anyway, it's late.

It wasn't until grandma came to the living room to chase people away, as if she was possessed by Professor McGonagall, that they returned to their rooms.

After a night.

On Christmas morning, Owen woke up to find presents piled at the foot of his bed.

Like Lego blocks, they are stacked up layer by layer, with the tallest one almost touching the ceiling.

He walked through the gifts with difficulty, washed up and opened the door.

Compared with him, the other little wizards seemed much happier.

"Ha - a bumper harvest this year!" Ron proudly opened his door and walked out.

Opposite his door was Harry.

The two happened to run into each other.

"Thank you for your broomstick and compass. It's great. It's a hundred times better than Hermione's. She actually gave me a Defense Against the Dark Arts study plan. I really don't know what she thought - it's vacation now - -holiday!"

Harry also held a notebook with a red cover in his hand. When he opened it, it was full of Hermione's handwriting. Each page was a detailed introduction to a certain Defense Against the Dark Arts, although most of them Harry had already mastered. , but it’s pretty good for checking and filling in gaps.

That's it - this notebook can speak for itself. As long as you turn a page, if you don't finish reading it, the notebook will keep shouting "Today's things are done today!"

Remind you that you must read it.

"Sirius also gave me a set of books." Harry said, "It's called Practical Defense Magic and the Restraint of the Dark Arts."

"Professor Lupine gave me a copy of "One Hundred Common Dark Creatures and How to Deal with them."

"Oh - Merlin's beard." Ron sighed, "What do they think? Are we going to participate in some war?"

"Where are you Owen?" Ron looked at him.

"Me?" Owen rubbed his head, then kicked the door with his right foot and leaned against the door frame.

The next second, Harry and Ron were frightened by the gifts filled in the room.

That's impossible to count.

It can only be described as a room filled to the brim.


"They were all given by the patients," Owen said. "We won't dismantle them this year. There are too many."

Then, the three of them walked down the stairs side by side.

At the long table in the restaurant, I saw girls chatting happily.

They seemed to have gotten up early in the morning.

"What are the plans for today?" Ron sat down excitedly.

An elf appeared from the side and placed breakfast on the table.

"I plan to take this opportunity to go to Paris and have fun. I have never been to France."

"Me too," Harry followed.

This is his first time going abroad.

The Dursleys used to travel abroad every summer vacation, of course - without him. At that time, he was not envious, because it meant that he would be the only one in the house for at least ten days or even longer. It was a free time.

"Okay, I'll take you out for a walk."

Had a simple breakfast.

The group set off.

After leaving the manor, Owen took them and apparated directly.

When he reappeared, he had arrived on a hidden street in the center of Paris.

There were a lot of Muggles coming and going on both sides, and there were bands performing on the streets.

The Christmas atmosphere is upon us.

But they didn't stop.

Along an old alleyway, they walked into a slightly run-down neighborhood.

The architectural style here is still at the beginning of the 20th century, which seems a bit out of tune with the metropolis outside.

However, compared to the modern city, this has more of a sense of history.

Compared with the bizarre high-rise buildings, this kind of place can make the little wizard feel familiar.

Not long into the neighborhood, just walking down a flight of stairs.

A statue of a girl appeared in front of everyone.

Such statues are quite common in Paris, and most are Renaissance works.

The girl in front of her has fluffy curly hair, slender legs, bare breasts, and a long flowing skirt that extends to the base of the statue.

"That's it." Owen looked around.

Then Wu Zhan quietly cast a spell, "Confuse the audience——"

The next second, a demonic wind suddenly hit, and all the surrounding Muggles had their eyes covered by the wind and sand, and they all lowered their heads to cover their noses.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone filed in and quickly got under the lifted skirt of the statue of a girl who suddenly came to life.

There was a moment of silence.

It's like crossing platform nine and three-quarters at King's Cross station.

After a sense of urgency, noises and explosions suddenly reached their ears.

"Welcome to the hiding place."

Ahead - is the old street market from the Victorian era.

Countless wizards, dressed in different styles, squeezed through the crowd side by side.

They are at a crossroads, with a magical circus in the middle.

Brilliant fireworks shot into the sky from the firecrackers on the top of the circus tent.

Then a brilliant scene exploded.

Even in the daytime, such fireworks are very eye-catching.

"Oh - look at that firework."

Suddenly Harry's eyes were attracted by the scene above the sky.

Everyone looked up.

I saw a witch in wizard robes walking out of the exploding fireworks, waving her wand.

A black starry river shone down, and then countless stars fell and turned into shooting stars, which looked quite spectacular.

Although they couldn't see the face of the witch in the fireworks, the witch was obviously Miss Granger.

"They actually made you into a firework!" Ron said in shock.

"What? Are you envious?" Owen glanced at the fireworks in the sky, "They should pay a portrait royalty."

"Of course - Hermione is now famous all over the world. In terms of fame, she is almost as famous as Dumbledore."

"That's what they deserve." Ginny said, "If you can defeat those powerful enemies, you will also be famous."

Hearing the sound, Ron just sighed and did not respond.

He knows his strength very well.

He was just better than the little wizards at Hogwarts. If he really had to face those vicious dark wizards, he had no confidence that he could win.

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