I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 42 Extra: The Crime of Vincent Robinson

Chapter 42 Extra Chapter—The Crime of Vincent Robinson

Many years later, he was interviewed by the Daily Prophet.

Miss Draco, who has become a famous wizard adventurer, still tells the stories she has told countless people.

That warm Brussels afternoon.

He was wearing a dark blue coat with a stand-up collar and was sitting drinking tea outside a smoky Muggle cafe.

The aroma of coffee is like a fragrant song, filling the lazy air and spreading into the nostrils of every customer present.

But he was drinking tea.

A cup of tea without any additives, flowing in the delicate oriental porcelain, with a light cold fragrance like spring buds piercing the land where miracles were born.

At this time, he raised his head and met my eyes, showed a friendly smile, nodded and invited me to sit down.

I panicked, lusted, and begged.

How I wish time could stop at this moment, forever.

But - I know that Vincent will never stay here, just like countless years ago, in the Slytherin lounge, in front of the glass that separates the black lake.

He said, 'If the Wizarding War is over and he is still alive, he will become an adventurer and travel to the most wonderful places in the world. To witness and leave his footprints. ’

"The trip to New Zealand was nice." He poured me a cup of English black tea. He knew that I didn't like the bitter taste.

"It's okay." I said.

Oh my God! This is all I can say.

I suddenly thought of my godmother, the melancholy Mother Superior who never smiled on her face.

To this day, I look so much like her.


Vincent seemed very interested in my adventures and kept asking what the scenery from all over the world was like.

We had a lovely, lazy afternoon.

When we parted, I finally couldn't help but speak.

"It's still not too late. If you want to change your mind and start over, the Malfoy family has the ability-" I almost yelled.

"No." Vincent showed his trademark ridicule.

I know that he is not laughing at me, but at this twisted world.

"But speaking of a change of appearance, I hope that next time, I can change my name to something more powerful. The surname Robinson sounds too ordinary."

Although it was early summer, fallen leaves suddenly started to fall on the streets.

Vincent, gently pinched Yi Ye, "Sanchez!" he said.

"Maybe if I'm not happy that day, I can change my life in another universe."

As he spoke, he suddenly laughed, as if he felt ridiculous about his childish idea.

"Well, goodbye, Miss Draco." His expression returned to the solemn look it had at the beginning.

"You shouldn't get too close to people like me. You have a safer life. Stay away from England. At least for now."

After that, he disappeared that afternoon, and together with him disappeared from my memory, my life, and my world.

And I - I didn't have the courage to stop him from beginning to end.

I regret this to this day.

————“The End of the Order of the Phoenix: The Real Savior Buried in History” Rita Skeeter, 2023, exclusive interview with the Daily Prophet.

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