I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 403 The feeling of Hogwarts and Christmas approaching

"Ginny?" Hermione poked her head out.

"She should be dating Michael Corner." Susan also glanced.


Ron couldn't even lift it up, the pearls in the milk tea were stuck in his throat.

His face turned red and he coughed for a long time, but Harry kindly patted his back and asked him to swallow the pearl.

"What is she doing?" Ron turned around and asked angrily, his ears like two carpaccios, "Falling in love - my sister is in love? With which Michael Corner?"

"Yes!" Susan cut open the steak in front of her with a knife, took a bite and explained, "Qiu Zhang told me."

"Huh?" Harry also came to his senses?

"When? When did she start!" Ron growled.

Susan rolled her eyes at him for that. He continued speaking nonchalantly, as if it was no big deal, "It was just this year, two months ago, but they met at the Christmas ball last year. Then something seemed to happen, and she broke up again, and recently they just got back together." That’s all.”

"Michael Corner? The dark one?" Ron asked.

"Well - he is a potion genius, very talented, and one of the few students in Ravenclaw who can get extra points from Professor Snape." Susan said.

"I don't like him!" Ron said without thinking.

"Why do you like him?" Susan looked at Ron up and down, seeming to recognize that the Gryffindor in front of her was also an authoritarian and powerful guy. "It's not like you want to fall in love with him. You should think about it when you have time. Just yourself!”

"But -" Ron stretched his neck like a cock stuck in his throat and couldn't speak for a long time. It wasn't until he turned his head and saw Harry beside him that he blurted out, "Ginny doesn't like it." Is it profitable?"

As soon as these words came out, Hermione immediately gave him an impatient look.

"Ginny used to like Harry, but she started to be disappointed since the third grade. She was about to start dating other boys at last Christmas party, but then - after the incident in the kitchen, she... ahem."

At this point, Miss Granger suddenly coughed twice in embarrassment.

His eyes glanced at Owen aside.

Owen immediately looked at her with a strange look on his face.


"Miss Granger, have you taken away the spirit of that little girl again?"

He looked at her teasingly, "Why are you so charming to girls?"

"No way - she is frightened and needs support!" Hermione said decisively.

"Oh! Do you rely on me?" Owen raised his eyebrows, "Sharing sister, right?"

Suddenly I remembered the Egyptian Nefer Tali.

I don’t know what happened to this little girl in the end.

"What sister?" Hermione blushed, her eyes rolled rapidly, and then she immediately turned the gun and pointed it at Harry, "You have been going to the Black Lake a lot in the past few months! What girl can endure this!

And Qiu Zhang, she used to have some affection for you, but she has lost all of it in the past few months! "


All right.

Harry rubbed his head in embarrassment.

Although he was not the one who took the lead, he and the boys did go to play with the Siren in the Black Lake for several months.

He still just knew that Qiu Zhang had a crush on him.

Oh my God - what has he done!

Harry regretted it.

"Do Qiu and Ginny have a good relationship?" he suddenly asked, "Maybe."

"Maybe something?" Hermione's eyes flashed dangerously.

The strong warning tone made Harry swallow his saliva.

"Apologise - yes - I plan to apologize to both of them, Hermione - I'm just curious. That's a siren. I've never seen it before. It's normal for a creature like this to attract wizards' attention."

"Normal? You've been curious for three months." Hermione exposed Harry's lie ruthlessly.

"I" Harry's face froze, then he looked at Owen, and then he immediately had an idea, "It's Owen! Owen asked me to bring those sea monsters back to Hogwarts. If I just looked at them and found them guilty, then he Woolen cloth?"

"Huh?" Hermione immediately turned her gaze and looked at Owen, who was immersed in cooking, with a serious expression.

"Is that so?"

"That's right." Owen and Hermione looked at each other, then nodded, admitting straightforwardly. "I want to boost the economy of Hogsmeade! If there are this group of sea monsters in the Black Lake, they will definitely attract wizards from other places to come here to spend money."

"???" Harry looked at Owen in shock, wow - this reason is really novel.

I almost thought you were the Minister for Magic.

"Really?" Hermione bit her lip, her eyelashes trembling.

"Oh my God." Owen screamed strangely.

Then he turned his head and cupped her cheeks with his hands.

"Miss Granger, you don't think those sirens are prettier than you, do you?"

The boy looked directly at her.

Hermione felt a little embarrassed, but she still pretended to be tough and said, "I don't think I'm prettier than them."

"But in my opinion, you are much more beautiful than them." Owen said affectionately, "I don't know if it's the appearance, but also the soul."

At this moment, Hermione blushed suddenly.

She became hesitant, not knowing how to respond.

Maybe she shouldn't have responded.

Instead, she jumped directly into his arms!

"Okay!" Ron pouted, his eyes still on Susan, "You can wait until there is no one to show your affection.

Tell me about my sister! "

"Okay!" Susan put down the spoon. Once again popularize the relationship history of girls to boys, "After Michael last Christmas, he pursued Luna for a period of time - without success - in fact, I think Luna realized that the guy was pursuing her, and she gave Michael She told many stories about the Minister of Magic secretly cultivating the fire elf army, the Bent-Horned Snorlax, and Michael thought she was a complete lunatic.

After that, he gave up pursuing Luna.

Later he pursued Padma Patil, the Indian girl. "

"We know that she is Parvati Patil's sister and one of the most beautiful girls in the grade." Ron said impatiently.

It was a twin sister, and her elder sister, Parvati Patil, was assigned to the same dormitory as Gryffindor and Hermione.

Sister Padma Patil went to Ravenclaw.

“Anyway, it just didn’t work out.

Padma Patil's mind was not on this aspect at all, she...

After that, he ran to chase Qiu Zhang, but failed. "

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Ron exploded like a firecracker, "So he is a playboy, and a playboy that no one wants!"

The more Ron thought about it, the angrier he became, "My sister is simply blind!"

After that, he stood up and sprinted out of the restaurant.

"Ron!" Susan called, but Ron, who was already busy trying to impress Michael Corner, didn't even hear her.

"What's the big deal?" Harry shouted, "That Michael Corner sounds like a scumbag. What's wrong with being beaten up by Ron?"

"Nothing wrong? Ginny has the right to choose her own boyfriend. She can't always revolve around you, Harry!"

Hermione, who was shy at first, immediately became angry after hearing Harry's tone of voice.

She turned around and looked at him seriously. "Michael Corner had confessed his love to Ginny before, but later he was dumped by Ginny and he became angry and pursued other girls."


Moreover, Ginny finally climbed out of Harry's quagmire. Hermione actually didn't like Michael Corner very much, but this was the first time she had maintained a relationship with another boy. As a friend, she didn't want to see Ginny continue to be a friend. Followed behind Harry, staring stupidly at others before he changed his mind.

Just like Harry was still waiting for Qiu Zhang stupidly.

They have such a good relationship with Cedric, how could they break up!

"But what makes me curious is." Owen looked at Susan aside.

"How come you know these things so clearly?"

He seemed to remember something, and then asked, "I heard that there has always been a secret society in school that specializes in writing vulgar articles that are not popular.

You are so powerful, do you know who is behind the scenes in that society? "

"Last time."

It was the sound of knives and forks scraping against plates.

Susan's expression stiffened for a moment, but she quickly covered it up.

"What kind of club, I don't know."

"Oh - you are the one behind the scenes, right!" Owen said decisively. Unexpectedly, they found a traitor.

"I didn't - I wasn't - don't talk nonsense." Susan immediately denied it three times.

"Humph!" Owen did not continue to press, because he already knew it well after seeing Susan's reaction. He finally found a clue and would have plenty of time to eradicate the root system.

Next it’s time to eat.

Ron never came back.

After about half an hour, they got up and left.

Owen and Hermione went to Literary Quill Shop,

Hermione bought a black and gold pheasant quill.

It should be a Christmas gift for someone.

Hogsmeade has been transformed, and many new shops have opened.

The two of them spent a long time selecting Christmas gifts until it got dark.

Half asleep and half awake, the two walked to the single-family house with a yard.

But in the end they didn't enter.

It's not that Owen suddenly became a gentleman and resisted the temptation of flowers in front of the moon.

It was a stupid owl that interrupted the ambiguous atmosphere between them.

He had already kissed Hermione on the cheek.

This is part of the old Hogsmeade village. Very few people come.

The courtyard walls are very high and can block part of the view from above.

This is definitely a great place for a date.

If it wasn’t for the cold weather, I would wear too many clothes

He felt that the atmosphere was about the same.

Just as he hugged the little witch and was about to open the door.

It was dark, and the owl was waving its wings and hovering above him. A letter was left behind and fell on the eaves in front of their room.

"That stupid bird."

Owen was very angry, his eyes were spitting fire, and his mind was already thinking about whether it would be burned or steamed.

He threw the letter on the ground.

Then he glanced at the name on the letter - and then he knelt down and picked it up.

Looking at Owen's angry expression, Hermione raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Few things could irritate him so much, and it was interrupted by something like this - she blushed and took out a pack of snacks from her pocket, which she had just bought in Weasley's alchemy workshop.

Hermione took out a few pieces of dried beef from the package and handed them to the poor owl in front of her who was delivering letters so late at night.

Faced with the little witch's kindness, the owl behaved very humanely.

It rubbed Hermione's palm, then took the dried meat in its mouth, and then flapped its wings and flew away contentedly.

"Whose letter?" Hermione stuffed the package back into her pocket.

Then he hugged the boy's arm very naturally and leaned towards him.

"My grandpa!" Owen read the letter in his hand carefully.

There has been no contact with him for a year since he left for North America a few days before Christmas last year.

Even after [The Battle of Poseidon], Owen did not receive his letter.

This makes Owen a little sad.


The message in the letter was extremely short.

It probably means that a situation similar to a mutated infection occurred in a huge underwater ruin in the waters near Brazil.

The Magical Congress of the United States of America and the Brazilian Ministry of Magic are jointly investigating, but the injured and infected wizards need treatment.

The personnel have been sent to Paris.

I hope he can provide treatment and so on.

"What are you doing - don't dig around if you have nothing to do!" Owen angrily put the letter into his pocket.

The ruins in the South American sea——Needless to say, it must be the Divine Grant Tower.

There are currently seven Divine Grant Towers in the world. In addition to the one in Italy that has been solved, there are still six more.

It is not necessarily true that part of the essence of the Outer God is sealed in these six buildings, but an unscrupulous digger knows what he will dig up! After all, there are thousands.

"Forget it, never mind it. If something goes wrong, wouldn't it be America? After all, she is a superpower. It should be easy to deal with an alien god." Owen underestimated.

Although the letter mentioned the infection.

But it should only be an initial infection.

Even if he could be treated by sending him to Paris and using Victor's invention, he wouldn't be needed at all.

"What are you talking about?" Hermione didn't hear Owen's whisper. She just felt an inadvertent air of danger from the boy's sudden frown.

"It's okay -" Owen waved his hand and put his arm around her waist, "Well, you are so lucky today." He winked.


He stroked her hair gently, brought his lips close to her cheek, paused briefly, and then kissed her deeply.

The girl responded intoxicatedly, pressing her lips tightly against his, and wrapping her limbs tightly along his body, as if she wanted to incorporate all her feelings into the kiss.

After a while, they finally let go of each other.

Owen pressed his forehead against hers.

"Have I ever said I love you?"

"You can say it again." The girl smiled sweetly.

"I love you."

The two hugged each other tightly, enjoying the short-term happiness.

I don’t know when snowflakes fell from the sky.

Snowflakes fell on them and immediately turned into water.

It seems they can't stand the heat.


The last day of the third week of December.

Owen climbed out of Hufflepuff's bed in the early morning.

Even though last night wasn't perfect, it was still worth remembering.

Open the quilt. The magical plants overhead sang cheerful songs wrapped around the copper heater.

The bed curtain opens automatically.

Owen was in a good mood.

Then he was surprised by the letters all over the floor.

"What the hell? Christmas is tomorrow."

There was a thick carpet on the floor, and a moving Christmas tree was painted on the stall.

Then there was a layer on this blanket next to his bed, full of letters.

Owen frowned.

I always feel that some trouble will come to my door again.

He snapped his fingers, and all the letters beside the bed levitated, and then one by one came to his hand.

Owen picked up one.


Another one, "Hospital——"

"It's still a hospital!"

The first few letters were all reports from the hospital. Some patients' conditions had deteriorated, and I hoped he could go back.

The next dozens of letters are all thank-you letters from patients.

All over the world.

In addition, there is another special letter because there is a strange emblem on the letter, which is the school emblem of Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

After tearing open the letter, it turned out to be from his grandmother.

Just one sentence the whole time.

Let him come home for Christmas.

"What the hell?" Owen carefully identified it and confirmed that it was grandma's note.

How strange, his grandmother really changed her gender?

Is she finally coming to terms with herself?

After collecting the letter, Owen stood up.

Justin and Earl's luggage was already packed in the room.

He didn't see Zachary Smith's salute, but that was probably just because he hadn't had time to clean it up yet.

After all, the Hogwarts Express wouldn't arrive until the afternoon.

After a simple wash, Owen came to the lounge wearing a simple brown woolen sweater.

Because of Christmas, the entire common room also had a new look.

The carpet has been cleaned and feels fluffy when you step on it.

The ceiling overhead was covered with colorful flowers. They sing Christmas tunes to their heart's content.

Countless candles floated in mid-air, and sunlight shone in from the square skylight overhead.

Floating buckets were watering the flowers around the windows.

"Are you all going home for Christmas?"

In front of the fireplace, Hannah and the others sat in the nearest seats, talking by the fire.

Owen walked around the huge Christmas tree in the center of the room and came to the fireplace.

"I want to go back." Justin said first, and then said helplessly, "I invited Susan to my house, ahem - my mother likes magical girls. She always nags me to invite witches back. Home--"

In fact, what his mother wanted to see most was Hermione.

"Where are you, Hannah?" Owen looked at Hannah again.

"My mother is not in good health. She has not recovered from what happened to her aunt. I want to go home and take care of her." Hannah raised her head, and the orange light shining on her body still could not hide the sadness on her face.

"What's wrong? What disease?" Owen asked.

"It's not like I'm sick. I'm just depressed," Hannah added.

"Hmm -" Hearing this, Owen probably had a guess in his heart.

He must be depressed, after all, he saw his own sister die in front of him

There was nothing he could do to save him.

Or simply let her forget the past with a forgetting spell?

No no - in this case, family companionship is more important.

"what about you?"

"I'm not going home," Ernie said. "But I'm going to America."

"What about you?" Hannah looked at Owen, "Do you have any plans for Christmas?"

They all knew that Owen spent every Christmas at Hogwarts.

He lives alone.

He lived in an orphanage before meeting Grindelwald.

"My grandma asked me to go home." He found an armchair and sat down.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"Where? France?"


"Wow, isn't it possible to travel to Paris?" The other little wizards were very excited.

"Hannah, do you want to go? You can take your mother with you to relax. This may improve her condition." Owen said.

Hannah looked very hesitant, she frowned, and then said quietly for a moment, "I don't know, I don't know if she is willing to go out for a walk."

"Well -" Owen wanted to say that she could go back and ask, and then send him a letter.

However, considering the speed of international mail, half of the holiday would have passed by the time he received the letter.

Hannah's house didn't have a phone. Can't do instant messaging.

However - it seems that Hermione's fake gold Galleons can enable instant messaging, but it can only communicate very simply. If someone contacts her, the Galleons will get hot.

This is a solution.

Thinking about it, Owen told Hannah his thoughts.

She nodded and said she would discuss it with her mother when she got home.

If she agreed, she would use the fake galleons, which should now be the D.A.'s badge, to inform him that if the mother didn't want to go out, she wouldn't contact him.

After making an agreement. The few of them chatted for a while before getting up and heading to the auditorium.

Today the auditorium has been decorated.

A huge Christmas tree was placed under the guest of honor.

Magic little stars fall from the ceiling.

There are colorful ribbons hanging on the door and the surrounding walls, making it look joyful.

Owen sat at Hufflepuff's long table to eat.

After a while, I saw Harry and the others walking in.

"What's wrong with him?" Justin saw with sharp eyes that Harry seemed to be in a bad state today.

Owen also looked over.

He saw Harry arguing with Ron and Hermione about something.

There was fear and anger on his face, and his eyebrows were knitted together.

Seeing this, Owen suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Without saying anything else, he stood up and walked towards the Gryffindor bench.

"Hi, Owen, Merry Christmas." Ron greeted him.

He looked very proud, probably because he messed up his sister's date yesterday.

"Harry, what's wrong with you?" Owen asked.

"He was frightened by a dream." Hermione said lazily from the side.

"That wasn't a dream!" Harry shouted angrily. "I saw it, like I was there. Damn it - Professor Dumbledore wasn't in school, Professor McGonagall said she'd be contacting him later.

But it was too late by then - why don’t you understand. "

"Okay Harry, what did you see?" Owen guessed that Harry was connected to Voldemort's soul network.

Speaking of which, since the third grade - when the high priest used other people's souls to complete Voldemort's soul - although our senior Tom has become no longer himself, Harry has never been connected since then. In Voldemort's consciousness - the last time was when Voldemort was resurrected in front of them at the top of Azkaban Tower, Harry's scar started to hurt.

This time, he was connected to Voldemort's consciousness for no reason?

Could it be that sixteen-year-old Tom came to life?

So it had a big impact on Harry?

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