I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 398 See you on the rooftop tonight!

after dinner.

In the common room, Owen continued to tell Hannah and the others the details of the "Battle of Poseidon".

These are things that have not been reported in newspapers.

The little wizards were stunned when they heard this.

The bloodline expands!

I wish I could join in and become a member of the fight against evil.

But after the excitement, the most worrying thing for everyone - or the biggest doubt is still that question.

That's how the federation covered up this matter!

After all, there was such a big fuss.

"I don't know about that." Owen sat in an armchair with disheveled hair, holding a rather thick magic book in his hand. This was a book he found in the large underground warehouse in Ionia City. He had learned about it before. I learned about improved Horcruxes from this book.

Including [Pretender] too.

"The Federation seems to have set up a new department to take charge of this matter. I heard Bill say - um - Ron's brother, saying that they have found a capable person! He has a way to cover up this matter, and he will be there after Christmas It can succeed!"

"A capable person?" Hannah and the others expressed doubts.

What kind of talented person can he cast spells on millions of people at the same time?

"Don't ask me, I'm not the president of the Federation. Who knows what their methods are." Owen closed the book and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Anyway, as long as they have a way. Instead of worrying about the [War of Poseidon], it's better to worry about the [Pretender]!"

"The kind of monster that can wear other people's bodies?" Ernie said.

"I think Umbridge may be the [Pretender]. I suggest reporting her and asking the Federation to send someone to arrest her!"

"That's right! In the end, there is no need for trial and he will be imprisoned directly in Azkaban!"


Ernie's suggestion quickly resonated with the little wizards present.

Looking at the way they gnashed their teeth, those who didn't know thought that this person named Umbridge was comparable to Voldemort.

The lounge suddenly became noisy.

And just then.

Suddenly the oak barrel door opened.

Everyone looked around and saw Professor Sprout.

She was still wearing a patched robe, and her trouser legs and cuffs were stained with mud. At first glance, it looks like it just came out of the greenhouse.

Professor Sprout approached and came directly to Owen.

He took his arm and pulled him up, lifting his arm and squeezing his shoulders.

He looked at him from head to toe for a long time.

"It's really annoying." The professor said with some reproach.

Then he hugged Owen into his arms.

Patting him hard on the back.

The professor was a wizard who knew the inside story of the [Poseidon War], and knew that the boy in front of him was the one who fought the giant at that time.

During the time when Owen disappeared, she was more anxious than Dumbledore.

To this end she visited several countries in the Mediterranean.

Ask people about his whereabouts.

This inquiry lasted several weeks.

It wasn't until Owen woke up and immediately sent letters to several professors and Dumbledore to report that he was safe that Professor Sprout stopped this almost useless visit.

Later, Professor Sprout visited Owen when he was treating patients in a Paris hospital.

and provided him with many herbs.

However, this also caused the professor's inventory to become insufficient.

So much so that she had to put a lot of effort into growing the herbs that could restore the wizard's energy, and her meetings with Owen became less frequent.

Come to think of it - the last time we met was more than a month, even two months ago.

That's why she was so enthusiastic when the two met again.

The professor held his hand and couldn't let go for a long time.

As time went by, Professor Sprout's love for the little wizard who became more and more 'pretty' grew day by day.

Nowadays, in addition to the normal teacher-student relationship, the professor makes Owen feel a kind of family and affectionate care.

Unlike Professor McGonagall, who is serious on the surface and kind at heart, Professor Sprout cares for Owen without hesitation from beginning to end. Even when he makes mistakes, he will try his best to protect him.

As a result, other little wizards were punished and locked up in the professor's office, while Owen would be arranged by Professor Sprout to go to the greenhouse.

Greenhouse - everyone knows it.

It's like a paradise on earth, with spring-like weather all year round and fresh air.

Other little wizards, especially those from Hufflepuff, naturally saw this preference, but none of them objected.

After all, it was Irving.

Who can lead them to win the Academy Cup for three consecutive years? (Last year it was Gryffindor because Hermione won the Tournament.)

"I know from Dumbledore that you are dealing with some enemies that ordinary wizards cannot reach, but -" Professor Sprout pulled him and said in a gentle tone, "You still have support, but don't forget that you are A student at Hufflepuff House.

Hufflepuff would never allow such a thing to happen alone. "

"Well - Professor, I know. I am a real Hufflepuff!" Owen nodded, and then said solemnly.

"Hmph! You! You are more Godric than Gryffindor!" the professor joked. This is what Owen often said when he was relying on Hermione.

"I just hope you don't have to carry everything on your own." She stretched out her hand and touched Owen's soft hair, "Yeah - you are really becoming more and more like a girl."


"Okay, you should go to bed early. I heard about you staying up all night in the hospital." Professor Sprout continued softly, "The second greenhouse has become depressed without your care. Quite a few.”

“Come and visit often.”

"I know how to do it, Professor!"

Professor Sprout was always gentle and compassionate.

She stretched out her hand to adjust Owen's clothes, and then nodded to the other little wizards.

Then he left the lounge.

As an expert in herbal medicine, Professor Sprout could provide very limited help to Owen. All she could do seemed to be spiritual encouragement.

After this little episode, everyone's enthusiasm weakened a lot, and they became more restrained. They were as gentle as the spring breeze. After smiling at each other, everyone went back to their dormitories.

The night gradually got darker.

The cold wind was raging outside the castle.

The room was as warm as spring.

His bed was neat and clean, as if someone cleaned it every day.

Lying on the bed, Owen soon fell asleep.

Professor Sprout's guess was correct. He fell asleep under the moonlight at one or two o'clock these days. He had no choice but to work overtime crazily in order to compress time and get out as soon as possible.

If it weren't for the overwhelming support of his body, which was gradually approaching the perfect state of the human species, he would have died suddenly.

Estimating the time, Owen probably woke up around 10:30.

At this time, the bedroom was still brightly lit.

Justin and Ernie were playing crackle. It was a joy to kill.

To play the game of catching a pair of cards, first distribute the cards equally to all players, face down, so that no one knows what card they are playing before they play the card.

After that, starting from the dealer, each player plays cards in clockwise direction. If two cards with the same pattern appear in a row, you can reach out to hold the card pile and shout "Catch a pair!"

Whoever calls out first wins the entire stack of cards. If no matching cards appear, but a player shouts "Catch a pair!", this player fails to catch a pair and needs to give each of the other players a card in his hand.

When someone has no cards in his hand, he exits the game and other players continue to play cards until one player gets all the cards and wins.

But since it is a magic card, here, if you fail to catch the ghost, the card in your hand will explode.

Of course it won't be serious, but I would also like to mention an afro and a limited edition black skin.

On the other side - Zachary Smith himself is looking at a photo album - don't get me wrong, it is not a photo, but a chocolate frog drawing. Like most little wizards, he also likes to collect these cards.

Today is the year of chocolate frog cartoon explosion, and manufacturers are crazy about it.

A large number of heroes emerged from a [Poseidon War], and these people can all be made into chocolate frog cards.

Generally speaking, the more famous wizards are, the more cards they have. For example, Dumbledore is the most popular card. Almost every little wizard will have one or two chocolate frog pictures of him.

The most produced chocolate frog cartoon character this year is naturally Hermione Granger, who won the Order of Merlin First Class and the title of war hero.

Next is Irving who has quite a few of his own.

A relatively rare drawing of Victor's Chocolate Frog.

The twins had the opportunity to share a chocolate frog picture with Victor, which was three names appearing on one card.

But they gave it up voluntarily.

They firmly believe that one day, they will be featured in the chocolate frog cartoon because of their great invention.

"Huh? It's so late, what are you going out for?"

Owen's action of putting on shoes and clothes naturally attracted the attention of Justin and others.

"Date!" Owen said simply.

"Oh!" Justin and Ernie drawled, "Such a cold day?"

"What do you know? The cold makes the girl hug her tighter!" Owen said confidently, raising his head. "Learn more!"

"Oh - I learned it, I learned it!"

The two watched Owen leave the dormitory with smiles on their faces.

It was quiet in the lounge, and the portraits were all asleep.

Passing through the barrel door, there is a warehouse outside with countless oak barrels.

The walls are red and the ground is red, with a tiny firelight shining on the metal hanging basket overhead.

The red walls here are also filled with portraits.

Some were already asleep, some were not, and they were still saying hello to Owen as he passed by.

Not long after walking forward, you can see a huge spiral staircase.

At this time, in addition to portraits, there were some cabinets and the like on the walls, which seemed to be filled with sundries.

Sometimes, when you pass by these cabinets, the contents inside will suddenly spurt out. This is not a magic trap, but Peeves is causing trouble. That guy often hides in these cabinets to scare the little wizards who pass by.

After going up the spiral staircase, there is a fork in the road in front of a mural of a shepherd.

On one side, go down the spiral staircase, where you will find the Potions classroom, Snape's office, and the Slytherins' common room. On the other side, there is the Great Hall on the upper floor.

However, because the tower where the observatory is located is not here, Owen has to go to the first floor first, then go through the corridor leading to the small door next to the main guest seat in the auditorium, turn right at the end of the road, and leave the Hogwarts auditorium building. area, cross a suspension bridge and go to other building areas.

This is why the little wizards don't like to take astronomy classes very much. It is already in the middle of the night and they have to cross the suspension bridge. There happens to be a wind channel. The wind on both sides can make you feel the temperature of Scottish winter in an instant.

After crossing the suspension bridge and opening the door, a moment of warmth can make everyone feel like they are surviving a disaster. The decoration of the building where the observatory is located looks more refined and new than the one they are in.

The marble on the ground seemed to be waxed to reflect the figures, the ornaments on both sides were also updated, and even the armors looked more powerful.

In the complicated corridor, choose to just come in, take the second right on the right, then go all the way forward, turn right again at the end of the corridor, and after a few steps, you will see a quite beautiful staircase.

It is seven or eight feet wide. The marble stone steps are carved with complex patterns, mainly in cool colors. The escalators on both sides are also carefully carved with patterns. There is also a statue of an eagle spreading its wings at the corner.

Arrive through the stairs to the fourth floor and pass through a huge public platform. There are many seats and sofas, the floor is covered with sky blue carpets, and various planets are engraved on the wooden floor.

Full of Ravenclaw style.

Then the key point comes. There are doors leading to many places on the fourth floor, some of which are offices of faculty and staff, some of which are storage rooms, and some of which are classrooms.

The alchemy classroom is in this building.

Victor's office is also there.

And Hermione took Arithmancy as an elective.

You have to find the exact door among these doors that all look the same - behind the door is a staircase leading to a higher level.

The trick is that in front of the right door hangs a portrait of an astronomical telescope and a globe.

There are no other signposts.

It's no wonder that the little wizard got lost in the castle.

Just this kind of route - even if you have a map, you may not be able to find it right.

Pushing open the door, the stairs inside were extremely narrow, only about three people could fit abreast.

The towering walls on both sides are covered with portraits of various wizards who promoted the advancement of astronomy and their inventions.

Climb, climb, climb - around the eighth floor, there will be a classroom on the right side of the stairs, and this is the astronomy classroom.

But most of the time, the little wizard won't have classes here, unless it's raining or cloudy.

Stop thinking about it and keep climbing the stairs.

Climbing, crawling, crawling again - do you know why we hate astronomy class so much?

The staircase also changed from marble to wood, then to iron, and finally it was no longer a spiral staircase, but a normal iron staircase with a 45-degree incline.

You need to climb up to a platform built outside the building.

The height here should be about the twelfth or third floor.

It is the highest place in Hogwarts.


Owen is holding on to the wall, it's your uncle's.

This damn place is really not for humans.

His chest was filled with heat, but his face was shivering from the cold wind blowing from high above.

What a world of ice and fire.

The top floor is a platform built with a strong Gothic style and several stone pillars.

The metal supports under my feet creaked, and there was a huge orbital model of the planets in the solar system in the center.

Several blackboards line the wall behind Owen.

Ahead - in front of the guardrail are many telescopes and a huge astronomical telescope.

In the distance, there are towering snow-capped mountains and endless forests.

From here, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Hogwarts Castle and everything around it.

"Are you really not cold?"

Sure enough, Hermione arrived earlier than him.

As soon as he climbed onto the platform, he saw Hermione on the other side of the guardrail observing Hogsmeade in the distance through a telescope.

Owen quickly ran over, opened his arms and hugged her. Then he buried his head behind her collar.

Hehe - it's really warm after someone blocks the wind!

Hermione shuddered, her body trembling obviously. After hearing the voice in her ears, she reached into her waist and withdrew her hand holding the wand.

She didn't speak, just leaned quietly in the boy's arms.

The cold wind blew from my face, but there was lasting warmth behind me.

It went on like this for a long time.

It wasn't until the two of them suddenly heard a sound coming from their feet that they quickly separated.

"Actually, we can live together." Owen whispered in her ear.

They can indeed live in Hogsmeade secretly. As long as nothing happens, there will definitely be no accidents.

Hermione didn't respond, just turned back and glared at him, not sure whether she agreed or disagreed.

But Owen didn't have time to think about it.

Because of the platform under my feet, the footsteps on the metal steps were getting closer and closer.

"Who is the one?"

In fact, Owen is also very confused. It should be impossible for that person to appear in Hogwarts. Could it be entrusted to someone else?

No, can this kind of thing be entrusted?

Along with the doubts of the two people.

Ten seconds later, a figure walked out of the stairs.

"How is that possible?" Hermione stared at the figure in front of her with wide eyes in disbelief, and then suddenly turned to look at Owen.

The shocked face became even more intense.

"You?" Owen squinted his eyes and looked at the person carefully. After a while, he saw some features.

"You guys are working really hard, and you don't even know what Toad's Polyjuice Potion tastes like."

Yes - the person coming turned out to be Umbridge!

Or rather, someone else in Umbridge's guise.

"Disgusting." That snarky face said coldly.

"For so long, I thought you had given up on our agreement." 'Umbridge' stared at Owen, she took a deep breath, and then stepped forward.

Hermione immediately pulled out her wand. Although she didn't know what kind of deal Owen had with the fake Umbridge in front of her, no matter what it was, it was always right to be wary.

"I've been a little busy recently." Owen reached into his arms and after searching for a moment, he took out a black diary from the inside pocket of his coat.

Then, he threw it towards Umbridge.

"By the way, is this why you pretended to be Umbridge and entered Hogwarts? Do you still have people from the Ministry of Magic?"

"No -" the visitor caught the diary, a look of ecstasy flashed in her eyes, but this emotion was quickly suppressed by her, "I don't have that much free time to pretend to be someone else."

She put the diary away and raised her head to look at Owen, "No one has, and do you think that after the incident the year before last, this kind of trick can still get through under Dumbledore's nose?"

What happened the year before last?

Was it the Death Eaters siege of Hogwarts?

Owen understood, and nodded, acknowledging her words.

The old principal is no different now than before. He is a strange wizard. He can really use Legilimency secretly, inadvertently.

Not exactly browsing your memory, but just a little bit.

There is no way, the world is becoming more and more malicious, and the old principal can no longer be alone if he wants to.

"No matter how exquisite the imitation is, it will never be as good as the real person."

"So Umbridge at school is real, oh - I understand." Owen's lips raised slightly, "Jean is really wandering around the castle, and you only need to pretend to be her when necessary. Okay, so you choose to come here in the middle of the night. Because it is true that Umbridge has gone to bed long ago. Even if you are caught in the castle, you will not be suspected, as long as you two do not show up at the same time."

"Seconds! Since your brain was cured, has your IQ regained its high ground?"

"Hmph -" the fake Umbridge laughed coldly. She was cured in the most cruel way, and it was done by the person in front of her - no, that was not cured at all. ——She fell into a deeper hell.

"Ouch! Are your eyes so full of resentment?" Owen seemed to have seen through what she was thinking. "Strictly speaking, you have to thank me!"

"At least - after you messed around with me, your Occlumency has improved a lot. It's not an exaggeration to call you a master of Occlumency. Oh - by the way, have you tried casting the Patronus Charm? Can it be successful?"

Owen's eyes lit up. This was his research all along, and he wanted to know the results.

"Here -" Fake Umbridge also took out an item from her pocket.

She tossed it lightly.

The golden cup reflects the moonlight in the sky.

Owen caught it steadily.

This belongs to their Hufflepuffs.

Helga Hufflepuff's golden cup. The golden cup in her hand has two finely processed solid gold handles. The body of the cup is engraved with exquisite symbolic carvings, which is no different from the legend.

Of course, just by the vague evil aura coming from the cup, he knew that it was definitely the real thing and not a fake.

"Call the gods and call the guards——"

The next second, the fake Umbridge suddenly pulled out her wand, and then waved it suddenly - the tip of the walnut wand trembled, spitting out endless silver substance, the silver mist entangled in the air, and gradually a snake emerged from the silver mist Zhong twisted his body and got out.

Because it was a patron saint and the whole body was emitting silver light, Owen could not clearly see the quality of the snake. From the ciliary corners of its eyes, he could roughly guess that it was a venomous snake.

"Stop sending letters with owls," said Fake Umbridge.

"I will use my patronus to contact you if necessary."

"Wow!" Owen looked at the snake crawling in the air with satisfaction, "You can really summon a patron saint! What a miracle!"

Then his eyes slowly moved down and refocused on that annoying face, "What, you don't trust Lucius?"

"No one will trust him," said Fake Umbridge.

"The Dark Lord doesn't trust him either, but he's still useful now!"

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