I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 394 Death of King Arthur

The visitors in the courtyard came and left in a hurry.

They all left at noon.

His elf Sibi also asked if he wanted to prepare lunch for the wizards outside.

"Get ready, get ready, have you paid? I just want to eat and drink for free."

Owen waved his hand, and the group of people would naturally leave when the time came, and there would be no need for him to serve them.

It wasn't that he was angry that Miss Granger had received the honor without any recognition from him.

How is this possible? If so, Hermione herself would not participate in this award.

This is his opinion.

It's also Merlin's.

They, the heirs of ancient magic who are enemies of the foreign gods, are destined to be lost to everyone. Fame and prestige are poison to them, unless Owen has the confidence to be like Merlin, who can face the foreign gods without fear of anything else. Any intrigues and intrigues mean nothing to do with fame.

Obviously - Irving hasn't expanded to that extent yet.

After several conversations, he finally convinced Hermione to help him shoulder those honors.

A desolate and deserted afternoon.

Except for Owen and a few elves, there were no other creatures in the manor.

The huge house is a bit eerie to live in.

In the evening, I ate several French dishes prepared by the elf, such as pan-fried duck breast with peaches, French-style pan-fried fish, etc. In short, the taste was quite delicious and the texture was good.

After a full meal, Irving got up and left the restaurant, walking in the courtyard to eat.

In the garden, thanks to the magical effect of magic, the flowers show no signs of decay at all, and the garden is full of flowers, which is quite spectacular.

Night falls slowly, and only a few dim street lamps pierce the darkness in the garden.

The starry sky blooms quietly and is endlessly gorgeous.

They are like bright gems, inlaid on this ancient black canvas.

There was silence all around, except for the sound of wind in my ears.

Indulging in this tranquility, Owen suddenly felt truly insignificant.

The magic world is bizarre and the human heart is complex and diverse

Fate is even more unpredictable, and I don't know where it will take him.

Continue walking a few steps.

Looking out, a sudden figure caught his attention in a lawn in the distance.

At this time, a certain pink-haired wizard was lying lazily in the grass, looking up at the stars.

"Legend has it that the great wizard Merlin built a tower in Avalon, where he will never die and look out at the entire world forever."

Owen walked over, "It's been hundreds of years, and you still haven't gotten tired of it?"

"The angle is different -" Merlin tilted his head and said with a smile, "The view of the Sea of ​​Stars - is much more spectacular than this."

"But after watching it for hundreds of years, I'm a little bit - indeed a little tired of it."

Owen also lay down in the garden, looking up at the stars, "If a person can watch the stars alone in a space of tens of square meters for hundreds of years, then he must have a deeper belief.

The faith that keeps him alive.

Don't say it's to defeat the alien gods. Don't you dislike humans? Will he still defeat the alien gods for the sake of mankind? With your power, even if that great unification comes to the world, you will definitely be able to escape. "

"Maybe." Merlin whispered, "Maybe I just don't want to see the paradise created by that fool be destroyed."

He said, but he felt that what he had just said was a bit funny. He didn't know where he hit the point of laughter. He suddenly laughed heartily, "Well - to save the world - you don't need so many reasons. I want to If you want to do it, go ahead.”

"Haha - that's optimistic." Owen murmured.

Then he continued, "What is it like to be a prophet? What would it be like to be able to see everything?"

His grandfather was also a prophet. Although his ability was not as powerful as the Merlin in front of him, he could also see some fragments of the future. However, in terms of results, this ability seemed useless, even if he avoided some bad things. In the future, he still failed in the confrontation with Dumbledore.

Think Voldemort.

Think about Professor Trelawney again, prophecy - this ability seems a bit tasteless, because it does not provide the wizard with substantial power, and it seems that the prophecy will always come true anyway, in various ways.

Upon hearing Owen's question, Merlin rarely spoke directly. He stretched out his hand and put it against his chin, as if he was thinking.

He squinted his eyes for a long time before opening them again.

A flash of purple light burst out with complex emotions, but he himself was still the same frivolous person, and his tone of voice was full of boyish casualness. "Be miserable."


Merlin rubbed his cheeks, turned his head, looked at Owen, looked at him and said: "It is precisely because of foreseeing everything that we know the existence of unchangeable things, and it is precisely because we foresee everything that we know the existence of changeable things.

When I know everything, the strings that fluctuate my destiny are my hands, which will make me feel that all the suffering in the world is caused by me. "

Hearing the sound, Owen looked sideways at him.

"Aren't you struggling too? Little Owen." He continued.

A strange magical power, driven by the petals blown by the wind, instantly captivated Owen's eyes.

The next second, what Owen saw was no longer a garden.

It's like a picture in a pensieve.

The surrounding scenes changed very quickly, but Owen could still see clearly that those were what the world originally looked like.

It is the original Harry Potter story.

Peter Pettigrew escaped, Cedric was killed by Peter, Sirius was killed by Bella, Dumbledore died, followed by Snape, Colin, Dobby, Mad-Eye Moody, and Tonks.

In the final Battle of Hogwarts, many people lost their lives.

"Why did you save them?" Merlin appeared behind him and asked.

"Did you also feel at a certain moment that since you knew their fate, it became your responsibility to save them?"

"I have an obligation to redeem them." He said gently.

It's like he is a big brother who really cares about others, "-If I can't save them, then it would be a failure to come to this world. This thought runs through the whole time. Right?"

"Owen." He came to the boy and looked into those emerald green eyes. "You are also a prophet. You should know the feeling of knowing everything very well."

Owen was silent, just watching everything happening in front of him.

“Before you know it, you have already taken on the burden of redeeming them.”

Time seemed to freeze. After a long time, Owen breathed heavily, giving this suffocating atmosphere a fresh signal.

"Are these all true?" He lowered his eyes and asked, "Didn't you meet the future and force these stories into my head?"

"Yes." Merlin nodded, "I put the future into your mind, but it is also real."

As he spoke, the illusion around him suddenly faded, and endless darkness came in. Owen couldn't help but close his eyes. When he opened them again, he realized that he was back in the garden.

The stars in the sky reappeared in his sight.

"Okay - this phantom body doesn't have that much magic power to sustain it. I saved enough for a year, but in the end it couldn't even last a month." Merlin said with great pity, "As expected - fate always Full of twists and turns.”

"Well, well, we'll see you again, little Owen," he said. "I've left my magic in other places."

"Other places?" Owen said bluntly with stars in his eyes, "The secret room under Hogwarts Castle?"

"Yes." he said.

"Don't worry, I will never open it in this life."

"Well, actually, it doesn't matter if you wake me up." Merlin murmured, and then as if he remembered something, he suddenly flipped through his hands, and then something flew out of Owen's pocket.

"Ah - let me do you a little favor before I leave," he said.

Owen looked at the object in Merlin's hand. It was the magic bracelet used by the giant from the Volcano tribe. It should be a powerful magic item, but he didn't have time to study it recently. I left it so much that I forgot it existed.

"What is this? Do you know it?"

"Of course -" Merlin chuckled and winked at him, and then a strange magic power flowed from his fingertips.

It felt like prying open a safe.

After a while, the bracelet emits an inconspicuous light, and then quickly shrinks in Owen's surprised eyes, until it becomes the size of a ring.

"Who do you think cut off part of the divine nature of the Supreme Will and locked it in that tower?"

"Who is it? So naughty?"

"King Solomon." After that, Merlin threw the ring to Owen, "This is one of the ten rings held by King Solomon. They are ten rings with different magical effects. During the war three thousand years ago, After Solomon died, the ring was lost. You can try to look for it. It doesn't matter if you can't find them all. Foreign objects are always foreign objects. If the Shiquan Rings were really that powerful, Solomon would not have died."

The Ring landed lightly on the index finger of Owen's right hand.

"Oh!" He raised his hand and looked at the ring on his finger, "Ah, It's my precious!"

The moment he put on the ring, Owen felt that his magic flow seemed to speed up a lot.

Then he casually threw a fire spell.

Brown flames gushed out like a tidal wave, startling Owen.

"Why is it so powerful?"

"Hmm - it seems you got a good one." Merlin smiled lightly, "The increase should be its function."

"Amplification? Strength? Magic power? Magic spell? Amplification of everything? Is this a fucking magic item? This is an artifact!"

"Of course - it's not that exaggerated." Merlin said, "I guess, at the same time, you can only choose to increase one type of physical function, and there should be time to save magic power - um - use what Muggles are popular with Speaking of which, you have to wait for the CD——"

"Okay, that's not bad!" Owen cast out another magic spell, this time the flames were significantly smaller than before.

"Explore it slowly by yourself!"

He suppressed the smile on his face, stood up slowly, faced the flowers in the garden, and said, "It's normal for the flowers to bloom and fade."

Then a powerful magic swept through the entire garden in an instant, as if something had been broken. In the next second, at least half of the flowers in the yard withered.

"Are you leaving?" Owen sat up from the ground and looked directly at him.

"Yes -" he said, "this time - I saw a good scenery."

The scattered petals, like running water, slowly gathered in the vortex of Merlin. He stood in the sea of ​​petals, looking back at Owen, "There is this passage in the Muggle story "Le Morte d'Arthur".

One day, the great wizard Merlin told King Arthur that he was going to be buried alive, so he told Arthur many things and warned him to take good care of his sword and sheath. King Arthur said: 'Since you know so much, why not use magic to eliminate those unfortunate things'.

‘I cannot go against God’s will. ’ After Merlin finished speaking, he said goodbye to King Arthur. After that, Arthur never saw the familiar magician again.

And he, just like the story Merlin told him, lost his scabbard and faced his fate calmly. "

Owen listened carefully. He knew the meaning of Merlin's words. Just like Merlin in the story, he could not go against God's will, nor could he escape his own destiny.

"I'm not King Arthur." After a long time, he said.

"No one can be like him -" Merlin glanced at Owen one last time, then closed his purple eyes tightly, and his whole body turned into countless flowers, the petals gathered on the ground, and finally exploded with a 'boom'.

"But when the world is in crisis, Arthur will rise again."

The stamens all over the sky fall to the ground to moisten the soil.

Merlin himself was nowhere to be seen.

Only Owen's ears remained with his last murmur.

——See you in the Sea of ​​Stars.

When everything was settled, the wind ruffled the hair on the boy's forehead.

Caressing the ring on his right index finger, Owen's lips and teeth moved, but in the end, he said nothing.

He just turned around and left the place.

——Whoever wants to see you again, crawl for me!

He went straight back to his room and went to bed.

The next day, he got up early in the morning.

It's already the end of August.

Owen is already preparing to return to England.

In the morning, the elf Sibi had made breakfast, and he was sitting in the dining room eating.

It was a corridor with several huge glass walls. Sunlight can shine in easily.

Perhaps it is because of this that grandma treats this place as a restaurant.

"Sir, we have a visitor."

Just as he was finishing the last pie, drinking juice and thinking wildly, Sibi's voice came to his ears.

It was a female elf.

Of course don't expect elf looks.

Almost indistinguishable from Dobby, Owen is face-blind to elves and can only distinguish them by their sounds.

From the day he arrived at the manor, this elf kept calling him Master.

A title that Irving hates most.

Finally, after he warned her by giving him clothes, she reluctantly changed her name to calling him sir.

"Who is it so early in the morning?"

"She said that she is the director of the Department of Magical Disability at the Hospital for the Magical and Disabled in Ikull. Wilma Lawton, said you know him."

"?" Owen was stunned, "Wilma Lawton? Why is she here?"

"Oh - it's for treatment."

Owen picked up the napkin at the table and wiped his mouth.

"Go and meet."

He is quite concerned about the customers who come to deliver money.

Treatment - yes - just pay.

If you want to have sex for nothing, I'll blow your head off.

Get up and go to the living room.

Sure enough, Wilma Lawton, who had not seen him for a few days and had aged a few years, came to seek his help.

This time, Wilma Lawton's attitude was much more - well - deferential.

It was probably the incident with Priest Raviyo that frightened her.

The meeting with her was easy and the two quickly reached an agreement.

Due to the current situation in Egypt and its surrounding countries, Ikur Magical Disabled Hospital will transfer patients once, and all mutation patients from countries along the Mediterranean Sea will be transferred.

The destination is Paris.

With the Federation taking the lead, the French Ministry of Magic will find a place in Paris to properly house them.

Irving was responsible for the treatment.

As for the cost - the cost of treating one patient is not something Owen can afford.

Just three hundred galleons.

After the agreement was reached, Owen went to the newly built isolation hospital in the center of Paris that afternoon, led by a Ministry of Magic official from the Rozier family.

It has to be said that modern magic is indeed very efficient in this aspect of life.

Patients were sent in one after another.

And Irving also began to treat him.

Nearly a month has passed, and almost all the infected people have deteriorated to a serious level.

Although the world is so big, there are still wizards who have found ways to delay this symptom, but it is nothing more than boiling water in a dry pot, with the fire constantly adding water.

In one afternoon, more than 20 people arrived, almost all of whom were no longer human-like.

At this time, Owen did not receive individual treatment.

The Prime Minister doesn't have that much energy. With his current concentration, he would have to take a long break to treat three or four people.

Therefore, Owen's choice was to channel some of the mutant magic power to everyone first, and to curb the deterioration of the disease first. The advantage of this is that he can only ensure that all patients will not die suddenly while waiting, but the disadvantage is that it is time-consuming.

If each patient's poison layer is one hundred, then it is useless for him to reduce it by one every day. It would be better to reduce it by two, because the mutations are still increasing, which means that it will take him at least fifty days to treat everyone. people.

The actual time is three months.

More than ninety days.

From the end of August when Owen took over the Rosier Magic Hospital for the Invalid, it lasted until the end of November, and it was almost December before the last patient was sent away.

The reason why it took so long was first of all because of the number of patients. There were about three to four hundred wizards in total. Excluding those who had not survived for a month, there were still three hundred people.

In addition to wizards, there are thousands of Muggles.

Of course, these Muggles are not the tourists on the ferry in [Battle of Poseidon]. In that case, those Muggles who were injured could only give up.

A wizard cannot protect himself and cannot be perfect.

The ones Owen treated were civilians or soldiers who were injured after the Muggle army assisted wizards in eradicating the remaining Children of Omen.

These are the total number. It is impossible for the hospital to have so many patients on the first day of its establishment.

In addition, some patients are serious and some are milder. Different treatment plans for different people also consume a lot of energy for Irving.

In the end, it was Victor who took action. He followed Owen in the hospital to observe for more than a month, and finally invented an alchemical magic tool containing ancient magic.

That thing looks like a Muggle MRI machine.

A mildly infected person can use this device to drive out the mutated magic from the body while lying in it. Its principle is very simple and crude. It is that the ancient magic from the outside world rushes into the patient's body, regardless of the mutated energy or the wizard's own magic power, all are driven away together. , which works like Muggle chemotherapy.

However, this thing can only be used on people with mild infections. If you do this, people with moderate to severe infections will probably be sent away directly.

But it still helped Owen a lot. At least 700 to 800 of the total 1,000 Muggles were treated by equipment, and there were also some unlucky wizards who followed.

Anyway, he was finally freed before Christmas.

The remaining mildly infected patients can be left to ordinary therapists who are already proficient in operating equipment.

Can he be trapped in a hospital for the rest of his life?

After experiencing this incident, Owen deeply understood a truth.

That is - even if you pick up money, your back will hurt if you pick up too much.

Everything is ready.

Owen informed the people of the Federation, and then the French Ministry of Magic, and finally asked Sibe and several other elves to take care of the house.

And he himself used the portkey to directly complete the feat of crossing the ocean.

When he walked out of the safe house in Hogsmeade, he looked at the familiar street scene and snow-covered houses.

For a moment, I felt like I was in another world.


"I'm back again!!!"

Owen walked quickly on the muddy path.

It was now about ten o'clock in the morning, today was Wednesday, so he had not met the little wizard along the way.

It wasn't until he climbed over the ridge and saw Hagrid's hut not far away that he saw a large number of young wizards gathered around Hagrid for a Care of Magical Creatures class.

"Hi, Owen! Wow! It's really you."

He was quickly spotted.

It's Colin Creevey, the little wizard from Gryffindor who likes to take pictures.

One level younger than him.

Colin's roar soon attracted the attention of Ginny and Luna.

Then everyone spotted him.

"Oh my God! I almost don't recognize you, you've changed so much.

Ginny, can you take a picture for me? "Colin's eyes were shining, and he excitedly took off the camera from his neck and handed it to Ginny.

"I want to send a photo of me and the big hero to my mother."

Owen came over and greeted Luna.

It's not like he and Luna Ginny haven't seen each other for half a year.

You know, Hermione still has a 'clock door', so sneaking out of the castle would be no big deal.

For more than three months, they secretly ran to the hospital almost every week, and every time there were a lot of people, including Harry, Ron, Justin, Hannah, and naturally Luna Ginny was among them.

Even when Victor invented the magic resonance device, the Gemini even had a hand in it, and that machine also had their share of hard work.

The good thing is that these two brothers also won two third-class Merlin Orders for their invention of magic devices.

Victor exclusively enjoys the first-class medal.

As for Irving

After saving hundreds of people in three months, he is almost becoming a living magic saint.

The prestige is that of Miss Granger.

Hospitals for magical disabled people in various countries sent him letters asking if he could hang the portrait on the hospital wall.

That's why Colin calls him a big hero

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