I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 392 The restaurant is on the other side

Hermione was sitting on the sofa, holding a cup of herbal tea in her hands.

From time to time, her eyes glanced at Ms. Wenda Rozier sitting opposite, and she couldn't help feeling nervous.

Irving was talking to Ms. Rozier, but most of the time it was Irving who did the talking, and the one who never spoke.

She was sitting on the sofa, elegant and confident. His eyes are sharp and he can see through people's hearts. This made Hermione very uncomfortable.

Hermione cautiously took another sip of tea, trying to calm her nerves.

She didn't understand why she felt so scared and uneasy about this elegant witch.

He seemed to be a natural enemy with her.

Although she tried her best to control her emotions, she always felt an inexplicable sense of oppression whenever Ms. Rozier looked at her.

Not only was this scene like meeting her parents, but it was also the alienation caused by two conflicting personalities that could not be reconciled. This was the main reason for Hermione's nervousness.

She couldn't bear to attend gatherings with too much red tape, especially when facing a pure-blood aristocratic family.

In this way, she can only shift her attention to other places in a small way.

Take a look at the richly decorated manor house, for example, or admire the paintings on the walls.

In the past half hour, Owen and she had told Sirius everything that happened in Egypt.

After listening to their stories, the other party didn't stop at all.

After taking the four monsters in human skin in the suitcase, he left here with the other two wizards from the Federation.

Professor Lupine was retained by Sirius as a "tool man" to look after them.

As for why Sirius didn't stay on his own, Hermione guessed it might be because Sirius didn't like pure-blood families like Rosier. He was an enemy of several members of the Rozier family, and the palatial estate alone would bring back some bad memories.

Let Professor Lupine take care of the social aspect.

His gentle nature was perfect for this kind of work, and he had been doing it since leaving Hogwarts.

As for Bill—he didn't want to leave.

A pair of eyes kept falling on the pink-haired man.

He had always wanted to come forward and communicate with Master Merlin.

Signs and photos, etc. If he could learn the truth of some legends from the other party's mouth, it would be the best gift for him, a wizard with an archaeological background.

Unfortunately, the other party had been talking to an elf, and Sirius called him anxious.

Moreover, after Master Merlin communicated with the elf for a few words, he left the manor with bright eyes.

He really had no chance.

I had no choice but to follow Sirius and leave, hoping that there would be another chance in the future.

As for Irving - he's showing off.

Ever since he said - Grandma, you're not at work - he got beaten.

He began to laugh and show his courtesy.

The legs are pinched again, and the shoulders are pinched again.

In short, he was trying to awaken the little maternal love of the witch in front of him.

As for Wenda, she didn't refuse anyone who came. She put her legs on the soft stool and held a thick piece of parchment in her hand, making corrections on it from time to time, while Owen ran around without saying a word.

It was precisely because of this that Hermione felt even more solemn.

And - maybe I am too sensitive.

Did the lady look at her from time to time?


Hermione quickly put down the teacup in her hand

She tasted a cup of tea, and the hot tea turned into herbal tea.

Her mind was wandering just now, so she almost choked on the water.

Then, she quickly glanced away, pretending to look around at the scenery

This is an extremely luxurious manor.

The spacious and bright living room has marble floors as smooth as mirrors and exquisite chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

Sunlight shines into the courtyard through the windows where the ceiling and wall meet.

At the end of the living room there is a corridor leading to various rooms.

The walls on both sides are covered with some valuable paintings and decorations.

Those paintings - even if Hermione had no achievements in art, she could still recognize that there were more than a dozen paintings by world-class artists, because their styles were so distinctive, and they could be seen based on their paintings wherever they went. posters or advertisements.

Hermione seemed to be devoting her whole body and mind to the works of Impressionism, which originated in France in the second half of the nineteenth century.

I want to find out the author's true intention from those brightly colored lines.

Among these paintings, there was one that caught her eye.

In the painting, crows are flying above the wheat field.

The bright yellow wheat fields echo the blue, almost black sky.

It gives people a strong feeling of sadness, sadness and despair.

And with the blessing of magic, the originally fixed paintings became vivid and flowing.

This deepened the sad feeling even more.

"Ara - I'm really full this time!"

Hermione was lost in the sadness of the painting.

A lilting voice saved her!

Archmage Merlin.

After hearing from the house elf of the Rozier family that this manor had an underground wine cellar, he quickly ran towards the paradise where red wine flowed.

After drinking for half an hour, I came back.

"Master Merlin, you." Hermione looked away from the painting.

He quickly stood up and pretended to go over to greet him. He also deliberately pronounced the word "Merlin" very heavily when he spoke, just to try to stir up the silent atmosphere in the living room.

"Oh - girls are still polite after all." Merlin approached and patted Hermione on the shoulder, then smiled and sat down with her on the sofa in the living room, leaning on his staff.

"Be polite, you big-headed idiot." Owen jumped out immediately, thinking he couldn't hear the guy saying that he was impolite in a roundabout way?

"You guy-" He was about to have an attack when a series of aromas of wine suddenly hit his nose. In an instant, Owen knew where Merlin had been for half an hour.

"You went to steal my wine, didn't you!" Owen was instantly furious. "You stole my money before, and now you steal my wine again. Does the great magician [Merlin] like stealing things so much?"

Owen shouted louder than Hermione.

Well - actually his intentions were the same as Hermione's.

They all want to use this to attract Wenda's attention.

Well - mainly because his hands are so sore.

His grandmother just didn't speak, which made her either stop or stop.

As for the wine Merlin stole - was it his wine? Although the Rozier family wanted to listen to him in name, if he really opened his mouth and asked the family to put 1.8 million gold galleons in his account first, believe it or not, his grandmother would immediately hang him in front of the manor and beat him.

Him! He is a virtual king, the emperor of Shenluo, and the emperor of Cao Cao. Who does the family actually listen to - of course it is the old woman in front of him.

Faced with the two young wizards yelling so deliberately, Wenda finally attracted Wenda's attention.

She slowly put down the parchment in her hand that needed to be corrected, took her legs off the low chair, crossed them naturally, and then leaned forward slightly, leaning on the armrest of the sofa.

A pair of striking gray eyes slowly fell on Merlin.

On the other side - on the table and chairs in another part of the living room. Professor Lupine also raised his head.

In front of him were all kinds of documents - these were some plans that the Federation wanted to implement this year, and the secretariat where Professor Lu Ping worked had to write a draft as soon as possible.

What he has on hand is part of the draft, and he is taking the time to review, approve and revise it.

"Who are you?" Wenda asked softly.

Then the tea cabinet on the wall opened automatically, and the teacup and teapot floated in front of her.

Then a cup of dark red liquid flowed into the teacup.

Slowly, the tea cup fell into her hand.

She took a sip of tea, but her eyes remained on Archmage Merlin.

She was somewhat wary of this strange wizard, but because Owen was in company with him, she didn't make it public.

However - as the host, she always has the right to know the identity of the visitor.

"Oh!" Merlin leaned on the sofa, and his staff turned into petals and disappeared. Then he looked at Wenda quite unexpectedly, "Are you the little witch who tried to break open the Sea of ​​Stars?

Some time has disappeared. It seems that you have accepted my thank you gift. "

"Thank you?" Wenda frowned. Facing this familiar guy, he became even more wary. Judging from past experience, such a person came here just to defraud some money. Long or seeking the status and knowledge of the Rozier family.

Some even try to get a straight ticket into the upper class by trying to get a girl from the family.

There have been too many of these guys for hundreds of years.

"It can't be said to be a thank you gift." Merlin rubbed his chin and said easily, "That is the prize of the test. Anyone who cracks it will get it."

"Haha - you really made me confused. Do we know each other?" Wenda said coldly.

Merlin laughed, with a cunning light flashing in his eyes, as if he was very satisfied with Wenda's vigilance. He answered easily: "Yes, I have. I have met you before. And your interesting experiments."

"He is Merlin." Owen immediately fanned the flames. "He is outside the earth and has been observing human beings for hundreds of years. He is also a prophet and has a pair of EX level clairvoyance. Everything that happens here is the source of him. Damn it, if there is a problem, it’s right to go to him.”

"Merlin?" Wenda's frown deepened. She put down the teacup in her hand and her expression became serious.

When she heard the word "experiment", her calm heart was already in turmoil.

There were some secrets that few people knew, and she didn't think the young wizard in front of her who dared to pretend to be Merlin would know.

"I remember you. You are a key link. In hundreds of years, you were the first witch to successfully drill through the Sea of ​​Stars. You also successfully contacted the gods." Merlin said casually.

His eyes also looked at the paintings on the wall.

Then, inadvertently, he revealed a shocking secret, “Those people before us all failed.

I have no choice but to let the Weasleys continue to take responsibility for things they shouldn't. To delay someone's arrival. "


Hearing the sound, Wenda's pupils tightened.

There was a strong uneasiness in my heart.

An extremely absurd idea emerged from her mind.

Were the stone carvings she found from that ancient ruins in North America deliberately placed there?

No - it's impossible. Those ruins are at least more than a thousand years old. The man in front of him - how old can he be.

Unless—unless he really was Merlin.

Wenda took a deep breath, trying to calm down the shock in her heart. She looked at the young wizard in front of her, thinking a lot.

Merlin Merlin

Is such a character really still alive?


On the other side, the conversation between Wenda and Merlin also attracted Owen's attention. What the thief said just now had never been told to him. He couldn't help but ask: "What do you mean, those guys from before? Who were they?"

Faced with Owen's inquiry, Master Merlin did not evade, but said bluntly, "Do you think it is easy to deceive the gods?

Oh - I have a perfect body here, come and occupy it!

If only it were that easy. "

His eyes flickered back and forth between Owen and Wenda, "The person who implements this plan must have firm other goals, or beliefs, so that he can not be suspected in the god's Legilimency. In addition, she also You have to complete various tests from the gods, decades of tests.

Only in this way can success be possible. "

"The previous wizards couldn't even pass the first level. After seeing the slate I left, most of them turned into the evil creatures you just saw, or their abilities were limited and they couldn't produce any results at all."

"What do you mean, you were also involved in that group of people in Ionia City?" Owen's expression gradually solidified. Originally, he just wanted to attract his grandmother's attention, but now, this conversation has become a bit more extensive. , and it will all fall on him in the final analysis.

"Create variables." Merlin's face remained as usual. It was clear that what he was saying might be stained with the blood and lives of hundreds of people, but the words coming out of his mouth were as easy as stating what to eat for lunch.

"The threads of destiny are not static. What contributes to the realization of destiny is often related to personal choices. In a larger system, if there are enough variables, maybe a miracle will happen?

A hero who saves the world or something.

It would be best if we could achieve our goal halfway, but if not, it would not be harmful to us. "

"Harmless?" Owen sneered, "The Cult of God's Favored One has been wreaking havoc on all continents for at least hundreds of years. It is estimated that the number of dead and injured people can fill the entire manor. If this can be called harmless, then it is indeed quite harmless. of."

"So they disappeared, didn't they?" said Merlin.



For the first time, Owen realized the callousness and cruelty of the person in front of him.

In order to defeat the foreign gods, he really does whatever it takes and is absolutely rational. Perhaps in his heart, anyone is a pawn that can be manipulated. As long as he can achieve his goal, he will do anything.

A more brutal version of Dumbledore?

So similar to that principal.

"Wait a minute -" Suddenly Owen thought of something.

He walked towards Merlin, "How involved are you in this plan?

If you want to ensure my birth, the union of mother and father."

"Well, I guided you." He admitted directly.

"Then my grandma met grandpa."

"I also guided you."

"What about my grandpa?"

"The fateful encounter, this is the most important thing. All the consequences start from Godric's Hollow, it is just the source."

"Fuck." Owen stared deeply at Merlin. He had never been so out of control as he was now. Before, when he learned that his fate had been arranged by the Archmage Merlin, Owen was actually more hopeful. He had an indifferent attitude, he was just a wandering soul, he had already died once, and he had earned it by living one more second. As for Merlin's purpose, he didn't bother to know.

But he will not allow those around him to be included in the calculations of the person in front of him.

In a daze, Owen felt like Snape faced Dumbledore.

"Then that strange magical world I went to in my dream before." He felt chills all over and couldn't help but think of Zhou Mu in that dream.

That weird, right magical world.

"Legend has it that Merlin taught King Arthur how to govern the country through dreams when he was young." Merlin did not answer directly, but talked about his legend.

"You" Owen seemed to be choked. This was his biggest secret - it was also fucking fake.

Panting, he took a long time to calm down before speaking, "Why - why did you have to fall into a dream and pull me into a world like that?"

"Well - this is a test." Merlin said calmly, his usual frivolous look became more stable.

"Test?" Owen raised his eyebrows.

"I want to know what choices you would make in a wrong world, in a situation that puts you on the evil side."

"So, I made a good choice." Owen mocked.


"What if I make the wrong choice?"

"I don't mind waiting another thousand years." Merlin said flatly.

"You damn - you deserve to die!" Owen roared, then grabbed Merlin's shawl and angrily shouted: "I - they are all free, not chess pieces or playthings on your chessboard."

But Merlin ignored his anger and continued to explain his point of view calmly: "In this world, some people are destined to play an important role and fight for the greater good. Their fate may not be completely controlled by In their own hands, their choices and actions can affect the fate of countless people.”

Owen glared at Merlin, this mysterious man seemed to know everything, which made him feel a powerless anger and frustration, but Owen knew that no matter how angry he was, he could not change Merlin's mind.

"Besides, I respect their will."

He reached out his hand and tapped Owen's forehead gently. The next moment, Owen suddenly appeared next to Wenda.

"Or you could ask your grandma if she regrets meeting the wizard Gellert Grindelwald. Ask the wizard Gellert Grindelwald if he regrets meeting Albus Dumbledore. ."

"I didn't desecrate their will, I just added fuel to the flames."

"Hmm - that's interesting."

Wenda suddenly reached out and grabbed Owen, preventing him from rushing over and kicking the calm guy.

"Do you know who you sound like right now?"


"Like my grandpa, like Grindelwald." Owen looked at him mockingly, "No matter how great the excuse is, it can't change what you did, it's disgusting."

"Hiding in the shadows, plotting self-righteous justice."

"Maybe." He did not refute, but stood up on his own, and the staff reappeared in his hands. "Just think of it as a joke of a stupid man who interfered with the fate of countless people out of fun."

Merlin smiled cheerfully, "Well - compared to these illusory things, eating is indeed more important. When will we have dinner?

Oops - there was a fight, aren't you all hungry? "


There was silence all around, no one spoke.

"Well, since everyone has no appetite, I'm going to have another drink."

After that, he walked towards the outside of the manor step by step, holding his staff.

The marble floor tiles reflected the figure who left alone.

His footsteps were light but tenacious, and his pace was still so steady.


Just before Merlin was about to leave the living room door, Owen roared and spoke, "Why are you telling me this - is this still a test for you, just to see how I react?"

Hearing this, Merlin stopped, then rubbed his head and turned around, "Ah haha ​​- it seems so."

"Go to hell." Owen picked up her grandmother's teacup and threw it out like a bomb.

Unfortunately, the teacup went straight through Merlin's body without causing any harm to him.

"Haha - that was a matter of time." As he said that, the annoying figure completely disappeared in front of the door.

Owen sat next to Wenda, panting, and Jiang Tao flooded his mind.

He stared at the paintings on the wall.

He also noticed the painting, the unrest buried in the deserted fields.

Between heaven and earth, it was like a whirlwind suddenly rising and the waves surging.

There is no peace at all.

That painting seemed to be foreshadowing something.

It was his fate to be at the end of his rope.

"What riddle are you and that wizard playing?" At this time, a cold voice entered Owen's ears.

He glanced sideways at Wenda, then pretended to be calm and said, "It's nothing, just joking."

"Are you kidding?" Grandma put her hand on Owen's head, and the corners of her mouth curved into a smile, as if a storm was gathering.

"You know too much is bad for your health. You are over ninety." As he said this, Wenda pinched Owen's face and lifted it up.

Owen struggled twice, and after feeling the force on his cheek became stronger, he said helplessly: "So what - dear, beautiful and elegant grandma, can we start dinner?"

"I'm hungry."

"Are you hungry?" Wenda let go of her hand and looked at Owen with a complicated look. She knew that the little guy in front of her was changing the subject. She could feel the turbulent heart behind his pretense of relaxation.

She also looked at the painting on the wall.

That's what she brought back.

During one of her weakest days, she discovered this painting.

The only person who supported her during that time was her daughter.

Her daughter's strong interest in learning forced her to shift her attention to teaching, which indirectly alleviated her pain at the time.

"Get up." She rubbed Owen's cheek, which was a little red from her pinching.

"The restaurant is on the other side."

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