I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 390 God! I dedicate myself to you.

"Remnants of God's favored ones like you are the targets of my brother's attack."

"Let's capture him without mercy!"

Owen said openly.

The crazy demeanor in his words attracted Priest Raviu to come around.

Her blue eyes looked at Owen thoughtfully.

Is he the heir?

Somewhat unexpected.

But after the battle just now, she should have some foreshadowing in her heart. When the truth of the matter was revealed, the surprise that she expected at that moment did not appear.

"Since you insist on doing this." A trace of cruelty flashed in the eyes of Priest Raviyo, and then the staff in his hand suddenly hit the ground, and an invisible rhythm passed through.

The rhythm travels quickly and unnoticed.

Owen didn't feel any arbitrary magic trick.

He was still controlling Meteor and Hermione to maintain a flanking attack, and the undead's defeat was doomed.

After such a long period of fighting, their flexibility and casting speed have been greatly reduced, like a car that has run out of gas.

Although the golden disc of Priest Raviu is still strong, the strange magic power contained in it blocks almost all spells.

But to support such magic, the amount of magic consumed is absolutely huge, and she won't be able to hold on for long.

"It seems that I won." Owen smiled.

Priest Raviu on the opposite side showed a noncommittal chuckle.

The battle continues.

About a minute or two later

When Owen noticed that the frequency of Hermione's spells began to drop rapidly, he encouraged her: "Keep it up, she won't be able to hold on anymore."

His own magic power is much more than that of ordinary wizards. Coupled with ancient magic, Owen will misjudge the time for ordinary wizards to continue casting spells. For example, Hermione - each origin magic requires a large amount of magic to support it. , it is possible that she is a little tired after such a high-intensity battle.

But just when Owen turned his head, ready to check Hermione's condition.

A curse suddenly came towards him.

The speed was so fast that Owen had no time to defend himself.

Or rather - he didn't see it at all.

At the critical moment, Bakar, who was placing the crown on his head, reacted.

It flapped its wings and used the dragon's body to block the curse.

For Bakar, it is impossible for such a degree of curse to even leave scratches on its scales.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

On his head, Bakar stretched out his paws and looked at Owen's forehead.

This attracted his attention.

Then Owen looked to the other side.

Only then did he notice that Miss Granger seemed to be in something wrong.

It’s really bad!

At Hermione's feet - the three wizards she saved, plus the unconscious old guy.

Now their chests are opened.

Thousands of bloody granules and blood vessels surged out from the torn chest and stretched out one hand after another.

Six squirming hands grasped Hermione's limbs.

Then, it turned into a living armor and attached itself to her body, spreading bit by bit.

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

The next moment, an invisible sharp blade passed through and cut off those arms.

The flesh and blood that was attacked were like snails, and they immediately retracted into their respective bodies.

Then, Hermione lost her support and immediately fell to the ground.

"Bakar, go and keep an eye on that guy, don't let her run away."

Owen roared.

Then he quickly came to Hermione's side.

The moment he touched her body, Owen felt a temperature far exceeding that of ordinary people.

Fever - This is the body's instinctive response to an external infection.

At this time, the flesh and blood attached to her body had crystallized, like bright red gems.

Owen just touched them lightly, and they turned into powder and flew away.

But Hermione's symptoms did not disappear.

Instead, it continues to get worse.

"Owen—" At this time, Hermione was still conscious. She just felt sore all over her body and was very tired, but she still cheered up and did not fall asleep.

"It's so cold," she said weakly.

Judging from the external symptoms, Miss Granger's current feeling should be like a bad cold, but Owen knew very well that this was not a cold - it was much more serious than a cold.

On the other side - Priest Raviyo, who thought he had caught something, was all excited.

Although the silver dragon in front of her was breathing and firing red thunder, which made her very embarrassed, she still held her hand steady and raised her voice: "Maybe you should have seen the Poseidon War from the newspapers. Those who can contagion Monsters of wizards!”

"The Federation calls them Bad Omen, but it's a good name, very appropriate."

"You don't need to say more, you can probably guess that Miss Granger was naturally infected by the bad omen." She continued in high spirits, "To put it bluntly, there is no one in this world who can save her life." just me."

"Now - you should know what to do! Owen!"


The sound of swelling in his ears caused Owen to look back.

But it was just a glance.

Turning his head, he used his wand to cast a spell on Hermione's palm and cut a wound.

She didn't feel any pain either.

I just feel numb in my palms.

Then a warm magic power broke in. The magic power just existed, and part of her body responded quickly.

It feels strange, like raindrops falling on the leaves, leaving a shallow mark, and then rainwater from all directions flows down along that mark.

Slowly, her consciousness became clear again.

Body temperature is also dropping rapidly.

After all, Hermione had only just been infected. Unlike the guys lying in the hospital, her body had been in decline for a long time and she needed a long period of rest even after the treatment was completed.

When a little bit of purple bubble-like magic flowed out from the wound in her palm and dripped onto the ground, a pink flower grew straight out.

It thrives, with fresh and bright yellow stamens sprouting out. It is elegant in shape, beautiful in shape, soft and smooth.

Then it quickly spread to the surrounding areas at an unstoppable speed.

In just an instant, the flowers took over the entire basement.

From the altar on the ground to the surrounding stone pillars, walls, and even the ceiling.

Pink flowers grew everywhere.

It's like being in a sea of ​​flowers.

"Be more careful." The wound on the girl's palm has healed without a trace.

"This is-" Hermione still had a delicate flower on her hand.

This one looked very familiar to her.

Isn't that the little pink flower that the Archmage Merlin transformed from the lavender sea along the coast of Arish?

Could it be that——were you ‘infected’ by [bad omen] just now?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a chill.

I have seen those mutated [Omens] with my own eyes.

All of them have hideous faces, covered with tumors and hard horns. Once transformed, it is difficult to tell whether they were male or female. If you are going to become that kind of monster, you might as well die immediately.

Thinking to herself, Hermione quickly stretched out her hands to touch her cheeks and neck. Then he looked at all the skin that could be seen with the naked eye.

"Okay, she's smooth and smooth, with red in her whites." Owen helped her up.

But Hermione was still worried. Even though she knew that she was fine, she still felt uneasy in her heart. She still observed her body carefully.

Seeing this, Owen ignored her.

He conveniently kicked the four scourges and wizards not far away from him and flew them away.

Then he set his sights on the high priest again.

Priest Raviu has actually been paying attention to Irving.

Although Bakker's offensive was very rapid.

The basement was almost completely destroyed by it.

But this place has obviously been blessed by magic, otherwise the normal room would have collapsed by now.

But Priest Raviu still managed to withdraw some of her energy. When she saw Owen extracting the mutant magic from Hermione's body and transforming it into a flower, she was shocked and speechless.

He could only stare at that figure.

it's over--

She knew it deep down.

When her plan failed, she thought there was no possibility of peace talks with Owen.

What follows will be a life-and-death struggle.


Damn it! ! !

Why should I covet the body of the girl in the center of the storm? This shouldn't be like this. She still has hundreds of years and thousands of years waiting to be spent.

Now——it’s going to end here.

Raviyu knew very well that if she fell into the Federation, she could not think of any other possibility except death. Moreover, if the Federation captured the information about the gods in her mind, she might even die. Their souls will also be tortured by the gods and spend eternity in hell.

Instead of this

A trace of cruelty flashed in the corner of her eyes.

If she could die with the heir in front of her.

She will definitely be praised by the gods for killing the stumbling blocks of the gods.

Maybe, that praise will be more tempting than when she lives in this world.

Priest Raviu's fingers lightly traced through the air, and traces of invisible power gathered along with her movements.

"Haha - are you going to make a last ditch effort?" Owen looked at her and made a sarcastic sound.

"This is the last chance." Priest Raviu said angrily, her face became calm, as if she had another chance to win.

"Owen—you forced me to do this. Look—God has long been tempted to drag you into hell."

After that - the runes in front of her were reconstructed again, and the evil statue on the top of the staff spit out a dozen souls.

Before they could reveal their souls in full, they were crushed into balls of silvery viscous substance in the blink of an eye.

These substances flowed into the sea like streams, and all penetrated into the body of Priest Raviu.

She suddenly opened her mouth - countless yellow flames rushed out.

Flames swirled around her.

Like a tornado.

Gradually, she was driven by the flames and levitated.

“The heavens are the glory of God, and the sky is the work of God’s hand.”

The sound of crazy chanting of prayers resounded in the basement.

Invisible forces permeate everything around you.

The wall was swallowed up bit by bit by the flames originating from Raviyu's body like grains of sand.

“From under the heavens and above the earth, to all eternity, be the glory of my God.”

As the prayers were recited, the flames grew bigger.

It was churning like molten lava.

It set off terrifying waves and hit Irving again and again.

Facing such flames, the only thing that can withstand it is his force field magic, except for 'All Curses Are Ended'.

Considering that there are only two wizards on his side, the effect of casting the curse immediately is not obvious.

Therefore, Owen immediately chanted the spell: "Sanchez Force Field."

a rose.

People have long seen this magical dazzling blue light as a rose.

In fact, it is not a rose, and it has nothing to do with any flowers.

In fact, after space suddenly expands, the average kinetic energy of particles in the air, such as photons and electrons, increases, showing something similar to 'background radiation'.

Because the brilliant light produced by its friction with the air is thrown backward layer by layer, it looks very much like a blooming flower.

This time - no surprise. The extended space is like a black hole, and all the flames pass by along the 'horizon edge' of the space.

It had no impact on him or what he wanted to protect.


It is the expansion and displacement of the structure caused by the flame heating of the room.

Little by little, soon the basement could no longer withstand such devastation.

Like wood suddenly cracking in the fire.

The entire house also collapsed and fractured in such an explosion.

The soil layer above the head also cracked a large hole.

Flames burst out through the cracks in the ground.

"Merlin's beard."

"What happened? A volcano erupted?"

"Idiot, where did the volcano come from in Cairo? Someone set a fire underground."

outside world.

The little wizards in the courtyard fled, and the ground cracked and collapsed.

The terrifying crack in the ground pulled everything down.

Looking down, it seemed like the hollow of hell.


Someone fell into the hole and screamed hysterically.

And there was not just one such scream.

The incident happened suddenly, and the ground collapsed. Many young wizards didn't even take out their wands for a long time.

It is simply nonsense to expect them to cast spells without a wand.

And just as they were being burned to death.

A huge pink flower grew at their feet.

Then the flowers wrapped around them and flew out of the hole quickly.

Scenes like this keep happening.

At this moment, the little wizards finally noticed the man with long silver-pink hair who remained calm during the disaster.

Flower petals were scattered around him.

These petals fell into the holes in the ground like duckweeds, catching the unlucky ones who had stumbled one by one.

"Well - was the fight so hot?"

Archmage Merlin put down a glass of juice, smiled slightly, and tapped the ground with his wand that looked like a dead tree.

The next second, the earth, broken bricks and tiles, and surrounding houses all began to be thrown outward.

He seemed to be vacating this area to create a venue for Owen's battle.

Soon a 'crater' appeared in front of many little wizards.

The hot lava is churning little by little.

From time to time, pillars of fire would shoot out dozens of feet.

It looks very exaggerated.

Under the lava, Owen struggled to hold on to the curse.

Force field magic also has its limits.

There was so much material being thrown at him from the outside world.

And it's mainly flames - the high temperature and high pressure of the flames cause the density of the surrounding space to increase significantly, which greatly increases the difficulty of his magic casting.

There is instability now.

He had encountered fire attacks before, but they did not last, but part of them was like a spell, hitting again and again instead of the continuous and uninterrupted attack like now.


In the fire storm, the painful howl was heartbreaking.

The fire intensified again.

It changes from bright yellow to black and white.

As for the figure in the fire storm, her body also began to crack, as if the dried earth was being lifted up piece by piece.

As her blood flowed out crazily, a huge shadow appeared vaguely at the same time.

“My end is here, my destiny is here, my life is here.

I want to be the only thing left to follow in his footsteps.

O God, I entrust this body to you————”

Having said that, High Priest Raviyo's momentum reached its peak, and even the fool knew that what she was about to unleash was definitely a big move.

"Granger!" Owen turned to look at Hermione.

He took out a suitcase from his arms

"You-what are you doing with them?"

Owen didn't even notice it without turning around.

The chains that Miss Granger had transformed using Transfiguration were binding four wizards - weren't those the ones he had just kicked away?

Then right under his nose, Hermione melted the chains and turned them into an ugly armor, trapping these people inside.

"There must be other mice that have not been played out. The information in their heads is very important and can save many people." Hermione waved her wand and threw the wizards who seemed to be imprisoned in the Iron Maiden into the suitcase.

"You are so cruel." Owen replied.

"People just want to be burned to death, but you want to pick their brains out."


"Stop rolling your eyes and hide in quickly. I'm going to shrink my defenses."

Hearing the sound, Hermione squinted her eyes and looked at the white figure hiding in the inner pocket of Owen's coat before jumping into the suitcase.

Then, the boy waved his hand to summon the suitcase, cast a shrinking spell on it, and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Really, even cats don't believe me." Owen sighed with emotion.

Then, he grasped the staff tightly with both hands and quickly reduced the area affected by the force field.

Then without any hesitation, he began to approach Raviyu in the fire storm step by step.

In front of his eyes.

A bright virtual image appeared above her.

It was dozens of feet tall, covering the sky and the sun, and was wearing a luxurious robe inlaid with various kinds of gemstones that looked like stars.

He has silver hair and emerald green eyes that are neither sad nor happy, and can see through all the famous things in the world.

The pale skin reveals a little bit of fluorescence, indicating that this body is composed of light particles.


I don’t know where the sound came from.

The virtual image that was almost identical to Owen suddenly gathered countless black flames.

Lie Yan gave birth to a long sword and swung it towards Owen.


Holding up the force field, he had no means of resistance.

Knock on the flaming sword - there's a good chance it will kill him with one blow.

Hearing the sound, Bakar was entrenched above Owen's head.

The whole body lit up like red silk.

Owen's hair exploded.

Thunder and lightning condensed on the dragon's claws.

The red thunder rolled as if the sky was angry.

Then the thunder and lightning turned into a long sword and collided head-on with the sword turned into black flame.

Two powerful forces met in the air, making a deafening noise.

A powerful shock wave spread from the collision point, making the surrounding flames buzz.

In this fierce collision, the thunder sword and the black flame sword eroded each other, as if they were going to devour each other.

That scene was shocking—but in the end, the superior gods were superior.

However - with Bakar's weakening, the remaining black flames have no chance of breaking through Owen's force field magic.

"That's it, keep going."

The corners of Owen's mouth rose, this was the result he wanted.

Next, the black sword transformed into a ruthless sword-wielding machine, waving flames towards him again and again, as if destined to die.

Bakar, on the other hand, controlled the thunder to compete with it again and again, constantly counteracting it.

It was like a mythical scene.

Black fire, red thunder, and azure protection spells, the radiance stretches backwards with light particles.

The three colors of black, red and blue are intertwined together, waving a dress toward the horizon, extremely gorgeous.

"Oh my God!"

"Merlin on top!"

Outside the hollow, the little Egyptian wizards watching from a distance each let out unconscious exclamations.

They had never seen such a shocking scene.

In the little wizards' superficial understanding, magic should be mysterious and powerful, but the power of magic like this is beyond their imagination.

Perhaps - only the legendary greatest white wizard Dumbledore can unleash this level of magic!

Compared to the wonders of the little wizards.

The shock and disbelief that Irving brought to Laview was even more intense.

"Why -" she roared ferociously, "Why aren't you dead yet!"

Then two more swords were swung down.

But it was all to no avail.

Owen was already extremely close to her.

She could even see the slight smile on the child's lips.

He is always so sure of winning without any trouble.

"You-" Raviyu was scared.

She's afraid she won't be able to kill Owen.

He is even more afraid that if his soul returns to the divine land, he will be severely punished.

And when she fell into fear, a sudden explosion disturbed her remaining consciousness.

"Look directly at me! Bastard!"

The sudden disturbing sound made her look at Owen subconsciously.

"Who are you fighting against, priest!"

Raviyu's remaining head looked puzzled.

Until she followed Owen's gaze and looked up at the virtual image surrounding her.

It was as if a bomb had detonated in his consciousness.

Or being stabbed hard in the heart with a spear.

Because in her eyes, the god in the virtual image was exactly the same as the child in front of her, both in appearance and body shape.

"This" her head fell into a shutdown state and she could no longer think, "how could it be possible?"

"My god?"


Owen's eyes lit up.

This is the opportunity he wants.

The surrounding flames came to a brief stagnation as Raviyu lost consciousness.

This is the consequence of having no combat experience.

At this critical moment, Owen immediately removed the force field magic.

Waving the wand, blue meteors flowed on the tip of the wand.

The next second.

"Soul Torrent!"

The galloping meteors headed straight towards the suspended staff.

"Bang!!! Click!!!"

Countless cracks filled the staff before Raviyu could react. The meteor that continued to fly immediately penetrated the remaining part of her head.

Yesterday I went out for a night out with people. I endured a cold that I still haven’t recovered from and drank with them.

When I woke up at noon today, I felt like my cold was gone after sweating—fuck, this was the only good thing about yesterday.

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