I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 377 You are in trouble again, Miss Granger!

"Mei, your uncle Lin, I will die with you!" After saying that, Owen jumped up on the spot and clenched his fists to crush the villain's face.

But - how can a brat of more than ten years compare to the old Beibi who has lived for more than a thousand years? The great magician Boss Mei's attack speed is faster. He held down Owen's hand at an incredible angle and speed and pushed him away. All the huge strength in his hands dissipated.

Then he pressed him into his arms, raised his head and said in a lazy voice, "It's funny, it's funny."

The official from the Ministry of Magic's cheeks trembled slightly and he said with embarrassment. "Ahem - this guy in your family is a bit of a tiger, he needs to be disciplined more."

"Hmm - I just have this idea." Boss Mei looked down at Irving, and then said with a different meaning.

"That's it, I wish you guys a good time." With that said, the Auror-like man prepared to leave with his men.

At this moment, a clear voice came from the other corner of the corridor, "Dad——"

The Auror stopped and said, "Nefir? Why are you here?"

The Egyptian girl ran over and said, "I'm here."

Her face was blushing, she was chasing a girl.

Ever since she saw the painting in Egypt's "Modern Wizards" a few weeks ago, it was a girl riding a silver dragon holding a star in her hand.

A figure lived in her heart.

A figure that lingered for weeks.

Just when she opened her mouth, ready to tell her father that Miss Granger was here.

Out of the corner of his eye, he unexpectedly looked towards Archmage Merlin.

Of course - mainly on Irving.

Seeing him extending his hand in a show of force, trying to slap Merlin's mouth.

Look at the way his chest rises and falls.

"Hey - are you here too?" Hermione arrived belatedly.

Then I saw Naifel suddenly turning to look at her, with tears in his eyes, and said in a heartbreaking voice, "She is obviously a girl! You lied to me."

"This way - we can't be together."

After that, she shed a string of hot tears again and fled from here.


Literally—the whole tavern fell silent.

All eyes were focused on the belated arrival of Miss Granger.

Even Owen was stunned, and the hand that was trying hard to slap Merlin's big mouth was suspended in the air.

Wait - what I just said is a bit too much information, and most people can't understand it at all.

Owen didn't understand either.

But he knew.

"Miss Granger - have you done something wrong again?"

"Ara ala - I seem to have heard some heartbreaking speech!"

Boss Mei looked at the Auror with a smirk.

All of a sudden, the offense and defense changed.

The Tigress in his arms seemed much more normal.

On the other side, Mr. Auror's face was extremely exciting. He had experienced the ups and downs of life in a few seconds.

Now - I can't wait to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

The eyes of the people around him hit him like a whip, a kind of pain, a pain in his soul that whipped him.

Finally, the old father couldn't stand it anymore, and he ran all the way in the direction where his daughter left, even the subordinates behind him didn't bother to pay attention.

Miss Granger was even more embarrassed in the corridor.

Her head was buzzing, and she didn't even notice anything strange about Owen's body. I turned around and wanted to go back to my room—to the airport—to England!

She could no longer stay in this country and had to live somewhere else.

"Wait - don't go, Granger!" Owen broke free from Merlin's restraints, stood up, ejected, and grabbed Hermione's arm. "Give me some money - or him." Pointing at Merlin , "He just has to wash the dishes."

"Huh?" Hermione, who had turned her head, turned back again, "Oh! I forgot."

As she said that, Hermione seemed to suddenly remember something, and quickly took off the small bag from her waist, and then handed it to Owen. "All your things are here. Bakar and Shilok found them in the sea and brought them back together."

"Oh - those two little guys are not dead." Owen happily took the package.

Uh-huh - wands, potions, materials, his collections, alchemy tools, and living supplies are all there, nothing is missing.


Feel the familiar magic coming through.

Sirok and Bakar held their heads high and got out of the package.

"Xiong Da Xiong Er, you are not dead. It is great to be alive."

The two little beasts immediately got into his arms and kept rubbing against his chest.

Yeah - the touch feels wrong?

"Meow?" Sirocco raised his head silently and looked at Owen's face - that's right! He is the cat owner!

Have you gained weight recently?

"It's your uncle's fault, hurry up and remove the magic!" Owen kicked Boss Mei on the ankle. There was no tactile sensation, it was like kicking the air.

"Ah la la - don't you think it's cute?"

"You're so cute, you big-headed ghost. You're so stupid." He shouted again.

"Really, there's no sense of humor at all." After saying that, the Archmage raised his hand, blew on him, and said, "Change!"

Then, a boy who had shrunk like a balloon returned to his former majestic appearance.

"Oh -" Owen quickly patted his chest, um - very straight, very good.

yeah! Sanchez is back!

Next - it’s time to have fun!

Last semester, he promised Hermione to take her to Egypt for vacation during the summer vacation, but something like this happened midway, but the ending was good - although the path was bumpy, they still arrived, right?

But by the time he came to his senses, Miss Granger had already found a crack in the ground and slipped in, disappearing without a trace.

Well - it seems that Hermione's troubles won't be resolved in a few days.

Owen ignored Merlin's evil spirit and walked straight out of the hotel.

Wait until Miss Granger has taken care of her troubles and then go find her!


The wizarding neighborhood in Egypt is very spacious and full of sculptures and paintings. Sculptures and ancient Arabic inscriptions can be seen everywhere.

Full of exotic style.

There are many shops selling fragments of ancient ruins on the streets, which is a local advantage.

But don't buy these things casually. Just like gambling on stones, you don't know exactly what you are buying. Maybe there are some evil monsters or some kind of treasure sealed in those bottles and jars. A combination of both is more likely to be just a pile of scrap metal.

But just in case, these magic items should be handled sparingly.

Travelers have accidents in Egypt every year - the travel manuals published by the Ministry of Magic of various countries clearly state that you should not buy magical items of unknown origin in other countries.

Moreover - after entering the country, the Ministry of Magic will inspect the things you bring, similar to Muggle customs.

If it is a black magic item, they will confiscate it directly.

Of course - the premise is that you have to return to the country through formal channels, and the irregular Ministry of Magic can't control it, right?

"Hello, how can I buy this?" Walking on the narrow corridor outside the store's eaves, Owen found a quite beautiful gemstone necklace through the window outside a magic item shop, with rings intertwined like grapevines. Together, a small purple gemstone about half the size of a fingernail is set on a chain.

Just one look - Irving immediately decided to buy it.

Miss Granger didn't have anything she particularly liked. Apart from magic books, there weren't many 'girly' things that could arouse her interest.

Among flowers, although Owen often compared her to roses, Hermione herself did not like such bright flowers.

Compared to roses, she preferred the unknown purple flowers that covered the ridges of Hogwarts in spring.

If she had to find a plant that Hermione liked, she would probably like vines, such as grape vines, coral vines, wisteria, and ivy.

She said - it is a very magical thing to watch these vines sprout new buds and cover the stone castle with spring little by little.

It symbolizes life and perseverance, and she likes this tenacity.

How should I put it - as expected of a Gryffindor student - the things he likes are indeed different from others.

Owen chuckled, recalling some of the happier times at school.

But - what he didn't notice was that in the entire Hogwarts, only the stone exterior of the Hufflepuff common room had the most vines and the most lush vegetation.

It was facing the cliff, there was no cover in front of it, and the sun was shining directly.


Inside the store, the middle-aged witch's eyes flashed. She opened the store door and said in authentic French: "Do you need anything?"

Another big fat sheep!

"Oh - I want to ask, how much does the jewelry in the window cost - and how did you know that I am French?" Owen also replied in French.

"Guess." The shopkeeper said with a smile. As she waved her hand, the piece of jewelry landed lightly on her palm. Then she handed the necklace to Owen, "Witches with silver hair are not common. I had one a few years ago. I have met two silver-haired witches, they are both French. I think you are probably related by blood!"


never mind.

Anyway, he just bought something and left right away. He didn't bother to expose his breasts, which was proving nothing.

But according to this charming witch, the two French witches she was talking about should be Fleur and her sister.

The Veela blood of those two people is indeed impressive, and it is not unusual for the shop owner to remember them.

Holding the necklace in his hand, Owen immediately felt a sense of coldness.

Hmm - after all, it was made by the Egyptians. In the hot weather here, such refreshing magic is very refreshing, but - in the Scottish Highlands where Hogwarts is located, the temperature does not exceed 30 all year round. In a place with a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius, there are four months of severe cold in a year, and the temperature will drop in October, and the temperature will slowly rise until the end of February and March next year.

In a place like this, this cold spell is obviously inappropriate.

But it's okay - he can just go back and change it, just carve a few runes into it.

"This is an antique from the 17th century. It is carved bit by bit with runic snake bones. The gems are from the Australian Albuminosaurus. This is a rare treasure."

"Rune snake pattern?" Owen played with the necklace little by little, and it did have a skinny feel to it.

The niger is a three-headed snake native to the small African country of Burkina Faso. The rune snake's body is six to seven feet long and orange with black stripes.

Due to the snake's conspicuousness, the Ministry of Magic in Burkina Faso has made some forests unplottable for their exclusive use and avoid detection by Muggles.

Because the three heads of the rune snake will attack each other due to quarrels, the life span of the rune snake will not be long.

The rune snake lays its eggs in its mouth, the only known magical animal to do so. Rune eggs are valuable in potion making, as they stimulate reactions in the brain.

It has a refreshing effect.

Bones have a similar effect, but are much weaker.

"How much does it cost?" Owen said flatly.

Just kidding - when his pocket is back, his family fortune is also back. Over the years, he no longer knows how much money he has saved. After all, he has a book "Revealing the Secret of Ancient Alchemy", and the annual royalties alone are It's a lot, but not too much. After all, very few people buy this kind of academic book.

But he can't stand his constant revisions - he can revise several editions a year, and now it seems that it should be "Revealing the Secret of Ancient Alchemy·Twelve Revised Editions". Anyone who has bought The Witcher will definitely buy it again, because the one he has is already out of date!

All told, he must have saved tens of thousands of galleons over the years.

"It depends on how you pay. If it's Galleons (Gringotts is distributed in Egypt, gold Galleons are not the currency of British wizards, but the currency of goblins). If it's thirty Galleons, you will definitely make a profit."

"Oh - don't listen to her, even if this thing is genuine, it's not worth the price, let alone, hers is just a replica."

Suddenly there was a voice behind Owen. He turned around and saw that it was Ron's brother, Bill Weasley.

He looked the same as before, rebellious, tall, with long hair tied into a ponytail on the back of his head, and an earring with a small fan-like thing hanging on it.

Wearing a set of white robes, not the wizard's robes worn by English wizards, but the Egyptian Karasilis costume.

The difference is that there are many strange things hanging on the outside of his Karasilis, with different shapes, which makes it very unconventional at first glance.

"Three galleons are enough for this thing." Bill said, and then his eyes fell on Owen. "Have I seen you somewhere? You look like a friend I know, but he is a boy. Witch. Do you know Owen Sanchez? Are you his sister?"

"..." Owen raised his middle finger towards the visitor, "Believe it or not, I can't scare you to death if I take off my pants. His uncle - it's really annoying to be like this."

"." Upon hearing the tone of his voice, although he still didn't think much of it, Bill still confirmed the other party's identity, "Irving?"

"Why did you come to Egypt - no - how did you become like this? Where is Hermione?"

The wizard before Bill's eyes.

He has silver hair, a pair of emerald green eyes that sparkle with mystery, and he wears an Egyptian-style wizard's robe with ease, as if he has an extraordinary life.

Especially that face - how should I put it?

You couldn't tell it was a female face.

It should be said that it is a perfect human face, but this kind of face does not appear on the face of a man in the eyes of ordinary people. Everyone subconsciously thinks that the person in front of him should be a girl.

"Me? I shed tears of bitterness, let's not talk anymore." Owen rubbed his cheeks. He probably won't be able to perfect his tough guy image in this life.

"As for Hermione." He raised his eyebrows, and then said jokingly, "She is troubled now because she is attracting bees and butterflies!"

"What? Attracting bees and butterflies?" Bill scratched his head, always feeling that this word was weird to use on a girl.

"Miss Granger's charm, you know, that girl is not pregnant, and there are many girls who are deeply attracted to her." Owen explained.

And this, Bill immediately understood. He had heard about what happened recently, but he was delayed because of something, otherwise he would definitely go to Hermione to talk about old times.

"Hahaha - it seems that public figures also have the troubles of public figures." Bill smiled heartily.

Speaking of which, he and Bill are quite close. They met in the championship last year and also met in the World Cup.

Weasley's 'treasure' was discovered, after what happened with the goblin. They also exchanged several letters.

"By the way, are you still in Gringotts?" Owen reached into his waist and took out three gold galleons on time.


The moment he put his hands into the backpack on his waist, his expression suddenly changed!


Where is my money?

It was there just now!

After groping for a long time, Owen only found a small part, about one percent of what he just found.

Several hundred galleons.

Damn - no need to guess, that bastard wizard must have stolen his money.

Damn it - the sharp shrinkage in wealth made Owen so angry that he couldn't help but want Avada Kengua to ejaculate in that guy's face!

"Oh! No more. Ron wrote to tell me about the goblin invasion in school - and the war between our ancestors and goblins. If I were still in Gringotts, it would be too heartless." Bill looked at Owen trembled and took out three galleons, while the female shopkeeper looked like she was about to eat someone, stared at Bill angrily, then cursed and took it away, then turned around and went back to the shop.

Of course she knew Bill.

Bill has been in Egypt for so many years, and he has never visited any of these shops.

Moreover, he was previously responsible for the excavation of the pyramids - a professional archaeological talent.

Recognizing at a glance that there was something wrong with the product she was selling, she had no choice but to suffer the consequences. She heard that this guy had recently been promoted, and she didn't want to offend him.

If Bill really asked Aurors to come in and search, even if the dark magic items he collected were not discovered, just reselling these fakes would be enough for her to drink.

"What's wrong?" Bill watched the female shopkeeper angrily walk into the store and close the door behind her back. He couldn't help but shook his head, showing a helpless expression.

In Egypt - there are too many counterfeit antiques like this. He had stumbled before. After that, except for things dug up on site, he didn't really believe in anything else.

He had confronted this female shopkeeper several times.

"It's nothing - I just want to mess with people." Owen said viciously with red eyes.

"Ha - you're so funny." Bill smiled, thinking it was Owen joking.

"Now I work for the federation as a liaison officer abroad. It's a simple job. I don't have to sit in a desk job or face my boss every day - I just need to run around. Anyway, I think it's quite interesting. I just came back from Gambia. What happened over there There has been a large-scale resurgence of the undead - the world is really not peaceful these days."

"It's not peaceful, all kinds of monsters and ghosts are appearing." Owen said with his teeth grinding, "By the way, what's the undead crisis?"

"Why is Ta Miao in crisis again? Why is this summer vacation so long? I'm already looking forward to the start of school."

"Mummies, inferi, zombies, resurrected people - you should know that there are quite a lot of such magic in Africa. Every year, undead riots always break out in some places. This time it was because" Bill suddenly stopped, He looked around to make sure that no one was paying attention to them, and then said in a low voice, "Do you know the residual limbs and flesh left behind by the disintegration of the giant's body after the Wrath of the Poseidon?"

"Uh-" Owen hadn't heard of it, but after thinking about it, he could understand what it was: "I've heard of it, Harry and I have seen it from a distance." He lied.

"Oh - I didn't expect you were here." Bill responded with some surprise, "In short - that kind of flesh and blood seems to have a strong distorting effect on living things, like a curse. After the war, all countries have more or less I grabbed some and used them for research.

Over in Egypt - there were wizards who sold this stuff to Africa. "

"Huh? Someone still wants this!"

"Of course - the demand is quite large." Bill said, "Some wizards who master the magic of resurrection of the dead use this flesh and blood on the resurrected dead in an attempt to enhance this magic."

"I'll go - what a great idea!" Owen said in surprise. If the wizard's mental power could withstand the evil whispers of the alien gods, then he could really control such mutated creatures.

"What a good idea?" Bill sneered. "Those lunatics only created things and had no ability to control them. Anyway, they messed up several countries."

"Sure enough - Tsk, you deserve it." Irving spat. He didn't have the heart of a virgin to go wipe the ass of an African wizard. If he caused any trouble, he would use his own blood to smooth it over, so that it would last forever. Remember, you won't dare to experiment with something you don't understand the next time you have a brain twitch.

"Indeed." Bill nodded, "We don't need us. The group of resurrected African wizards can be dealt with together. The federation just assigned me to be responsible for contacting them. I heard that the spread has been resisted now, and it won't take long. It can be contained, but it may take some time to clear them all out.”

"But I have to warn you, Owen."

"What's wrong?" Owen raised his head and looked at him doubtfully.

The two of them were walking in a narrow corridor extending from the eaves of two rows of shops. The sun in the middle aisle was too strong, which made it impossible for them to walk side by side. Owen looked back at him from time to time.

"After the riots in Africa, a large number of dark wizards flocked to Egypt. Now this place has almost become the home of dark wizards. The vicinity of Cairo is not bad. Although the strength of the Egyptian Ministry of Magic has been greatly reduced after the Wrath of the Poseidon, a large number of Aurors Injured, their wounds were cursed, and they are still lying in the hospital, but they are still safe for the time being, but other places, especially the Sinai Peninsula, you and Hermione must not run there recently, or - return to England as soon as possible Bar!"

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