I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 367 A back-and-forth battle

In the heavy rain, thunder roared loudly.

But this does not stop women's voices.

She looked very excited, her eyes sparkling, "My son and you are classmates."

"He often brought back some moving photos and told me the stories of Hogwarts. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Owen Sanchez from their house. Oh—the legends of the magic school.”

"Ah——" I met an acquaintance.

Harry touched his head and then asked, "Who is your son?"

"Justin, Justin Finch-Fletchley." The woman said, "He said that he has many friends in the academy. His father and I have been worried that he will encounter discrimination in the wizarding world. After all, he comes from a Ordinary family.”

"You are Justin's mother!" Harry and Ron couldn't help but widen their eyes.

They had heard from Owen that the Justin family was very powerful in the Muggle world and was one of the top families in the UK. It had almost reached the highest level that ordinary people could climb to.

Because further up, there are the real dignitaries, such as the prime minister and members of parliament.

Compared with Justin's family, Hermione's family, the middle class in London, can only be considered abject poverty.

Harry's aunt's family was slightly poorer.

Such a family cannot be called an ‘ordinary family’!

"Hello, hello." Harry stretched out his hand and shook it with Justin's mother.

"What a coincidence!" he said.

After learning that the woman in front of them was Justin's mother, others also stepped forward to shake hands with her.

Hermione was the last.

Because she had been thinking about the problem just now.

After the distant Muggle artillery fire ended.

It's time for the wizard to attack, but - what to say?

There is an Arabic proverb, one cannot be angry casually, because once you are angry, you will use your true skills, so that others will know that your true skills are terrible.

This war not only exposed the strength of Muggles, but also the strength of wizards.

From the perspective of Muggles, the role of wizards in this war cannot be said to be overwhelming, but it can also be said to be better than nothing.

Even if there were no wizards involved in this war - the Muggles could handle it themselves.

The only difference is that Muggle processing may allow some monsters to escape.

Cause some trouble.

This weak performance of wizards will create an irreversible tendency for the two worlds in the future - it may cause some Muggle governments to have the idea of ​​​​controlling the Ministry of Magic, which will lead to conflict.

Although Hermione knew very well that there was a reason why wizards behaved so useless on such a large battlefield.

The education that modern wizards have been exposed to since childhood is the training of people in spells. A wizard may never come into contact with a large-scale war magic in his lifetime. The only school in the world that still teaches war magic is the Durmstrang Magic School. This leads to an extremely lack of wizards' means on such large battlefields. And there is not enough experience to deal with it.

After this battle, the world structure will inevitably be reshuffled.

As a member of the wizarding community, Hermione hated the stubborn, inflexible, and inflexible purebloods in the wizarding community, but she had to maintain the dignity of the wizards if necessary.

Because respect will only appear between two parties of equal strength, she cannot let the British Prime Minister think that wizards are just a bunch of magicians!

"Are you Hermione Granger?"

After brainstorming like a leader, Hermione came back to her senses and then stepped forward to greet Justin's mother.

And when she said her name.

Justin's mother immediately became interested.

With a look of joy on her face, she stretched out her hand and shook it with Hermione for a long time.

"Oh! I watched your game, a kind of magic video. I watched the whole process immersed in it. It felt great, just like what happened to me." She said excitedly, "And those magic videos You are so handsome in the puppet battle.”

Perhaps it was an illusion, but Hermione saw a strong sense of envy in this mother's eyes.

Well - it is said that any boy has not had a heroic dream.

Don’t girls often dream of heroes?

In the UK - whether it's "The Lord of the Rings" or the "Napier" series, the dream of magic is rooted in the hearts of every child who has heard these stories.

They also had magical dreams.

Just like the protagonists in those stories, they are strong and fearless despite all obstacles.

Gradually, I know that magic is right in front of me, and many dusty hearts begin to shine again.

"Thank you." The sudden compliment made Hermione feel a little embarrassed.

"Your parents must regard you as the apple of their eye." As she said this, Justin's mother suddenly looked frustrated. "It's a pity that such an outstanding girl like you is probably not worthy of that stupid boy in my family."

"ε=(ο`*))) She sighed, and when Harry and Ron had a dark look on their faces and were worried about Justin's stability next semester, she raised her voice again. smile.

Then he continued to speak very familiarly, "Do you have friends? I mean, excellent female friends like you. Oh - can I call you Hermione?"

"Of course." Justin's mother was a little too enthusiastic, and she was very strange, which made Hermione a little overwhelmed.

"Hey - my stupid head, why don't you invite your classmates to your home, preferably female classmates - handsome girls - ugh - if I have another daughter, what are the chances that she will be a wizard? Woolen cloth?"

The more the mother talked, the weirder she became.

After listening for a long time, everyone finally understood what she was thinking.

At first, Harry thought that this mother was just worried about Justin's other half, but later, he realized that this mother was not actually looking for a daughter-in-law at all, but a wizard girl as a daughter.

She took Hermione and talked for several minutes.

In the end, it was because she fell into the water that she exhausted all her strength. After the excitement passed, exhaustion set in. Otherwise, she would have definitely been able to have a long talk with Hermione.

Finally, the rescued Muggles were assigned to rooms in the cabin, and Justin's mother also went to rest, and Hermione finally broke free.

"Well - Justin's mother is really - interesting." The twins looked at Hermione with a wicked smile. "Hermione, you don't have a godmother! How about fulfilling her dream."


Granger's Professor McGonagall-like cold eyes fell on the twins.

The two guys immediately burst into hearty laughter.

Amidst the laughter, he then started driving the sailboat seriously.

As for Harry and Ron.

They - they dare not laugh.

My cheeks felt a little painful from holding it back.

Harry could only offset the joy of the moment by recalling the difficult memories of the last few days on the Isle of Giants learning spells.

Seeing that the two people's faces were twisted, they were so funny that they dared not laugh out loud.

The corners of Hermione's mouth began to rise involuntarily.

But soon that emotion was suppressed by her.

Take a deep breath. Hermione returned to her normal expression.

"Harry - how are your practices regarding Origin Magic going?"

After settling the Muggles, the sailboat was already very close to the wizard's battlefield.

They could even see the Aurors' command ship - the luxury cruise ship not far away.

"Ah!" Harry was stunned when he heard the sound.


Well - he really wanted to say that if the Creation Star Shower Owen performed was a meteor shower that destroyed the world, then what he performed was like throwing stones in a small puddle.

He only studied for a few days!

If he can wave a magic wand to create a nebula, he is considered a genius, right?

"Just enough to create a small nebula."

"Where's Ron?" Hermione asked again.

"I'm about the same." Ron, who was inspired by Owen's spectacular, god-like scene, really spent time learning this magic spell in the past few days.

But the progress is not ideal.

too difficult.

"Really?" Hermione rubbed her head, "The momentum is enough."

"What do you want to do?" Harry asked confused, "Hermione, you don't want to go to the battlefield, do you?"

"Do not want."

Hermione's answer made Harry feel slightly relieved.

She is really becoming more and more like a "Gryffindor"

Harry's throat twitched inadvertently, thinking about the first year - even the second year, Hermione was always talking about the Hogwarts school rules, and she was a good girl who worried about house grades every day.

In the blink of an eye, she became the heir of Gryffindor, and then she acted daringly. She took a copy of the Hogwarts School Rules and violated everything that could be violated from beginning to end.

The gap between before and after was so huge that Harry could only blame Owen for all the blame!

"But I won't know for sure in a while."


Harry and Ron looked at each other, and then they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

Hermione - she's not the Hermione she used to be.

She was seriously misled.


The battle between wizards and omens in the distance began again.

This time, Bad Omen seems to understand that numbers cannot win.

After the reorganization of flesh and blood.

The newly born Omens are even larger and have several arms growing on their bodies.

The frequency of Corruption Flame thrown is greatly increased.

It's also faster.

The other arms directly broke off the horns of evil omen on their bodies to use as weapons, transforming into the oldest beasts and roaring towards the wizard.

"Everyone - pay attention to the frequency of spell casting."

In the sky, the commander riding a broomstick, with the blessing of a loud voice spell, spread his words throughout the entire sea area.

"Maintain a continuous offensive against the enemy and compress the front."

This is the most common tactic used by wizards, and it is very useful against dark wizards.

Under normal circumstances, after gaining an advantage, they will cast spells one after another like Muggle line troops, and cooperate with their teammates to maintain the output of spells to the dark wizards, leaving them overwhelmed, and in the process continue to shrink the encirclement. .

Humans are not machines - in such high-intensity battles, even the most powerful dark wizard will make mistakes.

Even a Dark Lord like Voldemort would not choose to resist the Auror's tactics. Instead, he would throw out large-scale magics such as the Fire Curse to destroy the opponent's formation and defeat them one by one.

Now, facing these familiar legions of bad omens.

The wizard started to become more comfortable in dealing with them.

After all, they are all elite wizards. Facing unknown enemies and unknown attack methods at the beginning, there is nothing they can do about being at a disadvantage. But once they are familiar with the opponent's attack rhythm, considering the wizard's flexibility, this kind of flame throwing The magic is still easy to hide.

"It's getting better!" A smile finally appeared on Theseus's lips.

After a whole day, I finally saw some glimmers of victory.

The wizards skillfully used the deformation technique to mobilize the sea water to form bubbles, wrapping up all the flesh and blood during the period when the bad omen revived.

Isolation, imprisonment!

This kind of magic is a bit like Dumbledore's water prison curse, but it is simpler and more crude than the water prison curse. They are purely transformation spells.

However, when hundreds of wizards unite, the water prison they perform is quite spectacular.

Countless bubbles began to appear on the sea surface, like planets being stripped off one by one.

Each planet bubble contains four or five bad omen and a large amount of flesh and blood.

In the blink of an eye, there are thousands of such planetary bubbles.

Looking from a distance, it's quite spectacular.

It's like walking into some kind of alien planet.


"very good!"

Sirius continued to disapparate, assisting the Aurors in the containment work.

"Black!" At this time, a wizard wearing strange national costumes fell next to him. The man was riding a broomstick and spoke strangely emphasized English.

"African support troops will be arriving soon."

This person is the Auror Commander of the South African Ministry of Magic.

South Africa has many connections with Europe, and they have direct door keys, so the speed is faster.

"Understood - now all that remains is the follow-up work."

After finding a way to deal with these monsters, Sirius seemed much more relaxed.

"Let their people join the battle line, and then quickly clean up the twisted flesh and blood on the sea. Phew - I hope the entire sea area does not need to be cleaned up!"

he continued.

Outside that curtain, the orange-yellow sea is extremely acidic. If this level of acidic material were left in the Mediterranean, it would definitely have a devastating impact on the fishery.

The Ministry of Magic will certainly require that the acid be cleaned up later.

Instead of having to rework later, it is better to take advantage of the large number of people and power now to solve all the problems at once.

But these are things to think about after the war.

Now - the main thing is to deal with these ominous legions first.

Thinking - Sirius couldn't help but look at Professor McGonagall who had transformed into dozens of huge bubbles in the distance.

As expected of their head of Gryffindor, he is so smart!

Yes - this method of isolating flesh and blood was invented by Professor McGonagall. After observing the reorganization process of the residual limbs under the water for a while, she immediately thought of this method of isolation.

This is the sea, and water prison isolation is very convenient.

Of course - it was actually George and Fred who gave Professor McGonagall these good ideas. The two of them were selling a magical sparkling water in the castle - the bubbles they blew were so big that they could completely envelop the little wizard.

The little wizard in the bubble, as if he has lost the restraint of gravity, is jumping around and going wherever he wants.

You can fly high in the sky or play on the lawn.

However, Professor McGonagall is worried about this product. What if the bubble of the little wizard flying high into the sky suddenly bursts, or is maliciously broken by someone?

Not every little wizard who falls from the sky is lucky enough to have a professor or senior wizard who can perform shock absorption and speed stopping.

If you fall from that height, you will die immediately.

Therefore, she directly confiscated this product from George and Fred and warned them not to sell this kind of thing in the castle.

Now - it was those bubbles in memory that gave Professor McGonagall the idea of ​​a water prison.

She was even thinking just now that if the Twins' bubbles were stronger, they wouldn't even need to cast spells at this time, they could just use their bubbles to lock up the monsters, which would be more convenient.

Hmm - I have to admit that the two Weasley children do always come up with unexpectedly good solutions to certain things.

Sirius looked away.

In front of my eyes, more bubbles rose.

The entire sea area seems to be separated by a circle of safe houses.

The war situation seems to be on the right track.


"It requires professional wizards to clean up the sea area. Those guys in the Disaster Reversal Office must do some work -" the South African wizard joked, bringing some emotional relief to this tense battlefield.

"That's right." Sirius nodded. "This acid looks quite weird, and ordinary magic spells may not have any effect on cleaning it up."

"Professional matters need to be handled by professionals."

"Oh - by the way, keep asking when the support will arrive. We haven't seen anyone yet. We are under a lot of pressure."

"Hmm - Colt? Colt?" Sirius called a few words, but when he saw that there was no reply from him, he subconsciously turned his head to look.

Then——the pupils trembled.

He saw that the African wizard named Colter had a dagger stuck in his chest.

The dagger was inserted from behind, and his whole body seemed to be petrified, his skin turned into the silvery gray of stone, his eyes were dull, and his mouth was slightly open, as if his soul had been sucked away in an instant.


The moment he saw Colt's death, Sirius disapparated and left the place.

Dozens of feet away, he watched as Colter's body fell into the water.

"The knife is as thin as a cicada's wings, and looks like it is made up of scales - is it a divine skin messenger?"

A dagger immediately reminded Sirius of the great enemy he had forgotten.

"Damn it, how could I forget this monster!"

Sirius cursed.

But the assassination would not stop because of his curse.

The unknown number of shadow enemies could only be seen in outline in the heavy rain.

They frantically and silently take away the souls of wizards.

one two three.

No one realized that their colleagues around them were being hunted crazily until the bubble floating in the air lost its owner's magic supply and collapsed on a large scale. Only then did everyone realize something was wrong.

"What's going on?" Theseus changed his face instantly, his original comfortable mood disappeared, and his nerves became tense again.

As the supreme commander, his vision is the broadest.

So we can clearly see that some wizards were waving their wands one second ago, but then suddenly trembled all over the next second, and then fell stiffly into the water.

Not even a scream.

Weird and crazy.

Many people were communicating with their companions, and then suddenly their faces became stiff, and then they fell into the water and died.

What death leaves to the living is only the ferocious expression of the dead when they die.

"what happened!"

"what happened!!!"

An unknown fear spread, the battle situation took a turn for the worse, and the front collapsed in an instant.

The advantage just established was gone.

The wizard kept retreating.

Bubbles no longer provide magic power maintenance.

A large number of bubbles fell back into the sea, and the omens were free again.

With such a vicious cycle, how can the wizard remain undefeated?

"It's a curse! It's a curse from Poseidon!"

Because the enemy cannot be found.

That kind of weird death quickly broke down the psychological defenses of many wizards.

Especially African shamans.

The wizards who came from Egypt, Libya, and South Africa had all kinds of strange curse magic in the land where they lived.

Take the pyramids as an example: How many years has it been mined by the Egyptian Ministry of Magic and Gringotts?

But from time to time, new magical curses appear in the pyramid, ones that have been lost in history and have never been seen by modern wizards.

In addition, their teachings are already mixed with many witchcraft and undead things.

Believing in the curse of the sea was the first thing these wizards could think of.

On the sea, Sirius was anxious.

He pressed the wand to his neck.

Cast the Loud Sound Spell.

Then he took a deep breath and yelled, "This is not a curse!"

"This is not a curse!"

"This is an enemy that can become invisible. Everyone is divided into two groups, one group uses the original form to appear immediately, and the other group is responsible for continuing to be imprisoned in the water prison.

Pay attention to the silhouette in the rain, don't panic, look carefully, you can clearly see the moving figure. They attack with a poisonous dagger that can break the armor spell. Can also use black and white fire magic. "

"Note that this monster is immune to death seven times. If you want to kill it, you have to kill it seven times in a row. It will only die completely on the eighth time."

"So, the tactics remain unchanged. We still adopt the tactic of binding it in a water prison. Don't try to kill that kind of monster. We don't have time. Capture it and imprison it!"

Sirius's voice rolled over the sea.

The next second it caused an uproar among the wizards.

Invisibility - a dagger that can break the iron armor curse, the ability to use black and white fire magic that will cause you to die or be disabled if touched, and you have to kill seven times before you die completely - Merlin on top!

What kind of monster is this?

How could such a monster appear in the magical world?

On the sea - some people pretended to be calm, some wanted to evacuate, and some wanted revenge.

Blood and anger intertwined together to weave a crazy picture of hell.

"Oops - it's that invisible monster, the Godskin Messenger!"

In the sailboat, Miss Granger, who was observing the enemy situation in the distance through the magic lookout mirror on the ship, immediately said the names of those monsters.

"What should we do - they can't handle it!" Ron said anxiously.

"No - the wizard just didn't react for a moment." Hermione said seriously, "We can deal with a few of them, do you think the Aurors can't defeat them?

They are just not familiar with this kind of monster.

And this is on the sea. It is much easier to deal with such creatures than on land. Using sea water, you can quickly defeat those monsters. "

"But - when they react, the casualties will be -" Before Harry could finish his words, he saw Hermione rushing out of the cabin with her wand drawn out.

"Hey! Wait! Hermione!" Of course Harry knew what she wanted to do.

Friends for four years, he knew her too well.

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