I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 338 Pacific Rim?

"Haha!" George laughed.

In addition to Fred, there was Dobby and a dozen elves beside him.

"Hi, sir!" Dobby was standing on the moving platform on the wall track at this time, with its hands raised and floating.

Parts of the structure of the huge mecha are controlled by it, and they are seamlessly connected like a puzzle.

When the arm part was nested into the mecha, the blue and white ability instantly connected and connected it as one.

"Wow even!"

Owen's eyes widened, and his face was filled with only excitement and excitement.

In fact, the smile on Dobby's face is not much less than his. His green face is covered with various stains, and the clothes on his body have become dirty, but his face is blooming. With dazzling brilliance.

The dozen other elves present were all the same.

Everyone was excited.

He could truly feel that he was creating something great.

This is much more fulfilling than cooking for little wizards in the kitchen.

"Since I got your puppet core." Fred came forward. He said cheerfully, "We have been trying to analyze the core."

"But it's too difficult." George said, "The core is like carving the entire Hogwarts Castle on an egg. I think it will take us several years or even more than ten years to analyze all the complex magic patterns. ."

"But we had other ideas." Fred continued, "When we tried to make a magic puppet ourselves, we were always unable to adapt the core. To be honest, our understanding was limited and we couldn't make it so subtle. Something, but——”

"It was Dobby's suggestion!" At this time, Dobby jumped down from the swing on the platform and ran over happily.

"Remember the director who invited Dobby to film a movie?" His eyes widened. "He heard Dobby talking to himself. As soon as he heard the huge steel puppet, he immediately asked Dobby if he could Let someone drive it.”

"That's right!" The twins high-fived each other, "This is such a good idea, my God! We didn't even think that since using core control is so troublesome, why not just let the wizard sit in the steel, put on armor, and directly control the puppet? Woolen cloth?

This can reduce a lot of control units, and we only need to analyze part of the core magic patterns. "

"Damn!" Owen's eyes turned red upon hearing the sound.

"Can this thing be turned on?"

"Of course!" George said proudly, "This is our greatest alchemical work! See where his chest is? There is a cockpit there. After the wizard enters, he can cast spells on the core, just like you used magic to control ancient times. Like a puppet, and then the core is activated, it will imitate all your movements and drive the entire mecha - yes! Weasley Armor."

Fred continued excitedly: "It will imitate the movements of the wizard and complete various tasks such as moving, jumping, running, etc., and even perform various magic combat skills. Just like in the first game. We all have reservations about magic combat skills."

Listening, Owen's head began to beat a certain drum unconsciously and play a certain music.

For a moment, he had goosebumps, feeling that the world was in crisis and he was on his way to save it.

Immediately, Owen couldn't wait to say, "Can I drive it myself?"

"Um - this -" Gemini's face froze, and then he looked uncomfortable, "It's not good."

"We haven't invented the corresponding magical adaptation device yet."

"Magic adaptation device?"

"A magic conversion tool!" George said, "Professor Victor said that the core of this ancient magic puppet is driven by ancient magic, and we don't know ancient magic."

"As I just said, casting a spell on the core is the most ideal state. The reality is that we have to make a magic adapting device, and then cast a spell on the magic adapting device. It will convert our magic into ancient magic to release. Go out and eventually drive the core. And all the feedback from the core will be transformed into ordinary magic that we can understand through this core."

"Professor Victor has already made some achievements in this area. He is also studying the core of these magic puppets, but this takes time. Little by little comparison and correction takes a lot of patience."

George and Fred looked regretful but full of hope for the future.

"All - this is just a display?" Owen's mouth twitched, "After talking for a long time, this thing can only be displayed here?"

"If it has ancient magic, it will definitely be able to move." The twins immediately said firmly, "But for now, it can only be used as an advertising sign. We plan to erect it at the entrance of Hogsmeade Village. By then, all visitors will Being able to see our work, think how spectacular it would be!”

"Haha!" The twins burst into excited laughter.

"Um--it's so fucking cool that you guys went to such great lengths to build a huge sign!"


"Forget about this big toy, let's take a look at our new product. We call it -"

Owen didn't hear a word of what was said next.

He was still looking at this majestic behemoth, with a strong desire to drive it spreading in his heart.

Of course he could understand the problems that the Gemini encountered. To put it simply, it was not difficult for them to create an alchemy puppet or even a war mecha. Magic was synonymous with miracles. There was nothing that magic could not achieve, even resurrection from the dead— —Also studied by ancient wizards.

Moreover, even if they can't handle it themselves, there's still Victor standing behind them?

Their current difficulty lies in the puppet's operating system.

The operating system of the ancient magic puppet can only be operated using ancient magic.

After all, this thing was originally invented by the heir.

And Gemini did not do nothing at all.

They also gave a solution, which is to cut off most of the system functions. Your core is awesome and you have so many functions. I can’t understand it, but I’ll cut off most of the head office.

If I can't jump, I'll just run. If I can't run, I'll just walk.

In short, they handed over the operation of body movements completely to the wizard software.

But this problem-solving idea does not solve the problem, it just makes the problem simpler.

But for primary school students, it makes no difference whether you take advanced mathematics or geometric equations.

The Wizard software still doesn't match the core operating system, so they have to get an adapter as an intermediate between the software and the operating system.

I have to say, this idea is awesome.

Of course, they can also give up the ancient puppet operating system and switch to the modern puppet operating system, but this will be no different from the puppets already in Hogwarts. They will become iron fools who can only wield a long sword, let alone be unable to Forget about releasing magic, such as the ancient puppet's instantly accelerated slashes, and magic long bows.

This is obviously not the purpose of the development of Gemini and Victor.

But these problems are not a problem for Irving. His old floppy disk can run on the XP system from thousands of years ago. It is a perfect match!

On the other side, Hermione also looked at the behemoth in front of her with curiosity. She felt like she was a goat watching the door. She had no idea how this behemoth moved, although she had also written about alchemy. She also helped Irving check and translate the book "Ancient Alchemy Decrypted", but when she saw this machine, she still felt that times had changed, as if she had not studied for three months. Already lagging behind the entire world.

She was like a farmer buying calico at the market, tapping on the machine to see if it was strong enough here or there. Other than that, it was difficult for her to have any understanding.

Involuntarily, Miss Granger looked at Owen with a firmer look.

She had to work harder. The world was undergoing earth-shaking changes, and apart from fighting, she could only adjust her time more quickly to catch up, learn more magic, and learn more combat skills.

On the other side, Owen was having a heated conversation with Gemini.

These two guys seem to be drawing crazy inspiration from Muggle science fiction, and there is quite a sense of deja vu that they are responsible for the imagination and we are responsible for the realization.

The noisy conversation lasted until noon, and Owen reluctantly returned to the castle with the twin Hermiones.

Gemini said that the machine has not been installed yet and needs to be debugged for a few days, so it is a pity that Owen cannot experience the fun of driving it right away.

After lunch, Owen and Hermione were walking in the mountains.

The two were discussing some knowledge about magic spells.

How to shorten the spelling time of Origin Magic has always been Hermione's biggest concern.

If these powerful spells could be cast instantly like a disarming spell, it would undoubtedly greatly improve the wizard's combat effectiveness.

However, Owen told her that it was okay to reduce it, but the power of the spell would naturally become weaker.

Then he told her how to shorten the spell casting time.

They then spent the entire afternoon practicing spells in the Forbidden Forest.

At dusk, Hagrid's voice suddenly came from the woods.


He stumbled over.

Because the surroundings were full of broken trees, and the debris on the ground was either cut in half, or a big hole was evaporated by some kind of high temperature.

In short, these wreckage severely hindered his progress.

"What are you doing?" Hagrid asked angrily.

He was a little annoyed by the destruction of so many trees.

"Practice the spell." Owen responded casually.

Then he looked up at the sky - well, according to the schedule he set for Miss Granger. It's time to go back now. After dinner, you can go back to the dormitory, take a shower and go to bed.

"Practice spells?" Hagrid looked ugly, but said nothing more, "Dumbledore is looking for you."

"Looking for me?" Owen frowned.

It seems like he hasn't committed anything recently.

As for the three-month trance, he had already explained it to the professor.

Looking for him - what are you looking for?

You can't fire him just because he cut down a few more trees!

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, because the old principal was definitely looking for something bad for him.

Especially in this situation.

Then, he turned to Hermione and said, "Your spell casting is still too stiff. It needs to be smoother. Because you want to control it. Origin Magic is a majestic magic that observes the disasters in reality. With awe, you What is needed is guidance, because disasters already exist.”

"Okay - you can practice a little longer, half an hour okay? But I want you to be in the auditorium when you get back from the principal's office, okay?"

"Yeah!" Hermione nodded.

Afterwards, Owen and Hagrid left here together.

About ten minutes later.

They arrived in front of the key entrance on the fourth floor.

After Owen said the password 'Peach Milkshake', the guarding monster revealed an ascending staircase.

He and Hagrid walked up, and when they entered the office, Dumbledore was already waiting for him.

"Have you eaten?" The old principal opened his mouth, causing Sirius' eyelids to jump. He had never seen Dumbledore care so much about anyone.

"After dinner, Professor, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, I hope you can help with contacting the giants?" Dumbledore said, "Mrs. Maxim, Sirius, and Hagrid will go with you."

"Huh?" Owen looked surprised, "Shall I go? Why do you have to take me with you?"

"About this - I will tell you later." Dumbledore said, looking at Sirius, "Get ready to leave early tomorrow morning. Go and prepare first. Don't forget to inform Madam Maxime."

"No problem!" Sirius nodded, then turned and left the office.

After he completely left the office, Dumbledore slowly stood up from his office chair and said, "I arranged for you to go because I wanted to ask Ms. Rosier to go."

"Grandma?" Owen grinned and showed a helpless smile unconsciously. No need to guess, her grandma would not be dissatisfied with Dumbledore.

Unless it was something related to his grandfather, Dumbledore wanted to command Wenda Rosier, even in his dream.

"I have received news that there are already Death Eaters in Sicily." Dumbledore obviously did not want to explain too much about his frustration. He said bluntly, "Of course they are seeking cooperation. And we must stop it. them."

"Owen, what do you think will be the outcome of the giant thing?" Dumbledore said flatly, a hint of deep meaning flashed behind his semicircular glasses.

"In the upper, middle and lower situations, either we win over the other party, or the other party is neutral, or they are won over by the Death Eaters. And given the situation, the maximum we can accept is that the other party remains neutral."

"Yes." The old principal nodded, "But it's not easy."

"Hagrid doesn't have any negotiation skills. Sirius is too impatient. I'm afraid the situation will turn into the worst. He is mainly responsible for protecting (looking after) you. As for Madam Maxime - she is a great witch. , an outstanding principal, but - from the fact that she concealed her mixed race, it can be seen that she is too attached to the rules and regulations of the magical world, which will make her not smooth enough in some things."

Dumbledore said a lot in one breath.

When Hagrid heard Dumbledore's criticism of him, he just scratched his head honestly. Everyone in Hogwarts knew that he was stupid and he would be choked by several naughty little wizards every time he went to class. Dumbledore Lido said that he had no negotiating ability, which was absolutely true, and he even said it very tactfully.

"Our lowest expectation is that the giants remain neutral, do you understand? Owen?" Dumbledore stared at him, his blue eyes getting brighter and brighter.


Owen smiled slightly.

Isn't it just to let him show some muscles at the right time?

The old principal is indeed becoming more and more Grindelwald.

Of course, showing muscles is not an easy task. How to show them? To what extent? Once it is passed, a conflict will break out directly, but if the force is not enough, the other party will not feel threatened.

To put it bluntly, Dumbledore asked him to show the giants that they had the power to completely kill and destroy their entire race. He only sought cooperation because of other things.

This was a naked threat, threatening them not to fall to the Death Eaters.

Even if cooperation fails, this threat is enough to make them consider whether to participate in the wizard's war.

"That's good!"

Two foxes, one big and one small, smiled at each other.

Hagrid on the side shivered. Inexplicably, he felt a little bit uneasy.

"They are near Sicily, which is where the giants were born and their last place of survival." Hagrid said, "Don't ask me any more specific things. I won't tell you. You know, I need Keep it confidential.”

Sicily belongs to Italy and is the largest and most densely populated island in the Mediterranean. It is very prosperous.

It's hard to imagine that giants are hiding in such a place.

But this can be regarded as a tradition in the wizarding world. For example, isn’t the British Ministry of Magic located just below Whitehall?


The main thing that wizards specialize in is darkness under the light.

However, in Muggle mythology, Sicily is indeed famous for producing giants.

Even the name comes from a certain giant in Greek mythology.

"Sicily?" Owen muttered.

During this time, he and Hermione had been paying attention to the Daily Prophet because of the conflict between Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic.

Some time ago, they saw some Italian news in the newspaper.

The kind of scraps.

And at first glance, it was news from several months ago. News from the magical world is transmitted very slowly, especially this kind of cross-border news. Unless it affects the interests of the country, the British are too lazy to know what is happening in Italy, thousands of miles away.

The newspaper said that a large whirlpool suddenly appeared in the sea on the northeast side of the Sicilian island, which is far away from the European continent.

Well - that's not quite accurate. It should be said that there has always been a vortex, but it was not that strong before. Over the past few months, the vortex has suddenly strengthened and has seriously threatened the "Secrecy Act".

Italian Aurors had to cast spells on Muggle ships to keep them away from the vortex.

In the photo published by the Daily Prophet, Owen could vaguely see a black square tower standing among the rough waves.

Mysterious and secluded.

This gave Owen some bad premonitions.

In fact, regarding that magical vortex, some adventurous wizards have gone into the water to explore it throughout history.

But no one knew what they encountered.

Because no one comes back.

Then the place became something of a taboo.

Now, the Italian Ministry of Magic has also set up patrols there to prevent curious wizards from jumping to their deaths.


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