I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 329 A sheep entering a tiger’s mouth?

Hear that sound.

Harry suddenly became energetic. He ran over quickly and discovered that they seemed to be on a high tower, and that familiar voice came from beneath the tower.

He identified it carefully, and then saw ten fingers digging into the side of the tower, their nails turning white.

"Oh! Wait -" Harry quickly approached, squatted beside the tower, and grabbed the arm of Owen, the most unlucky of them all.

"Hey! You're alive!"

"Old father, when did I die?" Owen gritted his teeth and struggled to climb up.

Of course he was the most unlucky.

Harry was merely struck.

And what about him? Because he has a rope that is neither long nor short, he has greater inertia.

The person was thrown out like a slingshot, almost feeding the shark.

Fortunately, he changed his posture in the air and forcibly used the landing spell to avoid close contact with the sea.

"Huh!" Owen, who climbed up from the tower wall with difficulty, collapsed on the ground and breathed heavily. He stood up immediately after resting for a long time.

Then he angrily ran towards the direction of the little wizards.

As he passed by Hermione, his galloping footsteps suddenly stopped. "Hi honey, that swimsuit looks great."

He said.

In fact, it's ugly as hell.

You can't expect Hermione to wear some fancy bathing suit.

It was a very traditional, tight-fitting, pure gray swimsuit with a short skirt around her waist, covering her thighs tightly.

Owen reached into the pocket on his waist and took out a robe.

A sky blue robe, this was Hermione's clothes, but she conveniently put them here for him.

He put the robe around Hermione.

The temperature at sea is very low and the humidity is high.

Wearing a swimsuit may catch a cold.

As for Hermione, her face still had the blush from the remnants of Fast and Furious, and her thin body had a sheen, which made Owen not notice the changes in her body.

Of course, this was related to the fact that he was holding back a lot of anger.

After taking care of Hermione.

Owen immediately ran towards the second unlucky little wizard present.

Coatl, an idiot who is not much luckier than him.

She was also hit by the slingshot effect, but 'luckily' there was a raised rock wall in her path.

She hit him straight up, probably at the cost of a few ribs or a dislocated arm, but she was eventually flown out of the tower and fell into the sea to feed the fish.

"Stuart! I guess your mom."

"If you feed the dog with your fucking external brain (external god), you'll become an idiot, right?"

Owen's lungs were about to explode.

This stupid, pure pig teammate.

Nothing would have happened, but the hostages had to be attacked.

Then he blocked him frantically.

In fact, there was still a chance at that time.

As long as Cedric and Krum are given up, the others can be saved.

Well - it's okay now, mother, all nine of us are here.

I’ve seen buy one get one free, but buy one get eight free is really unprecedented.

What should we do now?

The sheep enters the tiger's mouth!

Still nine!

Who knows how many can escape this time?

It's no wonder Owen was so angry, because when Harry pulled him up from the tower, he noticed that the gemstone ring in Harry's hand was broken.

It's obviously a one-time use door key.

In other words, they can no longer escape through the portkey.

This time Irving is the most angry.

"I told you to stop, are you deaf?"

"What does it have to do with me!" Koyatel rubbed her waist and stood up with trembling legs. The feeling of hitting the stone was not pleasant. She felt that there must be a wound on her back. "What is this place? A level set by Dumbledore?"

"The level set by Voldemort!" Owen shouted. If he hadn't seen her bent over with a body that looked like she had several broken bones and was not going to die soon, he would have given this guy a kick.

"Dumbledore's level is really funny." He said sarcastically, "This is Azkaban! Dumbledore is planning to give you to the dementors and give him back his level."

Owen just took a casual look and knew where this place was.

Even if this place is demolished, he will recognize it.

I'm so familiar with him, it's like going home.

Who let Zhou Zhoumu in his dream, this place was once one of the base camps of Death Eaters! He also worked here for a long time!

"Azkaban?" Upon hearing this, all the young wizards took a deep breath.

They looked around in shock.

Through the clouds, they seemed to be able to see many black figures floating in the sky.

It's obvious - everyone knows what it is.


But - haven't the dementors been driven out of Azkaban?

Because last year, a large number of dementors chose to attack young wizards and sided with Voldemort, so the Ministry of Magic has cleaned up the dementors in Azkaban, and Aurors are now responsible for holding them here.

But now - the black shadow in the sky is obviously a dementor!

And - why don't they attack them directly?

"It's really Azkaban!" After comparing the appearance in their memories, the little wizards were convinced that this place was indeed Azkaban.

Over the past few months, Azkaban had appeared frequently in the Daily Prophet and there were pictures of it in the newspaper. They had all seen it.

"somebody is coming."

Owen narrowed his eyes, and some figures appeared in the thick fog in the distance, and walked towards them step by step.


Or, a goblin?

Owen is not sure who is the initiator of this conspiracy.

Because it’s possible for anyone.

As the figure got closer and closer, judging from the gait and swing of his arms, although he was very tall, he was hunched over, like a dying old man.

He was wrapped in black clothes, making it difficult to see his face.

Until recently, a sea breeze blew.

His hood was suddenly lifted, and everyone saw his face.

It was a face that was too old to describe, full of wrinkles, age spots, sunken eyes, and pale lips.

His jaw and cheek muscles didn't even have the strength to close his mouth, leaving him with his mouth slightly open.

No one can recognize this face.

Because he is too old.

But Owen still recognized the man.

Because of his eyes, those snake pupils still revealed his identity.

"Isn't this Tom?" He spread his hands, straightened his body slightly, and stood in front of the young wizards.

"I haven't seen you for a year." He shook his arms with a joking expression, "Why are you so embarrassed?"

The next second, there was a dark green light, as if the door to hell had opened.

The surrounding thick fog instantly took on another color.

"Avada Kedavra!"

To strike first, Owen's wand once again unleashed the killing curse.

Although he said that he was going to quit the Killing Curse, unlike others, Voldemort knew it well and thought that there would be no 'Love Protection Curse' or the like in his body that would rebound the curse on him.


Another killing curse sailed past Voldemort.

The green light shone on his old face, adding a touch of gloom to it.

The smoke cleared.

A tall, dark-haired, mature woman wearing a black dress was looking up at Irving.

Her face was mixed with excitement and madness, and her eyes were burning with fire as she stared at Owen.

"I thought you would betray Tom in the end." Owen said coldly.

Two killing curses entangled each other in the air.

But Owen still has the magic to find another way.

He waved his left hand, and blazing flames instantly rose up.

Then Owen suddenly clenched his fist, and the huge mouth turned into flames swallowed up our senior Tom in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the killing curse that connected and collided with sparks was also interrupted by the flames.

"Is he dead?" Cedric murmured.

The little wizards had gathered together, and everyone took out their wands and looked around cautiously.

"How is that possible?" It was Harry who responded.

At this time, Harry's body began to tremble uncontrollably, and his scar was in severe pain.

This was such severe pain that he had never felt in his life, and his head felt like it was going to explode.

He was half kneeling on the ground, gritting his teeth.

But even so, Harry still replied to Cedric leisurely.

I have to say, he is really strong.

"Grindelwald's brat."

As Harry's words fell, a deep and old voice came from the firelight, like the unpleasant tone made by the wear and tear of rotten wood.

"Bang!" He stepped out of the flames.

Then, as if under some kind of coercion, the flames all merged into the wand held up by the bone-like arm.

"You have such a talent, why do you want to hide in a small Hogwarts castle?"

He walked towards Owen step by step.

"Join me and you will be promoted."

Voldemort at this time was completely different from the Tom Riddle who had returned to his boyhood a year ago.

Today, he looks more like a hairless version of his old form.

It looked ferocious and terrifying, and it seemed like he couldn't see any of the handsomeness he had a year ago.

"I don't have any objection." Owen responded with a joking voice, "But I don't like to be dependent on others."

He looked at Tom provocatively and said, "If Senior Tom is willing to be my little brother, then I can condescend to join this little group of yours."

"Haha——" Owen's words attracted strong ridicule from Tom.

His voice was dry and hollow, like a sudden sandstorm blowing in the desert.

"The little wizard now is really - how should I put it?"

"Arrogant!" His snake eyes instantly exuded fierce murderous intent.

Then, as soon as his expression changed, he smiled ferociously and said, "But soon, I don't think you will be able to say this again."

"Now, lower your wand."

He stood hunched over.

The body, which was like a candle in the wind, burst out with a powerful aura at this time. Although Owen was not afraid, it was still intimidating to look at.

"Or, you can watch them die one by one." After saying that, Senior Tom very kindly asked Owen to pay attention to his back.

Owen naturally would not fall for his tricks. While staring at Voldemort cautiously, he looked to the left with his peripheral vision, and then slowly turned around.

And when he really saw the situation behind him, he was completely surprised.

At this time, Harry and the others suddenly fell to the ground for some reason.

Where they stood, the ground sank ten feet.

It was like the gravity of that place suddenly increased several times.

There were already other Death Eaters surrounding him.

Peter Pettigrew, Antonin Dolohov, Avery, August Rookwood.

Owen even saw an old acquaintance.

A gloomy smiling Gilderoy Lockhart.

He also joined the Death Eaters.

But thinking about it, this guy was imprisoned at the bottom of Azkaban, which had been captured by Voldemort. If he wanted to be free, he probably had to join the Death Eaters.

"Magic trap?" Owen sneered, "How many children does the great Lord Voldemort still need to use this method?"

The Death Eater cast several spells.

The little wizards who were squeezed to the ground and unable to move had no time to resist.

In other words, they wanted to resist, but due to gravity, their movements seemed to be in slow motion, and they were suddenly controlled by the Death Eaters.

"Sometimes, in order to be safe, you have to throw away some things that are no longer needed - such as: face?"

Tom looked very happy.

After achieving his goal, he seemed to be immersed in some kind of joy. He was not as cruel as before and planned to kill them directly.

"So now—what's your choice?"

Behind Owen, Peter Pettigrew was squeezing Miss Granger's neck with his dirty hands.

The rotten wood-like wand pointed at her cheek. He looked at Owen with a ferocious expression.

He has not forgotten how this boy tortured and chased him in the Forbidden Forest.

Now, it falls into his hands.

He must also let the other party taste the deep pain of being tortured!

"Tsk—" Owen's cheeks twitched slightly, and he was already buried deep in his heart.

But——Miss Granger didn't seem to look well.

"Huh-" He breathed out, then slowly put the wand back into the inner pocket of his robe, and then raised his hands.

He was very unhappy and made a French military salute.

Then he turned around, looked at Senior Tom again and said, "Ahem - I suddenly feel that Death Eaters are really a profession with great ambitions and a glorious future."

"Haha——" Senior Tom smiled noncommittally.

Then he turned his head and looked at Bella.

"give it to you."

After saying that, Bellatrix Lestrange looked at Owen indifferently. His cold eyes gleamed with hatred.


There was a flash of white light.

Owen was frozen in place like a puppet.

On the other hand, Voldemort was not disappointed by this episode.

He slowly walked towards the center of the top of the tower.

Then the unknown black stone suddenly began to slowly deform.

In the blink of an eye, a huge crucible rose from the ground, carrying his decayed body.

A Death Eater wearing a cloak came over quickly and started filling it with water.

Then a green flame burst out from under the pot.

The evil light dances.

The liquid in the crucible seemed to heat up very quickly. Not only did the surface begin to boil, but sparks shot out, as if it were burning.

Just when the little wizards thought that Voldemort was showing them how to stew himself in an iron pot.

His body actually disintegrated in front of everyone.

On the second day of the exam, I made up nonsense again.

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