I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 311 Well-organized, Goblin Brotherhood

"Alastor." Professor Dumbledore said after thinking for a moment, "You continue to look for the goblin strongholds around Hogwarts. I think those in the castle must not be all."

"Sirius." He looked at the dog godfather, "If possible, can you visit the Fairy Kingdom?"

"Of course." Sirius replied affirmatively.

"The competition cannot be suspended." At this time, Crouch finally broke free from his hatred for Moody. He pushed the opponent away violently, although Moody's alchemy prosthetic leg was very stable.

With such a push, not only did he not push the opponent away, but he took two steps back. However, the indifference on Barty Crouch's face did not waver at all.

He turned and glared at Dumbledore, "MacFarlane will take over Ludo Bagman's duties."

"In addition, I will send someone to go to the Fairy Kingdom with Black."

"Okay." Dumbledore said calmly.

"Huh -" After saying that, Crouch waved his sleeves, turned around and walked towards the door.

Hamish MacFarlane, who followed him, had an embarrassed look on his face. After nodding towards Dumbledore and the professors, he followed Barty Crouch's footsteps and hurriedly left the office. .

After the two outsiders left, Dumbledore called Owen's name, "Owen, come here."

His brows stretched, and a smile appeared on his face as usual.

"Oh! Come to live?" Hearing the sound, Owen jumped from the chair.

The old principal reached out and rubbed the boy's head.

There are complex emotions behind the half-moon eyes.

Regarding the heir, the truth was far beyond his expectation.

Ludo Bagman's confession is not worth mentioning, and is generally as he speculated.

But that goblin, the truth that came out of his mouth really overturned his previous view of the heir.

Of course, it was mainly Shani Weasley's memory, and it was only after the two-phase confirmation that Dumbledore truly saw the whole story.

"Our enemy is not only powerful, but also very smart." said the old principal. "He clearly sees the greedy undertones in human nature."

"Yes." Owen nodded, knowing that the principal was talking about the Outer God.

After having a dream all night, how could he not know the only method?

Until now, when he looked at Dumbledore, his mind was filled with all kinds of cruel and terrifying images of old Dumbledore. The picture in the dream did not slowly become distorted or forgotten just because he woke up. It existed like an ordinary memory.

Hmm - probably he has to cast a forgetting spell on himself or extract the memory of that dream from his head to completely forget it.

What makes Owen wonder is why he had such a dream?

This is obviously the only power, but where did he get it?

Hmm--certainly recently, even in the past two days.

Otherwise it would not explain why he had never had such a dream before.

"I think you should have known the truth from the underground secret room." Dumbledore put away his smile, his face gradually became serious, and he said with some regret in his eyes, "This is different from what we have faced before."

From the goblin and Shani Weasley, he learned a secret.

It turns out that the heir's power can be stripped away.

Through some extremely cruel sacrifice.

All it takes is flesh and blood, the flesh and blood of the heir, to peel off part of the ancient magic.

Then through sacrifice, it is transferred to other people.

The reason why the goblins round up the members of the Weasley family, especially Ron's family, is because the goblins know that the heirs of the past generations come from this family. When a new heir appears, they immediately think that he is another member of this family. Someone of.

As for how the goblins knew the new heir had appeared?

This is not clear.

The goblin just said that it was what the herald told him.

After learning the truth, Dumbledore almost immediately remembered the secret passage in the kitchen, the final resting place of Ms. Hufflepuff, and the former heir named Shani Maeve Weasley under the apple tree. The poor wizard.

At the end of her life, the biggest reason why she did not reunite with her family or take a last look at her children, but chose to die alone in the secret room that no one might find again, was that she did not want to His body was found by goblins and became a sacrifice on the table.

"Huh..." Dumbledore took a deep breath.

He regretted what happened to the previous generation of heirs, and was even more worried about Irving's future.

Now their enemies are not just Voldemort or goblins.

But all wizards who are fanatical about magical power.

If this news spreads, Owen will almost become an enemy of wizards all over the world. To be honest, if it were him when he was young, even in middle age, he would not be able to help but find Owen, not hurt him, but take a few drops Blood for sure.

He couldn't control his curiosity, because ancient magic might be the biggest clue to the origin of magic, even if it didn't have any blessing effect and was just 'archeology', digging for the truth of past history and asking himself, he might do this.

What about others?

What if Voldemort knew the news?

Or are they the crazy silent men at the Ministry of Magic?

Or maybe some dark wizard club that was making a fuss in Italy?

Or what about the purgers in North America?

Look, how many potential enemies do they have?

This is still clear.

Once in the future, Irving shows signs of weakness, those who are wavering and undecided.

A hunting orgy is almost visible to the naked eye.

"Absolutely." Owen replied. He knew a lot and needed to spend some time sorting it out. What he wanted to do most now was sleep.

This is the brain's self-defense instinct. When subjected to a strong impact, people will become depressed and calm.

As for Old Dengtou's concerned look.

Of course he could guess what Dumbledore was thinking.

Suddenly, Owen remembered a line from a movie he had seen before: "xxx, don't be complacent. The five major factions are swarming today, and you can't kill them all until you run out of energy."

He estimated that Dumbledore thought so too.

After all, he was holding a magic wand, not Maxim, and the magic power he threw out was not a bullet.

Even if one's magic power is close to infinite, people will always get tired.

If there were infinite bullets

As expected, Maxim is still stronger! ! !

Ahem - Seriously, after all, he is still not strong enough. If he can level the entire magical world before his magic power is exhausted, then who dares to make irresponsible remarks in front of him?

"You must keep this matter strictly confidential. No one can tell it." Regarding the fact that the ancient magic power of the heir can be stripped away, the fewer people know about it, the better, although Dumbledore has enough trust in everyone present. , but there is no airtight wall in this world. Their potential enemies may have other ways to get him to tell the truth. He cannot let the truth about the heir become known to everyone in the wizarding world. Human nature is complicated, even if Friend - Dumbledore glanced at Sirius.

There will also be betrayal.

"Of course, Professor, I have no intention of harming myself." Owen smiled disdainfully.

"Well -" the old principal nodded, then turned around and picked up a broken dagger from his desk.

That's a rather peculiar dagger.

From the outside, it looks like the wings of some kind of insect.

The handle is some kind of bone, and the blade is some kind of very thin, almost transparent, prismatic crystals about the size of a fingernail that are pieced together.

A strange blue light emanates from the cracks in the crystals, looking extremely magical.

Unfortunately, this was a mutilated dagger, with the blade broken in the middle and the other half missing.

"Put this away," he said.

This dagger was the one that the goblin used to cut Weasley's flesh and blood. As for the broken blade, the other half was still in the body of the wizard named Shani.

So - this is a weapon that once killed the heir.

Dumbledore originally wanted to destroy it directly, but after thinking about it, he let Owen decide whether to keep it or not.

As the current heir, he is most qualified for this.

Owen took the dagger from Dumbledore, looked at it carefully, and put it in his pocket.

"Also, there's something about Stewart."

The moment he said this name, all the professors in the entire office had bad expressions on their faces.

Especially those who are older, such as Professor McGonagall, this reminds her of a certain wizard named Riddle. Back then, he used a basilisk to kill an innocent classmate. Now, the girl uses goblins to harm her classmates. These two... There are too many similarities between them.

If they hadn't discovered it in time, it would be hard not to imagine whether the past scene would reappear?

"It didn't turn out well," he said.

Then he looked at Snape.

Immediately, our dear Professor Snape opened his mouth and said in his unique slow and sarcastic voice: "There is nothing related to Stewart in Ludo Bagman's memory. There are traces of Miss’s collusion, and the testimony after the Veritaserum also shows that he didn’t know her at all before the tournament.”

"The goblin has no trace of Miss Stewart in its memory, the same testimony as above."

"Information about the castle was obtained from the goblin herald. The herald may have been the goblin who contacted Stewart, but unfortunately, from the goblin's testimony, the herald was not involved in the attack. , it’s not even here.”

Snape said coldly while observing the faces of the people around him, especially Owen.

There was a flash of regret in his eyes when he saw that Owen didn't feel anything.

As for other professors.

Everyone's face was livid, especially Professor McGonagall. She was angry, her cheeks were strangely red, and she looked directly at Snape.

Those who were attacked were all children from their college. The Weasley family were all Gryffindors. Although the real culprit behind the scenes was not caught, at least the traitor was caught. But now - from Snape's words, she probably Already guessed the final result.

"This is an organization with a strict design. From the traitor to the informant, to the contact person, the plan maker, the final decision-maker and the initiator, they are not the same group of goblins. They have a clear division of labor. Even if we intercept this link Don’t even think about a small part of it to see the whole picture.”

"I have to say that this organization is more professional than the Ministry of Magic." He mocked nonchalantly.

Fortunately, Barty Crouch is gone, otherwise our Minister of Magic would be furious.

Listening to Snape's description, Owen suddenly remembered an organization.

"Fairy Brotherhood." A name he had heard a week ago.

This is a goblin terrorist organization with a history of more than 300 years.

It is different from the mainstream goblins’ view of peaceful coexistence with wizards. What they pursue is to completely defeat the wizard.

They have branches all over the world, especially in North America. In the New World, without the constraints of the old world, the Goblin Brotherhood is developing extremely rapidly.

I heard that it is a very strict organization.

"Huh?" Dumbledore glanced at Owen.

But he didn't speak.

The kid knew more than he thought.

"Does that mean we have no way to convict that little witch?" Moody tapped the floor tiles with his crutch in great displeasure. The current situation reminded him of Malfoy 14 years ago.

You knew he was a Death Eater, but you couldn't convict him. This feeling was very irritating.

"It doesn't matter whether he is convicted or not." Owen suddenly said. "If I just want to 'punish' her, I think I still have 100 reasonable and legal methods."

"After all, this is a competition, right? It's normal for some accidents to happen."

"If we want to know the mastermind behind it, we need a little patience." He said quietly: "Just like how we dealt with Quirrell?"

"It's too dangerous for people like this to stay in Hogwarts." Professor Mike was the first to express his dissatisfaction. She glared at Owen, very angry at the evil plan he just said, "If we can't convict her, then we at least have the right to expel her from the castle.

Albus, we can't gamble with the lives of young wizards. "

"This is not a bet, Minerva," Dumbledore said calmly, "and there is no chance of them winning."

Then he looked at Snape, "What happened with Quirrell is indeed a lesson, so we should do better."

"Understood -" Snape smiled noncommittally.

Then he left the principal's office with a flick of his cloak.

Also leaving was Moody, who had to argue with Barty Crouch, and handing over Ludo Badman would not be so easy.

At least you have to get something like a promise from him.

Professor McGonagall was furious. She couldn't accept this result at all, but out of Dumbledore's trust, she didn't bother. However, looking at the haste of her departure, she knew that the Gryffindors might have to wait for a while. Oh my god.

Professor Flitwick was worried. The goblin incident had a great impact on him. After many years, it was probably the first time that he took the initiative to find some books about the history of goblins. Before that, he only read the history of wizards.

Professor Sprout was probably the saddest among these people. Whether it was finding the resting place of Ms. Hufflepuff or Miss Weasley, she felt sincerely sad, and her steps were the heaviest when she left the principal's office. of.

Eventually, even Owen left, going back to sleep.

Today is the weekend.

Soon only Sirius and Dumbledore were left in the office.

What they were discussing was probably preparations for a visit to the Fairy Kingdom.

But this has nothing to do with him.

On the way back to the dormitory, at the corner of the third floor, Owen seemed to see Harry, but by this time his eyelids were already fighting, so he ignored Harry.

He obviously didn't feel sleepy at all when he got up early, but after eating, he fell asleep.

Back in the dormitory, Owen was exhausted.

There are no classes on Sunday, so I can do whatever I want.

As soon as his eyes closed, he had another nightmare.

This time he dreamed that Miss Granger had become an anchor

When Owen woke up again, outside the window, the sun was already dusk.

He slept for a whole day.

The dormitory was empty.

The only thing that moved was the photo of his parents on the table beside his bed.

They were smiling at him.

"Huh..." He breathed out a breath.

He was in quite bad condition, with unbearably dry eyes and tinnitus.

He rubbed his eyes for a long time, and the dry and swelling feeling after opening his eyes slowly disappeared, and the tinnitus also became mild.

"Hey, you're awake!" At this time, Justin walked in from outside.

The moment he looked at Owen, a greasy, evil smile appeared on his face.

"You don't know your father anymore? Why do you look at your father so much?" Owen gave him a middle finger, then started to get dressed and put on his robe.

"Ha." Justin also gave a middle finger in return, and then said with a playful smile: "We can't stay in this dormitory anymore."

Then Ernie came in.

"Hey! Are you awake? Did you drink a sedative? You don't wake up no matter what I do at noon." He said with the same smile.

"Someone is doing something bad in his dream. He doesn't have time to eat." Justin raised his eyebrows at Ernie, "Miss Granger, Miss Granger's been calling me all day long. It's just... I’m so ashamed of myself.”

"Huh?" Owen touched his head. He was heading to the bathroom to wash his face. "Did I talk in my sleep?"

"No, the sound is not as loud as usual. We are too embarrassed to stay in the dormitory."


Justin and Ernie had smiles on their faces.

But in Owen's ears, the voice suddenly faded away.

It's as far away as the horizon.

——He, it seems that there is indeed something undetectable problem with his body.

Talking in sleep almost symbolizes the failure of his Occlumency.

This is extremely scary.

Owen's face gradually turned livid. It seemed that his enemy was a hundred or a thousand times more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

"Huh -" Suddenly he remembered a sentence from Hemingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls".

When you're a kid going to war there's this fantasy that other people are going to die but you're not.

And then when you get seriously injured for the first time, that illusion goes away.

From the beginning of the second game to the present, Owen has never paid attention to anyone's strength, even top wizards such as Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

Yes - he is gifted, he works hard, he has great opportunities, and the only difference between him and those top wizards is years.

This is also the real reason why he is fearless and can keep the three unforgivable curses on his lips.

Because he is not afraid of those punishments at all.

Even if the Ministry of Magic imprisoned him in Azkaban for casting the Killing Curse, would he be afraid?

But now—outer god?

He didn't even know the other person's name. He didn't even know when he was touched. It might have been just a moment of contact.

But the other party could easily break through his magic.

What if he was not the heir—what if the whisper in his ear really lasted for a month, a year, or more than ten years?

Can he really win?

This was not fear or fear, but the first time Owen felt powerless about his own power.

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