I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 307 The dead souls of the past, come back

Shortly after Owen and the professors entered Ms. Hufflepuff's final resting place.

The snow outside the castle - has become lighter.

The weather was weird and not accurate. It was because the wizards didn't have weather satellites, otherwise they would have definitely seen a cold vortex that lasted for several months above Hogwarts.

It is it that continuously guides the warm and moist airflow from the Atlantic Ocean here.

The water vapor encounters the obstruction of the mountains surrounding Hogwarts and forms snow.

Every winter, there are several heavy snowfalls in the Scottish Highlands, but this year due to the cold vortex, the heavy snowfall lasted particularly long.

When it snows, the little wizards have fewer recreational activities. Winter activities such as skating on the Black Lake can only be played when the snow stops. No one wants to go out when it snows.

However, there is an activity on snowy days that is very popular.

That's a bath.

Soaking in the hot water, surrounded by colorful bubbles, and watching the heavy snow through the window is definitely a joy in life.

However, for most young wizards, it is not easy to take a comfortable bath. Although each college has its own bathroom, there are only independent showers and absolutely no bathtubs. Yes, of course - if you have high magic power, you can also transform yourself into a bathtub. This is also one of the driving forces for young wizards to learn transformation.


If you like, you can even study how to keep the water flowing from the clear spring at a perfect temperature of forty degrees Celsius.

Or simply summon a bubble bath.

If you really can't do that, you can also ask the elves to help you boil water, and they will be happy to do this.

In short, magic is by no means a rivalry between two people trying to bite each other off.

Enjoyment is the theme of modern magic.

And speaking of enjoyment, the baths of the prefects are much more luxurious than those of the little wizards.

The prefect's bathroom is located on the sixth floor. As soon as you enter the door, you will be attracted by the luxurious chandelier with candles on the ceiling.

Stepping on the white marble floor tiles, you can see that all the equipment around you is made of marble. There is a rectangular shape in the center, like a swimming pool, a bathtub sunken into the ground.

There are hundreds of golden faucets inlaid with various gemstones arranged on the edge of the bathtub. When opened, various bath liquids mixed with hot water will flow out.

The huge floor-to-ceiling windows face the bath, and outside the window are the beautiful views of Hogwarts.

Snow-white linen curtains hung on the windows, and a pile of fluffy white towels were placed in a corner.

In the center of the two floor-to-ceiling windows hangs a picture of a blond mermaid in a gilded frame.

This is a washroom exclusively used by the prefects of each house, as well as the Head Boy and Girl Student Council presidents and the Quidditch team captains. This year, because of the competition, warriors from each school can also enter.

Of course - this doesn't mean that other little wizards can't go in. As long as there's no one inside. Anyone who knows the right password can actually go in and take a comfortable bath.

The entrance is located on the sixth floor, the fourth door to the left of the statue of Boris the Confused Egg. If there is no one inside, the door will be gray. If there is someone inside, the door will turn orange.

As for the password, it is set by the student union president-that is, Owen.

Usually Owen would give the password to Cedric, who would then notify the other prefects. Then the prefects will inform the Quidditch captains.

But Irving himself doesn't come here to take a bath very often - it's too far, damn, he would only go from the second underground floor wearing a bathrobe to the sixth floor to take a shower, and then run back to the Transfiguration Technique. ?

He can still find someone to give him a back rub, a salt rub, a cupping session, etc. in his own academy. What's the point of having a bathhouse by himself?

Slytherin's prefects don't go there very often. Slytherin has his own luxurious bath, and he's even worse than Owen. It's on the third floor underground.

As for Ravenclaw

The Ravenclaw prefect who lives in another tower said that if it weren't for classes and the library, he wouldn't even come to the main building to take a shower - just take a shower!

So now you know who is using this bath.

Damn Gryffindor, what a perfect place at the right time!

Miss Granger secretly came here often - no one dared say three or four.

She didn't take a bath, in her words, it was healing.

Excessive use of stimulants and staying up late for a long time can cause excessive tension on the nerves. Taking a bath is a very good choice for healing.

And cheap enough.

She comes probably once a week.

Until one day he was bumped into by Owen who was walking around. He enthusiastically invited Hermione to take a bath with him, and she never went in again.


At this time, the orange-red door was full of water vapor carvings. It seemed that someone was using this bathroom.

In the spacious pool, the young girl was lying quietly in the gentle water.

The bathtub is filled with bubbles. The white foam on the water is like clouds falling into the world. The bubbles do not cover all the water. Between the gaps, you can vaguely see the girl's skin becoming smooth under the hot water. And red, like a newly ripe peach.

She spread her hair, opened her arms, and let the silver moonlight shine on the water.

Maybe it was an illusion, maybe the light from the crystal lamp was too bright, but her silver hair seemed brighter than before.

Undercurrents surge under the pool, brushing against Guo Gu's body. The crystal clear luster carries an alluring aroma, making people want to rush into their arms and play with it.

"You should confess all this to me."

In the quiet bathhouse, where the only sound was the running water, a stern and somewhat helpless voice came.

"It's obvious that you want to board the ship, it's obvious that you are asked to come to this country, and it's obvious that you have been preparing since last year."

An old, elegant witch walked slowly out of the mist. She sat sideways by the bathtub and whispered softly, "I don't understand. I don't understand many things, but I am your principal."

Professor Eulalie Hicks sighed, her eyes full of confusion, "You know how reluctant those old guys in the school are for you to leave Ilvermorny."

"That's why I left. Professor." The girl poked her head out of the water, her long silver hair clinging to her skin, covering important parts of her body, as if she was wearing a silk singlet. She leaned against the wall, The warm water heated the walls to a comfortable temperature, and she didn't feel cold.


"Don't call me that." The girl suddenly clenched her fists, hitting the water, and looked at the professor with bright red eyes, "I hate it."

The splashing water formed a zigzag prism that obscured her vision, and her face was blurred.

Then, she turned her head, raised her head slightly, and looked around with her eyes. The bright light from the crystal lantern on the ceiling burned her eyes. In the bright light curtain, she saw some afterimages. The afterimages were of a beautiful woman. The upper body, the lower body is a snake tail, and the great figure has wings on its back.

"Stuart." Professor Eulalie's crossed hands suddenly stretched out, and the gentle magic steamed the girl's silver hair, and soon the hair on her head was dry.

Then she reached out, grabbed Stewart's arm, and helped her out of the water.

The moment she came out of the water, the professor's loose red robe automatically floated and landed on her body.

In the mottled light and shadow, the professor saw a dark red tattoo on the back of the girl that looked like a vein pattern.

She didn't say too many words, but pulled the girl into her arms.

The professor's temperature made Stuart feel a little hot, which was higher than the temperature in the water.

"I want to see you clearly, kid, before it's too late."

"If you have a wound, please don't cover it up and suffer in silence. Silence is unfortunate and does not contribute to the healing of the wound at all."

"At least it won't hurt." Stewart leaned into the professor's arms. She had never been so close to a person as she was today.

The last time she was so close to someone was fifteen years ago, when she was picked up by a woman with the same long silver hair as herself when she was three years old.

When she was young, she thought it was her mother, while the woman smiled, caressed her bulging belly, and said that she must give birth to a daughter as beautiful as her.

"Who cares?" she murmured, asking herself.

"Everyone will only be resentful." The girl closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembling slightly, as if she was about to fall asleep, "That's enough."


"One person. Death!"

"Finally - quiet."

The girl made no sound and just fell asleep.

The bath suddenly became quiet, and the only sound of water could be heard.

The pool of water in China is filled with water vapor. The light red water flow begins to drain automatically. The bath is being emptied. It is preparing to welcome the next little wizard, and all of this is done automatically.

Professor Eulalie looked at the bathing pool where the water level was dropping rapidly. The light red water made her frown slightly.

Wait for the last of the pool water to drain.

There seemed to be a dagger in the sparkling, foamy corner of the pool.

"Huh -" the professor sighed again, and she reached out to adjust the girl's robe so that it could cover her legs.

Then he brushed the hair between her forehead, with eyes full of love, as if looking at his granddaughter, and murmured in pain, "I can't protect you, child."

"Everyone is responsible for their own actions."

"Even if it's you."

She said, her eyes showing regret, if she had not applied for retirement from Ilvermorny, if she had continued to be the Charms Professor.

If she could have been in contact with this child for the first time when she was waiting for school, things might have turned out differently, and she wouldn't have gone further down the wrong path.


In the bathroom, the professor just let the girl lean against her.

They were waiting for Dumbledore to return.

Awaiting the final judgment.

But in an unknown corner, a translucent ghost carefully drilled its head out of the wall.

She wore the same round glasses as Harry and had two ponytails.

Most of the time, behind her crying expression, she has a weird face.

Only this time, instead of the fun in teasing, her eyes showed a bit of fear.

He just stuck his head out, glanced at it, and immediately shrank back into the wall, as if he had never appeared before.


the other side.

The secret room in the kitchen.

The resting place of Lady Hufflepuff.

The desolate wind blew in everyone's hearts.

The solemn atmosphere lasted for a long time, and after about five minutes, everyone was ready to leave.

When turning around.

The apple tree that suddenly returned to calm once again took out its branches.

Owen frowned and looked up, only to see that the leafy branches suddenly had countless branches entangled with each other, like vines wrapped around something and slowly sending it down.

Little by little, like countless hands, Zhiya gently placed things on the ground.

"What's this?"


"Hufflepuff's trial?" Hermione, who was also in the Gryffindor trial, naturally thought.

"It seems to be something -" Ron looked at the mass that was gradually peeling off the branches.

Suddenly, I felt as if my heart was being tugged.

There was something that was about to come out, trying to get out of his body.

Ron suddenly felt a tearing feeling coming from his chest—no, it came from deep in his soul. The pain was so painful that he couldn't even open his eyes.

After the layers of branches are removed.

When he saw clearly what was hidden under the tree trunk, his pupils suddenly tightened, his face was dull, and he was completely absent-minded.

A girl?

And she looks like Ginny.

He looked to be in his twenties.

Her body seemed alive, and the mottled shade of the trees fell on her face, as if she was sleeping peacefully.

It is a bird that only flies in dreams.

She has long fiery red hair and wears a crown of thorns. Over the years, crimson flowers have bloomed on the crown.

The cheeks show a warm tone under the halo, like the most delicate porcelain, so peaceful and peaceful.

If it weren't for her right arm and left leg, I don't know where they would be. Maybe this tranquility will really be maintained.

In addition, what is even more horrifying is that one of the two arrow feathers inserted into her body penetrated from her back to her abdomen. The other one went through her heart.

There was a broken dagger stuck in her lower abdomen. Although the handle was missing, the blade remained in her body forever.

Her robe was red, like blood, more like a fallen rose.

As delicate as fire.

"Oh my god——"


Everyone present was shocked.

Facing such a tragic scene, they did not feel a trace of fear from it, but more of a sense of beauty.

A kind of beauty of death.

who is she?

This question pops up in everyone's mind.

It was not difficult to answer it. In fact, from the moment Owen saw a wand dropped from the woman's ankle, he had almost guessed the identity of the other party.

Because, it is a crystallized wand.

And there is only one kind of person who can use this wand.


"Shani Maeve Weasley." Owen whispered to himself.

Among all the heirs in the past, only this one is closest in age and identity to the woman in front of him now.

"She - she is Ron's ancestor." Hermione looked at the beautiful woman in front of her who looked like a painting in surprise.

"I think that's it."

"But why is she here, and--" Hermione was speechless, unable to believe what the woman in front of her experienced in the last moments of her life.

What kind of battle could cause her to be so seriously injured.

Even the body is so mutilated.

Hermione also saw the wand covered with crystals, and immediately turned to look at Owen.

Of course she knows the identity of the other party. If this person is one of the heirs of ancient magic, then

Worried eyes came out of her eyes, and a strong fear emerged in her heart.

"It seems that we are about to unravel a hidden history of the past." Dumbledore stepped forward.

Waving the wand, light blue or even colorless ripples slightly crossed the girl's body, but there was no reaction on the girl's body.

Then, he glanced at Victor.

After looking at the old principal, Victor sighed. Then he hobbled forward with his magic crutch.

He lowered his head and looked at the girl in front of him indifferently.

A wisp of wind blew through the broken hair on his forehead, as if even the wind felt sad, and the rustling of leaves rang in his ears. It was like crying, more like wailing.

Ancient magic——

There was an inaudible flash in Victor's light brown eyes - panic?

He has always been converting ancient magic into conventional magic, determined to use this energy to improve people's livelihood, help the weak and the poor, and seek development for lower-level wizards.

But during this time at Hogwarts, all he saw was war.

A war that lasts for thousands of years, about ancient magic, about gods, and now even goblins

To be honest, when he saw the poor former heir in front of him, a strong sadness and confusion surged in his heart. The wizard was already in a mess inside, and now there were still people from the outside looking at him.

What role did ancient magic play in this?

Does it make the world a better place?

Or worse?

Is he an alchemist?

Or an executioner who makes weapons?

Or maybe both?

————The world! It shouldn't be like this! ! !

The noisy thoughts did not stop Victor from doing his work.

Like a modified creature in an alchemy classroom, he mechanically took out a primitive crystal from his arms. The crystal was like some kind of fragments that were forcibly pinched together.

Then, leaning on crutches, he took out the wand from the crutches with difficulty.

Dumbledore was standing next to him. The old headmaster raised his hand to help him, but when he saw the determined eyes of the young man in front of him, his hand stopped in mid-air.

He watched Victor draw countless ancient runes in the air, and the words turned into butterfly wings. They floated with the crystal and came to the woman.


The chaotic sounds were like the whispers of many people, and the crystallization gradually turned into some kind of blue magic power, which slowly seeped into the woman's body like a river flowing into the sea and the tide surging back.

In an instant, a bright blue light lit up a brilliant fireworks.

It breaks right through the dome and can probably be seen from the castle.

As for that woman, after the ancient magic reintegrated into her body, the first thing that changed was her fiery red hair.

It turned silver in an instant.

The blood on the robe seemed to come alive, and the roses bloomed more beautifully.

Her pale skin became rosy again, and she looked as if she was coming to life.

"Ancient magic has an exaggerated increase in the physiological functions of organic matter. Even dead people -" he said flatly, then took out the wand, pointed the tip of the wand at the girl's brain, and turned it gently to remove the last memory of the body. Extracted.

Dumbledore was waiting, and he took out a vial, and then Victor put the memory into the vial.

"It will only be fragments, and it may not be what you want. A person's most important memory may not be the memory before her death."

"The clip is fine. I think she will forgive us for disturbing us again." Dumbledore put the vial away and glanced at Victor with a complex expression, "You should be proud of what you have done."

"Not enough." Victor put the wand back on the crutches, "Not enough."

He limped away from here on crutches.

"Mr. Weasley." Dumbledore's blue eyes were filled with sorrow, but on the other hand, he felt lucky that in this stormy era, although the enemies were getting stronger and stronger, there were still a group of new ones. A generation of young people who are completely different from themselves and Gellert.

Owen, Harry, Hermione.

And Victor in front of me.

They are a new generation who are truly determined to change the magical world - shining brightly.

And he himself - seemed to be old.

"Professor?" Ron kept staring at the still shining woman. In a daze, he remembered what his grandfather had said - he should be proud to be a descendant of Shani Weasley.

He didn't know if he should be proud now. But the heartache is the most real.

What kind of suffering has she suffered?

"You should write to your parents. After all, these are your ancestors and your relatives. I'm sorry that I can't let you take her body away because there are too many mysteries." The old principal said, "She is in her life." Since the end of my life has chosen this place, let her sleep here."

"The Weasleys could hold a memorial service."

Dumbledore reminded him.

"Don't let her leave alone." He patted Ron on the shoulder.

Hearing this, Ron nodded solemnly, "I know, Professor, I know."

"Okay, let's get out of here now. This place will be sealed for the time being until we figure everything out."

Dumbledore said calmly, "As for the memorial service, if you are ready, please come to me in the office."

"Good professor."

Everything seemed to be over.

Then it was Snape's job.

The little wizards were brought back to the castle by the professor.

Then they found a suitcase on a shelf in the kitchen. The mysterious suitcase contained more than a hundred elves.

This is not all in the castle, but the part of the elves responsible for cooking.

The moment the suitcase is opened.

A 'special' elf wearing a bright red robe and children's sneakers was the first to rush out.

It's Dobby.

He cried and fell into Owen's arms, tears and snot running down his face.

He kept complaining to Owen about the abominable behavior of the goblins, who stole his mirror and put strange spells on the box to prevent them from apparating out.

In short, after Owen comforted him for a while and promised to give him a new double-sided mirror, Dobby stopped crying and showed a difficult smile.

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