I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 305 The secret room in the kitchen

"Harry goes to find Dumbledore and we'll meet in the kitchen."

Owen, who had already arrived in front of the spiral staircase, ordered.

He took out the Phoenix Crystal Wand again and took a deep breath. Looked at Harry seriously.

"No problem." Harry gasped.

He really couldn't understand why Owen was still alive and well, and where did he get the strength.

But now that the situation was urgent, Harry, who had no time to complain, opened his legs and continued to climb the stairs to the fourth floor.

On the other side, Irving is not slow on his feet either.

He suddenly felt a little flustered.

I always feel like I've forgotten something.

Especially when I saw Ron sitting there in a daze, the feeling was even stronger.

One minute later.

Owen rushed in front of the kitchen door.

There was a picture of a fruit plate hanging on the wall. He scratched it with his hands. The pears on the plate suddenly came to life, laughing, and then turned into a big green handle. He grabbed the handle and pulled it hard. , a small corridor leading to the kitchen appeared.

Owen leads all the way, and there is no obstacle in the process.

When he really approached the kitchen, he saw the four long wooden tables at a glance.

A group of short creatures were preparing ingredients, and they looked like elves.

"It's really hard for you."

Although they have the same stature, those creatures are all wearing silver plate armor, which is the technology of fairies and has a strong protective effect against magic spells.

Yes, this is a group of goblins.

There were about a dozen of them, and Owen didn't have time to count them.

The goblins also discovered the stranger who suddenly broke in. After all, Owen had no intention of hiding.

"If anyone tells where Dobby is, I can spare his life." Owen raised his wand and spread his hands, looking like he was in a good position to negotiate.

But his 'goodwill' was not well rewarded.

Those goblins, seeing him as if he were facing a formidable enemy, stretched out their waxy, exaggeratedly long hands one by one, and then cast spells on him.

One after another, dark red curses rushed towards him like beating evil hearts.

For the first time, Owen felt genuinely sick as he looked at the curse.

"Shameless." After saying that, he quickly waved his wand, the blue silver gray, trying to resist all those spells.


He cast the Iron Armor Curse, but the effect was not very good.

The red curse was like some kind of corrosive slime, 'sticking' to his light blue, illusory armor. Although he couldn't hear the sound, Owen seemed to be able to hear the hiss coming from the armor. Corrosion sound.


He raised his eyebrows, and ancient magic instantly overflowed.

The majestic magic power directly tore those spells into pieces.

Silver brilliance condensed at the tip of the staff, filling his cheeks with a layer of silver frost filled with a certain destructive light.

"Soul Torrent!"

The magic was condensed, and then he pushed out violently,

Then there was an explosion, and that was the goblin closest to him.

Its body suddenly began to crack, like the scorching sun burning a rock wall. The skin, flesh, and bones began to crack and emit purple light. Finally, the entire goblin was turned into nothingness in an explosion.

And this is far from the end, the wave-like magic continues.

He raised the tip of his stick lightly, and suddenly a series of firecrackers sounded in his ears.

"You're such a loser and you still imitate other people's housebreaking and robbery?"

"Tch—" He smiled disdainfully.

"But that curse magic is a bit interesting. It can actually corrode the iron armor curse."

You know, although the Iron Armor Curse sounds like a random fish spell, in fact, it is a very powerful spell.

It can generate a magic shield out of thin air and deflect and disperse objects or spells to protect the caster and a certain surrounding area.

It is one of the most commonly used spells by wizards.

Historically, the wizard who invented this curse has been unable to be verified. If he could be found, such a spell alone would be enough to leave his name in history.

Because the Iron Armor Curse can resist almost any spell in the magical world except the Killing Curse, even for black magic like the Fire Curse, the Iron Armor Curse can also defend against it, but of course the protection time may not be too long.

But now, Owen has discovered a new curse that can break the iron armor curse, which surprises him.


Just after Owen dealt with the group of goblins outside who were preparing dinner for the little wizard, the door of the cold storage suddenly cracked, and then several more goblins ran out from inside.

One of them opened his bow and nocked an arrow, and aimed at him, he would shoot a poisonous arrow covered in green juice.

"Brother, I'm telling you." Owen suddenly tightened his left hand. The next moment, as if pulled by some strong gravity, the bow and arrow in the goblin's hand actually broke free and flew towards him.

"Don't make a sound for future sneak attacks!"

After that, Owen, who clenched his left fist, threw it casually, and all the marbles under the goblin's feet suddenly flew into the air. The pieces were like dust in the real world. Before the goblin could struggle, they surrounded the clowns and buried them. Into the side wall.


After cursing, Owen immediately set off and got into the cold storage.

The moment he entered, the smell suddenly increased a bit.


He frowned and looked around. The wand in his hand is always ready to spit out green light.

Originally, all the countless meats displayed here have disappeared.

Even the shelves where the meat was displayed were gone.

Empty and lifeless.

All that was left was the glow from the burning torches on the walls.

It's like burning a hole in the night.

After walking a few steps, he came to the familiar bronze door.

"Alas -" Owen shook his head helplessly.

In front of him, the chess game was broken. Judging from the few pieces of parchment scattered on the ground, it seemed that a certain red-haired boy had lost something. Owen guessed that the guy probably didn't know that his chess records had been stolen.

"This kid - Zizhen" He was speechless.

There were already some guesses about the cause of this incident. It was probably that Ron used the incident in the kitchen secret room as bragging rights to show off to others. This made Koyatel, who was already involved with the goblin, Have thoughts. Then it caused so many things.

Maybe the goblins would not sneak into Hogwarts so quickly. Ron, the little butterfly, undoubtedly pressed the double speed button for the development of this matter.

Owen had no doubt about the truth of his speculation.

Because for a young wizard of this age, fourteen or fifteen years old, it is normal for him to brag a few words in front of a beautiful girl. It is not normal for him to be scolded. It is normal for him to be anxious.

Not to mention a group of young wizards, even some of them in their thirties or forties are still not like that?

However, Ron's momentary euphoria seems to have caused too much consequences.

With a sigh, Owen opened his legs and walked in.

Behind the bronze door is a mountain crevice, which is only narrow enough for one person to walk through. Looking up, he can even see the dark clouds in the sky.

The cliffs on both sides are covered with green moss, probably because it is very hot and humid here.

Yes. Sultry.

It was obviously a bitter cold winter outside, but in this narrow mountain crevice, it was particularly muggy.

It's weird, but magical.


As he walked forward, no snowflakes drifted in from above his head. This made Owen wonder if the top of his head was like the ceiling of the auditorium, just a magical illusion.

There are ancient stone steps under your feet. There are gaps in many places, and the gaps are not neat. There is a piece here, and there is a piece there. Some of them look intact, but when you step on them, they will immediately break. If you're not careful, you'll fall over.

Moreover, there are traces of time on these steps, and such damage cannot be repaired using the repair spell.

Continue walking down the wall.

Owen noticed that the stone steps under his feet seemed to be pointing downwards as a whole.

As time goes by, the walls on both sides are gradually growing taller.

The snowy sky also disappeared.

Instead there was water, lake water.

He seemed to be at the bottom of a black lake, with the water hanging upside down above his head. You can even see fish swimming by.

Of course, the distance is too far, maybe it's a mermaid.

Finally, I walked for another ten minutes, maybe longer.

Finally, when Owen began to breathe heavily, the steps covered with moisture under his feet came to an end.

He had never walked up such a long staircase.

At first Owen thought it was another staircase trick like the one in the underground secret room.

But the scenery above his head was changing in real time, which constantly reminded him that this was not some magic trick.

"Huh..." Breathing heavily, he saw a vague wall not far away.

A black wall.

Very new--

Yes, if it were elsewhere, the difference between old and new might not be so noticeable. But when the surrounding walls and the stone steps under your feet are all covered with thousands of years of weathering, but when you see a wall with masonry structure still visible in front of you, you will sigh, it is very new.

It is certain that this must have been blocked here by people later. Originally, this road should have been smooth.


"The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

It was a dark environment, with no sunlight coming in from the bottom of the lake, and there were no torches.

Although the surroundings are not invisible, they are still blurry and require careful identification.

As Owen's voice sounded, the invisible sword suddenly cut through the air, followed by a "pop" sound, and the sound of a sharp blade cutting flesh.

"Bang!" Something fell to the ground again.

This kind of sound can travel very far through the narrow and empty mountain crevice. The mountains on both sides form a natural echo stone, so all sounds are strengthened.

oh! Owen grinned as he walked out of the darkness and finally saw what was underneath him. It was an elf head that was much larger than a human head. The pointed ears and beard were particularly easy to identify.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you just now." As he said that, several more sharp blades flew by. The goblins guarding them barely resisted, and all of them died.

Blood stained the walls. Blood stains flowed along the gaps in the wall tiles, and the structure was easily visible.

"After all, creatures like you are too short."

A strange disk is scattered next to the corpses of three or two goblins. It looks like a corona, but it's not part of the wall, so it should be something brought by the goblins.

Owen was not sure of its purpose, but judging from the remaining dark red stains on it that could not be wiped off, it was definitely a murder weapon, and it was unknown how many souls were lingering on it.

However, he didn't have time to study the things of these lowly creatures.

He was still anxious to find out the secret of this secret room.

Walking up to the black wall, Owen tapped lightly with his wand.

In just a moment, he knew how to open it.

Ancient magic lingered on the tip of the wand, and then he touched the wall with his wand.

The next moment, just like ripples in the lake, the black wall also rippled like waves. The bricks and stones tightened against each other, and gradually, light seeped out from the gaps.

Golden, warm light shone on Owen's body, and a comfortable, warm, and Hufflepuff common room feeling spread from the bottom of his heart.

"Whoops!" Just as a half-man-high hole opened in the wall, an arrow suddenly shot out from the light.

Owen flicked his wand and flicked it away.

The light faded.

What comes into view is a grassy beach, extremely lush, with tough grass buds stretching out and shaking in the air.

It was as if he was on the seabed of a shallow sea, with the current swaying and carrying the seaweed.

Further ahead, there is a huge tree, with leaves exuding a little bit of light. Like the one planted in the secret room beneath the castle.

It is this tree that holds up this small canopy, isolating the lake from the outside.

"Miss Granger?"

oh! He suddenly understood why he always felt like something was missing when he saw Ron just now.

It turns out Hermione is missing.

The little witch just went to the professors to inform them. Ten minutes later, she should be either in the infirmary or in the courtyard waiting for his return, or she could go directly to Hogsmeade.

He knew her, Hermione couldn't sit still, and the recklessness of Gryffindor was clearly demonstrated in her.


It's that red curse again.

But this time it was speeding towards Hermione.

Miss Granger seemed to know how difficult this spell was, so she did not raise her wand to resist it, but turned sideways to avoid it.

The colleague who stood firm responded with a fire spell.

"It's really troublesome." The old goblin who released the curse cursed.

Then he extinguished the flame with just a few fingers.

He was a little frightened, and his wrinkled face was full of eagerness.

They took too long.

It shouldn't have taken so long.

The original plan was for them to sneak into the castle with the help of Ludo Bagman and be evacuated within a few hours.

By the time dawn comes, they should already be in the Fairy Kingdom.

But now - the woman's body has still not been found, and the identity of the two witches in front of them is wrong. One has thin blood and only has a small amount of ancient magic, and the other - their presumed heir, does not have a drop of ancient magic in his body. .

I worked all night and all morning, but gained nothing.

Now it can only pray that Dumbledore discovers the changes here later and gives them some time.

"Alan, the brat is not dead!" The old goblin, with his eyelids twitching wildly, suddenly shouted towards a piece of lush seaweed.

"No, damn old man." Then a very young-looking goblin got up from the ground. "This woman is obviously not the heir, why is she so strong?"

"Hiss! It hurts me so much. I almost died."

There was a big hole burned into the silver armor on its chest, and there was also a black mark that was obviously burned on its green skin.

There seemed to be some smell of roasted meat floating in the air.

It was evident that it had been badly damaged by Miss Granger.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The next second, Owen opened his mouth.

The shrill death curse, the soul-stealing god of death, the sickle swung down, taking the goblin named Allen with it in an instant.

"There's no need to be close now." He walked over step by step. The eyes flashed with violent fire.

"Wait, don't kill him." Miss Granger quickly stopped her. She was still afraid that Owen would directly kill the last source of information.

"Don't worry-" Owen looked at the old goblin sarcastically. "How could I be willing to kill it?"

The wand stirred with light, blocking all the spells cast by the incompetent and furious old goblin in front of him.

Owen's fight highlights a sense of oppression. He is obviously just defending, but the jumping and crazy aura on his body is like a demon in the vestibule of hell. He is always watching, looking for the right opportunity to go up and take a bite.

The old goblin he suppressed was gasping for air.

Gradually, it started to panic more and more, and the loose muscles on its face were shaking.

The frequency and angle of casting spells became random, and they relied on the curse cast by the strange red magic power to fight Owen.

Obviously this is just a futile exercise to kill time.

After more than ten seconds, Owen found an angle and cast the Petrification Curse and the Obstacle Curse to kill him on the spot.

knock off!

Ask the professor to clean the floor!

"Oh! God—"

Speaking of Cao Cao, Liu Bei arrived. Just after Owen killed the two goblins, Professor McGonagall's voice came from outside the black wall.

Owen ignored it and walked towards Hermione.

Seeing Owen getting closer and closer, Miss Granger suddenly became nervous. She covered her left hand with her right hand, as if to cover up something. When the boy came closer and was close to her by a few inches, she even revealed her nakedness. A panicked expression as if something had happened.

"Yes, that's the expression you should have, Miss Granger."

Owen grabbed her left hand.

There was a horrific wound on her jade-like arm, and blood was oozing from the wound.

When he grabbed her roughly, the girl couldn't help but moan in pain.


"Does it hurt?"

The hand he was holding relaxed slightly.


I don't know why, but Hermione, who had been pretending to be strong just a second ago, had mist in her eyes the moment Owen asked.

"It's okay if it hurts!" The boy deliberately pressed her palm.

Hermione frowned immediately.

"It's okay, it's okay." Owen sighed several times. This wound was also a stab wound, just like the wound on Weasley's body, but the location was different.

But for some reason, Miss Granger seemed to be fine.

This made Owen feel slightly relieved. It was just a normal skin injury that could be easily treated.

Then, he reached out his hand and took out a bottle of Bai Xian from the pocket of his underwear. In fact, it was not just Bai Xian. In his pocket, there were various treasure collections of Professor Sprout. Except for the particularly precious ones, there was only one. of the kind, and he had the rest.

Bai Xian is what he reserves the most.

As a magical medicine for healing trauma, he naturally has a lot of it in stock.

After smearing the crushed white fresh food evenly on Hermione's arm and brushing it again, the hideous and terrifying wound disappeared. The white arm exuded a tender luster and looked extremely healthy.

"A goblin came to me dressed as an elf and asked me to help them complete a ritual. As long as the ritual was completed, they would release Ginny.

After coming here, they just took my blood and I"

"Stop, Miss Granger." Owen used a cleaning spell to clean up all the blood stains on her arms. "You should say these words to Dumbledore, not me."

"I'm sorry," she said.

"Why do you want me to apologize?" Owen ran his fingers through her hair, held her cheek in his palm, and rubbed it, "If you die, I will burn the world to the ground and build a castle from the ashes. , living alone in it forever.”

"Huh?" Hermione stared at him with her brown eyes.

"Just kidding!" Owen added, "When the time comes, I will marry seventeen or eighteen girls, and then I will happily fight with them every day."

"what do you think?"

"." Miss Granger was silent for a moment, then raised her head and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry."

"Phew!" He took a deep breath, then looked at her solemnly, "I hope you can be more cautious."

"I can't watch you die."


"Hey, if you can, could you two separate a bit and tell me where that Miss Weasley is."

Dumbledore suddenly came over.

Hermione noticed him and quickly took a few steps back to distance herself from Owen.

A little face turned red instantly.

"Ginny, oh! By the way, Ginny!" Suddenly Miss Granger finally remembered that she had a good best friend who was in trouble.

She immediately waved her wand, and then right where she stood, the land slowly rose up, and a mummified girl wrapped in green grass was revealed.

Hermione was a little embarrassed, and while waving her wand to remove the seaweed from Ginny's body, she explained, "I snatched her away, just when I was fighting the goblin."

"I have to find a place to hide her because I can't fight with her."

"Hmm -" Dumbledore frowned, not blaming anything. As long as people are fine, Hogwarts cannot accept students leaving forever.

But when he saw the blood on the seaweed, his brows furrowed again.

"The goblins used a broken dagger to cut our arms. They first took my blood, but they seemed not satisfied and disappointed, and then took Ginny's." Said, Miss Granger paused, "I don't know why, but she passed out all of a sudden. Her face became extremely pale."

"I resisted out of desperation——"

Owen lowered his head and looked at Ginny, whose left arm was also injured, "Same symptoms as other Weasleys."

"Yeah." Dumbledore nodded.

"What do you think is the reason for this?" he asked again.

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