I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 301 Shocking Secret, The Curse of the Weasley Family

"Oh my God!"

At this time, Harry and Justin on the side noticed the scar on Ron's back, and they screamed. He stood up and walked over.

"Ron, you-" The wound seemed to be bleeding, and Harry was stunned and said, "Don't you feel the pain?"

"It hurts?" Ron was lying on the ground, his chin hitting the floor tiles, and he reluctantly turned around with a look of confusion on his face, "Why does it hurt?"

"He scratched my hand and it hurt."

The red-haired boy glanced at Owen resentfully.

"It's not this -" Harry was a little dumbfounded. He reached out and poked the wound on Ron's waist, "Don't you feel pain here?"

"I don't think so. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? It seems like someone cut off a piece of your flesh here!" Justin stared at him and roared in a low voice.

"Why don't you feel pain? There's still blood!" Harry also added.

"That's not blood." After saying that, Owen let go of Ron. He slowly stood up and sat back on the bench. "That's a kind of magic, a very corrosive black magic."

"Dark magic?" Upon hearing this, Harry's eyes widened, and then a ball of anger burned from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. That was his best friend, the most important person to him. Someone in the castle dared to attack Ron and used black magic!

The next second, Harry almost shouted, questioning Ron. "How dare someone attack Ron!?"

For a moment, he thought of a certain Slytherin wizard.

Or maybe a wizard from another school was jealous of Ron and Koatl being together, so they launched a sneak attack?

Many young wizards in the auditorium were attracted by Harry's roar.

Everyone was a little scared looking at his wide eyes.

But to Owen's ears, the deep friendship in this voice was the most moving.

"It's not nonsense. He was not attacked. Did he hit his waist by himself?" Owen whispered, then looked around. In an instant, all the doubtful eyes turned elsewhere, "The question is where is the murderer?" ,besides--"

And - that woman.

Owen picked up the warm porridge in front of him and took a sip.

Before, he thought that Ron's body was hollowed out due to excessive waistline. Now it seems that there is something wrong with that Koyatel.

Could it be that she was in cahoots with the goblin?

It shouldn’t be! How long had she been in England? How could she have time to hook up with a goblin?

Moreover - she doesn't seem to be someone who would collude with goblins. As we all know, the older the bloodline of a family, the more they look down on these humanoid intelligent beings. Even half-bloods like Umbridge look down on creatures like centaurs. As for Koatl, the blood of the founder of Ilvermorny flows in her body. Except for a few older families, no one can compete with her in terms of blood. How could such a person compete with Greedy, mean fairies hanging out together?

And what benefits can fairies give?

It's nothing more than some mithril swords, magic armor and the like. It's hard for even ordinary wizards to impress such things, let alone a noble palace flower like Coatl.

"What's wrong?" Ron, who was lying on the ground, got up.

Harry quickly mended his clothes.

"He is -" Justin looked at Ron in confusion. Although the wound was not really exaggerated, did he not notice that he was injured?

"He must have been cast a forgetting spell." Owen explained, "It seems that I really want to have a good chat with Koyatel."

After saying that, Owen showed a cruel smile. This woman had problems anyway. He had not directly searched her memory because of Dumbledore's warning, but now - he was too lazy to play hide-and-seek with her anymore.

"So what happened?" Seeing Owen's face becoming more and more serious, and Harry and the others frowning, Ron realized that they were not kidding him, something big was really going to happen. .

"Wait a minute - what are you going to talk to Koyatel about?" Ron hurriedly sat on the bench. Look at him seriously.

Owen responded to his gaze calmly, and then told about the recent disaster faced by the Weasley family.

Including the fact that Percy, Charlie, and Bill were all attacked.

And as he gradually revealed all the recent events and the shadows lingering near the castle, the little wizards present could not help but show shocked expressions.

"What?" Ron's eyes were wide open, and his bulging eyeballs seemed to be about to fall out.

He looked at Owen in disbelief. If he hadn't felt a thumb-sized depression on his waist and abdomen, he would never have believed Owen's words.

"Percy is really..." Ron suddenly became worried, "I thought he didn't want to have too much contact with his family after he became an official, because he was afraid that we would embarrass him."

"Maybe there is a reason for this." Owen curled his lips, feeling speechless for this crazy guy. I'm afraid the Forgetting Curse couldn't cover it up.

What has this guy been thinking about lately.

Ron, who was rare, did not contradict Owen, but asked urgently, "What should we do now?"

"First of all -" Owen said seriously, "you have to first confirm whether George and Fred, oh! and Ginny have been attacked."

Then, he turned to look at Harry and said, "Go to Sirius. He should be in Moody's office at this time. Ask him if he has discovered anything recently."

"As for me, I'm going to talk to Dumbledore!"

With that said, Owen stood up and ran out of the auditorium. When he was near the door, he suddenly remembered something and turned back, "About that Coyatel, she must have some problems. Hold her steady first, don't expose that you have already Know these things.”

He said to Ron.

Then, he rushed out of the auditorium again.

"Damn the weather, why is it still snowing? Is it over?"

Owen, who was running in the corridor, ran into a group of third-grade wizards. They were wearing sky-blue bow ties and holding mechanical models of various planetary orbits. It looked like they were going to astronomy class.

Outside the window, it was still snowing lightly. This time, granular snowflakes like small sand sprinkled from the sky. Although they were not big, the faces of these little wizards were still full of complaints.

After two months of continuous cloudiness, the astronomy class finally changed from observing stars to memorizing papers.

What they have to remember every day is either who discovered the star, its volume, distance, and size, or to calculate its orbit. This class is comparable to Muggle advanced mathematics, which makes many young wizards miserable. Compared with Bored with their quills, they would rather stay at the observatory to observe the stars at twelve o'clock in the cold morning.

At least that would be more interesting.

"Yes! It's been a strange year this year. The winter has been so long."

Owen, who ran all the way, also had doubts in his heart.

Yes - this winter is indeed a bit strange. I have never seen such heavy and lasting snow in the Scottish Highlands.

This trouble did not linger in his heart for too long. Soon, as Owen climbed the stairs leading to the principal's office, he forgot about this winter.

Open the door to the principal's office.

Still those familiar eyes.

The principals' gazes projected from the ceiling focused on Owen.

"A little wizard was attacked." Owen said bluntly.

Under the ceiling, Dumbledore was sitting on his desk admiring someone's writing. It was a letter composed of parchment paper. It could be seen from the slightly raised corners of the pages that he must have turned over these parchments. Paper countless times.

"What happened?" The old principal put down the letter. His long silver hair and beard, wise blue eyes behind half-moon glasses, and aquiline nose stopped to look at him at the same time.

"It's Ron. Percy should have told you what happened to him during this time!" Owen walked over and sat down on the edge of the table with countless shiny magic props, "This time It was Ron, he was attacked near Hogwarts, presumably at least a week ago, since he hasn't been out of the castle this week."

"Of course - if someone breaks into the castle, it won't be easy to tell."

He grabbed a cup of the new milk tea - Phoenix Four Seasons Spring on the table, took a sip, and then breathed out a ball of fire like bubbles, and the fire looked exactly like Phoenix Fox.

"Goblin?" The old principal frowned slightly.

"I think so." Owen said, and then he looked at Dumbledore, "Don't you have great powers? Isn't there a hidden thread hidden in the goblins?"

"I don't think so." Dumbledore said matter-of-factly.

"That's a shame." Owen said with some disappointment, and then jumped down from the table.

The old principal suddenly raised his head and looked at Owen, "Tell me your speculation. I think you must have an idea."

"There are some." Owen did not choose to hide it. "I just looked at the family tree of Ron's family. Three of the four heirs after Merlin are Ron's elders. This is obviously abnormal. If goblins attack What purpose does Ron and the others have? It can only be to find the real heir."

"Otherwise, why didn't you come earlier and later? Why would you show up at this time?"

Owen walked to Dumbledore's desk with a complicated expression, and picked up the letter opener used to cut the letters from the corner of his pile of letters.

You know, from the time he was recognized by Chiron, to opening the cave to witnessing ancient magic for the first time, and then to the underground chamber of Hogwarts, it only happened in one year.

And if we only count his opening of the Hogwarts underground chamber, only a few months have passed, which is highly consistent with the time when goblins began to appear near the castle.

It was obvious that those guys were coming for him, but they didn't know that the heir had changed his family.

As he spoke, Owen held the letter opener in his right hand, pressed it against the palm of his left hand, and with a slight slide, bright red immediately poured out.

The dark red blood was like an expanding gem. The dark blush was like a rare treasure. Then, he took out a glass bottle he carried with him and dripped blood into the bottle.

Therefore, all members of the Weasley family were cut open, which shows that the flesh and blood of the real heir must be different from ordinary people.

Owen picked up the glass and looked at it for a long time. Dumbledore was also looking at it.

But with his naked eyes, he really couldn't see any difference in the blood.

Therefore, Owen gave the bottle to the principal and asked him to study it. Could it be possible that the heir could become immortal by eating a piece of Tang Monk's flesh?

Huh - Owen shivered, whether from cold or shock.

Owen was a little disappointed that he couldn't get any information from Dumbledore.

It always felt like since he started to deal with some things in the castle, Old Deng had his head turned and he lay down. Don't care about anything, don't worry about anything anymore. I don’t know what I’m busy with all day long, I just don’t do anything serious!

Is he a little too comfortable?

Owen always felt that it was time to give Old Deng a little extra work.

In the afternoon, in Charms class, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor were teaching together.

The spell they were going to practice today was exactly the opposite of the summoning spell - the banishing spell. Because things flying around the classroom could easily cause accidents, Professor Flitwick gave each student a large pile of soft pads to practice with, so that if they went astray, they wouldn't get hurt. The idea was good, but the execution was not smooth.

Neville was so inaccurate when chanting spells that he always accidentally sent heavy objects flying all over the room, such as Professor Flitwick.

Our Gryffindor Sword Master has achieved the honorable achievement of beating the "Professor flying all over the sky". Thinking about this unprecedented feat, no one will be able to surpass it easily for many years to come.

This class is an ideal umbrella for secret communication, because the little wizards are having a lot of fun, and the classroom is full of laughter. They don't even care about Owen and the others sitting in the last row of the classroom, who are secretly poking at each other. .

Several times over the past half hour, Owen had told Hermione in sections what had happened in the Great Hall.

"So, did something happen to George and the others?" Then, Owen said in a low voice.

"No." Ron responded in the same low voice, "I should be the first one in the castle."

"Where's Ginny? I haven't seen her in a few days." Hermione then asked.

"She followed Fred to decorate the room. As you know, she had strong opinions on George and Fred's decoration plan." Ron replied softly.

At this time, Professor Flitwick was flying over their heads with a helpless expression. It landed on a large cabinet against the wall.

"As long as we stay in the castle, nothing will happen." Ron said with certainty. He had obviously relaxed after learning that nothing happened to his two brothers and sister.

Besides, he didn't think that the so-called goblins had the ability to invade Hogwarts. If they really did, they would have done it hundreds of years ago.

"Okay, we can forget about the attack for the time being." Ron suddenly grinned, and a smile appeared on his pale face. Even in the cold season, there was still a lot of fine sweat on his forehead.

Sweat wet the red hair on his forehead and made it tangled.

Seeing Ron like this, Harry suddenly felt very sad.

He had no family - the only one he cared about was Sirius, and as for the Dursleys, they wished they were dead.

Harry couldn't imagine that he would do better than Ron if Sirius were attacked one day, or - something worse happened.

He would definitely be more panicked and angry than Ron, and eventually do something he would regret for the rest of his life because of his recklessness.

"By the way, Hermione, have you solved the secret of the locket?"

As he spoke, Ron waved his wand and recited a banishing spell. The spell wrapped around the cushion, flipped around in the air, and fell very lightly into the box where it should have fallen.

"Untied!" Hermione said confidently but distressedly.

"It took me a long time to understand - 'Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future, look for it! It is in the most inconspicuous place, but it is everywhere in the castle.' Where does it refer to." She said with joy.

"——Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future. This must mean that the secret room in Hogwarts where Salazar Slytherin stayed in his later years. According to legend, there is only the real Slytherin. Only the heir can open it, and the monster inside will kill any student the heir deems unworthy of learning magic - like me."

"Merlin's beard - if you are not worthy, ninety-nine percent of the students in the castle should be expelled." Ron said in surprise.

Harry beside him nodded frequently.

"This is just a legend. Since the Chamber of Secrets can be used as a competition venue, no matter what is in it, it should have been cleaned up." Hermione said with a straight face, but the raised eyebrows seemed to confirm that she was in a good mood at this time. .

Then, she paused for a moment, and then continued, "The puzzle behind it is in the most inconspicuous place, but it is everywhere in the castle."

As she spoke, her cheeks suddenly became unnatural, as if she was embarrassed to say the next words, "It was Myrtle who reminded me that the most inconspicuous place, but everywhere, is the sewer pipe of the castle."

"Huh?" Ron and Harry were stunned, but they turned around and thought, yes, pipes are found on all floors of the castle, but they are not everywhere. Pipes are usually buried in walls and floor tiles, so they are naturally inconspicuous.

"I checked carefully and found some strange marks on the walls of the castle." (Marks left by Owen.)

"The location they pointed to happened to be the girls' restroom on the third floor."

"Myrtle's bathroom?"

"Yes, I have discovered that the sink in the center of the bathroom is hollow. There must be a hole underneath it, but-" As she spoke, Miss Granger's slightly stretched face suddenly twisted together again, " That pool must have been enchanted, and I can't move it away with any spell."

"Is it possible that you opened it the wrong way?" Ron continued, seeming to consciously want to bring the topic to Hermione.

"If it was the old devil Salazar, he must have used some method that only he and his evil descendants could use to create that entrance."

"Ron." Miss Granger frowned slightly, "No matter what, Slytherin is one of the founders of Hogwarts. You shouldn't slander him like this. Besides, according to "Hogwarts" , a school history" tells that hundreds of years ago, there was no such thing as a toilet in the castle. Wizards usually used disappearing spells to, ahem, solve certain needs. So that pool is definitely not Salazar Slater Lin Jian built it.”

"But - it must have been built by his descendants." Ron was a little reluctant, still opening his mouth full of ridicule of Slytherin College, "There is a founder of the Dark Lord, so that college is rich in black people. Devil."

"Listen to his legend. How to clean up all the wizards who are not worthy of learning magic? Will the monster in the secret room politely send wizards like you to the train?"

As soon as Ron finished speaking, Hermione's anger surged into her heart. She stared at him and looked at him angrily, "How come a wizard like me - even Muggle-born wizards don't deserve names these days?" Have you? Have you all become a 'wizard like me'?

snort! If you really think so, that would be great, even for a wizard like me—" She looked absolutely furious. The more she investigated the so-called Slytherin Chamber of Secrets recently, the more irritated she became. Big, she really didn't understand why Dumbledore would allow such a place to be used as a competition venue. If she were the principal, the day after she discovered the secret room, she would blow the secret room to the sky with a spell and destroy it forever. Buried in the ground.

"One day."

At this time, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

Professor Flitwick helplessly avoided the chandelier that was about to hit him, and flew in the sky to announce the end of get out of class.

Hermione quickly put away the books on the table, and then said with a slightly trembling voice, "Look, the wind of history will eventually blow away the shackles that oppress wizards. One day, those discriminations based on blood will become just There are words in books!”

After that, she rushed out of the classroom angrily.

After she walked out of the classroom, Ron suddenly fell silent, then packed up his books in a daze, and then squeezed into the crowd and walked out of the classroom without waiting for Harry and the others.

"What's wrong with him?" Even the nervous Harry noticed that Ron was a little weird.

He seemed to be deliberately irritating Hermione and kept changing the subject.

"Obviously, he has secrets in his heart." Owen put the book in his pocket.

He wrote it down silently in his heart.

On January 19, 1995, Ron Weasley angered Miss Granger once.

In order to take the overall situation into consideration and explore the secrets in his heart, he stood still.

Wait until autumn to settle accounts!

You need to keep a close eye on this guy for a few days.


The 20th, according to the Ming Dynasty calendar, today is the Great Cold. It was the coldest day of the year, and the Scottish Highlands did not disappoint.

The snow has not stopped since morning.

The terrifying wind and snow were swept by the strong wind, crackling on the windows and making a noisy sound.

Owen was woken up at around five o'clock in the morning.

Then when he tried to continue sleeping, he found that the sound in his ears was getting louder and louder, as if someone was playing drums in his ears. He was still a little sleepy at first, but after closing his eyes for five minutes, he felt very energetic. .

At this time, Owen began to envy Nick's free door.

If he had a random door, it would definitely be connected to Miss Granger's door. He took her over to sleep with her every night. I thought he would sleep particularly soundly holding Miss Granger in his arms.

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