I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 275 Unique fighting method

The sword missed him.

A "boom" sound was embedded in the earth.

Cedric, who barely dodged the sword, half-knelt on the ground and raised his head with difficulty. In his field of vision, on the cracked earth, magic puppets dozens of feet long slowly and terrifyingly crawled out of the ground.

Each body is filled with metallic luster and fluorescent magic.

The solid armor makes people wonder whether the magic spell thrown on it will be useful!

At this time, Cedric is facing the biggest test in his life.

Five hill-like ancient puppets, plus a giant dragon that covers the sky and the sun.

No matter how he looked at it, it was impossible for him to get the golden egg, but——

"I can't give up!"

"I'm the first, everyone is watching me, I can't surrender, I can't embarrass Hogwarts!"

He was struggling inside.

But the more he struggled, the firmer the answer he got.

Yes - he must not surrender.

Even if he dies on the field.

He has dignity, especially when Hufflepuff defeated the other three major colleges to win the Academy Cup for three consecutive years. His pride for three consecutive years did not allow him to bow his head.

Finally, he gritted his teeth. His left hand covered his dislocated right hand. With a sudden push upward, there was a "click" and the right arm was pushed back into place.

He roared, his tough expression moving everyone.

"He is a strong young man!" Professor Flitwick praised.

On the rostrum, the principals also nodded repeatedly at Cedric's performance.

Few people have such courage.

When most of them encounter this situation, they will run away in panic or stay in place.

"I'm just curious about what other treasures Professor Sprout gave him!"

Owen stared curiously at the bag on Cedric's waist.

It's absolutely filled with the professor's treasures.


At the scene, Cedric's situation was not optimistic. His left hand was empty, and the mustard in his palm had been knocked away by the bump just now.

Without the mustard in his palm, it meant that he had to pass the ancient puppet level first.

Fortunately, Balk did not fly over, but guarded the golden egg. This was one of the few pieces of good news.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know what to do.

"I still have a chance!" Cedric took out the bag from his waist and held it tightly in his hand.

The next moment, the magic puppet holding a long sword rushed towards him.

The sword held high, with a mountain-like momentum, was ferocious and terrifying.

"Boom!" Sharp fell to the ground again.

Cedric ducked, holding his wand.

The scene was filled with smoke and dust again.

Blocking the view of the audience in the stands.

"Where did he go?" In the stands, the little wizard covered his mouth repeatedly. This game was too thrilling!

Cedric was literally dancing on the edge of a knife.

Every step is a journey on the edge of life and death.

Is this the Triwizard Tournament?

It’s hard to imagine how the little wizards in the past could pass the level.

No wonder it was suspended due to the high death toll.

In the venue, the smoke and dust gradually dispersed.

The only large sword left on the site is here.

And in everyone's sight, Cedric has long disappeared.

Everyone kept looking for his location.

Just as the audience was guessing that Cedric would suddenly appear somewhere and attack those magic puppets.

Suddenly, there was an obvious vibration under their feet.

Yes, even they who were sitting in the stands, far away from the playing field, felt a shock coming from their feet.

Then, they saw that the ground in the competition venue was like a swamp, bubbling and squirming constantly.

It was as if something was traveling rapidly underground.

Don’t wait for anyone to speculate.

"Bang!" With a sound, a magic puppet took the lead in launching an attack.

It raised its sword and slashed towards the ground.

The big sword made of an unknown metal easily tore open the rocky surface, revealing its 'blood vessels' like flesh and blood.

Those are ferocious, terrifying blood vessels.

Squirming blood vessels.

"It's - Poison Vine!" Many Hufflepuff wizards recognized that magical plant.

Under the earth, the knotted, entangled, and twitching vines were like dark, thick, python-like vines, squirming wantonly in the earth.

Each one had thick wizard arms.

The appearance is dark purple, and the rhizomes are covered with tooth-like barbs.

This year Professor Sprout introduced this new variety of miraculous plant originating from the research of shamans in Africa in class.

Speaking of which, this thing is similar to the devil's net. The difference is that after artificial grafting and transformation, its vines are stronger and tougher.

This is because its branches and vines are full of poisonous juice.

Its vines are covered with various barbs. If a wizard accidentally falls into this vine, the barbs will immediately pierce into the wizard's body, causing a mixture of petrification, paralysis, blood coagulation and other effects. The venom is injected into the body.

Then step by step, the uncontrolled wizard is dragged underground or into a dark corner, where he can become nourishment.

But similarly, the shortcomings of the Devil's Net have also been inherited by it, that is, it is very afraid of fire and sunlight.

This was the reason why Cedric was delighted and Bakar did not pursue them. Fire dragons were considered one of the few natural enemies of this plant.

In short, this is a magical plant with very obvious shortcomings but extremely dangerous.

Of course, if there were just a few poison ivy, everyone wouldn't be shocked by this. What really shocked them was the number of poison ivy.

There are simply too many.

Like a burst balloon, after the earth cracked, dark purple vines burst out all over the ground.

The viscous liquid clings to its branches and vines, making it look very oozing.

Those shiny barbs are like purple monsters that only grow in hell.

This kind of vines spread everywhere in the whole place.

For a moment, it seemed as if they were in the vestibule of hell.

"Bang!" That was the sound of stones being crushed by vines.

Suddenly exposed to the sun, the phototactic vines went into a frenzy. It attacked everything on the earth crazily, trying to drag everything into the endless underground depths.

"Qiang!" The ancient puppets were all tall and tall, so naturally they were the main targets of the vines.

The branches hit the huge sword, making a crisp sound.

Of course the puppets will not sit still and wait for death.

They waved the swords in their hands crazily, and countless vines were cut off with each swing.

Judging from the sight of the little wizards in the stands, this scene was quite shocking, especially when the vines that came one after another launched an attack without fear of death, while the sword master, who had already been dyed purple all over, waved his sword tirelessly.

This seems to be a battle between gods that happened in ancient times, but now it appears in front of the little wizards.

No one will be left with any more than a voice of exclamation.

"Look! Those puppets are swinging their swords slower."

"I know!"

A little Hufflepuff wizard jumped out.

In the Gryffindor stands, Neville was also explaining to Harry and Ron, "Although the venom of the poison vines has no effect on the metal puppets, the petrification effect contained in the juices still affects them. .

Although the effect is not very obvious, the amount is too much. "

"It's like the machine is stuck." Gemini said, whirring at the side.

"That's right." Neville nodded.

Although from their sight, you can clearly see that the purple juice has formed a thick layer of 'venom armor' on the puppet's body like a scab, and it is still getting thicker.

This is an important reason why the figure of the puppet becomes more and more blocked and slow.

Back to the Hufflepuff stand.

Justin opened his eyes excitedly, "Where's Cedric? He has restricted those puppets, as long as he can lure Bakar away."

"Bakar is no more stupid than the wizard. It won't be lured away." Hannah nervously grabbed the armrest of the stand, her eyes full of worry. Although she didn't take care of Bakar for a long time, she also came into contact with the dragon. However, I know that his intelligence is not much lower than that of Shilok.

It would be too difficult to lure it away.

"Wait, look!"

Suddenly Ernie pointed at some shiny things that suddenly appeared somewhere in the field.

That is?

"Bubble Pod!" Neville said loudly in the Gryffindor stands.

"Not only that, but also Poison Ivy Hands!"

Bubble Pods are magical plants that grow chubby pink pods filled with shiny beans. These beans will bloom as soon as they come into contact with a solid object.

Bubble Pods can fire or hurl beans at living creatures.

Poison Tentacle is a spiny green plant. Its vines are mobile and will attempt to grab nearby living prey. The twigs of the poisonous tentacles secrete venom, and its spikes are also highly poisonous. A bite from the venomous tentacles is fatal.

In addition, its body is covered with several big-mouth-like flowers, and it also sprays a strong acidic liquid at the surrounding living creatures.

In an instant, many such plants appeared around the entire inner circle.

Dots of beans and acid formed a barrage, and they were thrown at Bakar indiscriminately.

Of course, whether such an attack can break through the dragon's scales is a question.

But that's not Cedric's purpose.

On the melted pyramid, Bakar drooped his head and didn't even open his eyelids.

It firmly remembered its master's words.

Just stay here and don't go anywhere.

Let the little wizard play any tricks.

But things were counterproductive. It wanted to be calm, but the vines that had grown over were hooking its feet provocatively.

This made Bakar furious.

You said you can just give me a massage, why do you still touch the soles of others' feet?

How perverted.

At this time, the little wizard in the stands finally discovered Cedric's figure.

"Oh my God! How did he do it?"

screamed a young Beauxbatons wizard.

"He's actually flying in the sky? He drank the flying potion! This is a foul!" the little wizard with Durmstrang shouted.

In everyone's sight, Cedric was hiding in the sky, waving the wand in his hand.

A bright green potion fell like raindrops, and any vines contaminated with the potion would suddenly swell.

That should be a powerful growth agent.


The little wizard at Hogwarts also looked up.

I saw that Cedric was riding a reptile-like animal. There was no meat on their bodies. The black fur was tightly attached to the skeleton, and every bone was clearly visible.

The head resembles that of a dragon, and its pupil-less eyes are white and staring intently. Wings sprouted from the ridge between the shoulder bones—large, black leathery wings that looked like they should belong to a giant bat.

"Thestrals?" Of course the young wizard at Hogwarts knew what magical animal it was.

All of them could see the creature.


"Oh! That's a Thestral!" Mr. Bagman's eyes lit up in the stands, "No wonder we didn't find out where it jumped out from."

"As we all know, the Thestral is a flying horse. The most famous ability of this animal is that it is invisible to people who have not seen death. In other words: Only those who have witnessed death, and fully accept it and understand it can see the night. Qi——The above comes from what Mr. Newt, the famous magical zoologist around me, said."

"Seeing death? Understanding death?"

The young wizards from other colleges in the stands were stunned.

Then he looked around blankly.

Because they could clearly feel that the little wizards at Hogwarts could see this kind of creature. Their raised faces were full of strange looks, and they must have seen something.

They - have all witnessed death?

For a moment, the little wizards who were not from Hogwarts looked shocked.

If it is one person or a few scattered people. They can also understand that, after all, things in the world are unpredictable, and perhaps the death of a relative in their family has enabled them to see death.

But if the whole school could see it, it would not be a surprise, but a horror! ! !

What has happened to this British magic school?

At the scene, countless vines and fruits glistening with acid were attacking Bakar.

Finally, the giant dragon, unable to bear it any longer, waved its wings and broke away from the clawing vines. The force of a hurricane instantly cut off a large vine.

Then he opened his mouth, and the dazzling golden flames were like the golden light from the sun, destroying all the magical plants in the inner circle almost instantly.

Cedric in the air was also forced to return to the outer ground.

Because the hurricane caused by Bakar was so terrifying, it severely hindered the Thestral's flight. It was shaking all over and swaying from side to side. Cedric was worried that he would be blown directly out of the competition venue and had no choice but to land.

Bakar, who easily killed all of Cedric's plants, raised his head, relaxed and landed on the ground again, and lay down.

Everything seems to be back to where it started.

On one side is an indestructible ancient dragon, and on the other side is a war puppet more than ten feet tall.

Cedric, who had returned to the outer circle, could not even deal with those puppets, let alone reorganize his actions. He could only rely on the Thestrals to run around and dodge.

Time passes little by little.

In the stands, the little wizards at Hogwarts gradually became cold-hearted.

Because it was obvious that there was no way Cedric could finish the game.

He is at his wits end!

Another five minutes passed.

Cedric was finally hit by the magic puppet due to a lack of energy, a momentary loss of concentration, and a major mistake in his movement.

Although he immediately raised his wand to defend himself, the powerful physical impact still caused him to fly backwards, including both humans and animals.

"Pfft!" He spat out a large mouthful of blood and collapsed to the ground.

Fortunately, the Yeqi didn't fly out and hit him, otherwise he would have died here.

"Oh! No!!!" the little wizards shouted. But that didn't stop the magic puppet from pursuing Cedric directly.

Defeat has become a fact.

Although they were all frustrated, they didn't want to see any little wizard die, and it was their little wizard from Hogwarts.

"Quick! Save him!" the Hufflepuffs screamed.

Of course, not waiting for them to scream.

There was an extra figure in the arena.

It's Owen.

He suddenly appeared on the field, and then waved his magic wand. The ancient magic affected the electric switches of the puppets, directly cutting off their power. For a moment, the puppets seemed to have been petrified, standing motionless on the spot!

"I announce! The game is over. Cedric, the warrior from Hogwarts, has succeeded in challenging!!!"


I really like the words of the little wizards: "Huh?"

"Is Hogwarts so shameless now?"

"Then what's the point of competing? Let's just declare you the champions!"

“I suggest you just copy hundreds of Champions Cups, and you’ll only have one for each of you!”

"The void wins the championship, right?"

In an instant, there were shouts and curses from the little wizards from the other three schools.

The young wizard at Hogwarts also looked at Owen in confusion, not understanding why he would directly declare Cedric the winner.

"Shut up!!!"

Blessing Owen, who had a loud voice, he shouted loudly.

The third school wizard was so frightened that he lost his voice.

"How can you blame others for being blind?"

After he finished speaking, all the referees on the referee panel also stood up. Mr. Bagman said enthusiastically, "Genius ideas, perfect tactics, and the application of magical plants and magical animals have reached their peak! It's worthy of the praise. A Hufflepuff student!

I declare Cedric the winner! ! ! "

As his words fell, the little wizards noticed.

In the field, a half-dead Cedric was lying on the ground, and in his arms was a small thing that was stirring.

That's a Niffler! ! !

The little guy is covered in black fur and has a long muzzle. He is waving his little hands to prevent Cedric from reaching into the pocket on his belly.

However, its struggle did not last long.

Soon, Cedric made some noise and managed to stick his finger into its pocket.

With a slight hook, the golden and shining golden egg fell out.

It's not easy to catch it.

Cedric smiled.

He raised the golden egg high. Although the blood stains on the corners of his mouth were extremely conspicuous, it could not hide the excitement on his face.

Of course he didn't make a mistake and was hit by the puppet.

There is no way, this little guy is too difficult to catch.

There was only one plan and he had to make a desperate move.


He lay on the ground and gradually relaxed.

Fortunately, he prepared battle plan No. 2.

Originally, he felt that he could definitely win easily with the magic in his hand. After all, he was just dealing with an ordinary fire dragon.

And now - he was extremely grateful that he had the foresight to change the two plans.

"Huh!" He took a deep breath.

No matter how you say it, he won. Although it was difficult, he won! ! !

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