I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 221 Rising Tide

The Sphinx's answer surprised Dumbledore.

Immediately, his blue eyes looked at it with deep meaning.

Nod slightly towards it.

No one knows better than him how powerful the temptation is for wizards.

On the path of magic, the more talented a wizard is, the easier it is for him to go astray.

For most wizards, magic is just a matter of waving a wand and saying a few incantations.

Only a very small number of talented wizards clearly know what the nature of magic is and what powerful magic power will bring to them.

If this powerful force is not restrained, it is likely to bring disaster and destruction.

Voldemort is a good example.

Especially when he discovered that he inherited the bloodline of Salazar Slatin, his sense of uniqueness and his ambition to think that he was unique began to expand crazily.

He always believed that he was superior to others, and his arrogance was always spreading in his heart. Even in Hogwarts Castle, when facing the professors, although the young Riddle hid it well, Dumbledore could still see it. His self-centered and considerate of other people's feelings is full of dust.

He even thought he was God at the end.

And today's Irving has a tendency in this regard.

Even ancient magic is more precious and terrifying than Salazar's bloodline.

If he becomes as indifferent to the people around him as Voldemort and has no care in his heart, then one can imagine what kind of terrifying wizard there will be in the magical world in the future.

But from the current point of view, this child is different from Riddle.

Although he lost his parents, he had a complete family.

He lost the affection from his parents, but also gained the affection from others.

He has his own friends, knows what love is, and understands the meaning of life.

Even if he didn't say it, Dumbledore knew.

In Owen's heart, the man who brought him out of the orphanage, how much weight Grindelwald holds in his heart.

He has relatives. From the beginning, he had a powerful grandpa, right?

Thinking in his mind, a smile appeared on Dumbledore's lips.

So many years have passed.

The feud between him and Grindelwald had long been resolved.

The only thing he is grateful for now is that Grindelwald guided the child who should be guided most at the right time and led him to the right path, instead of allowing him to implement the bad ideas between wizards and Muggles.

What made him most gratified was Owen's treatment of Lupine.

He travels through time and ultimately saves Lupin.

This shouldn't have been done by him.

Yes, for a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child, no one would criticize him or anything, even if Owen did not choose to go back to the past at that time, but just stayed in the castle.

He won't say anything either.

But Owen went back.

He tried his best to save two innocent lives, although the final result was not due to him alone.

But – it’s the choice that matters.

Dumbledore looked at Owen through his glasses with eyes filled with relief and wisdom.

Even if we are stuck in a quagmire and surrounded by mud, we still have a choice and choose to be a good person.

Of course there are no perfect people in this world.

Even for himself, the pain of the past is still tormenting him, but at least - at least Irving now, he is satisfied.

He has done the best he can at this age and with this power.


Behind the gate are the figures leaving.

The huge beautiful head of the Sphinx watched them leave.

Then she slowly lay down again, closed her eyes tightly, and fell into a deep sleep again.

On the other side, everyone seemed to have entered some kind of divine realm.

As far as the eye can see, the surroundings are filled with huge marble statues and hollow metal patterns.

The hall they were in was like a flower bud, with petals woven from hollow metal, and an endless nebula above their heads. The flower center is a complete deep blue gemstone.

The Milky Way rotated above them.

As they walked, the gems under their feet began to glow with stars.

"Oh, God!" Hermione exclaimed.

Because she discovered that the starlight did not disperse, but penetrated directly into the gem floor.

Then the dots converged, eventually forming another part of the Milky Way.

Indescribably gorgeous and brilliant.

It looks like the Olympic Temple of Zeus.

"What kind of place is this?" Harry stared blankly at the floor, his heart filled with shock.

Such a magical place is rare even in Hogwarts.

Before discovering the Room of Requirement, Harry had never seen more than what he had seen so far - a magical place.

"Someone will explain it to us." The old principal smiled slightly.

Following his gaze, Owen looked and saw a mirror directly in front of them.

Simple, luxurious, and elegant, it is very similar to the Mirror of Erised in the castle.

But it is taller than the Mirror of Erised, about ten feet (four meters) long.

The same is covered with ancient runes.

The old principal looked at Owen.

He understood immediately.

Holding the wand in his hand, Owen slowly stepped forward.

Use the wand, wrapped in a trace of ancient magic, to gently tap the mirror.

Suddenly, the blurred mirror surface lit up with a warm light, and then all the dust and unknown dirt disappeared.

"Oh! Is someone here again?"

It was a rather old voice.

"Let me see who it is."

Then an old wizard appeared in the mirror.

"Principal Dexter?"

Owen was very surprised because he saw an acquaintance here.

He had seen the principal's portrait in the principal's office.

He is placed on the far right, near the dome.

The material used to make his portrait is not the common English oak, but a European tree species, an extinct tree species.

He was a very old wizard, with a snow-white beard and wrinkles on his face that made him look at least 150 years old.

His face was handsome and thin, his gray hair and slightly bulging back all showed the cruel marks left by the years.

He was wearing an exquisite magical robe, which was different from modern robes. The style of the robe, with the complex ancient runes engraved on it, was by no means a product of modern times, or even in the last few hundred years.

This is a very precious magic item.

Owen had only seen clothing like this in Nick's closet.

That is at least a thousand years of history.

Owen estimated that he should be one of the several principals at the beginning of the school's founding.

"Oh! Is it really you?"

Principal Dexter's cloudy eyes suddenly lit up.

He looked a little excited, and his eyes couldn't help showing pride.

"Let me tell you! We Hufflepuffs are the best. Very good, you are very good."

"Uh 0.0"

Mr. Principal, we can say this quietly.

At least you shouldn't say it in front of a group of Gryffindors!

"Oh! Albus, you also found this? I knew you would definitely find it here."

At this time, Principal Dexter finally reached the old man with the same white beard behind Irving. A strong smile flashed in his eyes, and then he said gently, "We have been discussing, what if If you have that kind of talent, you will definitely be the best candidate.”

"But sometimes fate is elusive and it doesn't choose you in the end. That makes me regretful."

"I'm glad it didn't choose me." The old principal said calmly.

Behind those half-moon glasses is the wisdom accumulated over countless years.

"I know who I am, I don't have that talent, and that's a good thing."

He was extremely happy to think so.

I've never been happier.

Because if he discovered that he possessed the talent of ancient magic at Owen's age, it would be hard to believe that he would not be able to wake up later.

Perhaps under the temptation of strength, he will go deeper until he can't break free.

"Well! You are indeed worthy of the name of the greatest headmaster of Hogwarts."

"Not even Lady Helga Hufflepuff has shown such influence as you."

"Ms. Helga Hufflepuff?" The old headmaster was stunned.

In fact, even he didn't know which era of wizards left these ancient portraits of the principal.

Because Hogwarts has clear records of the headmaster starting more than 1,300 years later.

In the previous four hundred years, they did not record the history of that time.

All he knew was that the ancient headmaster did belong to Hogwarts.

“I think there’s still a big gap between me and the founder.”

he said modestly.

"No, on the contrary." Principal Dexter smiled slightly.

“My student days were under the leadership of Ms. Helga Hufflepuff, the second principal of Hogwarts.

After Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw, the original Headmistress of Hogwarts, died of illness, Ms. Helga Hufflepuff has been the Headmistress. She left a profound Hufflepuff mark on Hogwarts. , it can be said that the reason why Hogwarts did not fall apart and still practiced the ideas of the four founders was largely due to the efforts of Ms. Helga Hufflepuff.

Today's Hogwarts can be so inclusive and developed, even after being destroyed by that idiot Black (Principal Black, the principal of Hogwarts Legacy, praised by students as the most annoying principal in a century), Still thriving, that's the credit of Ms. Helga Hufflepuff. "

"You know, if either Salazar or Godric were Headmaster, Hogwarts would be in chaos.

In her later years, Ms. Helga Hufflepuff has been working hard to ease the disputes between the four major houses. This is the saddest thing for her, because it has not ended until now, and you, Albus, I am with you There is hope in you. If there is no descendant of Salazar, you may really be able to fulfill the last wish of Ms. Helga Hufflepuff. "

Principal Dexter slowly told stories from more than a thousand years ago.

A story full of energy and strife.

"I'm trying to make Hogwarts a better place," the old principal said calmly.

"That's enough." Principal Dexter praised, his face covered with traces of time filled with a child-like smile.

"Oh! When you get older, you like to remember the past." As he said that, he turned his attention to Owen again.

"Maybe you're wondering where this place is."

".0 a little bit." Irving raised his head and replied.

Principal Dexter smiled and smiled at Owen's little naughty, and then he continued: "You can call this place, the Tower of Divine Grant."

"Divine Grant Tower?"

"Yes." Principal Dexter slowly explained, "In the past, after a dark war, the surviving ancient wizards built such a tower to select successors who could continue to frighten the darkness. "

"The fierce battle many years ago did not completely kill the evil wizard who claimed to be an alien god, but only drove his soul away from the material world where we live.

In the shadows, darkness is still stirring.

As for this Divine Awakening Tower, it is not only a place of inheritance for the exquisite magic of ancient wizards, but also a connection point for communicating with the spiritual world of the outside world. "

"Connection station?" Owen kept his head in silence, not quite sure what it meant.

What is it connected to? Is it connected to the outside world?

We have already driven away the outer gods, so why build this so-called connection station?

Are you afraid that brother won't come back?

"Initially, the wizard hoped to counterattack the spiritual realm through these towers and completely kill the evil god. But -"


have to!

You don’t need to guess what happened next, after all, we are human beings!

Infighting is a daily occurrence!

If you don't fight among yourself, you are not a real human being.

"So what do I do?" Owen asked.

“All you need to do is defeat the tentacles of evil from outside the realm.

Although outside gods cannot enter this universe, Zhi's minions can. They provide souls to Zhi day after day. Every once in a while, Zhi's power becomes strong enough to invade the Divine Grant Tower.

At this time, someone needs to be able to cut off the tentacles of darkness.

This is the responsibility of each generation of ancient magic heirs.

And that kind of battle can only be faced by you alone. A wizard who has not been recognized by the ancient gods cannot pass through the other side of the fog. "

Principal Dexter spoke softly.

And the truth brought by his words also filled in some of the news brought to him by Teacher Chiron.

After all, they lived in different eras, with thousands of years of gap between them.

Times are always moving forward in a spiral, and what happened then is definitely different from what it is today.

"So, it's time for the tide to rise again?" Owen asked.

He had no intention of escaping from the fate imposed upon him.

Teacher Chiron was right, if it weren't for the Outer God, then he wouldn't have been born. Part of his soul belongs to the outer gods.

He was destined to go down this path from the beginning.

Since you can't get rid of it, you might as well learn to enjoy it.

At least great adventure has always been what he is pursuing, right?

"The tide is rising?" Principal Dexter was startled, then smiled and said, "Yes, it's time for the tide to rise again."

It's my birthday today, so I missed it by going out to eat, so I was lazy.

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