I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 201 Magic affects more than just their world.

Owen knew what Dumbledore was worried about.

Lifting the Unforgivable Curse Restriction Act means that everyone becomes a hunter with a gun.

Possible, seemingly excessive gestures may be interpreted by others as signals of a threat to themselves.

And in an era where spellcasting is unmonitored and unpunished.

What spell can most effectively bring about the 'danger' you face?

Yes - it's the Killing Curse.

At this time, the killing curse became the only solution!

Because you can't tell whether the other person is a dark wizard.

You can't tell whether the other person will use the Killing Curse on you next.

The only thing you can do is to strike first! Cast a spell to kill him directly!

Ordinary wizards are not Aurors after all. They have not undergone professional, hard training that lasts for several years.

They couldn't tell what was a strange wizard and what was a dark wizard.

Lifting this law tells everyone that next, each of you may be a Death Eater!

So if you don’t want to be killed, you have to kill others first!

Not to mention that ordinary wizards have never mastered the killing curse. Even if they master it, they may not be able to use it. Even ordinary crushing curses, fire curses and the like will cause many wizards to be injured.

This does not include those with ulterior motives.

With the immunity gold medal in hand, there is no guarantee that those wizards with evil intentions will do something outrageous.

Don't try to test human nature.

Because most of the time, people choose to be a good person, rather than being that way.

The brilliance of human nature lies in the fact that he takes the initiative to put the beast in his heart into a cage. The test of humanity is to take the initiative to pry open the cage.

This is what Dumbledore is worried about. In his opinion, it is enough to lift the restrictions on the Aurors.

Lifting the entire bill would only spell greater disaster.

Moreover, according to his intelligence, Voldemort had retreated into the forests of Albania.

He chose to destroy his physical body and look for a better and more powerful body.

Won't be back anytime soon.

As the new Minister of Magic, Barty Crouch also has an unspeakable secret!

The Aurors suffered heavy casualties, and the remaining Aurors alone were unable to fully combat the dark wizards.

He could think of no other solution except calling on all British wizards to stand up and resist.


He also has to deal with accountability from the federation.

After all, a vice president died in the UK, and he had to give an explanation!

"That's enough! Dumbledore!" Barty Cratchit stared at Dumbledore sternly with his eagle eyes, "I'm not Fudge. I don't need to report everything to you. I'm the Minister of Magic now! I know I The trouble ahead. I have a way to solve it."

"You've only been Minister for Magic for a week, Cratchit. I must warn you, lifting the law is never a good thing. It does nothing but increase panic."

"I know if it's useful or not!" Barty Cratchit flicked his sleeves and looked directly at Dumbledore.

"I don't want you to just stay at Hogwarts Castle!"

"I am the first person responsible for the safety of the lives and property of thousands of wizards in the UK, not you. You have no right to accuse my strategy in front of me!"

Barty Crouch's face was serious and stubborn, and he did not restrain himself at all because of Dumbledore's identity.

"If you had a better plan, if you could kill all the dark wizards who invaded Britain by yourself, if you could defeat the Dark Lord."

"Do you think I really care about the position of Minister of Magic?"

He ignored Dumbledore.

His face was full of determination.

He is indeed completely different from Fudge. At least he has enough prestige that Barty Crouch does not need to rely on Dumbledore's aura to secure his position.

Perhaps due to years of depression, Crouch wanted to say more, but at this time, he discovered Owen and the others who had unexpectedly barged in.

Immediately after the Minister of Magic looked deeply at the young wizards, he turned and left the corridor.

Not a single polite word was said the whole time.

This made the little wizard not have a very good impression of him.

He was too tough and seemed self-righteous.

Afterwards, Ron spent several days complaining about the new minister.

To put it simply, his father, Mr. Arthur Weasley, has been working overtime for a week.

And it's the most dangerous patrol job I've ever done.

His work in the Department for the Control of Misuse of Muggle Items was piled up indefinitely.

That will still fall on Mr. Arthur. Don't think that working overtime for the Ministry of Magic will relieve you of your job.

The most disgusting thing is that there is no overtime pay for working overtime!

This is what employees in the ministry complain about the most.

"I'm starting to miss Fudge!" Ron spoke highly of Fudge's ostrich behavior of just burying his head in the sand when something happened. (This is a rumor)

In his words, at least during that time, his father went to and from get off work on time every day without any additional work.

Of course Fudge doesn't pay overtime.

"Look, the rights of wizards have not been guaranteed yet, but you are thinking about protecting house elves all day long!" The Gemini used this to verbally PUA against Hermione for a long time.

Miss Granger, who had always been known for her eloquence, was dumbfounded on this matter.

She didn't expect the Ministry of Magic to be so rotten.

But the little witch won't be discouraged. She just hasn't found the direction to attack. Give her some time and the menacing Granger will come back.

And during this period of time when she was forbearing.

They welcomed the first weekend after Christmas.

Sirius took them to London. Their destination was St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. I heard that Professor Lupine was recovering well and could now speak normally, although he still couldn't get out of bed.

The brain does not have enough control over the body.

But it’s also cause for celebration.

Everyone went to the Ministry of Magic through the floo network in the professor's office, and then went to Diagon Alley from the Ministry of Magic.

This is what Irving suggested. You have to bring something with you when you go to the hospital.

He had to bring something.

You can't feel a little guilty, right?

Several people bought a lot of stuff in Diagon Alley.

Harry bought a bunch of food. He said awkwardly that he didn't know what Professor Lupin liked to eat, so he bought all the food he could buy.

Hmmmm – that’s very Harry Potter.

Sirius on the side kept smiling and did not stop him.

Ron bought a new pet - an owl.

Sirius paid for it for him.

After all, Ron lost his pet because of him~ (laughs)

To this end, Sirius even went to Harry and Owen to ask Ron what Christmas gifts he wanted.

Harry talked a lot, mostly about Quidditch-related things. He said what Ron wanted most was a picture of the Chudley Cannons.

Owen was more direct. He directly suggested that Sirius give Ron a hundred gold galleons and let him buy whatever he wanted. It's really troublesome to spend so much time thinking about gifts.

In the end, Sirius accepted Owen's suggestion.

After all, the last thing he cares about is money.

Jin Gallon was like dung in his eyes.

Sirius didn't like money; he wasn't interested in it.

The happiest time in his life was the time he lived in James' house.

So carefree, far away from everything pureblooded, far away from the heavy burden of his own family.

(PS: Harry’s father is also the second generation of rich people. No, he is rich for several generations.)

"With the money I spent on Scabbers, I bought an owl, its natural enemy, tsk tsk -" Owen hadn't stopped being weird about Ron since he came out of the Leaky Cauldron.

"I want to hold Banban and sleep together, take a bath together, everything.

oh! Owen, keep your cat away from Scabbers.

Oh my gosh, it's losing hair. Your cat must have scared her.

Merlin is on top! If Banban dies one day, I don’t know what I will do. What do you think, Harry? "Yin Yang Master Owen winked at Harry.

"Ahem - I will build a luxurious tomb for him and bury it in the garden of the Burrow~~~Oh! Banban is my best friend.

Well - Ron, to be honest, I always thought I was your best friend! "

"Not now!!!" Ron blushed and roared angrily!

"I'm going to break off our relationship with you! If you dare to say anything about that guy again!"

"Oh! My dear Ronald, what's wrong? It's about your sadness." Owen raised his eyebrows with a devilish smile on his face.

"You" Ron, sulking, turned his head alone and ignored all of them.


Seeing this, although the fact that Scabbers is Peter Pettigrew is serious.

But when you think about how Ron's attitude towards them changed drastically because of the loss of Scabbers, this strong contrast makes people feel even more funny.

"Okay, stop teasing him. We have to find a place to buy some things while we still have time." Hermione stopped Owen and Harry from teasing Ron, and then they turned around and walked along the street to the subway. mouth.

Yes, it's the subway entrance.

The Broken Ax Pub is located on Charles Cross Road, Westminster, London.

The City of Westminster is a municipality under London. The famous Palace of Westminster, the British Parliament, No. 10 Downing Street and even Buckingham Palace are all located in the planning of this urban area.

It’s actually very interesting to say. Whether it is the center of Muggle power or the Ministry of Magic, the center of power in the wizarding world, they are both located in the city of Westminster. This has to be said to be a tacit understanding!

Therefore, the transportation here is also one of the most developed areas.

The four of them squeezed through the crowd and walked quickly towards the subway.

The Muggles around were in a hurry. Concern was written on everyone's face.

After walking through the damp and dim stairs, they turned the corner and saw reports of dangerous incidents in the recent period posted everywhere on the corridors on both sides.

"Did you hear that?"

There were muffled voices from the Muggles all around.

"Irish-gong-he-jun, plotted terrorist attacks in London."

"I heard that hundreds of people died. Oh my god, it seems like they were on Baker Street. They were going to assassinate someone."

"The Prime Minister has declared martial law across the country. Oh my god, how many of their people are there in London."

"God knows, but He won't tell us!"

"Did you listen to this morning's broadcast? The Prime Minister's approval rating has plummeted, and he may be about to step down."

"Going to the field? Haha, if something goes wrong, they just walk away. What should we do? Is there a candidate for the new prime minister?"

"Is it our great Finance Minister or our outstanding Foreign Minister?" The voice was sharp and short, and the tone was full of disdain. Neither of them was a good choice.

"Haha - it's like choosing a lunatic to run a mental hospital."

"Haha." A man in a suit and tie wearing a Windsor knot sneered.

He was holding a camera in his hand, and his ID was exposed in the left pocket of his clothes.

Owen saw the words BBC at a glance.

Obviously, this gentleman is a journalist, and a reporter for the BBC.

"You know." The man said to an elderly bald man next to him holding the Times in his hand.

"The Labor Party still has a majority in the House of Commons, and they should re-elect the party leader. Whether it is Duncan or Eric, (Foreign Minister and Finance Minister) the Labor Party is facing a split. After the two of them come to power, they will definitely liquidate the other party's people."

"Ahem - Sir, do you have any inside information, such as a third person?" The BBC reporter asked the man pretending to be shy.

"Third person?"

With Harry's help, Sirius successfully crossed the security gate.

Owen followed closely behind the big melon in front of him, his expression becoming more and more shocked.

"The Muggles launched a war to cover up the wizard's attack!" Sirius said flatly. He explained to Harry: "This is an agreement between the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle Prime Minister."

"This is the first time I know that the Prime Minister has a relationship with the Minister of Magic." Harry said in shock.

"They've always been connected, going back hundreds of years," Owen explained.

Then he pressed his elbow against Hermione and said, "Big melon ahead! Listen carefully."

"I suddenly had a new idea. What would happen if you were the Minister of Magic and the Muggle Prime Minister at the same time?"

"Huh???" Hermione scratched her head and said with confusion on her face.

"At that time, the Ministry of Magic can be integrated into the framework of the modern British government and become a ministry, and the embarrassing situation of wizards will be ended. I suddenly realized that this is the direction!"

"How about you work hard!" Owen said, "After graduating from Hogwarts, apply directly for the Department of Classical Literature at Harvard University. Don't go to Cambridge. The feng shui there is not good."

"First as private secretary to a minister, then as principal private secretary. Then as secretary to the prime minister, then as private secretary to the principal prime minister, and finally as cabinet secretary. Become the real person in power in Britain!"

"I think my idea is very good!"

"Really? I feel bad!" Hermione glared at him angrily.

This guy is always trying to persuade him to join politics.

Is there any conspiracy?

The little witch stared at him cautiously.

Until they walked into an old subway that had been running for decades.

"Is a Muggle a carriage?" Ron looked at the steel monster curiously. This was his first time taking the subway.

As for Sirius, both he and Mr. Arthur were the kind of people who were very interested in Muggle transportation.

The motorcycle Hagrid often rides was modified by him.

It's just that during the more than ten years in Azkaban, the Muggle world has changed rapidly, and he seems to be unable to keep up.

On the subway, the other three people felt the tense emotions coming from their surroundings.

The attack from the wizarding world has affected the Muggle world.

In London, at least, there are signs of chaos.

But Owen was not interested at all.

He stared with interest at an old man and a young man sitting not far from them, a reporter and a government whistleblower.

"There is no news about the third person yet."

"However, there are indeed calls within the party for a third person to form a cabinet."

"Then do you think, if a third person appears, who is he most likely to be?"


Suddenly, the old man's voice was very low. He opened the Times in his hand and pointed to a name on it.

"Knock!!! Critical moment." Owen yelled angrily.

Then he raised his head and his eyes fell on the newspaper.

That headline - about EU restrictions on British sausages - Europeans are trampling on our freedoms.

"Yes! No need to guess."

"I really didn't expect that the new British Prime Minister would be him!"

"Who?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Defender of British sausages, former editor-in-chief of the Reform newspaper, former chairman of the Moderate Conservative Party, agricultural expert, nurse-savior, friend of Courant, commander-in-chief who led Britain to another victory over France since the Battle of Waterloo, St. George's Island The savior of the British Empire, the badger killer, the new and old owner and chef recruiter of No. 10 Downing Street, the founder of the national joint information database, the greatest prime minister since Winston Churchill, the new man who will lead the British Isles out of its darkest hour again. prime minister--"

————The subway stopped slowly.

The four of them followed the flow of people out of the subway.

Because of the owl Ron was holding, they were watched by many Muggles.

A few minutes later they arrived on a wide Muggle street.

This is Qingzhong Department Store in London.

On both sides are Muggle shopping streets.

The endless flow of people and cars was in sharp contrast to the somewhat depressed atmosphere in Diagon Alley just now.

Owen even saw a movie theater.

The huge neon sign reflected two movie posters on the glass in front of the cinema.

One is Spielberg's "Schindler's List."

The other one is the famous "Jurassic Park".

"Wow! Jurassic Park! Maybe we can go see a movie!" Owen said happily.

Hermione heard the sound and looked at the theater, seemingly moved.

But before that, she had to go to the shops on both sides to buy some things.

——When she was in Diagon Alley just now, the reason why she didn’t buy anything was because she had no money.

All her gold Galleons had been spent long ago.

There won't be much left when school starts.

I bought all kinds of French magic books.

Owen once generously said that he could lend her money.

The rules of the rivers and lakes are as long as you come out nine times and return home thirteen times, no matter how sweet he talks.

Hermione just doesn't step into the trap.

Not even if he agrees to repay it in installments.

Hey - girls just have stronger self-esteem.

Owen patted his few consciences and comforted himself.

When she couldn't buy anything in Diagon Alley, she didn't give up. Instead, she chose to go to a Muggle store to see what Professor Lupine could use.

Although Owen didn't mean it, he still caught a glimpse of Hermione seeming to have a few pounds in her pocket.

Oh~~~Yes! Muggle money is money too!

You shouldn't just use Gallonsico as your only payment currency!

Pounds are also available!

They can even launch a service of converting gold Galleons into British pounds, as long as the exchange ratio is a little higher than Gringotts.

Anyway, I inherited a large amount of inheritance in London (left by my grandfather), not much, probably only a few million pounds.

There is still no problem in opening a small Hogwarts private bank.

Hehe - the opportunity to make a fortune is here again!

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