I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 199 The End of the Centaur Chapter

"Hi! I see you are still a little hesitant, little girl. You know? Geniuses always live in groups, because that way more inspiration will burst out. How about it? Do you want to join us?"

Owen's lazy voice echoed in the blizzard-covered Forbidden Forest.

Roy didn't hear the sound of the blizzard at all.

She looked at the boy with slightly fiery eyes.

It’s been so many years since I heard that familiar, lazy, out of tune voice again.

It’s been so many years since I’ve heard that laughter filled with tender talk again.

Roy Silver looked at Owen in front of him.

Seeing him baring his teeth and claws, he tried his best to deceive Victor, who looked embarrassed, wanted to dodge, and wanted to speak, but was constantly interrupted.

For a moment, the figure in her memory almost overlapped with the boy in front of her.

"Undine. Is your last name Undine?" She stepped forward and pulled Victor, who was already annoyed, behind her.

"Don't you know, we are saints?" she continued.



Are you saints?

So what am I?


Uh-it seems like I am indeed a fake!

That's okay.

"Ahem, I am the clerk of Director Deng Lao Deng at the Hogwarts office of the Saints in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in the Scottish Highlands. It is normal for those of you from other stations not to know me." The atmosphere gradually became awkward. , but Owen didn't feel ashamed at all. He still raised his head and continued to say nonchalantly: "Do you know that I belong to the highly secretive front? Directly under the jurisdiction of Mr. Grindelwald. Mainly responsible for spying and monitoring important figures."

"It's all for the greater good!"

As he said that, he walked forward quickly without caring about the image, grabbed Roy's hand tightly, shook it up and down, and said: "I'm glad to see you, comrades from other positions. Now you You know, we are a family."


A smile emerged from Roy's gentle, watery eyes.

Then a smile appeared on his face like an unfolding flower bud.

"Wow! This aunt - you smile so beautifully."

"Oh! By the way, my last name is Undine, and my mother's last name was Undine. It was just changed," he said.

"Call sister!" Roy tapped Owen's head, and then said gently: "What's your mother's name?"

"my mother?"

"My mother's name is quite long. Her name is Gabrielle Undine. What? Do you know each other?" Owen also didn't expect it. He just learned that he has a mother. He didn't pop out of a crack in the stone. As a result, I turned around and met an acquaintance of my mother.

What a coincidence!

"Well - then you really should call me aunt." Roy nodded, then looked at Owen happily.

"I didn't expect you to be alive. Back then - I thought, Ms. Rozier - no - it's not important anymore. You shouldn't be living in the UK now. You -" She suddenly felt a little anxious, and then she said, her eyes After a slight glance, he finally noticed the Hogwarts uniform Owen was wearing.

"You are a young wizard at Hogwarts? Oh! That's right! Of course a British wizard should go to Hogwarts. Oh my God! Then you should have met her."

"Wenda?" Owen said the name Roy had hesitated to say several times without any hesitation.

"Have you really seen her?" Roy sighed.

"Yes, I have seen it, my grandma!"

A hollow sound, passing through the forest.

Roy's expression froze.

She looked at the boy in front of her in shock, looking at his half-smiling expression.

"You got it?" she asked.

"You know what?" Owen replied with a smile.

There was no hostility in the tone.

But Roy could clearly notice that a thick barrier suddenly erected between them.

And just then.

The fallen leaves brought news.

The sudden sound of branches breaking was particularly loud at night.

Someone has apparated over.

Unsurprisingly, that was the figure Irving was most familiar with.

Gellert Grindelwald and his butler, Wenda Rozier.

The two stood side by side on the snow.

Looking at Owen from a distance.

"About your mother." Grindelwald stretched out his hand to signal Wenda to stay where she was.

He walked over alone.

"It goes without saying." Owen interrupted his grandfather.

“I still have some imagination, after all, I went to school and know what ‘Gabriel’ means.

'God is my strength'

Someone poured their heart and soul into it, and then the rest was the cliche story about wizards and Muggles, half-bloods, alien gods, androids. "

"My mother, forgive her mother for the wrong she did to her." Owen said calmly, as if he was talking about an inconspicuous and unimportant matter.

He squinted his eyes and stood lazily as usual.

At the shoulder, Balk was biting his collar and playing around.

However, the way those feet stood upright and the two short hands grasped his collar left and right was particularly funny.

Maybe it forgot that it was not a cat, but a dragon!

In the vast, dark, and cold Forbidden Forest, Owen showed a tolerance that is unimaginable to ordinary people. He spread his hands and looked at Wenda calmly, "My mother died for me, and she has forgiven you. "

Hearing the sound, Grindelwald relaxed slightly.

Then the pace of his feet quickened.

All around, the cold Christmas Eve weather was getting colder and colder.

The heavy snow showed no intention of stopping.

Instead, it gets bigger and bigger.

Several people's words were accompanied by thick white air.

Only Owen's breathing was extremely steady.

There is almost no white mist visible at the tip of the nose.

Grindelwald narrowed his eyes and moved his lips and teeth slightly. He held the wand tightly in his hand.

He knew his 'grandson'.

When he is really calm, he is not like this.

When he is truly calm, there will be a hint of arrogance on his face.

Don't believe it, the calmness is terrible.

"Now, the mother has forgiven her mother for the wrong she did to her."

Owen smiled and looked sideways at Wenda in front of him.

At this time, a gust of wind blew by and lifted his hair.

His eyes suddenly flashed a few times.

Then he said kindly: "Then, should I forgive you?"

"I think I'm not qualified to say this."

The smile on his face grew more and more.

"Then let me send you to meet her, okay?"


His shooting speed is extremely fast.

In other words, he never put down his wand.

There was a dazzling green light, accompanied by a chaotic sound, as if the invisible god of death flew through the sky.

"Demand for life!"

The killing curse lights up.

In the trembling eyes of everyone.

Heading towards Wenda Rozier's agitation.

Seeing this, Grindelwald, who had been on guard for a long time, silently activated his wand quickly. His face was full of caution.

Azure Sanchez's position was instantly bolstered.

He knew that the child in front of him was a person who was determined to retaliate against others.

The generosity shown from the beginning was just to make others relax their vigilance.

The killing curse was deflected by the force field.

The huge tree that was hundreds of years old was blown up and cut off in half.

"Yeah" Owen's expression remained calm.

He did promise his mother to forgive the mother in front of him.

But he didn't say what the way to forgive was?

Owen's approach to forgiveness is simple.

Since my mother has forgiven you, I will send you to see her.

"Grandpa~" he said lazily.

The wand in his hand was thrown out faster. This time it was no longer a magic spell, but more like a wave.

"You should not use the magic I derived to deflect my spell."

- Sanchez Force Field.

This magic is a global gravitational field with space-time characteristics proposed by seven-year-old Owen. Its field principle is based on the Infinite Extension Spell and the Apparition Spell to create a force field that extends time and space, which can be used to dispel all magic spells. with physical attacks.

The spell seems almost invulnerable.

But as the proposer of the theory, Owen knows that this spell has a fatal flaw, that is, when it is cast, it must not be interfered by the same space-time force field. Otherwise, the wizard will not be able to determine where the dispelled spell is going, or even the direction of the spell. It will disintegrate on the spot and the space will collapse, causing uncontrollable damage to the wizard.

Somewhat similar to a failed Disapparation spell.

Any separation of limbs is good luck.

If you are not lucky, the out-of-control space will directly throw you out of the earth, or directly crush you into pieces.

The next second was just as Owen expected.

A trace of surprise flashed in Grindelwald's eyes.

The rippling force field in front of him seemed to have been punctured by something. The next moment, another dazzling green light struck again like a snake.

The speed was so fast that if Aurors were present at this time, he would never have time to defend himself.

But that wasn't an Auror.

That was Grindelwald, one of the greatest wizards in the world.

He reacted almost as soon as the force field shattered.

The necklace with the Three Sacred Artifacts hanging on the chest opened like flowing water, and among the ripples, a dexterous golden eagle emerged from it.

It shook its head and flapped its wings in the direction Grindelwald's wand pointed.

It rushed into the green light like a heroic warrior.

Then the green curse exploded instantly.

The golden eagle fell to the ground like a fallen fighter plane.

Then it transformed into a broken necklace again.


Owen raised his left hand.

The gray pupils, the green that originally existed in the outline, converged toward the center, and the short black hair boiled in the wind.

A ray of silver fell from his ear.

Just now, he resisted a spell from his grandfather with his hands.

As the world's leading duel master, when he transformed the golden eagle, he released a gray petrification spell. The spell appeared almost at the same time as the golden eagle.

There is no trace at all to the naked eye.

When Owen realized it, the spell was within inches of him.

He just subconsciously raised his hands to resist.

"Child." His voice was never gentle.

Like an old and serious grandfather.

While he was talking, there were tree roots crawling secretly on the ground, binding Owen's legs.

Grindelwald stepped on the snow.

He always gives people a sense of splendor coming from the Alps.

Cold yet charming.

A Bavarian costume, perforated leather, exquisite embroidery.

Leather pants and a wide trench coat are paired with high boots.

A sexy, sophisticated, rock-and-roll, and rebellious temperament blows across your face.

But Grindelwald himself is not as flamboyant as a rock kid. Instead, his every move is like a romantic poet.

If we say, Dumbledore is the most traditional classical wizard in Europe.

Then Grindelwald is the writer's description of the warrior who charged forward during the French Revolution.

Soaked in romance and coldness.

Passion and courage.

His body was straight and straight.

The hand covered with various scars and wrinkles fell on Owen's cheek.

"The past and the past are not as good as the future." He spoke elegantly, with regret and seriousness in his eyes.

"I apologize Owen."

The scenery in front of him seemed to have aged, and Owen's heart trembled slightly.

His dazzling eyes became no longer sharp.

Tiredness is visible on his face.

Even those hands seemed to have been invaded by some kind of permanent black magic and were covered with clear scars.

In the past, his grandfather was not like this.

They live a secluded life in England.

He had been living in the countryside of Wales, and those were the easiest days in Owen's life.

Gentle wind, mountain water, gentle grass.

At that time, his grandfather often took him hunting in the surrounding forests.

Many of his weird magical inspirations sprouted during that time.

Grandpa can always turn his ideas into reality.

Although his grandfather was a serious man, Owen could feel something like home that he had never felt before.

Later, they moved to London.

Now he still remembers that one afternoon in Diagon Alley, he taught the arrogant and domineering Draco a lesson, and his grandfather taught Lucius a lesson when he came to avenge his son.

That afternoon when the sun wasn't too harsh.

The corridors of Diagon Alley echoed with his ridicule.

For a moment, it was as if everything in the past was vividly visible.

"You should take a rest." Grindelwald saw the complicated emotions in Owen's eyes.

Just like the layers of dragon scales with pearly luster that suddenly grew on his arms.

Something was reviving in him.

At this time, what he really needed was to rest and get a good sleep.

"It's Christmas," he said.

The snow is still falling in the forest.

"happy holidays."

Grindelwald touched Owen's forehead lightly, and a strange magical power weaved into a spell.

Gradually, he suddenly felt a huge sense of sleepiness.

It came overwhelmingly, like a wave.

Owen still wants to struggle.

He blinked rapidly, but the sleepiness was too strong.

He even heard some kind of whisper in his ear.

"Let go! Owen~"


He fell into his grandfather's arms.

The world closes its eyes.


Inside the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts.

An unprecedented noise came from inside.

"Voldemort, Death Eaters, Deathborn, and other dark bugs." Sirius and Professor McGonagall stood together.

His tone was strong and emotional.

"In a blink of an eye we seemed to be surrounded!"

"There is no doubt that there must be some greater evil behind everything. In the past few months, those evil guys have all cooperated."

"This is a huge threat to us!" Professor McGonagall also frowned and said with a worried look.

"Wait, keep waiting." Dumbledore sat on the chair.

He also had Tom's diary and the Muggle magical masterpiece "The Lord of the Rings" in his hand.

He said calmly: "Wait until Severus comes back."

"We need some information."

"That slug!" Sirius was furious. He still didn't understand why Dumbledore would let a Death Eater be a professor in the academy?

Isn’t this raising a tiger’s risk?

"Will he come back?"

"I'm afraid that by this time, he has already knelt before his master and kissed his feet."

"Haha~~~" Sirius just finished his words.

The door to the principal's office was pushed open.

There are two people coming.

One is Snape.

He was wearing a mocking face, "People like you, who are empty-headed and can only wave a magic wand stupidly, naturally don't understand what true power is."

The other one is Grindelwald.

His expression was as usual, and after he came in, he only said one sentence.

"Is the child awake yet?"

Dumbledore looked sideways.

The eyes are quite complicated.


Everyone looked sideways, seeing that Owen was sleeping in an armchair in the office next to the cabinet with the pensieve.

A curtain was stretched around the armchair to isolate the sound.

Dumbledore took a deep breath and turned back to Snape, "How is he?"

"Dead!" Snape said coldly.


"He's not satisfied with his new body." Snape said in his trademark drawl and rich sarcasm. "He hates his youthful face, and -"

As he spoke, his expression suddenly changed.

Then, amid hesitation, he whispered: "I lost to that curse twice. His purpose is now clear."

"Really?" Dumbledore's eyes flashed with joy.

This was one of the few good news he heard.

It's just that he still has to study the plan in this area.

"At the Ministry of Magic?"

"Fudge is dead." Mad-Eye Moody was leaning on his crutches, standing next to Professor Flitwick.

"The guy we locked up in the basement of the Hog's Head is dead too."

"She's dead?" Dumbledore was stunned. This was something he didn't expect.

"In the final battle, the dark wizard and a group of strange wizards frantically attacked the Pig Head Bar. Our people suffered heavy losses. During the chaos, her soul was sucked away by a monster. At that time, our people were moving, and behind It’s not clear what happened, but we found her body at the scene after the war.”

Moody's magic eyes moved wildly, "I can confirm that it is her body and not something pretending to be."

"Okay~ This is sad news." Dumbledore said calmly.

Then his eyes fell on Grindelwald, who was sitting on a chair as if no one was there, with his head raised as if he was concentrating with his eyes closed.

The atmosphere in the office suddenly solidified.

Everyone present looked at the most evil dark wizard ever.

If Voldemort hadn't come from behind, the title of the most powerful dark wizard in the world would still be on his head at this time.

"Wenda is going back to Durmstrang." He said calmly.

"Some idiot abandoned his students and she's going back to be the principal."

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