I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 20 In the Classroom (Various Requests)

Chapter 20 In the classroom (various requests-)

Have a safe Sunday.

Monday was another day full of gossip at Hogwarts.

Yesterday, the senior wizards who watched Owen beating up the young wizards gave their personal explanations.

His legend spreads around every corner of the castle.

Even the ghosts couldn't help but ask questions. (They couldn't leave the castle, so they didn't see it.)

Hufflepuff's ghost, the Fat Friar, told almost every painting and piece of armor in the castle that Hufflepuff was about to rise.

It entertained me for several hours.

As long as he sees the little wizard, he will float over and express politely. From then on, Hogwarts' offense and defense have changed.

Gryffindor and Slytherin can go.

I, a Hufflepuff, can go too!

You want to ask why?

Because we have the strongest little wizard, Owen Sanchez!

Ha ha! ! !

The fat monk who has always been at the bottom of the academy has never been so refreshed.

Especially seeing the gnashing of teeth of Sir Nicholas, the ghost of Gryffindor, meant that they still had Harry.

In the future, this excitement will be even stronger after he will definitely defeat Irving.


I just like to see you frustrated and helpless.

As for everyone else.

The Gryffindors expressed their disgrace that three of the five beaten were their own.

Slytherin, the whole joke. There is a gap between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, which they are happy to see.

As for Ravenclaw?

The Yingyuan said that Owen, a first-year wizard, can actually master so many magic spells.

It seems that their study plan needs to be revised.

——Soon, it began to roll inward.

However, although the four major colleges have different reactions to this matter, there is one thing they all agree on.

That means Owen is definitely Dumbledore's illegitimate grandson! ! !

The rumors intensified and continued into Monday.

Finally, in the Transfiguration class, he was cut off by Professor McGonagall's brute force.

"Two points for Hufflepuff." Professor Mewmew said solemnly, glancing at the gorgeous snuff bottle in front of Owen's desk.

She was numb.

From the first lesson, this kid showed amazing talent for transformation.

She had never seen a first-year wizard carve the Hogwarts motto, Transfiguration, on the table!

"But -" Professor McGonagall looked darkly, looking at another engraving on the corner of Owen's desk.


Suddenly he was furious. "Vandalism, three points from Hufflepuff!"

"Professor, I just want to remind myself, be diligent and studious, and be one step ahead of others!" Owen said, looking up with his round gray eyes, looking like a hard-working Hufflepuff.

"You can transform yourself into an alarm clock." Professor McGonagall said coldly, then turned her attention elsewhere.

Good - Hermione's transformed needle was perfect.

Harry - Still needs improvement.

Ron - what is that? A pin with a match head?

Justin - On the same level as Ron.

Just as Professor McGonagall was examining the other little wizards, Owen's voice came from behind again, "Alarm clock!"

"Then what kind of alarm clock should I transform into?"


"No - no, it's too much trouble. I have to wind it up every day."

“Otherwise it’s electronic.”

"But Hogwarts blocks all electronic devices."

"Can an electronic alarm clock transformed by magic be used in a castle that is isolated from electronic devices?"

"Well - maybe Professor, you can make a suggestion to Principal Dumbledore and ask him to create a normal space somewhere in the school."

"This way we can use electronic equipment." Owen continued to think casually.

"What do you mean, we are Hogwarts! We can't be any further behind than the Karma Taj Magic Academy next door. They can even connect to Wi-Fi!"

"Um - Professor, do you know what Wi-Fi is?"

"Shut up! Mr. Sanchez!" Professor McGonagall was going crazy!

She saw the professor who tortured the little wizard every day.

This was the first time she met the little wizard who tortured the professor.

Compared with the evil things in front of them, the two little guys from the Weasley family are simply angels!

She even thought that the little Slytherin wizards were cute.

Professor McGonagall, whose temples were sore from Owen's barrage of attacks, had reached the limit of her patience. With a cold face, she warned Owen sternly: "If you dare to say another word, even one word, get out of here." classroom!"


As soon as Professor McGonagall said these words, the entire Transfiguration Classroom fell silent.

All the little wizards didn't even dare to express their anger, for fear of angering Professor McGonagall at this time.

Just like that - the calm remained for about ten seconds.

Just after Teacher Miao made sure that the troublemaker was frightened by him, the voice sounded.

"Professor, do you want to start with this sentence?"

"Or the next sentence?"


"Get out of here!"


Owen responded and immediately left Professor Transfiguration smoothly.


In the afternoon, after lunch, on the way to the potions classroom, everyone from Hufflepuff happened to meet the little wizard from Gryffindor.

As a good old man, Owen will naturally not miss any opportunity to maintain the goodwill of his big customers.

He immediately decided that the three-person Badger Yard team composed of himself, Justin, and Hannah would be officially disbanded!

Restart from time to time.

"Have you heard the story of Severus?" Owen said to Harry as he squeezed into the crowd of Gryffindors.

"The legendary genius alchemist did not hesitate to sacrifice himself to the White Devil in order to protect the one he loved. Thanks to him, Slytherin's evaluation has increased a lot."

"Um - why is he talking like that?" Ron whispered in Harry's ear.

"I don't know." Looking at Owen who was trapped in his own delusion, Harry had no intention of stopping it.

Ever since Saturday's incident and Professor McGonagall's tantrum that morning, Owen had been admired by the entire Lion House.

Of course, after all, you are the dean of your own college. Although the little lion expresses admiration for such behavior, it does not mean that they will not settle accounts with you.

It is everyone’s responsibility to care for the cats and cats in the Lion House!

I heard that some senior wizards are already planning to unite to give Owen some color.

"So, if you like someone, you must confess it. What's the use of keeping it in your heart, and you will end up watching them get married."

In the dungeon, in the Potions Master, Owen was still chattering.

"Seize the opportunity and rush forward to draw A decisively. The worst we can do is see you in Azkaban. Everyone there is talented, so just treat it as studying abroad."

"Professor Snape has just suffered this loss. Now the dog is barking and venting all his anger on you." Someone sighed and continued vowing: "With his character, give him another chance." , he may not even be able to grasp it.”


"Young people tend to have slippery hands and they can't grasp it."

I can’t touch it too much today, so let’s find a chance to touch it a little! slip!

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