I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 194 I'm sorry that I didn't see you grow up.

Owen was lying face up.

Listening to the noise in my ears.

He is completely alone.

There was no one around but him.

But there was a woman's voice in my ears, constantly surrounding me, sometimes pleading, sometimes fiercely resisting.

Eventually, those restless voices all turned into a song.

Like a nursery rhyme: "The sixth witch song I sing for you:

If you encounter danger while sailing on the sea,

The storm was more terrifying than that time,

You take it calmly in the face of strong winds and waves.

I thought silently in my heart that your ship would not be in the way,

I will definitely be able to get through the difficulties and have a safe journey.

The seventh witchcraft song I sing for you:

If you are trapped in the wild by bad weather,

People encountered heavy snow again on the high mountains.

Waves of bone-piercing wind blew violently,

I hope your body won't freeze to death.

You must wrap your limbs tightly with clothes,

To prevent your hands and feet from freezing and getting gangrene."

Suddenly a strange and familiar feeling penetrated Owen's brain.

He seemed to vaguely remember that this was the song her mother often sang to him.


A word that was so far away to him.

It seems that except for a voice, there has never been a substantial figure in the memory.

At this moment, his brain was extremely relaxed, so silent and dazed in suffering.

Until a long time passed, maybe no time at all, and he realized that he seemed to be trapped somewhere.

Wilderness fields, alpine grasslands.

The beautiful scenery of Jinshan Mountain in Rizhao is breathtaking.

Even the wind carries a warm smell.

Owen slowly climbed out of a bush, his body covered with green juice left by the plant, and his face and hands were covered with dirt.

He looked around curiously.

This is a mountain forest, and he seems to be at the foot of the Alps.

The mountain tops in the distance were obviously covered with snow. The only mountains he could name in Europe at such a height were the Alps.

"Yeah, why did I shrink?"

Just now I just paid attention to the surrounding scenery.

It was only when Owen looked back that he noticed how tall the bushes in front of him were! It can even touch his upper body.

Then soon, he realized that it was not that the bushes had grown taller, but that he had grown shorter, from a fourteen-year-old boy to a four or five-year-old child.

"What a shame." A voice came from behind him.

"I didn't get to see you grow up."

Owen turned his head.

He saw a pair of emerald green eyes.

Not Harry's eyes, which were brighter than his, as if they were glowing.

The woman looked at his face hungrily, as if she could never see enough.

"I don't know." Owen was suddenly speechless.

This is unprecedented.

A talkative person like him could talk eloquently even when facing Voldemort, but today when he saw a beautiful woman, he was speechless.

Yes, that is a beautiful woman.

Very young, he doesn't even look twenty-five years old.

She has silver hair that looks like unicorn hair with a little bit of fluorescence.

It drapes behind you like a waterfall.

She was tall, Owen thought she was at least 5.7 feet tall.

Of course, what he cared about more was the face - it was so similar.

"Can you tell me about your relationship with Professor Wenda?" Owen asked cautiously. He didn't even realize that his words were so gentle at this time. The previous hostility and the bone-deep sarcastic tone completely disappeared.

"My mother."

"Your grandma."


"I was just suspicious before, but the moment I saw you, I guessed it." Owen said.

Her mother had already walked forward quickly and hugged him into her arms.

A strong warmth came from the plains, from the mountains and forests, and from the mountains. Gentle makes you cry.

"I have a lot of questions." Owen's face brushed against his mother's silver hair.

His eyes were filled with love, which made him unable to open his eyes.

"Yes, you have a lot of questions." The woman whispered, hugging Owen tighter.

"But before that, I hope you can promise me something." She said sincerely, her eyes full of tenderness.

"I promise you."

"." The woman was stunned for a moment, then gently touched Owen's black hair.

"Some things can only be seen clearly after the fact. I hope that after knowing the truth of the matter, she will not be blamed."

"Her?" Owen looked up at her and said, "Grandma?"

"Well, she helped me a lot, but I didn't know it at the time. She was a little rebellious - maybe even she didn't realize that what she did was actually helping me." The woman smiled, seeming to be talking to that person The young self said goodbye.

Then he continued: "Someone will explain the next questions to you."


Owen was stunned, "Is there anyone else here?"

Hearing the sound, the woman smiled without saying a word and held his hand.

Then suddenly a lot of fog appeared around,

The surrounding fog, clouds and fog, seemed to be clouds in the sky, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

After regaining consciousness this time, Owen found that he seemed to be on a ferry.

The sound of a siren reached my ears.

You can even smell the wet and salty smell of the sea on the tip of your nose.

"It's amazing, isn't it?"

Suddenly a voice came.

"Few people have such a rich spiritual world."

Owen turned around suddenly and saw a stranger suddenly appearing on the ferry.

No—a strange centaur.

It was a centaur wearing ancient Greek-era armor, with rough brown hair, green eyes, a crown of victory made of olive leaves, and white robes.

"Usually most people's spiritual world is turbid."

"Nice to meet you, kid."


Although it was a bit inappropriate, Irving still wanted to ask, "Brother, Huayou?"

Why do you have a background when you appear?

"How should I call you?" The centaur said calmly, with an undeniable surprise in his eyes.

"Owen Sanchez." Owen responded with a frown.

It was strange that although the centaur appeared suddenly, he didn't have much hostility towards the intruder.

He seems to contain a convincing temperament and strength, and he can win people's trust very easily.

The second thing is - his name is purely made up by himself.

Yes, the name Owen Sanchez was given to himself by himself.

Owen is a very traditional name. There are not ten but eight people with this name in the orphanage. As for Sanchez - they all said that after Grindelwald took him away, Owen stayed with an old man with a white beard all day long, so he became playful and kept calling him grandpa.

Then, the name Sanchez came out naturally.

After calling it this way for a few years, he got used to it.

but now.

My real mother is not here! What's his name? Ask him what he's doing.

"Owen!" he said, "Yes, Owen. 'Young Warrior' is a good name." The centaur said with a smile.

"But this is definitely not your original name." The centaur smiled and looked at the woman next to Owen.

"Well - McCowen and I named the kid. It's going to be Owen - Owen Undine. He can be named after me, Owen Undine Rozier, or his father, Owen Undine." Wendy Hunter.”

"McIlvaine Hunter?" Owen looked up at the woman. This was another unfamiliar name to him.

"That's a brave man. Although he is not a wizard, he is very brave. He is the only ordinary person I know who has defeated magic."

Although his mother's tone was gentle and gentle, Owen could still hear the bitterness of the past.

With the temperament of the Rozier family

Although he could not guarantee whether Wenda and his grandmother had pure-blood thinking like the Black family, he would obviously not be happy if his child chose a Muggle, and would even obstruct it.

What does it mean to defeat magic?

This shows that his father has been attacked by magic.

Moreover - he still can't believe Wenda Rozier, she actually has a child?

Just as Owen was laughing in his heart.

In an instant, the ferry under their feet suddenly disappeared, and then a splendid castle rose from the ground, which looked like Hogwarts.

"This" Owen looked at this scene in surprise, his expression was as shocked as ever.

Why did you change the background again?

Don't be so scary, okay?

Twinkle and twinkle.

"This is the spiritual realm of the horse people." The horse people explained softly, "It is connected with your spiritual world, and everything here will change according to what you think in your heart."

"Spiritual realm?"

Owen repeated the term several times.

Another term he had never heard of before.

But this made him understand why the scene here suddenly changed.

He - was shipwrecked.

Then we came to the world of Harry Potter.

So the scene just now was a ferry, and when the centaur asked his name, he answered with his current name instead of his name at that time. This means that he has accepted his current identity, so the scene is different. Suddenly transformed into the most symbolic place in the Harry Potter world - Hogwarts Castle.

"Spiritual realm-" Owen looked at all this, and then sighed, "Am I dead?"

The closest term to the spiritual realm in Harry Potter is - trance.

That's where Harry and Dumbledore last talked.

It is also the place where Voldemort's soul is finally trapped.

It seems no different than death.

"That's a problem." The smile on the centaur's face became more obvious. "Generally speaking, I don't think so. If you really die, we won't meet."

"Who are you?" Owen then asked.

"Me?" The centaur was stunned for a moment, then replied with a smile: "You can call me Chiron."


"Teacher Chiron?" Owen was stunned and shouted.

"Huh? Although I have indeed taught many people, but - well, forget it, I like this title." Chiron did not dwell on Owen's name for him.


That was the god born of Cronus, the father of the main god Zeus, and the goddess Philea in Greek mythology.

He was the leading sage of the Centaurs in Greek mythology and the mentor of many great heroes such as Hercules and Achilles.

The sudden appearance of such a real person in front of Owen made him unable to adapt.

There can't be any gods on this broken planet! Owen laughed in his heart.

"Um - I forgot to tell you." Chiron suddenly looked at Owen with some evil intentions, "This world is part of your spiritual world, so he will show your heart without reservation. If you are talking about something in your heart, , the world will be read like a narration."

Knock - what a torturous hell.

Owen quickly gathered his mind and began to enter the state of fugue and selflessness like taking a history of magic class.

"Haha - you are so interesting, you are worthy of being the chosen child."

"What selection?" Owen asked immediately after regaining consciousness.

"Well - you have a lot of questions, but we have a lot of time, so I will answer them one by one."

"First of all, I am not a god. The ancient Muggles saw wizards and thought they were gods and created a mythical system. But I am just an innocent centaur who was inserted into this story." He said, then blinked. Said: "But Zeus does exist."


"The next step is the question of selection." As he said that, his expression suddenly solidified, and happiness and pleasure seemed to be from another time and space.

"I'm sorry that due to unavoidable circumstances, we did not defeat our enemy and left him to you."


"Of course not a god." Chiron saw the concern on Owen's face, and then explained calmly, "But it is more terrifying than the so-called gods of Muggles."


Owen, who was almost speechless, opened his mouth slightly, "Evil god? Outer god? Old ruler? Or Cthulhu? Teacher, why don't you find someone else? I'm not very talented and can't handle these crises."

"How about I recommend someone to you, ah! Harry Potter! The contemporary savior, the man who is destined to defeat Voldemort. He is very powerful. Why don't you talk to him?" Owen asked tentatively. The reply was Chiron's honeyed smile.

In just a moment, Owen knew that there was no chance, he was being stalked!

"But, why me? I'm just an ordinary person, an ordinary wizard, an ordinary talent, an ordinary mind."

"You? Ordinary?" Chiron smiled, "You are anything but ordinary."

"The greatest magic in the world blends with your skin. For thousands of years, there has been no such wizard."

"What magic? Become one with me?" Owen looked confused.

He touched his pink and tender face, then raised his head and glanced at the mother beside him, looking like a curious baby.

"Love, Owen, it's love." Chiron looked at the woman next to Owen with indescribable admiration.

"Your mother used her life to trigger this miracle. She is the reason why you were born."

"The magic of love?" Owen looked at Chiron in surprise, then turned his eyes to the beautiful woman next to him.

Chiron was right.

In the history of magic, there is only one recorded time of love magic, and that was Harry Potter.

The protective spell of love deflected Voldemort's killing curse.

In the past, there were scattered records in all history that magic that wizards called miracles appeared on some people, but those were not as clear as Harry's.

Of course, this is just history of magic.

In addition, Owen also knew that the daughter of the founder of Ilvermorny Magic Academy in the United States had once triggered the magic of love.

The cost was that the child who was still an infant became a Muggle.

Yes, love has a price.

The price of saving a life is to sacrifice a life.

The price of dispelling a spell is losing the magic. (If you are interested, you can find the story of the founder of Ilvermorny. To put it simply, the girl’s mother was cast by a curse, and the baby girl triggered the magic of love and lifted the curse on her mother.)

At this moment, Owen held his mother's hand tighter.

That kind of pure love only exists in this magical world.

The Muggle world is too complicated.

Whether it was his past life or this life, Owen was extremely lucky to be a wizard.

"Your birth is very valuable." Chiron and the mother and son walked together in the Hogwarts Castle in the afternoon.

In Owen's memory, it was always sunny at Hogwarts.


A group of playful little wizards ran like crazy through the corridor.

If you look carefully, you will find that those children have their own faces.

Some look like Luna, some look like Hermione.

And Harry, Ron, Justin, George, Fred, and even Percy.

Cedric, Susan, etc.

Almost everyone he knew appeared in this Hogwarts, which alluded to his spiritual world.

The sky was filled with birds chirping happily, and the entire castle was immersed in happiness as usual.

Chiron's face was also filled with pleasure.

As the most famous sage in Greek mythology. He enjoys teaching and educating people.

Being in a school, he was naturally in the happiest mood.

"A school that imparts knowledge." Chiron said happily, his voice was like singing, "This is simply the happiest place."


Seeing the expression on the centaur ancestor's face, Owen found it difficult to open his mouth and tell him how closed and superstitious the centaur tribe was today.

"I will leave a message for them." Chiron said lightly, his tone a little more disappointed than before, "The centaurs should not be closed off anymore."

"Tell me about you!"

"Your mother is not a complete human being. Someone stupidly went deep into the taboo alchemy of the human body and used part of her own characteristics, soul and various magical bloodlines to create an artificial life."


"Artificial life?"

Another bombshell, Owen's head was buzzing when he heard it.

have to!

It challenged the limits of his knowledge again.

What the hell is human alchemy!

Although there are indeed various kinds of magic to create bodies in this world, creating life.

“The stars tell me that your mother, Gabrielle Ventini.

She has a Veela-like appearance.

Possessing Zuowu's magical ability to break open space.

Has the miraculous self-healing pedigree of unicorns.

There is a rebirth from the ashes of the Phoenix.

It has magic power as huge as a giant dragon.


In addition to being short-lived and unable to produce offspring, such a living being is simply like a god in the mouth of Muggles.

A noble goddess. "

"In the age of the 'gods', countless wizards have studied this so-called ultimate life, even immortality, but most of them have failed."

“But there was one person.

One person succeeded.

And he, child, will be your fateful enemy. "

The setting collection is the most difficult to write, because it involves the main plot, so I have to change it again and again, and delete it again and again. I have to think again, think again.

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