I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 179: Prairie Fire, Centaurs Tribe

The "time" problem is one of the 12 unsolved mysteries studied by the Ministry of Magic.

In the Ministry of Magic, people who study these issues are called "Silent Men."

The nature of their work is kept secret, so no one knows exactly what they study.

Professor Crocker of the "Department of Mysteries" (degree, not a teacher at Hogwarts.)

A lifelong study of the magic of time.

If it weren't for seeing his papers in some important magical academic journals every once in a while, people would never realize that such a person existed.

His paper shows that current research results suggest that the longest "time travel" should be controlled within 5 hours if it does not cause serious harm to the traveler and time itself.

Researchers wrapped the "time reversal spell" in a small hourglass-shaped container to make it easier for wizards to carry the hourglass with them and conduct "time travel."

Professor Crocker also mentioned that any attempt to "time travel" beyond the time limit is dangerous. All wizards who did this suffered the counterattack of time.

People conducted related experiments a long time ago, but they gradually discovered that many long-distance time travelers could not survive this trip.

According to the information Owen learned, the Ministry of Magic stopped research on time travel in 1899.

Because before that, there was an experiment in which a witch was trapped in the year 1402 for 5 days.

When she returned to the present day, her body had aged for approximately five centuries, and her travels had caused irreparable damage.

The time she spent traveling weighed directly on her.

Fortunately, wizards have a relatively long lifespan. If a Muggle comes back, they will turn into smoke and dust in an instant.

But even in terms of a wizard's lifespan, five hundred years is too long.

She eventually died in the Spell Damage Unit at St. Mungo's Hospital of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Of course, this is not the scariest thing.

More terrible things are yet to come.

Because people discovered that the life trajectories of the people she met during 'time travel' had all changed.

Descendants of at least twenty-five of those people have disappeared in modern times.

Because they were "never born".

In addition to this, time itself is severely disrupted by this violation of the "laws of time."

The day the witch returned to the present day was Tuesday, and this day lasted for two and a half days, and the following Thursday ended in only 4 hours.

The Ministry of Magic had great trouble covering up this incident, and since then, laws and penalties against time travelers have been tightened.

Hundreds of laws have been enacted to restrict the use of time-turners.

And only in the Ministry of Magic, there are a limited number of "time turners", and it is difficult for ordinary people to own them.

Because all the magic spells about time disappeared in that experiment.

The coincidence is like someone deliberately erasing a piece of history.

In the first episode, Owen led a team to attack the Ministry of Magic, in order to find the time turner here.

Although they can only go back for five days, even one hour will give them an unparalleled advantage.

It's a pity that a certain dark-skinned girl saw through his plan and moved faster than him!

When he and his people arrived at the Department of Secret Affairs, all the magic props had been carried away, not to mention the time turner, not even a hair was left for him!

Damn Granger! ! !


So it can be inferred that the grandfather paradox will not appear in this world.

If a person goes back in time and kills his immediate family members, then he, his relatives, and the entire family will disappear in time in this world, and there will be no trace of their existence in history.

Except for the Department of Mystery Management and some legendary magic props invented by Nick, this period of history can be observed. For most wizards, that period of history is like the wind, blowing away.

"However, it is still somewhat dangerous!"

After all, according to a certain fan novel, the unlucky children of the Potter family seem to be able to crazily modify history.

Unexpected situations will also occur when the future self who is traveling with him is completing the history.

After all, that is time!

Next to the magic of love, the greatest magic!

"Click, click!"

Stroll deep in the Forbidden Forest.

Suddenly, several strange sounds came from Owen's ears.

It sounded like a sharp object piercing something.

"The ultimate fluorescent flash!"

He threw a ball of fluorescent light towards the place where the sound came from.

The weak pale fluorescence tore a corner of the darkness, and through this corner Owen could see the terrifying abyss so close at hand.

It was a group of huge, terrifying monsters.

At first, Owen just thought it was some lost Acromantula.

After all, the Forbidden Forest is full of such dark creatures.

He hasn't seen this creature for a long time since he killed a lot of Acromantulas last year!

According to the words of the Weasley twins who were frequent visitors to the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid's most troublesome students, and the Weasley twins who failed to transfer and were despised by Gryffindors.

After last Christmas and until the summer vacation, they never encountered an Acromantula in the Forbidden Forest again.

That creature seems to be extinct!

"Throw it away~"

We've hit a hornet's nest!

No hesitation! Owen drove away very smoothly!

The bushes were stained with blood, and there were countless corpses of wizards, Muggles and centaurs on the ground.

Some kind of creatures with monkey bodies and heads made of various animals were extending long tentacles from their mouthparts, and the tentacles penetrated directly into the heads of the corpses.

I don't know if it is dead or alive 'food', I raised my head and rolled my eyes hard. It's like the salty tofu has been sucked away by a monster.

Some kind of black liquid was squeezed out of his eyes.

This horrifying scene resembles an alien creature.

The horrifying scene of the face-hugger's face brought back the few memories of Owen's childhood.

So, don’t open your uncle’s CD casually! ! !

‘Collapse and sell out’

Owen ran decisively!


All around, there are sounds of people gently prying open your skull and slowly sucking your bean curd.

"Oh my god!"

He can't give away his high-quality brain like this!

If you want to eat, eat Justin's head.

Brand new, never used!

Absolutely sweet!

"Throw~" Owen, who was having a brainstorm, didn't even need to look back to find that there were a terrifying number of monsters in Zhou Zai's woods.

The moment he threw out the fluorescent light, he was discovered.

All of a sudden!

Several monsters that hadn't even put away their mouthparts were attacking him crazily!

"Knock on me, you're a future person! What the hell are you leading!"

Owen, who was so aggressive, even scolded himself.

As he ran, he turned sideways and stretched out his wand.

A red light emitted from the end of the wand, and the monster behind him was instantly knocked away.

But there was no pause. After falling, the monster got up again almost immediately.


There are many noisy figures in the woods on both sides.

Although he couldn't see clearly in the darkness, he could tell with his toes that the current situation was really bad.


A crackling sound came from behind.

Owen lowered his head subconsciously and saw a piece of flesh and blood on the top of his head, with a mouthpart like a frog's tongue speeding past. He was so frightened that he threw a few cutting spells and chopped the thing into several pieces.

However, this seemed to be of no use, because the thing healed itself in an instant.

"Avada Kedavra~~~"

A dazzling green light emerged.

Then the God of Death came, but this time, what puzzled the God of Death was where were the souls he wanted to harvest?

Yes, just like the Deathborn, the monster that seemed to be hosted by an alien did fall to the ground despite the killing curse.

But soon, it was like a broken building block being repaired by a repair spell.

Before he could get very far, the creature revived and caught up with him.

"I hate monsters that can be resurrected!!!"

A chase is about to end before it even begins.

Facing this immortal monster, Owen couldn't think of any good solution.

At this moment, Angle, Hidan, and all kinds of undead guys all appeared in his mind.

If there were only one or two, he would certainly be easy to deal with.

But - just turning his head casually, he saw dozens of them wherever he saw them.

He can cast spells to make the earth open and bind a few.

Even if you don't die, it's not that easy to crawl out of the ground.

But the reality is that as long as he is distracted for a moment, countless mouthparts will attack him.

Can't even hide.


He raised his hand and threw another petrification spell.

But it had little effect, they were just knocked away, and the spell did not cause much damage to them.

Seeing that danger was approaching step by step, the zombies that wanted to eat his brain were no longer within a few feet of him.

"I'm going to cast some illegal spells!"

Seeing that there was no way to escape, Owen simply stopped running.

He immediately braked and then raised his wand to circle around.

He yelled arrogantly: "Come and try this!"

"Fire fire - start a prairie fire!"

"Fire Shield—Protection!!!"

Two curses.

Red and blue flames suddenly burst out from the tip of his wand.

It was like an exploding balloon, the flames instantly expanded and surged into the storm! It spread quickly, and in just the blink of an eye, it turned into a blazing fire cloud.

"Chasing! Don't you fucking like chasing!"

Owen turned around suddenly amid the flames.

After seeing the monsters still chasing after him, he suddenly felt extremely angry. The wand was waved and pointed directly at them.

What an alien! !

Die to me! ! !

A red dragon suddenly emerged from the fire cloud. It waved its arms and roared towards the countless head-eating monsters.

Along the way, the surrounding bushes were instantly ignited, and countless monsters were instantly turned into ashes.

Under the extremely high temperature, they turned into dust without even making a sound of struggle.

"Haha! Did you see it? You really have to use fire to deal with wild beasts!"

"slow fire!!!"

Owen, who was able to be direct, raised his head.

The firelight illuminated his face brilliantly. The whole person is bathed in light.

This is his most proud magic currently.

The two flames serve as fuel for each other.

Li Huo can be liberated to the greatest extent in an instant.

Of course, he can't control this flame yet, but it is most suitable for clearing the scene.

Owen is enjoying himself.

His eyes passed over the oil painting of flaming starry sky raging around him.

With just one glance, his smile stopped abruptly.

"No way! Brother! Lock the blood?"

In the flames, the struggling corpse suddenly came to life.

Many gray spots appeared in the golden-blue light.

Although it is small and will be swallowed up by the flames in a moment, it is undeniable that in just a moment, those gray spots will reappear.

"Dumbledore's crooked nose!"

"Is it really immortal?"

Although Owen knew very well in his heart that the magic spell that could kill these monsters was Gubulai's fairy fire.

The eternal fire can burn forever, keeping these creatures in the cycle of life and death forever.

Until their unknown resurrection ability is exhausted.

But the problem is - Gubulai Fairy Fire, he doesn't know how to use it!


The fire shield protects the body and strengthens the fire spell. He originally thought that it was no longer weaker than Gubulai's fairy fire, but even this combination could not kill them completely.


The fire dragon in the sky was almost out of his control.

After getting the fuel for the fire shield.

Li Huo surged several times like crazy.

Maintaining this level of magic is beyond human power.

He must find a way to escape, otherwise, even if the zombies won't eat his brain, he will be burned to death by the out-of-control force!

How about trying to apparate?

Although Owen does not guarantee that his limbs will be intact after his transformation, there is really no other way now.


Perhaps the high temperature caused the temperature in Owen's arms to rise sharply, and the hot environment woke up the lazy cat lying on his chest.

Then it came out of the head.

Then she stared at him with blurred eyes.

"Meow meow? Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow?"

Although Owen can't understand meow language.

But he is certain that what Shilok just said was: "Young man! Why don't you sleep at night?"

"Meow meow meow meow? (Let's do something!)" Owen imitated Shilok's cry and tried to get in touch with it.

"Meow?" Sirocco jumped on his shoulders, then stretched out his limbs and raised his tail high.

Then he sat upright, licked his paws and started talking: "Meow meow (伱this) meow meow meow meow (the accent is really strong) meow meow meow meow meow (and the grammar is all wrong)."

"Stop meowing, little princess. If you meow for a while longer, the two of us will have to report to Avalon!"

Owen yelled, holding the wand tightly with both hands.

Despite this, the wand in his hand was still shaking wildly.

He won't be able to catch it.

"Meow~woo (weak!)"

Sirocco shouted.

Then he jumped forward.

The next second, Owen felt the world change color. He seemed to be in outer space. The cylindrical passage was glittering with the light of stars, and countless golden lines were like sky-bearing pillars that opened up this strange world.


Owen shouted, looking at the white cat's golden-lined neck, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

You really have the blood of Zuowu!

So which one made the mistake? ! !

A moment of time and space reversal.

Earthshaking is not enough to describe what Owen felt.

He preferred to call it, passing through the star gate.

Came to another planet.

Back in the dark forest again.

Owen, who suddenly felt that he had escaped death, twisted his neck and took back the wand tremblingly~~

The magic power is exhausted!

So tired!

Just when he was planning to explore the surrounding area in the Forbidden Forest, he was about to go back to the castle to call someone to retrieve the place!

An arrow flew through the air, passing directly over his head with a 'bang' and nailing the tree behind him.

The sound was creepy.


It wouldn't be a shock to say it - but it was too dark in front.

So the tough-talking Irving actually panics a lot if he refuses to admit it.

He raised his hand and threw "Avada Kedavra".

This time Death acted as the lightbulb.

A miserable green death light.

Light up the darkness.

Owen finally saw the appearance of his attacker.

Well - above the waist it is a human, with red hair and beard, but below the waist it is a brownish-red shiny horse body, with a long red tail trailing behind.

Human body and ponytail.

It turns out that this is a horse man.

The person on the other side still maintained the posture of bow and arrow, but his pupils were not focused.

The death curse missed him and hit the tree trunk behind him.

With a 'click', the tree trunk broke, and the huge sound of falling to the ground woke up the poor centaur.

"Hey ( # `O′), didn't your mother tell you not to shoot randomly in the woods?" Owen complained first, as did the evil ones.

He was holding Sirocco, wand in hand.

Always be prepared: If something happens, don’t rush, just call the cat and run away.

I don’t know why the Forbidden Forest is a bit scary tonight.

There are too many enemies.

"Who are you?"

Immediately afterwards, many centaurs gathered in the dark jungle, some holding torches to disperse the surrounding darkness.


Owen pointed to his robe, "You are blind! Can't you see this dress?"


"No little wizard can go so deep into the forest." The centaur seemed to distrust his identity.

"It must be disguised by outsiders!"

"Yes, the curse he just used is the killing curse. Only the most evil wizards can use this kind of magic!"

"Hey!" Owen interrupted the centaur who said he was evil.

"I am the Dark Knight, okay? Darkness does not mean evil! Auror still uses the killing curse, is he evil?"

Owen yelled.

In his brain, he was flipping through the knowledge about horse people.

"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" clearly records it.

Centaurs are magical creatures whose upper half is humanoid and the lower half is that of a horse.

They are a separate species themselves, the centaurs.

Although they are half-human and half-animals that are not hybrids, they have the same intelligence as humans, but the centaurs asked the British Ministry of Magic to classify them as "beasts" because they do not want to share human identities with creatures such as hags and vampires.

Generally speaking, horse people are very proud of their race, and they will become very irritable when they feel that a human may want to "use" them, regardless of whether the person intends to do so.

Moreover, I am very grateful to the Ministry of Magic for its "sparing efforts" in recent years.

Nowadays, the relationship between horse people and humans is not to say that they are hostile to each other, but it can also be said that they have never interacted with each other until death.

The wizard simply didn't understand what the centaur tribe's society was like.

And our senior Newt.

He seems not to be interested in any creature with an ordinary human body.

It is true to say that he is not interested in people!

Hmmmm - after summarizing the knowledge about centaurs in his mind, Owen suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have any room for deception!

The other party doesn't need anything.

How could you still deceive yourself?

"Who are you?"

At this time, a handsome man with shiny platinum hair, a silver body and a silver ponytail came out among the horsemen.

The platinum centaur looked Owen up and down, and then said cautiously: "Owen Sanchez?"


Owen was stunned when he heard this?

Is my brother so famous?

"You recognize me?"

"Of course." The centaur with long platinum hair came over, "My name is Firenze."

"I saw you and Dumbledore cleaning up the increasing number of dark creatures in the Forbidden Forest. Dumbledore asked me about it and mentioned you."


Owen instantly understood that the centaur named Firenze in front of him was talking about how he and Dumbledore used powerful fire to burn a large number of Acromantulas to death last year.

But the problem is - at that time, he was operating a female account!

How did this centaur know that Lani was him?

"Go this way." Firenze invited him: "The Forbidden Forest will not be safe tonight."

Yes, tonight will never be peaceful in the Forbidden Forest.

Irving knew that, so he did not refuse Firenze's invitation.

He needed time to clear his head and figure out his direction.


And it's not just the Forbidden Forest that's unstable.

Tonight, Malfoy Manor was also filled with uneasiness.

In the living room, Lucius paced back and forth.

He is waiting.

When you wait for people, you also wait for things.

A lot is going to happen.

It can be said that in the context of Fudge's inevitable resignation, the two people he supports, Barty Crouch and Rufus Scrimgeour, are both 'favorites' to win.

He must know who will be sitting in that seat after tomorrow!

Of course, besides that, he is still waiting for another group of people.

"Master, they are here." With a bang, a cowardly house elf appeared in the room.

"Okay, go down!"

"Yes, Master." Phoebe lowered her head, never daring to raise her head to look at Lucius.

After the elf pushed away.

Lucius slowly sat down and looked at the door with his eyes gradually calming down.

Suddenly, the candle in the living room danced.

Then he felt that he must have been dazzled.

Because in front of him, it seemed as if the space was suddenly split open.

A gap appeared.

Then slowly expanded.

Then, a female voice came, "Hey! Be careful! Don't get hurt by others!"

"Don't worry, the place is the living room. Probably, no one will be so unlucky." This is a boy.

"What nonsense are you talking about! The living room? Don't you want to eat?"

There was a slapping sound, and then the space in front seemed to be suddenly torn open.

Many people came out one after another.

"Looks like it went smoothly this time!"

These people have different skins, different looks, and different clothes.

Even the English accents spoken are different.

The only thing they have in common is their age.

All quite young.

Lucius guessed that no one in this group was over thirty years old.

"Hello, may I ask, who are you?"

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