I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 167 This is Gryffindor, this is Hufflepuff, this is Hogwarts.

They huddled under a large umbrella at the edge of the court.

Harry fell from the sky, took off his glasses and wiped them hastily on his robes.

He asked eagerly: "What's the score?"

"We're up fifty points," Wood said, "but unless we get that Snitch soon, we're going to have to wait until night."

"I can't help it with my glasses," Harry said ruefully, waving his glasses.

Hermione in the stands seemed to have noticed something strange about Harry on the field. She had been waiting under the stands early.

See, after Harry fell, she held up her wand and ran up against the wind and rain. The next second, protective spells fell on him.

On the other side, the Hufflepuff players were also gathered together.

"We have to drag it down!" These were Cedric's first words after landing.

"They are very strong and we just have to wait for our chance."

"Keep it going, I'm confident that I can catch the Golden Snitch before Harry does!"

Hearing this, the other team members nodded.

Although the game only lasted a short time, they had already seen that they could not match Gryffindor in terms of hard power.

Their only hope is to defend and buy Cedric time.

Hopefully he can catch the Golden Snitch before Harry does. Only in this way can they win.


"The game is suspended!" In the stands, Hannah stretched her neck and looked down.

"Ah, right, right!" Owen replied impatiently with his eyes closed, it didn't matter whether he opened his eyes or not.

Maybe, the 4K high-definition he imagined can be even more exciting!

Of course, no one would know the complaints in his heart, not even Feng.

After a few minutes, the game resumed.

Harry flipped over again and soared into the sky.

He brushed his wet hair away from his eyes and plunged into the clouds.

Thanks to the water-proof spell Hermione cast on his goggles, his vision was finally able to barely penetrate the heavy rain and see a little further.

Of course, Wood would not put all his hopes on Harry, especially with the heavy rain, and he also knew that it would be very difficult to find the Golden Snitch.

So he formulated an almost crazy offensive strategy.

Relying on their own hard power, as long as they can pull the score to more than 150 points, they can't win even if Cedric catches the Golden Snitch.

Cedric naturally saw Wood's extremely simple strategy.

A trace of panic arose in his heart.

He kept reminding the team members to plug the gaps in the defensive front and never let Gryffindor tear apart their defense.

The competition gradually became intense.

Throughout the sky, the red light has been attacking the yellow light, and the amplitude is getting bigger and bigger.

Although the score is rising slowly, it is indeed gradually widening.

"Gryffindor scores another goal!"

"Angelette, my God, you're so beautiful at luring the snake out of its hole! She's got another one in!"

"The score has arrived - 140:30, Gryffindor is leading by a large margin."

The heavy rain could not dampen the cheers of the Gryffindors.

On the field, Cedric became increasingly anxious.

The rain severely affected his vision, and he couldn't see very far at all.

And just when he was flustered.

Suddenly a golden shadow, like a seabass jumping out of the water, flashed past him.

Cedric followed him almost reflexively.

And Harry, who had been paying attention to Cedric, also discovered something unusual about him.

Did he see the Golden Snitch?

Harry couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Without thinking much, he flew directly in Cedric's direction.

"There - Harry, there! The Golden Snitch!"

A golden stream of light flashed past from a distance, and the batsmen Gemini happened to see the shadow.

In an instant, Harry and Cedric accelerated at the same time.

The wind howled and slapped against the two of them.

The beating of raindrops like a gust of wind hurts!

The strong wind and raindrops poured into Harry's body from between the gaps in his clothes around his neck.

He was already soaked through.

But the wind and rain did not make him feel cold. On the contrary, his whole body was hot, and his eyes stared at the golden snitch in front of him as if they were on fire.

Cedric was not to be outdone. Although his Comet series broom was not as fast as Harry's Nimbus 2000, he still followed closely behind him, only a few steps slower than Harry.

In the distance, the golden snitch flew higher and higher.

Gradually, it got into the sky and into the dark clouds flashing with thunder.


Lei Ming frowned, roared, and roared, trying to drive away the foreign object.

A dazzling blue-white flash lights up instantly!

"Harry, danger!!!" Cedric yelled.

He was kind-hearted and didn't want to see Harry get injured for the competition.

The clouds ahead are spitting out lightning.

It's too dangerous to get in at this time.

He doesn't want to take any chances.

But Harry didn't slow down, he even speeded up.

That Nimbus 2000 has reached its theoretical speed limit.

"Harry, don't go there!!" Cedric howled, using his hands to block the wind and rain in front of him that was pouring into his throat.

Harry remained unmoved, as if the wind seemed to completely cover up Cedric's voice.

He didn't hear it.

High in the sky, Harry continued to speed up, his fiery red cloak flying like a ball of fireworks, soaring into the sky.


Dangerous thunder sounded again from the front.

Harry gritted his teeth and grasped the broom with both hands, which was constantly shaking due to the wind and rain.

At this time, he seemed to be taming a wild horse!

It's not like Harry didn't see the thunder in front of him.

But he knew that if the team wanted to win, this might be his only chance today.

The game must end as soon as possible, he must preserve the strength of the team!

To deal with the next Slytherin!

With some thought in mind, Harry took out the wand from his waist, gripped the broom tightly with his left hand, and raised the wand straightly with his right hand.

Then, the phoenix-feathered wand revealed a substantial blue light.

"Armor protection!!!"

The blue armor is exclusive to the brave.

It shines with light that is not dazzling, but dazzling, breaking through the thunder!


The lightning was like a whip falling from the sky, and it struck Harry hard.

For a moment, his speed stagnated, but the next second, he picked up again.


Cedric had already slowed down and was flying towards the other side.

High in the sky, it suddenly became as bright as day, and he subconsciously looked up.

The heavy rain blurred his vision, but Cedric still saw the figure through the raindrops.

In an instant, a huge sense of shock emerged.

He stared blankly at the sky, watching Harry's figure flying higher and higher.

Ask yourself, whether it's an armor spell, ultimate protection, or other protective spells, as the best Hufflepuff besides Owen, how can Cedric not do it?


Looking at the blue flash soaring above his head, he suddenly felt a strong sense of frustration.

He does not have the courage to move forward.

"Oh! God, where is Harry? He won't rush into that thundercloud!"

Whether it’s the stands or the other players on the field.

They all only saw two figures rising into the sky, but now only Cedric fell down.

Where is Harry?

This goes without saying!

"Oh my God! This is too dangerous." On the high platform of Gryffindor, Hagrid held up his huge telescope and stared at the sky, exclaiming incessantly.

He seemed to be able to clearly see the real situation above the dark clouds.

"This is Harry! This is Gryffindor! We have nothing to fear!!!" Ron shouted excitedly!

He excitedly raised the Gryffindor flag from behind that he and Neville had already prepared.

Isn't this the time to wave?

Shouting, he, Seamus and Thomas, began to roar and cheer for Harry.

"Harry! Harry!! Harry!!!"

"Harry come on!!!"

Gradually, there was a chaotic sound of cheering, uniting as one.

In the Gryffindor stands, the slogan resounded uniformly: "We are brave and fearless, we risk our lives, we are courageous, we are Gryffindor!"

"Long live Gryffindor! Long live Gryffindor!!

Harry rush! ! "

The sound rose high, with stubborn courage and burning enthusiasm. Send them to high heaven together with their expectations!

At this moment, the Hufflepuffs were eclipsed.

In the professor's stand, Professor McGonagall's eyes were filled with excitement. She had already stood up, holding the wooden handrails of the stand with both hands.

And many other professors were also cheering Harry on.

"Every curse ends!!!"

The golden stream of light dispersed a bolt of lightning again.

Harry's eyes became hardened.

He was already less than a few dozen feet away from the Golden Snitch!

Catch it now!

Hurry up, hurry up! Hurry up! !

Harry's blood is boiling and his soul is burning, like a brilliant firework. No one can stop it from blooming in the sky!

"Every curse ends!!!"

The golden light defeated the thunder and lightning again, and his whole body was highly concentrated. He didn't even notice that the raindrops around him gradually turned into tiny hailstones.


At this moment, it seemed like fate whispered.

A thick bolt of lightning hit the golden snitch directly.

It suddenly stopped suddenly, its wings waving as if stuck in a swamp.

Chance! ! !

The broom was moving so fast that he had no time to stop.

Gonna fly over!

And in less than a second, Harry's mind instantly chose the Gryffindor option.

I saw him, and suddenly let go of his right hand.

The huge wind resistance in front of him blew him off the broom.

Then during the free fall, the figure broke through the dark clouds, turned over, and grabbed the little golden thing tightly.

"I won!"

At this moment, Harry couldn't help but feel excited.

The wind howling in my ears seemed to have lost its voice.

It wasn't until a cold pain, like an ice blade cutting his skin, passed through his back that Harry suddenly woke up!


He reluctantly turned around in the air.

In an instant, the dementors, who were attending a feast, covered the sky.

They were wearing dark gray tattered cloaks, floating in the air. A pair of rotten hands soaked with pus slowly shook outside the hood, and the air was filled with the smell of rotten flesh.

Harry's whole world instantly turned into black and white. Although the wind in his ears was still as strong as before, it forgot to roar, as if someone had turned off the sound.

"Calling the Gods to protect you!" He quickly raised his wand and reluctantly chanted the magic spell in a voice that he couldn't even hear.

A ray of silver light emerged from his wand, swaying in the wind and rain like a flame, bringing a moment of color to this black and white world ruled by ghosts and monsters.

But it only took a moment before this ray of light dissipated instantly and turned into a faint blue smoke.

"Calling God! Guard!!" He chanted the magic spell again.

But this time it was even more miserable than before, with only a few strands of silver light.

Not even stopping the dementors one iota.

The next moment, there was only pain in his head, and women's screams came from his ears.


The Dementors were sucking the joy out of him!

Harry knew. He studied there for a month with Professor Lupine.

He must quickly——

Although he was extremely anxious in his heart, the shadows brought by hundreds of dementors made Harry's eyelids feel as heavy as mountains.

Dementors from all directions pulled his soul away again and again.

Finally, Harry felt a little relieved.

The result was that his right hand was loosened.

The wand was blown away by the wind in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

"It's over!"

Harry's mind sank, and a huge feeling of fatigue and pain suddenly invaded his brain.

The figure falling from a high altitude fainted completely in the next second.


The thunder disappeared.

The endless darkness completely shrouded the Quidditch field, and the little wizards finally saw clearly the Dementors covering the clouds in the sky. In an instant, their enthusiasm seemed to have been poured a bucket of cold water, and in an instant, their minds began to Continuous flashbacks to all kinds of terrible things.

They feel frustrated, powerless, and scared, as if the world is ending.

"Owen!" Hannah screamed and looked at him.

In an instant, countless intertwined glances fell on the boy in the Hufflepuff stand, who looked disgusted.

Expectation, pleading, helplessness, hesitation!

All kinds of complex emotions are superimposed together, like all living beings crowning gods.

"I saw it, I saw it!" Owen tilted his head and lazily took out the wand from his raincoat.

His right hand was clenched tightly, then shaking rapidly.

The next second, the phoenix flying close to the ground rose from the ground.

She turned proudly in the air, and then rushed towards the sky unstoppably.

"Calling God!"

The strong wind overturned him, the heavy rain drowned him, but the proud young man would always challenge again and again, and then tore away the clouds, broke through the darkness, and dyed the sky with his color with brilliant silver light!

Just like two months ago.


Even better than before.

This time, the divine fire appeared almost immediately with the Phoenix, and the blue-white soul flame symbolized his most blazing soul.


Owen laughed loudly.

Then he raised his wand and shouted: "For Hufflepuff~~~"

Perhaps he felt embarrassed by Gryffindor's aura just now, so this time he channeled his voice into the Patronus Charm.

Let the name of Hufflepuff resound throughout the sky!

And he was not the only one who successfully summoned the patron saint.

In the distance, in the Gryffindor stands, several gritted teeth and trembling voices sounded with the same conviction. They also raised their wands high and called out magic spells.

Rays of silvery light were like a dark moon rising from the earth.

Weak, slow, and dazzling, but tenacious, tenacious, and unyielding.

In the professor's stand, Dumbledore looked at the silver lights on the stand with surprise and relief.

I looked even more happily at the soaring phoenix high in the sky.

He knew Owen's patronus was a phoenix just like him.

The patron saint represents a person's hidden, unknown, but inevitable personality. It is the mysterious self that will end its dormancy and wake up only at the necessary moment.

Phoenix was just like him when he was obsessed with the quagmire of dark power and great interests, but in the end when he saw through that it was just Gellert's means to pursue power, he became the greatest force protecting the world.

Years passed by, and time and space seemed to intersect in his eyes.

Dumbledore always thought that Owen was actually more like Gellert, so unruly, so smart, and so capable.

But until now, at this moment, when Dumbledore looked at the Phoenix Divine Fire, and the stars and the dark moon came together in the surrounding stands, he suddenly realized that Owen was actually more like him, or him without family troubles.

It's just another copy of him!

If I had no brothers and sisters, and no tragic family chains, maybe I would be more like Irving now.

"Shock reduction! Speed ​​stop!"

The old principal stretched out his right hand and cast a spell without a staff. The powerful magic power was like a tray, tightly dragging the figure falling from the sky.

"Calling God to protect you!!!"

The other professors also summoned their patron saints one after another, and together with their students, they launched an attack towards the sky.

At this time, the heavy rain seemed to be stopped by this huge positive emotion.

The wind and rain became lighter.

In the dim stands, like stars in the dark night, silvery white lights rise from the stands one by one.

Soon, Owen discovered that Hogwarts was a fucking mess!

Because regardless of whether the physical guardian spirit can be summoned or not, there are hundreds or even more silver lights beating at the same time in the entire stand, including bright lights! ! !

The dense light mist emitted by everyone merged into one, instantly dispelling the fear and cold.

Magnificent duo in awe and fear!

Trap your monkey!

Look at these little wizards who are thinking about killing other colleges every day. For a magic spell, you are all twisted up!

Owen sighed, wondering what the young wizards from other colleges would think when they saw this group of fierce guys in the Triwizard Tournament next year.

In fact, Owen is probably wrong here.

In other words, he had no idea how excited the little wizard was when he saw those handsome eyes on the train that rainy night!

Professor Lu Ping has the most say on this point!

After the start of school, in the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Lupine, who was originally planning to teach the university about some dark creatures, was entangled by a group of young wizards before he opened his mouth, crying and shouting that they wanted to learn the Patronus Charm!

Professor Lupine had never seen that kind of blazing look in the eyes of any other little wizard of any age, or even when he was at school.

Do you think the way to deal with the little Boggart wizard in class is 'funny'?


When people raise their hands, they say, ‘Call God to protect you! ’

Despite Professor Lupine's advice, this magic is very difficult to master. They should start learning from something simple, like...'Funny'?

But it didn't matter if he didn't say it. Professor Lu Ping tried to persuade him, but it had the opposite effect.

Because in the ears of the little wizard, this seems to mean - can you do it, little dog? You can't learn this. Just look at Gryffindor/Slytherin/Hufflepuff/Raven. Crow's little wizard learned it easily.

It's also 'funny' that only losers can use this kind of low-level magic.

The other wizards who are so awesome have all gone to "call the gods to protect you", but you are the only one who is still "funny", no, no, you really have to learn this silly magic spell!

Then you are really funny.

Most young wizards have this kind of serious involution mentality.

No one wants to be the first to admit they can’t do it, especially the first one!

Even Neville gritted his teeth. Except for the first time he dealt with the Boggart, after dressing Snape in women's clothes, he trembled and screamed several times!

To be honest, most of the little wizards are actually coerced into involution. If the school only has one house, then if someone lies down, they will lie down, but Hogwarts has four houses!

If you lie down, it means that your college is weaker than other colleges!

Believe me, other little wizards in the same hospital can eat you!

Especially as the college war intensifies, everyone is trapped on the battlefield of the college, and no one is willing to admit that their college is weaker than other colleges.

Even Hufflepuff, who has always been reserved, didn't want to.

Even they are the most arrogant. Don't ask, just ask: my friends have won the Academy Cup twice in a row. Little Gryffindor and Ravenclaw have probably not touched the Academy Cup in eight years!

Hey, hey, you are so unlucky!


On the Quidditch pitch.

The Dementors had never been in this situation before.

In previous years, we all swarmed up and sucked, sucked, and sucked. Why did we get beaten, beaten, and beaten by others this time?

Facing such a large number of patron saints and a large amount of light mist composed of happy emotions, they retreated in horror.

The monsters that originally brought despair and fear to others felt the taste of fear itself for the first time, and they instinctively wanted to escape.

The next second, another sweet chirp came from the highest point of the castle.

It sounded like Fox's voice, Owen knew, Dumbledore's legendary pet!

The huge silver-white phoenix flapped its wings and also rose from the ground.

It carries a halo that is more dazzling than any patron saint. Wherever it passes, all dark creatures are instantly burned into wisps of blue smoke.

Two phoenixes, one big and one small, one older and one weaker.

Then under the influence of Dumbledore's strong positive emotions, Owen's phoenix with a strong aura of death seemed to have slight signs of nirvana. It was very weak, but it was real.

Then the phoenix crowed, and she seemed to be in better spirits.

The figure is also larger than usual.

Like an elderly man supporting his grandchildren, bit by bit he turns his decades of life experience into gossip and blends it bit by bit into the child's life trajectory.

It is companionship and inheritance.

This is human beings!

Never stop passing on the fire of civilization to future generations step by step. The old man will pass it on to his grandson, and the grandson will pass it on to his descendants. There will be endless generations of descendants, and the fire of civilization will become brighter and brighter. The origin and future of mankind are clearly illuminated!

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