I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 162 You are not teaching at all, you just want to be an academician.

"Five points from Hufflepuff."

The emaciated Professor Snape glanced viciously at Owen's face.

He said with a hint of resentment in his indifference: "Maybe you should learn what humility is, Mr. Sanchez."

Faced with this rising new dark lord who can check the plagiarism of Voldemort up to 99%.

Of course Snape wouldn't look down upon him well.

Hostile as ever.

If it weren't for his status as a student and teacher, Snape would probably have beaten him every now and then.

"I learned it!" Owen hung the medal on his chest again, "I just didn't learn it."

"Maybe you asked the wrong teacher for advice."

"How could it be? I've been asking Harry for advice these days on how to become a proper celebrity."

"Haha, they are like the same raccoon dog."

Professor Snape's temples were bulging, and veins were popping up on his forehead. He almost couldn't help but give the naughty kid in front of him a 'Block the Eyes, Block the Listening' and a 'Lock the Tongue and Throat' curse.


Shen Xin, Shen Xin! ! !

This is the first class of this semester.

Last semester, Snape had refrained from quarreling with Owen again, when he discovered that Dumbledore was protecting the child throughout the whole process.

Of course, I will not break my long-standing persistence just because of a word.

After taking a deep breath.

Snape's face returned to calmness, and he decided to implement a certain crazy professor's policy towards Owen.

That means ignoring him for the entire class.

Irving, who ruined his fun with just one sentence, finally gained nothing.

Dear Professor Snape ignored him. Although Owen knew that Professor Snape still loved him in his heart. He knew it from the beginning.

So when he was brewing the potion, he chose not to peel the figs and threw them into the crucible.

The boiler exploded, the potion spilled, and Justin was out of luck.

Snape deducted points from himself.

He still loves me.

After Potions class.

Owen and Hannah parted ways.

The next elective course was just for him.

Hannah's electives were Muggle Studies and Divination.

Justin took magical beasts and divination as electives.

It was just Owen, who was due to go to alchemy class in the afternoon.

The ancient alchemy classroom is located on the fifth floor of the castle, a remote corner not often visited by little wizards.

As the most difficult subject at Hogwarts, the prerequisite for learning alchemy is that you must get O in the O.W.L exams in multiple subjects.

After graduating from fifth grade, sixth grade wizards can apply to the Alchemy Professor.

It is usually during the summer vacation, and the professor will reply to you two weeks before the semester begins to inform you whether you have been admitted.

All in all, this course is very difficult to get into.

However, for most young wizards, alchemy is not a necessary course. Instead of spending energy on a very difficult subject, it is better to choose a course that can easily earn credits.

And Owen also knows that the alchemy taught by Hogwarts professors is basically superficial and theoretical. If you are really interested in alchemy, I suggest you go to Gringotts to find a job as a curse breaker after graduation, and then go to Egypt. There you will be tempered and trained for several years until you master the most basic principles and laws of alchemy.

As for the next path to advancement.

Young people, do you know what it means to be self-reliant and work hard?

Just figure it out for yourself!


The ancient alchemy classroom is filled with a variety of beakers, crucibles and magical materials.

The classroom is shaped like an irregular semicircle, with the podium in the middle.

The students are distributed in a staircase shape on an arc, each with a separate desk.

Owen pushed open the door.

A few little wizards looked at him in unison.


Although he had already presupposed that not many young wizards would choose this course,

One, two, three, five.

Including him, there are exactly six people.

There are so many people~


I will definitely apply to be the alchemy professor at Hogwarts in the future!

This life is too easy.

There is only one class a week, and there are only six people. Oh my God! Why don't you even change the principal?

"Ouch! This isn't Percy!"

As the only seventh grader he knew among the five, Owen sat on the seat next to Percy very familiarly.

Her eyes were staring at him kindly, giving him a sense of déjà vu as a fellow countryman meeting a fellow countryman.

"Hello." Percy's reaction was a little slow. His clothes were neat and decent, and his face with glasses showed no joy or sorrow.

He was complaining that Owen had taken away the boy student body president that should have belonged to him.

But on the other hand, Percy had to admit that the Patronus Charm that night gave him a shock.

Such complicated emotions meant that he could neither blame Owen nor the professor. Unable to find an outlet, he ended up sulking on his own.

"Okay, okay, okay." Owen nodded old-fashionedly.

Master the leadership temperament very well.

And just when he was about to continue hooking up with Percy, the small door on the side of the podium was pushed open.

Then a beautiful, proud, cold and noble witch walked in with her head held high.

A cup of fragrant coffee floated behind her, and several thick magic books floated and turned pages automatically. She herself was sitting leisurely at the lecture table, on a dark red wooden armchair.

"135 pages," she said.

The sultry aroma floats in the air.

Although the little wizards were confused, they all obediently opened the "Guide to Ancient Alchemy" written by Nicolés Flamel.

"Mr. Sanchez" Wenda said suddenly.

She held up the coffee and took a slow sip. She held the book in her other hand, her eyes never leaving the "Guide to Ancient Alchemy" from beginning to end.

"Please explain what the principle of equal exchange of matter is."

"Uh--" This sudden question reminded Owen of a certain Professor Snape who never washed his hair and refused to be named.

But since he was his grandfather's butler, he must be one of his own.

It should be because he is young and consolidates his prestige!


"Okay, Professor." Owen stood up slowly and explained the most basic theorem of alchemy, the principle of equal exchange of matter, in a concise and concise manner.

After all, he had been taught by Nick for a month, so he still knew this basic thing.

"Does the soul belong to matter, Mr. Sanchez?" Wenda continued to ask intently.

"From an alchemical perspective—"

"Yes, the soul belongs to matter."

"So does the soul abide by the principle of equal exchange of matter?" she asked again, "elaborate on the development process of this research."

“From ancient times to the present—countless alchemies—cruel studies of the Dark Ages—”

"Souls abide by the principle of equal exchange, professor." It took more than ten minutes for Owen to answer this question. The main reason was the Dark Ages - the turbulent era before the Federation was established. The research on souls by various dark wizards was really serious. It is too much, for descendants like them, although those studies are very inhumane.

But they cannot turn a blind eye to the results.

Just briefly mentioning all the famous dark lords can make Owen's mouth go dry.

"Yeah." A soft hum came from her nose.

It seemed that Irving had been expected to respond fluently.

Then, she put down the coffee in her hand, stood up slowly, and after looking around at the little wizards, her rose-red lips slightly opened and said: "Since this third-grade little wizard has such a strong understanding of alchemy, then You should all have a pretty good foundation!"

Her eyes flicked over the Percys.

"In that case, just read the textbooks."

"I have three homework assignments." She raised her head and said, "First, clean this classroom to make it spotless, and then throw away all the garbage piled on the shelf over there."

She pointed to the various alchemy semi-finished products on the shelf at the back of the classroom.

Those were all the ‘achievements’ of young wizards in the past, and of course they were not very successful.

But it’s very memorable!

After all, if you learn a theory in two years, what great results can you achieve?

"But - Professor, those are the seniors from the past." Percy stood up and wanted to explain to the new professor the meaning of those 'decorations'.

"Is it useful?" Wenda raised her hand and interrupted.

"This" Percy's face looked a little ugly, and he said those were just decorations.

"So - what's the difference between them and garbage?" There was no sadness or joy on Wenda's face, but he just said: "Second homework."

She waved the textbook in her hand.

"Go to the library to find any ancient alchemist wizard who exists in the book, and write a core discussion report of no more than three hundred ancient runes based on their life achievements."

? ? ?

As soon as her words came out, let alone anyone else.

Even Owen was fooled?

Not to mention whether they can understand the achievements of those ancient wizards

You ask people from Hogwarts High School to write at least a master's thesis and write a core thesis report?

Damn it, can that be summed up?

Does it have to be written in ancient runes?

Believe it or not, I asked Professor Bathida Barbling, who teaches ancient runes, and she might not be able to write a core academic report on three hundred runes.

This is equivalent to asking a foreigner who has just learned 300 Chinese characters to write a Chinese summary of a master's thesis.

It is no longer a question of whether we can do it or not.

If they had this ability, they shouldn't be sitting here.

Instead, he showed up at Dumbledore's job fair!

"The third assignment."

? ? ?


"Given the difficulty of the previous one, let's make the third assignment easier!"

"Huh~" In the classroom, the little wizards including Owen breathed a sigh of relief.

“Professor Herbology Sprout introduced a new batch of biting kale qualities from the Far East this year.

However, although the new varieties of cabbage are much more active and aggressive than before, there is a deadly toxin in their bodies. This may cause unpredictable harm to your classmates. "

"It takes too long to iteratively screen out weakly or non-toxic individuals through long-term cultivation."

"So - before Christmas, I want to see you use the principle of equal exchange of alchemical substances to successfully eliminate toxins and create cabbage individuals with stable inheritance."

"This long-term assignment will be factored into your exam results and will eventually be incorporated into your overall score."

"If you don't want this course to be a P next year, then start working hard from now on!"

Alchemy is not simply the invention of something or a machine.

It's a way of understanding the world, and I think of it as the science of the wizarding world.

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