I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 158 Two-faced man? Sorry, I'm Bateman! (six thousand)

Owen stands in the Owl Tower.

Looking at the mountains silent in the mist.

Then he glared with his legs, took a leap, and jumped straight off the tower.

Like a sharp sword.

And Dobby naturally followed suit. It grabbed Owen's shoulders in the air, and then apparated away!

The outskirts of Hogsmeade.

There is a shack that has been abandoned for a long time.

It was very shabby inside and out, the room was covered in dust, the walls were stained, and the furniture looked smashed.

Everything is a mess.

Suddenly, a figure flashed outside the silent room.

Then he quickly broke through the wooden boards on the window and climbed into the shack.

The movements are coherent.

He hid behind the wall behind the window and secretly looked at the dementors patrolling the sky in the corner.

Fortunately, the dementors did not notice his presence, which made the man sigh in relief.

He decided to use this house as his temporary habitat for the time being. He was seriously injured. No matter how strong his body was, it would take time to repair.

And this house is very suitable.

He looked up and down at the house, which was in disrepair.

The man walked slowly towards the stairs.

As he put his feet on the attic wooden ladder, he heard the continuous "creaking" sound, which was extremely annoying.

He was surrounded by Aurors hunting for him.

He used some tricks to make those guys believe that he was escaping towards England.

If any noise coming from here was discovered by the Dementors outside, there would be no chance of his escape.

He stumbled up to the attic and gently opened a wooden door.

In an instant, bursts of dust rose up around him, and his eyes turned into a mist.

And just when he took a few steps into the house, the wooden door behind him suddenly closed automatically.

Another puff of dust rose up in the room, and the man coughed slightly, then turned around and raised his wand.


In the corner behind the door, a large black dog appeared.

The black dog stared angrily, and ferocious saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth from time to time.

"This?" Next door is Hogwarts. It's normal for a little wizard to keep a big black dog as a pet, but it shouldn't appear here.

Because school just started today.

Moreover, the man's eyes were slightly solemn, and he saw a very human expression in the big dog's eyes, nervous, angry, vigilant, and indifferent.

These are by no means the looks a normal, or even magical, animal would have.

It's too complex.

Sirius looked warily at the man who suddenly broke in before him.

He was tall and thin, with half-long platinum hair, and his clothes were in tatters, as if they had been torn to pieces by something.

What surprised him even more was that at least half of that man's body was covered in blood and minced meat, from his legs to half of his face.

He was seriously injured, an injury that would have been almost fatal for a human wizard, because half of his body was destroyed, including his heart.

But it's incredible that he is still alive!

Even in the stirring red fluid, new flesh is slowly growing.

Just very slowly.

Dangerous, terrible!

Sirius had never seen such a creature.

But from another perspective, this is an excellent opportunity.

A wizard, with a wand, and looking like he's being hunted, what better person to bully?

The big dog's black eyes stared at the man.

There were threatening low gasps coming from his mouth.

Just as he was about to rush forward and grab the man's wand.

Suddenly, the man's move forced him to stop.

I saw the tall, thin half-length man pointing his wand at the window.

The meaning was very clear. As long as Sirius made any move out of bounds, he would immediately cast a spell to lure the group of dementors.

It was obvious that the man had guessed that the big dog in front of him was the Animagus of a certain wizard.

Based on this, he thought of the Azkaban prison break that has been spreading all over the British Isles these days.

A Death Eater named Sirius Black escapes from prison.

Everyone is speculating that he may have come to hunt down the child who caused the Dark Lord's defeat, the Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter.

"Sirius Black?" The hoarse voice sounded like sandpaper scraping across the floor, suddenly sounding in this dirty room.

Hearing the sound, the big dog that Sirius transformed into suddenly froze.

A trace of shock flashed in his dark eyes.

After noticing the dramatic change in mood, the man became even more convinced that the big dog in front of him was the legendary most loyal Death Eater, Sirius Black!

So that's it - he escaped from Azkaban with his Animagus!

Excellent, what a genius wizard.

A wizard who can master such advanced transformation skills is by no means an ordinary wizard.

Unfortunately, he is Voldemort's man.

If possible--

The man's face showed a smile of relief as he grasped the handle.

He knew that no matter what, he would be able to spend tonight safely.


Suddenly there was a slight sound like wind blowing wooden boards.

One person and one dog subconsciously turned their heads to look.

Outside the door of the stone house.

The man held the wand tightly and signaled Sirius to stay away, then staggered and moved over.

His steps were extremely slow.

He slowly opened the corner of the door and took a quick glance with his remaining eyes.

It was dusty downstairs.

It turned out to be the window he had just broken, and the wind and rain blew in, blowing the broken stairs and making a sound.

"Huh~" He breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the moonlight shining in through the broken window, the excitement calmed down a little.



It's pouring rain outside, how can there be moonlight?


A sudden explosion occurred in the Screaming Shack!

Sirius struggled to dodge and jumped down the stairs.

Explosions behind them!

The entire wall collapsed in the explosion.

A figure.

A dark figure, like an incarnation.

A primal, terrifying personification.

It unfolded its huge cloak and rushed in facing the fire, lightning and thunder.

Not waiting for the man with the wand to cast any spells.

The oncoming whip kick kicked him down the stairs from the second floor, and hit the wall of the first floor with a 'bang' amid the crackling sound of wood.

"I saw it, a rat!"

A low and magnetic male voice sounded from the ashes.

Then Owen jumped high again, flew down, and landed directly on the ground with a huge impact, crushing the man's arm holding the wand.

"I thought you wouldn't bleed!"

He looked at the flesh and blood under his feet, covered in his boots.

Owen said in a low voice, half-smiling.

Wearing a mask, he took a real look at the wizard who dared to attack him for the first time.

"Harvey Dent? Two-Face?"

The man in front of him was half normal and half a fluid body of flesh and blood.

The dark room and the flying dust obscured people's sight, making him look very scary.

"Hmph! It doesn't matter who you are, I'm just curious as to why a vampire ancestor came to Hogwarts to assassinate a young wizard?" Owen said indifferently, then bent down and took the man's severed hand, forcefully Breaking off the wand.

Behind his transformed mask.

A cruel smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Then quickly and without mercy, he continued to smash the man's jaw with a punch. He held the wand in his right hand and forced it into his mouth.

Against his tongue, Owen said fiercely: "I heard that to deal with gutter bastards like you, you have to use fire."

"I'm very curious whether you can come back to life after a fire!"

"So." Owen's tone suddenly dropped, and all the emotions disappeared, leaving only a calm, calm and warm anger, "Can you tell me, who sent you here?"


The man's only remaining eye was staring straight at him.

Owen could see the momentary fear in that eye, but soon, this fear turned into a kind of tenacity, and he could even see a little ridicule in that look.

very good.



Suddenly the man lying on the ground began to twitch violently.

His eyes rolled upwards and his entire body took on an arched shape.

Accompanied by a strong sense of physical rejection, there are fragments of memories that may be true or false.

It was obvious that his memory had been tampered with.

Owen could see very little.

He could only vaguely see a familiar sign and an agreed address.

After this incident is over, the psychological suggestion will take him to that address.

Maybe there, the mastermind hidden behind the scenes will restore his memory.

Or kill them directly.

"Exquisite consideration, amazing magic." After sketching the complete picture of the symbol in his mind, Owen suddenly smiled.

This one seems to be one of our own!

"Hehe!" The man smiled ferociously, his fanatical eyes revealing his crazy loyalty to someone.

"Haha - Avada Kedavra!!!"

Under the green light, everything fell silent.

"Tch—so why did you attack me?" he underestimated.

The dead man's wand was thrown away in his hand, and the wooden stick fell and hit the floor, making a crisp sound.

He happened to fall in front of the big dog hiding in the shadows.

"Sirius?" A low and teasing voice sounded again.

The big dog's scalp went numb for a while.

He looked at the man in front of him wearing a black cloak and a dark mask.

This kind of style was also used by the person who cannot even be named.

I heard that this was when he was young and still recruiting party members.

This is what Tom Riddle wears when he travels around the world.

"What a coincidence!" he said.

Then he turned around and stepped out of the gap in the window.

"Since it's such a coincidence, it's okay for you to take the blame!" In the heavy rain, Sirius always felt like he had heard that lazy voice somewhere.

"Anyway, you are also a murderer recognized by the Ministry of Magic. One more is not more, and one less is not more, in return."

The sound of heavy rain gradually obscured the sound.

Finally, from a distance, there was only one sentence left that broke through the raindrops and fell into Sirius's ears.

"In return, Peter Pettigrew, you have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in Azkaban. You must seize it!"

In the distance, the light created by Dobby could no longer lure the Dementors.

The sound coming from the Screaming Shack finally attracted the attention of the beasts.

The black spots all over the sky are heading towards here.

Sirius, who was hiding in the shed, could clearly see a large group of dementors attacking him through the exposed window.

"damn it!"

Without any hesitation, he immediately released his Animagus transformation and picked up the wand that seemed to have been thrown to him on purpose.

He turned around and ran away in the opposite direction.


By this time Dobby had returned to Owen and brought him back to the castle.

Through the huge bell tower glass on the second floor, he seemed to be able to vaguely distinguish from the rainy night full of moving black spots in the distance, which ones were dementors and which ones were raindrops.

"Come on! Brother Black!"

After that, Owen walked away.


The long night is finally over.

In the early morning, the heavy rain seemed to have eased a lot.

But it's still not over.

In the corridor, the little wizards walked together in twos and threes. When passing through the damp and windy corridor, everyone unconsciously wrapped their cloaks tightly around them.

Damn the weather, it’s only September.

It’s already so cold!

How will you survive this winter?

The atmosphere in the auditorium also became depressing.

There is no more vitality and excitement like last semester.

Of course, there are still people with smiles on their faces.

"Hi Owen!"

As soon as he and Hannah entered the auditorium, a little boy stood up on the long Gryffindor table.

He was a little boy with gray-brown hair, a smile that always appeared on his face, and eyes full of the purest stupidity.


Colin handed him an envelope.

Before Owen took it, he could tell with his naked eyes that it contained gold Galleons.

It must be Gold Galleons, because Silver West isn't that big.

? ? ?

What the hell?

Can he finally start a business of collecting protection money?

Someone gave me money on the first day of school?

So upright!

Although Owen has always been thick-skinned, he considers himself to be a dull, weak, and inarticulate person.


"Ahem - it's better to avoid people when doing this kind of thing." He pretended to cough, and then quickly put the envelope into his pocket with lightning speed.

Then a kind and friendly smile appeared on his face, and he reached out to pat the very sensible young man in front of him.

"This is your membership (student union) fee! I am not the kind of casual person. I take your money to do things for you, you know? For example: If someone troubles you in the future, and I teach you a lesson, this money will be given to you." They will pay for medical expenses! Understand!”


"Huh? What are you talking about?" Colin held the camera, confusion written on his face.

Hannah on the side quickly rolled her eyes.

Early in the morning, she saw the dirtiest scene in Hogwarts!

Fortunately, Miss Gryffindor wasn't here, otherwise she would have given the little wizard who had ruined Gryffindor's reputation to Professor McGonagall with a grimace!

"This is the reward sent by the Daily Prophet!" Colin quickly explained: "I took a lot of photos of you fighting those monsters last night, and I sent some of them to the Daily Prophet. Today They sent me a large sum of money a long time ago, and asked me to take more photos of you, and finally do an interview or something like that, just write about your life, family, parents, etc."


Not protection money?

Owen's face fell instantly.

I thought that this group of little wizards had become smarter and understood the ways of the world, so it turned out that they were in vain.

Then he touched the envelope in his pocket.

Then his face became even worse.

Knock - you call four galleons a lot of money, do you look down on the Daily Prophet, or do you look down on me?

Me - Owen Sanchez!

The Malfoy Social Security Company, which earns several hundred gold galleons every minute, will give him a dividend every month.

Will care about four galleons!

Owen is very angry!

He felt humiliated!

Humiliation from a stupid Gryffindor.

To get revenge on him.

Owen decided to stuff the envelope deeper!

Knock - I can’t suffer a loss!

"Where's Luna?" he asked, then stood on tiptoes and looked in the direction of Ravenclaw.

Maybe they arrived a little late, so Owen didn't see Luna on the long table in Ravenclaw.

"I really don't know how to do business!" After searching for Luna to no avail, Irving had no choice but to educate this novice businessman himself - Colin!

"Write a letter and tell the editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet, less than five hundred galleons, to interview Nima! Write it now, right away!"

he yelled.

Then he led Colin towards the Gryffindor table.

Supervise him and write letters!

"By the way, let me add another sentence, saying that the bid for "The Quibbler" has reached five hundred and fifty galleons. If he replies later than two o'clock in the afternoon, then he will have to ask the editor-in-chief of the "Daily Prophet" to contact Chenofi Mr. Lius Lovegood, please ask if his book "The Quibbler" is allowed to be reprinted!"

"This stupid kid has no business acumen at all!" Owen kept saying, "They are both Gryffindors. Look at George and Fred. Why is there such a big gap between you?"

"I haven't received any influence at all. I will definitely starve to death after graduation!"

"We think so too." The twins immediately came over after hearing their names.

"The little wizard is really worse than the last." Fred said lying on Colin's right side.

"It is recommended that the Sorting Hat improve the admission standards." George lay on Colin's left side and helped.

"Then I suggest that the school allows the academy to dissuade young wizards." Fred continued.

"That's right, kick out all the bad guys."

"We in Gryffindor only accept the elite!"

"I think Owen is very good, he is really suitable for Gryffindor!"

"I think so!"

Gemini fired their bows left and right, saying all kinds of dangerous things. The little boy's pupils were dilated and he was in a daze. He probably really thought that he might not be suitable for Gryffindor and would be kicked out.

"That's enough, you guys!" Hannah couldn't stand it anymore.

She stood up and walked behind Colin.

Patting him on the shoulder, he said: "They are just scaring you. The school will not persuade the little wizard to quit."

Colin's body trembled slightly, and he looked back at Hannah gratefully.

"But I can be fired!" Owen added, "Look, look, look! What are you looking at! Why don't you write it quickly!"

The tragic Colin sobbed, suppressed his dissatisfaction, quickly turned his head again, and used the magic quill he carried with him that did not absorb ink to write on a blank piece of parchment.

And on the side, there are three others.

Then he smiled with a 'ferocious' expression.

Colin's tragedy did not last long.

Because it won't be long before they have to go to class.

Irving threatened to deduct points from Colin and 'invited' him to continue chatting with him at noon.

Then he and Hannah left the auditorium with a devilish smile.


Today was very strange. The first Transfiguration class in the morning was temporarily replaced by a Herbal Medicine class.

Moreover, the entire third grade of the four major colleges came to take herbal medicine classes.

Professor Sprout had to use his loud voice throughout the class for fear that some little wizard wouldn't be able to hear.

At noon, as expected, a reply from the Daily Prophet arrived.

The editor-in-chief offered a full six hundred galleons for an exclusive interview with Irving.

Unfortunately, Hogwarts has been closed to outsiders for the past few days.

So the interview matter fell on Luna.

Little did they know that Mr. Barnabas Guffey, the writer of the Daily Prophet, knew that the interview he was asking for was written by the daughter of his greatest rival, the editor-in-chief of The Quibbler, Xenophilius Lovegood. , what kind of expression will it show?


After lunch, a few people found a deserted corridor.

Colin took the photos.

Luna did the writing.

The interview that ended up being unforgettable for Irving finally began.

"Are you filming?"

"I'm taking pictures, I'm taking pictures."

'Click' The flash light came on, and Owen, who was sitting on the stone guardrail in the corridor, immediately entered the state. He first pretended to touch the non-existent tears with his hands, and then in a trembling, urgent tone, he said He introduced himself sobbingly.

"Hello everyone, my name is Owen Sanchez. I - I have special difficulties in my family. My mother told me since I was a child that children from poor families have already become rich."

"Ahem, I'm sorry. I'm used to it. Don't write this." He turned from crying to calm in a second, then waved his hand and said to Luna shamelessly and relaxedly.

"Come again cough cough"

"Hello everyone, my name is Owen Sanchez. I have special difficulties at home - why? Because I have no family - ahem, this doesn't seem to work either!"

"Come again!"

"Hi, I'm Owen Sanchez, and I have a particularly difficult time at home, though I wake up every day in my 1.24-acre, 4,625-square-foot garden house.

Although, in spring, the wisteria trellis in my garden will turn into a purple waterfall, and the flowers and plants in the yard will bloom in all kinds of colors, including various trees and shrubs. But I am actually a poor, dull, introverted, and not good at words. "

"To talk about my fate with magic, it starts when I don't know how old I was. That day I was leading the children in our orphanage. By the way, I was actually an orphan.

That day I was taking the little girls from the orphanage to play in the mud.

suddenly! Suddenly, a silly boy picked up a piece of mud and threw it towards me. Why! At that time, I reacted very quickly. I ducked sideways and the piss hit the little girl behind me.

but! After all, two fists are no match for four hands, and all the little boys in the yard suddenly threw mud at me out of nowhere.

The mud in the sky - oh! Just like the Dementor yesterday, I awakened the magic power when I was on guard. "

Owen rambled on about his glorious past.

Why! Once one chapter is complete, there is no need to think about the chapter name for the second chapter.

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