I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 153 The Rise of Darkness

I know.

I knew it from the beginning.

That boy is an evil ghost in human skin.

Everyone was deceived by his superb disguise, no one believed me, no one!


September 1980.

I clearly remember that it was midnight.

That night the dogs outside the Svent orphanage barked all night long.

I often wake up from my sleep.

But he just cursed a few times in a low voice and continued to fall asleep.

I was so tired. Managing the orphanage consumed all my energy. Those energetic children were like imps in the vestibule of hell, chattering and laughing, pestering me crazily.

Yes, I hate kids--

But for the sake of my future, and for me to take another half step forward in my official career, as I am nearly sixty years old, I have to take over this orphanage funded by the city government.

Haha - I often think that if I endure it for a while longer, I will retire soon. The pension of an orphanage director is much higher than that of an unknown old clerk in the city government.

Yes, that’s how I got through it.

This thought was the medicine that allowed me to fall asleep.

early morning.

The noise outside woke me up again.

Associate Dean John knocked on my door.

With a little anger and anxiety, I got dressed unhappily and opened the door.

He was a young man, in his mid-thirties, and it could be seen from the Windsor knot tied on his chest that he was a child of a wealthy family with a wealthy family and a certain degree of accomplishment.

No wonder I climbed to the top at such a young age that it took me half my life to reach.

"There is a child!"

"Someone abandoned a child outside the orphanage."

After hearing the news, I was first displeased.

Picking up a child in front of an orphanage is such a big deal, but is it worth waking him up?

Ever since a certain deviant culture was introduced to France, children of various colors could be picked up on the grass outside the hospital every month or even every day.

Their orphanage is about to become a shelter for all nations!

"No, Dean, it's not just—go and have a look!"

A disdainful sneer rose in my heart. After all, young people have too little social experience.

The only reason a child could scare him to such an extent was that the child might have a strange shape.

Siamese? Atavism? Missing arms and legs? Or already dead?

Huh, that's all.

I followed John through the doorway carved with history.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew.

A strong, indelible smell of blood penetrated my nose.

Suddenly, an ominous premonition arose in my heart.

Many people gathered in front of the church.

I never knew there were so many teaching staff in the orphanage!

Haha—usually we can’t even gather so many people together for a meal.

However, these people looked very strange.

Their expressions were dull and their bodies were trembling slightly, as if they had seen something shocking.

"Get out of the way!" I said.

I must use the majesty of the dean to suppress this group of soulless walking zombies.


My heart was full of sneers. The city government sending him to be the dean was probably the most correct thing those gentlemen had ever done.

Look at this young generation born after the war.

What a disgrace to France.


I pushed my way through the insensitive crowd. Wanted to get a glimpse of what was going on.

The next second.

When that hellish scene shines through the light into my pupils.

I wish I was blind at that moment.

Under the steps of the church, there was blood and broken flesh. The disgusting organs and flesh were thrown to the ground like garbage.

There were at least three or four bodies of men and women.

Their heads were shattered as they died.

Every wound was filled with teeth marks, sharp and penetrating the skin.

Those are definitely not human teeth.

Rather, it's more like a canine.

Suddenly I remembered the barking of the dogs last night——

Could it be?


I instinctively exclaimed.

Want to retreat.

Because I found that in the flower bed not far from the orphanage, under the shade of the trees, a pair of dark green eyes were staring at me. It can be seen from the blood all over their bodies and the pieces of meat in their mouths and between their teeth that they are the murderers who killed—no—bitten those three unlucky guys.

"Close the door quickly and call the police!" Although I was severely frightened, as a once glorious freedom fighter, the willpower forged in the military still made me calm down.

But just when I was about to lead these frightened subordinates to retreat, a pair of hands, many hands, pressed hard against my lower back.

"John, what are you doing!"

"Director." The young man with numb eyes raised his head and spoke to the air, "The orphanage should not abandon any innocent child."

"What did you say!" I was frightened by his expression.

But, he was right. Although I don't like children, I can't watch a young life being buried in a dog's belly.

I hurriedly walked down the steps and took the swaddling clothes. There were all kinds of debris scattered around, including a sharp knife, several needles stained with mud, several packages of unknown medicines, and blood and flesh that made people vomit. Pick it up.

When I opened the swaddling clothes, at first glance, I was attracted by the appearance of the child.

He - no, it - it is quite beautiful, with black hair, gray eyes, thin lips and a tall nose. It is as delicate as a doll.

If that's all it is.

But the moment my eyes passed over the child's eyes.

A cold sweat broke out on my back!

It was an accusing look, and God, a few months old was looking at me like that.

It seems to be saying: Why did you come?

At that moment, it was like a bolt from the blue, because a ridiculous, terrifying, and dark idea came out of my heart.

Are those man-eating dogs controlled by this child?

Could it be that the barking last night was just to wake him up?

No - no, he is just a child, not a demon.

no, I can not.

Will not!


In the faculty office at Hogwarts, Wenda opened her eyes suddenly.

She was startled awake again.

By the same dream!

In other words, it is a memory, a Muggle memory that has become graffiti on the wall.

The downpour outside the window roared and washed the castle. "Crack!" There was a sound and a thunder flashed past.

The mottled light and shadow shining through the window onto the floor also illuminates an exquisite, comfortable and luxurious armchair.

"You don't look good."

This temporarily opened office located on the other side of the stairs on the second floor has been cleaned cleanly.

It was covered with a thick carpet embroidered with complicated golden patterns.

Various elegant patterns are also carved on the walls.

The huge crystal lamp hung in mid-air, but no candles were lit.

At this time, a witch was hidden in the darkness. She was sitting on an armchair made of some kind of magical animal leather.

The serious expression revealed a touch of majesty.

Behind the square glasses, his deep eyes were full of warning.

"Humph." Wenda glanced at her, lifted the silk blanket around her body, tied up her hair, and stood up slowly.

A porcelain teapot from the Far East in the eighteenth century floated up and poured a cup of strong coffee for Wenda, who was sitting opposite the witch.

"What are you doing here?" She asked lazily, as if the dream just now had never happened.

In front of him, on the marble round table, there were various cups and utensils.

Besides the first time, there was also a newspaper.

"Daily Prophet"

In the most eye-catching position, the front page headline, there is a photo of a man. It is a tall and thin man with half-long black hair, and the clothes on his body are obviously in tatters.

His hair was a little greasy, his face was dirty, and he didn't know how many days it had been since he took good care of himself. His deep pupils and pale skin made him look more like a vampire.

"Warning you." Professor McGonagall stood up, her dark green robe completely blocking the firelight coming from outside the door.

"Even if Albus allows you to stay in Hogwarts, that's just his promise!"

"Hogwarts has never accepted a criminal as a recognized professor!"

"Really?" Wenda leaned against the armchair, lifting one of her slender legs to rest on the other one.

Then he held the tea cup with both hands and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

She still looks so beautiful, as if time has never taken anything away from her, if you don't pay attention to the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and half-white hair.

"If my memory is correct, it seems that the Lockhart from last semester was a 'criminal'!"

"At least we didn't know his true identity at that time, and you-" Professor McGonagall didn't intend to argue with Wenda about Dumbledore's unknown identity.

She doesn't care about anything, even if Wenda has followed Grindelwald and killed many people, or how she survived to the present under the joint pursuit, etc.

Professor McGonagall wasn't interested.

The only thing she cares about is the little wizards at Hogwarts!

"I will always keep an eye on you, Rozier. As long as you cause any little wizard to be injured, I will immediately report your existence to the Federation, even if Albus chooses to shield you!"

Professor McGonagall looked directly at her with cold eyes.

"This is Hogwarts, I hope you can remember this!" After that, the professor walked away without any expression.

The moment she left, the exquisite crystal lamp automatically lit up.

Resurface the entire room with brown light.

"Hmph~" Wenda waved her hand fiercely, and the door to her room closed automatically with a bang.

Then she put down the tea cup.

When she came to the window, through the midnight-like darkness and the pouring rain, she seemed to see something familiar.

A thin piece of black gauze, ignoring the thunder and rain, faced the wind and floated over Hogwarts like a flag.

Light and flowing.

That - that was the call of darkness.

It is great, a symbol of Grindelwald's rise.

But not before that.

Wenda stared coldly at the rain outside the window. She must eliminate that scourge.

But it can't be up to her.

Darkness rises, and the devil or evil ghost will gradually tear off the disguise from this moment on.

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