I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 149 Friendship with Furong

"Well - I got a little carried away." Hermione, who was inexplicably flustered as Fleur's charming green eyes stared at her cheeks, suddenly had a lot of blush on her cheeks.

At Hogwarts, there was always a figure above her, suppressing her.

No matter how hard she tried, Owen would always be one point ahead of him.

It seems like he did it on purpose!

Whenever he felt that he was about to surpass him, that guy would run forward a lot.

Then he turned to look at her with a mocking expression.

Until the next time, she mustered up the courage to fall into involution again.

How long - how long has it been since she saw such a look in her eyes.

Convinced, Hermione suddenly felt a little proud.

Let's see!

She's not bad either.

"Thank you, Hermione." Fleur stretched out her fair and slender hands and spoke English with a strong French flavor.

She held Hermione's hand tightly, "No one has ever said these words to me. You are the best witch I have ever met. Well, except for our principal."

"You're welcome. I. I'm not that good!"

Hermione's little head was steaming, and Fleur's tingling tone, or in other words, a strange girl's 'compliment' to her, especially since she was from another magic school, greatly benefited Hermione.

The little witch's face was rosy, and her whole body exuded a strong light called "confidence."

Look at Hermione's face.

Furong's heart was slightly touched.

As the chief wizard of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, her reputation in this school is actually not very good.

No matter how good she is.

There will always be people who will make an understatement and say: "Humph - it's just good luck that I inherited the bloodline from Veela!"

From the time she entered school until now, she could hear such words and similar words no less than a thousand times.

It's like a fluttering inheritance of blood has wiped out all her efforts!

It includes all the hardships she went through practicing spells until late at night, and even dislocating her arm in pursuit of standard movements!

Why should they!

How could one sentence kill all her efforts!

Especially the girls at school!

Because of her natural ability to charm, most boys would still flock to her even if she never took the initiative to flirt with her.

Maybe it's jealousy, more likely it's hatred!

Bad words about her were spread everywhere in the academy, and some even made up some quite nasty and unpleasant lies, trampling on her dignity and personality wantonly.

Whenever this happens, she will practice magic even more crazily, because only in this way can she escape from this world for a short time, enter the sweet magical fantasy world, and avoid the words of those who accuse her!

"Fleur—can I call you that?" Hermione smiled sweetly.

Furong, who was stunned, quickly responded: "Of course. If you like it!"

"I like your name very much."

"Then - let's get started!"

Taking a deep breath, Hermione calmed down her heart again.

Then, she began to actually teach the skills of wandless spellcasting.

Magic power slowly flowed out of her fingers, lifting the surrounding tables and chairs like a tray.

Hermione opened her arms in the daylight, and invisible threads spread from all over her body, either sticking to her, hooking up, or lifting her up.

In short, soon, all the desks and chairs in the classroom began to surround her - they circled, surrounding her from top to bottom.

Training officially begins.

Magic training is like most physical training in the world, even more difficult, because it is not just physical pain, but also mental torture.

But - this time, Fleur didn't feel any mental pressure.

She had to admit, Hermione was a pretty good teacher.

She told her everything she knew about wandless spellcasting.

No reservations at all.

It's hard to imagine that they had a fight before, and this was their first official meeting.

This girl - Fleur looked at her gratefully. She was so kind and brave. There was something about her that she had never had before.

And that thing fascinated her deeply.

As the sun sets, the girls' friendship develops.

They were whispering, discussing magic, and making crazy comments about Owen.

The silver bell-like laughter came from the classroom, leaping far and wide.

And Furong, who gradually relaxed, finally found the trick.

She was too tight before.

Sometimes magic is like this. The more you pursue it, the harder it is to catch it. But when you want to change your focus, you may find what you want just around the corner.

After several hours, Fleur made rapid progress, and she was gradually able to control some lighter tables and chairs to float.


The sweat on her forehead soaked her hair, flowing slowly from both sides of her cheeks, down her neck, and across her chest.

Sweat soaked her satin-like clothes.

"I seem to have succeeded."

Fleur, with her shiny silver hair, said in surprise, and then immediately turned to look at Hermione who was sitting on a chair nearby, fanning herself with her palms.

"Well - just remember this feeling, and then just keep trying and practicing." Hermione, who was sweating no less than Fleur at this time, said weakly.

Her temples were also wet.

She used magic to tie her hair into a ponytail.

Ever since Owen transformed her into this hairstyle, Hermione has always felt that it suited her very well, looked good, and restrained her fluffy hair.

"Let's get here first today!" she said while wiping her sweat.

"Okay!" Fleur agreed, then raised her slender hand and gently fanned the cool breeze towards Hermione's little face, "Does it feel cool?"


Hermione responded sweetly.

Girls' friendship is like this, it is always established unconsciously.

"The weather is getting hotter and hotter." The bad girl's eyes flashed with a sly look, "Well - we can go take a bath!"

"Take a - bath?" Hermione stood up with a bang.


There are many manors in Beauxbatons, one after another, and the internal roads are not much simpler than Hogwarts.

Although there is no spiral staircase, the school's most important check-in attraction that troubles freshmen.

But Beauxbatons' intricate palace-style corridors and doors will definitely make most people dizzy.

There are several doors in each room, and they are connected in series so that you can't tell where the real exit is.

Among them, the huge manor in the girls' dormitory passed through the magical restrictions, like a gate woven with gold wire, and soon the two of them came to the indoor garden created by high-level alchemy.

There is a spring in the center.

Juanjuan streams keep emerging from the springs.

There is a layer of mist floating on the water. It is obvious that this is not cold water.

Next to the hot spring.

Fleur, waved her magic wand, and a row of wooden boxes hidden in the tree trunks in the distance suddenly opened, and many bathrobes flew out.

"These are my sister Gabrielle's clothes." She said, looking Hermione up and down.

"Maybe you're wearing a little too small." She smiled playfully and put the bathrobe on Hermione's body.

Then a magical scene occurred. The bathrobe made of an unknown material actually 'eaten' the girl's clothes.

Then it was put on her body tightly.

The sudden change shocked Hermione, and she quickly crossed her arms.

"It's magical, isn't it!" Furong also put on a silver silk bathrobe.

"It looks like just a bathrobe, but in fact, it is also a creation of alchemy. It can wrap your original clothes, clean them, and even automatically repair your clothes. After you take a bath, with a magic spell, it will It would be amazing to give you a clean set of clothes again!"

She slowly squatted down, put her left hand into the water, held the wand in her right hand, and danced it up and down.

She didn't stop until a certain temperature made her feel comfortable.

"I heard that Professor Flamel invented it specifically so that he could take a bath easily."

Then she walked into the pool.

Feeling the gradual pressure swallowing her up.

The close feeling made her feel satisfied and happy.

"You know, he is over six hundred years old and needs someone to take care of him." Furong stretched out her arms as soft as snow lotus roots and tied up her silver hair.

"But the professor is a strong man. He doesn't want to be taken care of like a useless person, so he invented many alchemy items for daily life."

“Automatically sowing the ground and harvesting the carpet for cooking.”

"Any door that can go to many places."

"A crystal ball that can see the future."

"Small horn for early warning."

"A penetrating ring that can penetrate all objects."

“The Holy Grail that makes wishes come true—of course it’s not very magical.”

She tilted her head up and let the running water kiss her cheek.

It can be seen that this bathhouse should also be the work of alchemy.

Hermione was slightly surprised when she heard Fleur's story.

It turns out that alchemy has such a life-oriented aspect. She always thought that most magical alchemy was about weapons and the like.

Then she slowly walked into the water.

Feel the warmth enveloping you.

She couldn't help but closed her eyes, hmm - I won't copy books today.

Let’s be lazy for a little while!

That's what she thought.

"It's so cute, just like my sister." Fleur said lazily, "It's a pity that she went home during the summer vacation and didn't have the chance to meet such a good friend."

"Not that good!" Hermione replied with a slight blush.

"The little wizards at Hogwarts are very friendly. Owen -"

"He is just venomous and foul-mouthed. In fact, he is quite a nice person."

"Really?" Fleur expressed doubt and cast a confused look at Hermione.

Nice person? Why didn't she feel it?

"As long as you don't go against him." Hermione responded with some embarrassment. She knew about the grievances between Owen and Fleur, or the entire Beauxbatons.

"He is the most unique in Hogwarts." Perhaps in order to restore Owen's poor reputation, Hermione said again: "He is a maverick and does whatever he wants no matter what he does. He has the talent and ability to do that. talent."

The group number is in the introduction

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