I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 146 Chief Gryffindor VS Chief Beauxbatons

Why are there no tree holes under my feet?

Why are there so many people around!

Why am I still alive!

Hermione, who was already so embarrassed that she could dunk out of the Marina Bay Trench, stared at Owen crazily.

"shut up!"

She began to regret following Owen here.

I regret coming to Paris.

I regret coming to France.

If she stayed at home throughout the summer, at least her wandless spellcasting skills would surely improve to the next level.

Why should I come out to relax?

Hermione couldn't help sighing as she held Owen's wand.

The feeling of being roasted on a fire is really unpleasant.

After she raised her head and glanced at the ridiculously beautiful girl, she knew that she would have to fight no matter what today.

The other person's face was so cold that she was a little scared. She also didn’t know how much damage that guy Owen had caused her.

But since it cannot be avoided.

The little witch's face was solemn. She also had no favorable impression of the Beauxbatons wizard who cast dark magic on Owen, and was even a little disgusted. Even the innocent Fleur was slightly hostile to her.

Fighting—she had never been afraid of it.

"Everything is petrified!"

A mountain breeze came and lifted up the scattered petals in the flower bed!

That seemed to be a signal, and the next second, the tip of Hibiscus staff lit up with a faint light.

A gray spell flew past the ground, targeting Hermione.

Faced with the oncoming spell, the little witch was not afraid of danger. She raised her wand and wanted to cast an armor spell. However, after chanting the spell, the expected blue armor did not appear.

For a moment, Hermione thought she was holding a piece of wood.

Seeing that the curse was about to hit her, Hermione had no choice but to jump to the left, roll and nimbly avoid the attack.

"I'm going to kill you Owen!" Just as Hermione's angry voice rang out in the sea of ​​flowers, Fleur's curses hit her the next moment.

"Well" Owen, who was watching the show, naturally saw Hermione's current embarrassment.

Hermione couldn't use his wand?

This is not science - this is not magic!

He swore he never gave Hermione a branch.

Generally speaking, even if a wizard uses someone else's wand, he or she cannot control it at best. Even if a wand with unicorn tail hair is used as a wand by another person, it will only be unable to exert its full magic power. Can the Elder Wand be replaced by another person? Use it forcefully?

If you don’t have the heart to get it, it’s good to use it physically!

He had never heard of Hermione being unable to cast a spell like this.

At this moment, Hermione, who was moving around on the battlefield, wanted to strangle Owen.

She was 100% doubtful - no - she was sure that what the guy gave her was not a wand at all, but a branch.

Don't think it's ridiculous, if it belongs to that guy, he can definitely do it! ! !


Two more curses flew past.

The little witch dodged close to her. There was a "boom" behind her, and petals and dust rose up behind her. A strong wind came from behind, making her robe whistle, and it made He who was filled with anger. Min, the broken hair on the forehead is floating.

Her big, watery eyes were wide open, looking like she was ready to bite at any moment, especially when she turned her head from time to time to look at Owen, who was excitedly watching the show.

Hermione, with her cherry red lips pursed tightly and her eyes blazing, suddenly threw Owen's wand directly towards Fleur.

The sudden change made the witch, who was much more beautiful than Hermione, slightly stunned.

Subconsciously, she quickly looked around.

My feelings for the little witch in front of me dropped drastically. It turned out that all the little wizards at Hogwarts were like this, shameless and despicable.

At this time, Owen, who was watching the battle, couldn't help laughing.

Fleur must have thought Hermione was up to her old tricks.


She is just simply angry

Throwing the wand is really a killer and insulting move!

Uh--Suddenly Owen woke up, hey--that thing that was thrown seemed to be my wand!

——After a week of quick inquiries, Fleur, who did not see any professor coming, frowned. She was a little confused as to what the girl in front of her was planning.

"I can win without a wand!" Hermione, who had been tricked out of the shadows, no longer held back.

She took advantage of Furong's daze.

He rushed forward, constantly closing the distance between him and the girl with silver hair.

Although there is no magic wand in his hand, he can still use the magic spell.

Brave and fearless Gryffindor, Granger never gives up!

Wandless Levitation Spell.

The magic power spread from Hermione's body to the surroundings. A lot of soil, grass roots and rocks that had just been exploded by Fleur, as long as they could be controlled, were all controlled by Hermione and thrown away.

In an instant, the sky was filled with debris, covering the sky and the sun, and almost blocking the moonlight.

A large shadow appeared on the ground. Darkness suddenly enveloped her, leaving Fleur speechless in shock.

She looked at the little girl in front of her in shock.

It's not how powerful Hermione's levitation spell is or how powerful this attack is, but - she clearly doesn't have a wand! ! !

how come?

It's not like Fleur never thought about casting spells without a wand, but the girl opposite looked like she was only thirteen or fourteen years old! ! !

She couldn't even cast the disarming spell at that time!

Without enough time to think, Fleur quickly waved her wand, and a silver mist suddenly appeared, isolating all the earth and gravel that crushed the rose.


Phew! The orange fire suddenly tore open the covering shadow.


Fleur, who already had some understanding of Hermione's flexible movements, immediately changed her tactics. Since those single-target magic spells can't attack, let's burn them in a large area!

Furong's slender neck was raised proudly, and she was still beautiful even without makeup.

The flames danced with the wind, blowing her hair up. At that moment, the firelight, moonlight, fluorescence, and various lights overlapped each other, making Furong's body suddenly look more divine.

Gradually, the gravel and soil became her boost.

The dirt mixed with flames was like a meteor, wildly bombarding Hermione's position.

In a daze, the little witch seemed to have returned to Hogwarts.

In that crazy college battle.

She could still vividly see the magnificence of hundreds of magic spells streaking across the sky. Compared to those, the flames in front of her seemed nothing.

"A wizard's battle should not rely solely on magic spells."

"You have to rely on your brain."

The still life around seemed to have been pressed on the pause button, and everything slowed down. Hermione's eyes were firm, and the flames reflected her excited face.

Owen's figure flashed in his brown eyes, which was the scene he had demonstrated when he paid to teach them.

"Using the least amount of effort to defeat the enemy most effectively is the wizard's way of dueling, just like Professor Flitwick."

"There are only a few top wizards like Professor Dumbledore who throw ultimate moves at each other."

"Most wizards will never use Avada to chew a melon in their lifetime. Thank God if they can fully cast the disarming and petrifying spell."

After that, Owen demonstrated his theory.

He waved his wand, suddenly taking control of a rock on the side of the mountain, and then threw it towards Harry.

Harry panicked and cast a blasting spell.

There was a "boom", stones flew into the air, and in the moment when the smoke and dust covered it, a stone that was supposed to fall to the ground suddenly twisted, and then in Harry's trembling eyes, a large python suddenly flew out of the smoke and dust, and there was no time. After casting the spell, Harry was wrapped into a rice dumpling by the boa constrictor.

"Did you see it? Those who cover you are also covering your enemies." Owen smiled and stared at Harry who was lying on the ground and kept turning his head to avoid the python's kiss, and said loudly: "Do you think I only lost a stone? "

"No, actually I lost two pieces, one big and one small. The smaller one was hidden behind the bigger one. When the smoke and dust started to rise, I cast a transformation spell and attacked suddenly. He couldn't react at all."

"Haha, defeating the savior is so easy!"

“It turns out it’s that simple!!!”

Owen's laughter echoed around the foothills of Hogwarts.

But Hermione heard it clearly, as if it was right next to her ears.

Because that bastard was actually by her side.

"Come on Granger! Come on Grangerヾ(°°)!!! Woo~~~Miss Granger is going to counterattack."

"What is she going to do, what is she going to do!!!"

On the sidelines, Owen looked at the battle in the flower garden more excitedly than anyone else.


In the flames that filled the sky, Hermione suddenly stretched out her right hand. There seemed to be something in the air, hiding above the flames, and then suddenly flashed across the sky.

That is--

Magic wand!

It's Owen's wand.

God, she had just hidden her wand behind all that dirt so she didn't notice.

Fleur could tell at a glance who the owner of the wand was.


It's too fast, not as fast as the dirt, just by controlling a wand, its speed has increased several times.

"Oh my God! It's a wand. It turns a wand into a sword. It's such a handsome magic, and such a beautiful idea. But I would like to remind you that there are thousands of magics, and the wand is the most important. Without the wand, the wizard becomes a Muggle. Everyone, please Little wizards, as well as the audience watching on the screen, really love their wands, start today."

Owen continued chattering: "Have you waxed your wand today? Have you put a film on it? Have you spent a good night with it? Treat your wand like a lover!"

————Turn back to the flower garden.

Obviously, Hermione does not have the murderous intention of Owen. Her target is very clear, that is Fleur's right hand, her wrist to be precise, the wand in her hand!


Burning soil passed over Hermione's head, and the black 'stones' were covered with red lines, and traces of flames roared outward from those lines.

This made her cheeks feel hot.


The air flow brought by the huge explosion suddenly hit the little witch.

Hermione was not afraid in the face of danger. A huge boulder rose up from under her feet and stood behind her. Then at the moment of the explosion, relying on the impact, she leaped out.

At this time, the distance between her and Fleur was less than five feet.

Damn it, the last one was blocked. I’ll change it later.

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