I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 137 A conflict will definitely break out

Chapter 137 A conflict will definitely break out.

Time is the most terrible thing.

Slowly this doubt turned into an unspeakable anger, and rumors spread everywhere.

A few days later, it even spread in Paris that the so-called truth was actually a few adult wizards seeking revenge because of the Quidditch match (exhibition match, the French team defeated the Irish team).

What little wizards and fair duels are all British conspiracies.

They created this fake news with one hand just to cover up the fact that they bullied the small ones and attacked several young wizards at Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Well, I have to say that as a world-class troublemaker, there is absolutely no problem for Daying to be maliciously speculated like this by others.

After all, America on the other side of the sea, who had the same father-and-son relationship with him, hadn't she staged a scam in which a bottle of washing powder destroyed a country?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the French wizard being so suspicious.

However, as for the other people present, there is no problem in making any guesses, but the one standing there is the original owner, Irving.

Although the real situation that day was that he was taunting him with all kinds of words (he wanted to beat someone up when he was bored) and the other party couldn't help it, but it was indeed the little wizards from Bubaston who came together to beat him.

Of course, it turned out that he was the one who beat up a group of them.

But the wizard in front of me said that he had a sneak attack. This was completely a slander against him, him! Owen Sanchez! The Dark Lord! Why don't you bother to make a sneak attack?


The conflict was about to break out, and the boy suddenly waved his wand and shouted a magic spell.

Then a dazzling red light flashed, and a dangerous spell emitted from the tip of his wand, heading straight towards Owen.

"Oh~oh! Oops!" A certain dark devil cheered boredly.

Beauxbatons was indeed very warm, and the air was filled with a delicate fragrance, but when the temperature rose, he would easily become sleepy.

Especially the wind in the mountains and fields is so warm and gentle.

Like a mother caressing him as a wanderer returning from overseas. This confused Owen even more.

As for breaking the spell of tenderness.

He didn't even glance at it.

It’s not that he is inflated, it’s really that he is fighting against him. The color of the curse is not green. Are you looking down on me? Oh, are you looking down on me? !

An average attack spell like this.

In Owen's eyes, it felt like the world-destroying dragon saw the brave man who had not left the novice village, waved his sword lamely, and used the sword skill 'slash' on him.

He didn't even pull out his wand.

He raised his right hand and touched it lightly with his index finger. A blue light curtain flashed past, and then the magic spell seemed to hit something. After a while of trembling, it returned to the original path.

With a "bang", in the boy's shocked eyes, he was knocked away by the magic spell he had released.

The grass on the ground was severely damaged, because the boy rolled more than ten feet before coming to a stop, crushing many strong green lives.


Owen's hair, which had been blown away by the wind, calmed down.

The nonchalant look in his eyes showed an indelible sleepiness.

Armor fights back.

After half a year of practice, Owen has become very proficient in using this spell.

Of course, the prerequisite is some ordinary magic spells. Although he can bounce back the slightly stronger black magic defense spells, the accuracy is very poor. If the black magic is more advanced, he will have to dodge.

Bounce? Everyone is so embarrassed by Avada, but he still reacts like crazy!


If you are killed by Avada, there is indeed a chance of becoming a ghost (laughs).

"what happened?"

At this time, other Beauxbatons students on the Quidditch pitch also flew over, and they stood on the opposite side of Owen.

Everyone looked at their partner who fell to the ground and struggled in pain in surprise.

"He was rebounded by his own spell?"

"What kind of magic is this?"

"He didn't even take out his wand, how-how did he cast the spell?"

"Idiot, you have magic skills to cast spells without a wand! What are you doing in class?"

A group of students were chattering. Although they couldn't figure out what magic Owen used just now, the moment happened too fast, and from the visual effects alone, the magic used by the boy was not a powerful one. Okay. Not very powerful either.

So although they were surprised that a teenage wizard could leapfrog and defeat a wizard several levels above him, there was not much fear in their eyes, and instead they continued to stare at Owen aggressively.

"Do you know?" Owen spread his hands, and a layer of light black silk slowly flowed out from the soles of his feet without anyone noticing.

"It's really boring to fight with the little wizard. You can't even eat the big melon. My combat effectiveness has dropped by 50%!" He turned around casually, with an inexplicable sharp look in the corner of his eyes.

"But in view of the fact that you will definitely continue to trouble me, so——"

Suddenly he raised his head abruptly, and a smile was ready to come out from the corner of his mouth.

"You guys, let me show you what it means - magic!"

After saying that, he gave a high-five, then raised his hands to the left and right, and the thick black mist spread instantly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it enveloped all the little wizards present.

"What kind of magic is this?"

"It doesn't seem to have any offensive power?"

Darkness eroded their sight, but soon, everything was as before, the black fog suddenly disappeared, and the light of the 'sun' shone in again.

But the smile on Owen's lips grew wider.

I have to say that he is becoming more and more proficient in operating special effects. He used the black cloth magic that his grandfather used to summon his subordinates, and he used it like an arm.

The sky-wide phantom magic, together with the black mist, entered this false world.

"Remember my name, because it will accompany you throughout your life and become the ultimate terror!"

A wisp of mountain wind blew Owen's robes, and the sky was suddenly covered with clouds.

Everyone looked at the sky in shock, and their emotions gradually turned to panic.

The surrounding brightness suddenly began to drop wildly.

The depressing wind is filled with misfortune!

"Crack!" A flash of lightning suddenly lit up in the sky.

The blue-purple light illuminated Owen's terrifying and ferocious smile.

For a moment, all the Bubaston students felt their hearts sinking, as if they were being targeted by some unparalleled evil creature, causing their adrenaline to soar.

In panic, some people chose to run away.

Someone chooses to raise their wand.

Someone is hiding in the crowd.

Some people chose physical attack.


The lightning was like a net, starting from a bright spot and spreading densely to the surrounding areas.

There were more and more lines, and finally they fell from the sky to Owen's side.

Crush all those curses to pieces.

"Do you only have this little magic power?" A certain little black man secretly pulled out his wand, and the golden Stop Curse and the Armor Protection Curse blocked all those magic spells.

Then along with that golden glow, the oppressive clouds finally couldn't stop the violent heart, and began to madly reveal the lightning that was like the coming of the end.


Lightning gathered all over Owen's body, and then turned into an annihilated black bird in his crazy eyes, "Thunder and lightning are coming!!!"

Then he suddenly pushed out the lightning, and with the sound of dense electric current, Xuanniao paralyzed everyone with "electricity" as if entering an uninhabited land. After a second, no one in the audience stood still.

Including the chief Bubbaston who served as his tour guide, Fleur Delacour.

"Petrification Curse!!!" Fleur was half-kneeling on the ground, trembling all over. Although she resisted Owen's Petrification Curse hidden in the lightning, she did not escape his backhand - it was not a backhand, after all. The special effects also needed a bit of realism.

Like a slight lightning storm spreading from the soles of your feet.

At least there must be some traces of electric shock on those little wizards!

"You are very good! Miss Furong."

"It was just that he was not very honorable when he attacked me just now." Owen squatted on the ground, holding his face with his left hand, and said casually.

"I am a student of Bubaston!" Fleur gritted her teeth, her resolute face filled with unyielding, "I thought the name Owen was very familiar before."

"I didn't expect it was you!"

"Haha——" Owen sneered a few times: "Strong men never bother to explain. Since you are willing to believe rumors, but are unwilling to fall down, this makes me a little embarrassed."

Owen squatted on the ground calmly, raising his wand with his right hand. The sharp wind fascinated Fleur's eyes.

She looked at the boy in front of her in shock. At that moment, the greenhouse flower, which had never faced danger before, felt the threat of death.

"In that case——"

"Lightning storm!!!"

This time, he is no longer just casting special effects, Owen has already removed the shady scenes.

Although it won't kill this very beautiful young lady, it still has to teach her a lesson.

Don't surprise yourself with an enemy you can't defeat.

This will never bring you anything but disaster.

A thunder suddenly sounded on the plains of Bubaston.

The black clouds coming from the sky then spit out a lightning bolt as thick as an arm, a blue-purple light! It landed directly on Fleur's head!

"Armor - protection!!!"


The blue armor was like a stream of light flowing out silver and blue particles in all directions, and Fleur barely held on.

She knelt on the ground, her body trembling, her hands holding the wand above her head, her eyes fixed on the light as bright as day.

"It's amazing. There are very few young wizards of your age who can use the Armor Charm to this extent in fifth grade." Owen praised, "But it's still a bit worse than Miss Granger."

"After half a year of extracurricular tutoring, Miss Granger has been able to hold on to her armor without breaking even under the repeated bombardment of seven or eight of my regular spells."

"As a top student in the two major colleges, I wonder how long Miss Furong can persist?"

After saying that, he raised his wand and flicked it, and a disarming spell flying close to the ground hit Fleur's slender arm.

"Oops! It doesn't look like it's going to work!" A certain little black man squatted on the ground and mocked unscrupulously.

"How can you focus all your attention on Lightning when your enemy is still in front of you?"

Ho ho ho...

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