I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 108 Those who often steal other people’s accounts will one day be hacked in person.


Hermione's eyes flashed, what did Principal Dumbledore mean?

Did he plan the attack at Hogwarts?

"First edition? Hmm - I think the first edition is pretty good too, Professor." Hermione said lazily, imitating Owen's tone.

Needless to say, it really has some charm.

"That's it!" Dumbledore looked away and raised his head again.

"But you must find Ravenclaw's secret room as soon as possible. I can't suppress that mysterious guy for too long." The old principal automatically brought the editor's perspective.

As soon as the upper lip touches the lower lip, an image of exhaustion is immediately created.

"The Minister of Magic has written warning letters several times. Now with my authority, I can still suppress them, but -" the old man's tone became bitter, "If the attack is not over yet, maybe"

"Maybe? Professor." Hermione asked quickly, a little anxiously.

Old Dengtou, whose smile could hardly be suppressed, sighed leisurely, "Maybe Hogwarts will be closed."

"You - you may be sent to Beauxbatons, or Ilvermorny."

"No - no, Professor!" Hermione's palms were sweating. She had never thought that the seemingly relaxed professor was under such tremendous pressure.

Millennium Hogwarts is about to be closed.

This—she would never let this happen!

As for other magic schools.

Hogwarts is the best wizarding school in the world.

"Yes! No." The old principal continued in a tone that would make the listener feel that he was exhausted.

"You have to go faster, go faster."

"I can do it, Professor, I swear." Hermione, overwhelmed by a strong sense of responsibility, shouted feverishly.

"Well, you are the best student I have ever taught, kid, I believe in you." Dumbledore handed Sherlock in his arms to Hermione again. Then he waved.

The little witch understood, picked up Sirocco, turned around and left the place.

At this time, she felt that her soul had been purified, and she felt that a steady stream of power was being generated in her body.

She will foil that mysterious guy's plot, she will!

——Watching Hermione leave, Dumbledore was very sure that the child had misunderstood. He actually wanted to say, child, your hair is changing color.

"Polyjuice potion~" the old principal muttered quietly, "You can brew polyjuice potion in the second grade."

"You are indeed the best student I have ever had. Miss Granger."

As for Owen - wasn't that taught by Gellert?


After walking out of Dumbledore's sight, Hermione ran like a lion in the corridor.

She had to hurry back to the girls' bathroom on the third floor.

The tired figure of the old principal made her feel distressed!

As a member of the school, she believed from the bottom of her heart that she should take responsibility!

This time!

She will protect Hogwarts!

"Unlucky-" Hermione, who was running all the way down the spiral staircase, noticed with sharp eyes that there seemed to be a figure in the distance, who looked exactly like her.

Is it Owen?

Or Harry or Ron?

She didn't dare to gamble.

Stopping in panic, Hermione turned around and walked into the fourth floor corridor.

After a while of twists and turns, she hid in the office of the former Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

This room had been vacant since Lockhart was petrified.

No one knows why Lockhart hasn't appeared for so long. He was obviously also petrified, and the little wizard was cured quickly while the others have disappeared for two full months.

She once asked Professor McGonagall about this matter, but the professor's reply to her was that Professor Lockhart was seriously ill and needed long-term treatment.

But Hermione, who had never met him in person, still didn't know what the great adventurers she envied were like.

"Huhu~" Hermione gasped and collapsed on the ground while holding on to the wooden door of the office.

At this time, although she still looked like Owen, her hair was starting to turn brown.

His hands also gradually became slender.

Hermione gradually calmed down and took out her wand.

Praying in his heart that Harry or Ron could get some useful information from the professor, he whispered in his mouth: fluorescent flash.

Then - then she discovered that she was not the only one in this room.

I saw a table and a chair in the empty office.

Dozens or even hundreds of books were randomly placed in any corner of the room.

Hermione's eyes widened and she looked in disbelief at the chair in front of her. Sitting there was a man with blue hair, two faces, one illusory, one solid, and blue skin with four arms. girl.


She thought of this immediately, because the girl had broken marks everywhere except her face.

It's like a piece of ceramic has been broken!


As for the other self appearing here, Witch Lani was also very surprised.

This is her office space, dedicated to coming up with evil ideas.

Just now, when she was hiding here studying the magic books sent by her grandfather, the office was suddenly pushed open.

She immediately extinguished the weak firefly on the table, then sat on the chair with a happy face and looked at the visitor.


The man raised his wand, and a pale light illuminated the office.

And she was able to see clearly that the man looked exactly like herself.




Those who often steal other people's accounts will eventually have their accounts hacked in person one day, right?

Who is this! It's poisonous! Why do you want to be like him?

Could it be that he is obsessed with his handsome appearance?

To do something shameful?


Then you are so perverted! Even a pervert like me thinks it's perverted.

but! Ahem, this kind of thing, if the other person is good-looking, she can't accept it.

The fake Owen on the ground is still in a daze.

The real Owen calmly started his cutscene.

"First meeting, little wizard."

"I am the witch Lani." The cold figure stood up slowly, revealing the six or seven books piled up while sitting down.

"Owen?" That Owen called.

It almost broke his heart.

"Why do you say that, little wizard?" Witch Lani calmed down and walked quietly.

"You - no, no -" Hermione on the ground took a few steps back in fear.

But in just two steps, she was sitting on the ground and pressed against the door panel, finally unable to retreat.

She could only be forced to face that mysterious figure.

Under the moonlight, the cold face reflected the dense air, and together with her other illusory blue face and her closed right eye, they became blurred.

Hermione was confused.

She never believed that the girl in front of her who claimed to be a witch was Owen pretending to be a witch.

Just like she was pretending to be Owen, no matter how similar she looked, she couldn't have the temperament and little moves that belonged to a boy.

But the girl in front of her was different. She was standing there, and the noble and cold temperament that hit her face was definitely not fake.

No boy can pretend to be a noble and cool princess.

"I-I don't know, I'm just talking." Her brown eyes were full of Lani's look.

"Such a senseless panic." The witch sighed softly.

"That's okay, Hogwarts is full of lies to begin with, and distrusting others is actually beneficial."

"However." Her ethereal voice suddenly stopped, like the moon being obscured by dark clouds, "You disturbed Witch Lani's rest and I shouldn't have sent you an invitation, little wizard."

"I'm sorry." Alert to the danger, Hermione held her wand tightly. She couldn't tell whether the girl was hostile to her.

Just a moment ago, she was boasting about Professor Dumbledore.

But when she met this mysterious man hiding in the academy in the blink of an eye, she couldn't muster the courage to fight against him.

I - I should have stood up, even if it meant killing, I should have died on the charge like a true Gryffindor.

Hermione kept warning herself in her mind, but found that her legs would not obey her no matter what.

It was as if someone had cut off his nerves and he couldn't use any strength at all.

"Don't be nervous - we meet here, it can be said that fate is pulling the strings. Do you want to do something for me? Witch." Lani's four hands made a gesture to hold Hermione's face.

But at the moment of contact, she stopped and squatted down, staring at her coldly but inexplicably intimately with blue, glowing eyes.

"Don't refuse me," she said.

"What do you want to do?" Hermione held her nerves and forced her head to lower without surrender.

She said tremblingly, but a wisp of orchid fragrance took the opportunity to penetrate the tip of her nose.

Then, her thoughts became a little blurry.

Then - in front of him, there was that delicate doll-like face, charming eyes, small nose, thin red lips, exposed delicate collarbones, and slightly raised breasts.

She-she is so beautiful!

Hermione's cheeks burned uncontrollably.

She stuck it too close.

"I once stole death, and now I am looking for a way to go deeper into magic. One day, I will betray everything and give up everything." The witch's cheek was almost close to hers.

But Hermione didn't feel any heat.

Is the thing in front of me really just a doll?

"Dumbledore's reign has lasted too long, and the era of Ravenclaw is about to begin."

"Hogwarts will abide by the laws of the stars and the moon and begin a long journey."

Witch Lani held her hands elegantly, her thin body not much taller than Hermione.

"Her student!"

"I will think about it for a long time in this cold night."

"What is fear, hesitation, and loneliness?"

"And why magic?"

"All wizards will see the ultimate in magic under the guidance of Ravenclaw. Maybe then, I will become the principal of Hogwarts!"

Her voice was soft, like the wind blowing through a quiet black lake.

It's like a declaration or a murmur.

That unique temperament is like a bright moon in the dark night. No one can refuse her, just like a fish cannot refuse water and a flame cannot refuse firewood.

"I -" Hermione raised her head and stared at her quietly, a cold dark moon reflected in her brown eyes.

It seems like I’m writing about girls’ posts! ! ! But I have no experienceΣ(⊙▽⊙\u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;a

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