Chapter 250 Changes the Law

“Must be fast! Or you’ll die! ”

Yu Feng was well aware of his current situation.

Although he could control the timeline of the Dragon God Continent, he simply could not control the timeline under his own time law.

Even he can’t pause his time track, otherwise everything will come to a halt.

But if he stopped, then according to the time track, the Dragon God Continent would also stop, or even there was no Dragon God Continent at all.

That is to say, everything recorded by the long river of time will be emptied in disguise!

Unless there is another person in the river of time who has the rune of the law of time, everything will not change.

But at least for now, Yu Feng didn’t notice that there was another person.

The old beggars in the air were still destroying the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array.

This time, Yu Feng was going to make them all stop now.

The Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array erupted once again, and all the expressions and words that the old beggar had just said were repeated again.

Since he had already mentioned that he knew that the last power of the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Grand Array would impact the old beggar, Yu Feng did not sit still.

The dragon was turned on in advance, and suddenly a hundred times the increase in strength appeared!


A word appeared between his teeth.

Then he rushed out, holding in his hand the dragon howling gun that had not appeared for a long time.

The Dao Dao Dragon Yin penetrated the entire heaven and earth, and at the same time, the breath of destroying heaven and earth appeared on Yu Feng’s body.

The rest had all died, leaving only the old beggars.

Looking at the sudden appearance of Yu Feng, the old beggar did not know what was going on, and his face was full of puzzlement.

From the regurgitation of the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array to the appearance of Yu Feng, it was not part of his plan.

“I didn’t expect that I would have to fight against myself.”

Yu Feng looked at the oncoming force of the law, and there was a feeling of wanting to cry without tears,

It’s all as if karma is all there.

The power of the whole god exploded in an instant at this moment, and Yu Feng took down the power of the law hard.

Then he used all his strength to impact the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array.

Even though he now knew the method of breaking the array, Yu Feng knew very well in his heart that if he really broke the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array, then there would be loopholes in the time orbit.

Just when the power of the law touched Yu Feng’s body, Yu Feng’s broken body instantly recovered, and then the power of the system immediately appeared.

Because at the moment when the power of the law is carried, the timeline changes again.

Under the bombardment of the power of the law, the Dragon Howling Gun in Yu Feng’s hand began to tremble, as if it was about to explode at any moment.

0······· Ask for flowers,;;;; , Boom!

Finally, when Yu Feng had already resisted the power of nearly nine layers, he could no longer hold back and quickly hid to the side.

This force instantly hit the old beggar who was dumbfounded in the distance.


A voice more penetrating than thunder appeared.

Immediately afterward, everything went quiet.

Yu Feng gasped for air and saw that he was still alive, which proved that the old beggar had also carried it down.


After he passed, he briefly looked at the old beggar’s injuries, only to see that the old beggar had only one breath left.

Using his divine consciousness to enter the old beggar’s memory, Yu Feng simply modified it.

Delete the picture of his own appearance, leaving only the memory chain after the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array appeared to regurgitate and he was seriously injured.


Yu Feng sat on the ground, tired like never before.

“The law of life and death has changed…”

“The host changes the law for the first time, gaining 5 million upgrade points.”

The system that almost never appeared, and at this moment the familiar voice sounded again.

When Yu Feng heard the four words of changing the law, the whole person was stunned.

He had no idea what he had done.

Then he saw that his body was merging into the heavens and the earth with the laws of the Tao. _

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