
Name of the building: Ancestral Hall

Attributes: Cultivation Speed*100,000, Talent Level +1, Family Fertility*2000%, Family Combat Strength*1000, Innate Dao Body Birth Rate +100%, Supreme Body Birth Rate +100%,

Function: Family Genealogy (can read any Yu family descendants!) Family Formation (Condenses a defensive formation within the family station to reach 200 times the host’s combat effectiveness!) At the same time, the concentration of aura in the formation is * 100,000) Evil (within the scope of the family station, it can explode an all-out blow that is 200 times higher than the host!) Outside the family station, near the children of the family, it can be designated by the host, and it can explode the host’s same strength to strike an all-out attack. )

Grade: One product

Upgrade required: 10 million

Note: All attributes are available to all Yu family members who are recognized by the host!


Yu Feng looked at the ancestral hall of the Yipin level and nodded with satisfaction, the cultivation speed was directly increased by ten times, and at the same time, the combat effectiveness improvement was also increased from five hundred times to a thousand times.

And the combat power that could be exploded within the family garrison was also two hundred times greater!

Under the combination of each other, Yu Feng’s combat strength outside his body at this time was enough to reach 200,000 times that of ordinary martial artists.

The horror of this data, thinking about Yu Feng, it seems to be a little too anti-heavenly.

“Perhaps, I can mobilize a lot more power of the law of time than I thought!”

Yu Feng nodded with satisfaction when he thought of this,

Then he directly opens his property background.


Name: Yu Feng

Realm: The Ten Heavens of the Absolute Wonderland!

Occupation: Alchemist, Alchemist, Array Mage (Heavenly Order Premium, 0/10 million)

Divine Power: 4.15 million (1 Divine Power = 1 Divine Upgrade Point)

Souls of the Gods: 4.15 million (1 Soul of the Gods = 1 Upgrade Point of the Gods)

Special Energy: Annihilation Dragon Divine Strength (Sacred Order Premium)

The Law of Control: The Three Supreme Laws (Number of Law Runes: 99 (0/100 million) Laws of Space (Number of Law Runes: 99 (0/1 billion) Fifty-one Common Laws (Number of Law Runes: 50 (0/10,000)

Annihilation: 80% (0/10000)

Constitution: Annihilation Dragon Divine Body (Under development, Sacred Rank Peak)

Talent Skill: Dragon (Increases combat effectiveness by 100 times!) Annihilation Dragon Divine Fire (Mutant Dragon Clan Divine Fire, current level: Immortal Rank Lower Product)

Root Bone: Tao Body!

Exercises: Heavenly Fire Genki Technique (Heavenly Order Premium, 0/10 million) Forging Soul Crystal (Heavenly Order Elite, 0/10 million)

Martial Arts: Broken Mountain Palm (Heavenly Order Premium, 0/10 million) Nine-Turn Soul Blade (Heavenly Order Premium, 0/10 million) Red Yan Gun Method (Heavenly Order Premium, 0/10 million)

Item: Dragon Howling Gun (Double Awakening, Heavenly Order Premium, 0/10 million)

God’s upgrade points: 0

Status: Combat Strength*10,000, Cultivation Speed*100 million, Talent +3


At this time, Yu Feng’s strength had changed dramatically.

The power of terror was already so powerful that the power of the law could explode, even Yu Feng himself could not estimate it.

“The world above the Immortal Realm, interesting, it seems that there are still many places in this world for me to explore!!”

Yu Feng’s eyes flickered slightly, and then a little bit of his feet disappeared directly into the same place.


Dragon God Mountain Peak, Yujia Back Mountain!

The old beggar was lying on a rocking chair in front of a log cabin.

Just after Yu Feng returned, he told himself all about the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array.

And now the old beggar was silent!

I didn’t think that I had destroyed the entire heaven and earth as a price, but the final truth was that I almost destroyed the great array that guarded the entire Dragon God Great World.

If it weren’t for Yu Feng’s strength becoming very strong at this time and seeing through this, perhaps in the near future, he would have gathered twenty small worlds and completely abolished the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array.

As for why every small world has more aura in the whole world, the reason is actually very simple.

However, it was only because these small worlds were attached to the formation nodes and absorbed the aura in the formation.

That is to say, in the near future, perhaps, there is no need to explode the small world, and the formation will eventually collapse on its own due to the exhaustion of aura.

Fortunately, the person who laid out this formation had prepared in advance, adding endless energy and allowing the formation to have the means to automatically gather spirits, otherwise the formation would have been shattered by the old beggar Huo Huo Huo long ago.

“Alas! Boy, have you really decided!!? ”

Suddenly, the old beggar sighed quietly and calmly opened his mouth to Yu Feng!

Yu Feng nodded solemnly after listening to it!

This attempt will allow Yu Feng to see a completely different world, but, correspondingly, if it fails, Yu Feng may be in danger.

After all, what Yufeng wants to do at this time is time travel!

“If that’s the case, go ahead, and maybe everything will have a corresponding answer!!!”

The old beggar sighed slightly, then closed his eyes and stopped talking.

But Yu Feng knew that the old beggar at this time was already confused!

“If that’s the case, then I’ll go!”

Yu Feng didn’t hesitate much, and after saying that, his direct figure suddenly disappeared in the same place!

The old beggar slowly opened his eyes long after Yu Feng disappeared.

“Little maniac, come back safely!!”

After saying that, the old beggar disappeared directly into the same place, and reappeared in the cultivation room of the Yu family.

After hundreds of billions of years, he was finally about to start cultivating well again.


On the other hand, Yu Feng had already arrived in the Spirit Sacrifice Continent!

He slowly sat cross-legged in the air and began to plan his trip.

He was ready to use the power of the Law of Time to extract the time breath of the people who had deployed the array from the Great Array of the Ten Thousand Realms Lock Heaven, and then find a way to use the power of the Law of Time to summon it.

However, if he couldn’t summon it, he could only cross the long river of time by himself, and use the time breath of the person who deployed the array to cross to the time point under the Ten Thousand Realms Lock Heaven Great Array, personally ask the other party what had happened, and why this Dragon God Great World had such a huge crack.

“I have not yet grasped the power of the law of time, and I can only rely on external incarnations to use the law of time, so that even if I die, there will be little harm to my body!”

However, if I have any understanding of time in the time array, it seems that it will not be able to feedback to my body!!

However, if I pass through it together with the combination of the external avatar and the body, if I accidentally exhaust my strength and the external avatar disappears, then my physical body can only stay in the ancient period and want to come back, only I can understand the power of the law of time! ”

Thinking of Yu Feng here is a little helpless.

Both methods have corresponding advantages and disadvantages, if it is the latter, once there is a problem, it is likely to be cold!

In the end, Yu Feng’s eyes suddenly became solemn.

“Since you want to travel through time and space, you must understand the law of time by the way, otherwise, in the future, you will never be able to resist that mysterious existence just by relying on the power of the law of space.”

Thinking of this, Yu Feng did not hesitate much, but directly and slowly stood up.

“System! Activate the external avatar!! ”

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