The furious Dragon God Clan Elder was ready to teach Yu Yanxiao a lesson, knowing that he was a super strong person above the Fifth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm, and his majesty could trample on a small dragon who did not know where it came from.

Poor he didn’t know that the opponent he was facing was his grandfather’s grandfather according to the generational division, and his grandfather would call Xiao Yanzi a little ancestor.

However, after playing for a few hours, I found myself in the ascendancy.

At this time, near the martial arts field, there were already a lot of Dragon God clans watching the play.

“This is how terrifying the bloodline concentration of the young ancestor’s heavy grandson is, and the old man actually feels a lot of pressure in front of him!”

The other Divine Dragon that had just come out of the retreat looked at the Yu Yan who was bubbling with the Fire of the Dragon God on his body and said in horror.

Recently, these Dragon God Clans had all been awakened by the family’s summoning orders one after another, otherwise, if the strong people of these Dragon God Clans were to be cultivated, it would take thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years.

“Yes, a few days ago, when Shao Zu returned to my Dragon God Clan with his descendants, I was fortunate enough to see Shao Zu Zong for a glance, but you don’t know, the horror of Shao Zuzong’s strength is that standing there the old man feels like he has seen a glance at the heavens and the earth.”

And the descendants of the Young Ancestor were also incredible, they were all Dragon Divine Bodies of the same level!

By the way, the eldest son of the Young Ancestor, Yu Zhangtian, was actually a holy rank, which was simply incredible! ”

The other Divine Dragon of the Fifth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm was said to be dancing with flying eyebrows.

The excitement in his heart seemed to be even stronger than the power of his own bloodline to break through the Holy Order.

“Sizzle!!! Holy Order, isn’t that the bloodline level of the Old Ancestor? Throughout the history of my Dragon God Clan, this bloodline level definitely does not exceed five people!! ”

The previous Divine Dragon Elder was also terrified.

As for the bloodline level of the Young Ancestor, it was no longer important, after all, Yu Feng’s strength had already reached the terrifying Great Emperor Realm, and even some Saint Rank bloodlines might not be able to reach the Great Emperor Realm.

“Heavenly Fire Holy Light !!!”

However, at this moment, a loud roar in the sky fell from the sky in an instant.

The next moment, a dazzling light instantly illuminated the entire heaven and earth.

Only to see that Yu Yanxiao had turned into a big sun at this time.

The endless light and heat made the entire Dragon God Mountain extremely clear.


Suddenly, a pillar of light slammed towards the Dark Divine Dragon in front of him.

The hot breath in the pillar of light made the Dark Dragon’s face change suddenly.

The next moment, he didn’t dare to think much about it, and directly used all his strength to hide to the side.

The pillar of light narrowly avoided it, and the pillar of light also instantly slammed into the earth.

Fortunately, Yu Yanxiao was not a fool, as early as the time of the battle, he lured the Dark Demon Dragon to the martial arts field, and under the power of the martial arts field Heavenly Ladder Formation, it was just a ripple, and the pillar of light disappeared.

However, after seeing the Heavenly Order Formation Formation actually being blasted out of a burst of ripples, all the Dragon God Clan strongmen changed their faces.

“If you can strike such a fluctuation in the formation of the martial arts field, how powerful is this attack?”

“Being able to make ripples in this formation is that everyone in the clan needs to use 10% of their strength, and if this light hits the body of Elder Ao Dark, I am afraid that Elder Ao Dark will also die!”



A divine dragon watching the drama was all exclaimed, but the party Ao Dark Elder was also instantly in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, I hid quickly, otherwise I would die!

Don’t say it’s him, even Yu Feng, who watched Yu Yanxiao’s attack in the void, was also slightly stunned.

“After this boy accepted the inheritance of the Yan Emperor, he actually developed such a powerful attack, and if it is divided according to the level of the attack, then this blow is at least the power of the martial arts of the Heavenly Order!”

Yu Feng nodded with satisfaction when he saw this.

If this blow is improved and improved in the future, Yu Yanxiao’s move of becoming a Emperor-level strong person is an extremely powerful bottom card.

“Dodged? It seems that a single attack is really easy to dodge, so if so, then try my second form! ”

Yu Yanxiao, who was incarnated as the Great Sun, saw that his attack was dodged and did not seem to care much, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

“Heavenly Fire Holy Light !!!!”

At this moment, another low cry spread across the sky.

The next moment, another terrifying pillar of light exploded.

“Come again?! How much of this boy’s strength reserves are there that such an attack can actually be used twice!? ”

Elder Ao’s face changed, and he quickly dodged to the side, where did he know that under the blessing of the recovery power of the sacrifice spirit, the strength recovery speed was terrifying, and the power just used had now been restored to nine times out of ten.

As long as Yu Yanxiao didn’t use this big move all the time, it could be said that the energy in his body had definitely reached an endless point.

It’s almost impossible to exhaust it!

However, just after Elder Ao Dark had just dodged the attack of this pillar of light, an ominous premonition suddenly enveloped him.

Only to see Yu Yan grin at this moment, the dragon’s claw directly shook towards the void.


Suddenly, a loud roar erupted from his mouth, and in an instant, the pillar of light that had been avoided by Ao Dark exploded.

In an instant, it turned into countless tiny streams of flame rays, and these rays directly reversed their direction and enveloped all sides of the Ao Dark Elder in an instant.

If the power contained in each ray of light hit the body of the Ao Dark Elder’s Divine Dragon, it would at least explode a hole.

And now watching the millions of billions of rays of light envelop the Ao Dark Elder was suddenly desperate.

“Me, am I going to die!?!!”

Elder Ao Dark looked at the ray of light that had only instantly shot near his body and then closed his eyes in despair.


At this moment, with a wave of fluctuations, these rays suddenly stopped in the void.

“Hey, old man, why are you so desperate before you’re dead!?” Good test how can I kill.”

The next moment, a speechless voice came instantly.

Ao Di suddenly opened his eyes after hearing this figure, and after seeing that the light around him had actually stopped, he suddenly had a feeling in his heart that he would be the rest of his life.

“Thank you!! The old man is not as good as a man and lost!! ”

Ao Di hurriedly conceded defeat to Yu Yanxiao, joking, if he had an old bone, he would not be crazy if he was still playing with these young people.

Who knows which child this is, who seems to have such terrifying strength at such a young age.

“Xiao Yanzi, you have no itchy skin, you have just come to the Demon God Domain for a few days to do things for me!”

However, just then, a calm voice came from the void.

The next moment, the breath emitted from a statue slowly appeared above the martial arts arena like a figure like a heaven and earth.

The countless Dragon God Clan strongmen below suddenly changed their faces after seeing this figure.

The next moment all the dragons quickly transformed into human form!

“I’ve seen the Young Patriarch!!”

“I’ve seen the Young Patriarch!!”



A loud voice came from below the martial arts arena.

However, at this time, Ao Di’s eyes widened in disbelief and looked at Yu Feng in front of him.

“Sleeper! When will there be another Young Ancestor of my Dragon God Clan!? ”

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