Five hundred billion years ago, the Creation Dragon God incarnated the Dragon God Continent!

Countless beings were born on the Dragon God Continent, and the concentration of aura on the entire continent in that era was incomparably terrifying, that is, the power of the law was extremely active.

As a result, countless powerful people were born, and in the Dragon God Era, there were even more than ten emperors who coexisted at the same time.

However, some of the Emperor-level powerful people found that this side of the world was actually a forbidden space.

That is to say, the emperor is the end of everyone, and there is no possibility of reaching the emperor realm.

Even the aura of the entire continent would begin to consume rapidly over time.

What sealed the entire continent was a terrifying array that was so powerful that it was the best in heaven.

The only way to break this formation was to destroy it by gathering twenty emperor-level strong people at the same time to sacrifice all their own strength.

Unfortunately, the joint attack of twenty emperors would require at least twenty or more emperors to coexist on the mainland.

At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to make these twenty emperors willingly dedicate all their strength.

Therefore, in the end, the entire Dragon God Continent still did not break the ban after hundreds of billions of years, and in the end, at the end of the Dragon God Era, the concentration of aura above the entire Dragon God Continent was only one-tenth of the original.

It is also increasingly difficult to give birth to the Emperor.

If this continues, it will not take trillions of years, and the entire Dragon God Continent will not be able to give birth to any emperor!

Until one day, the new patriarch of the Dragon God Clan took office and successfully broke through to the Heavenly Rank Formation Mage.

And the first thing he did after taking office was to unite a full seven emperors with the intention of smashing the formation!

Although he did not have absolute confidence in the loopholes of the formation method for billions of years, he also had a seventy percent certainty.

However, he ultimately underestimated the formation that sealed the entire continent.

The strength of the seven emperors is ultimately a bad move.

On that day, the power of the seven emperors all gathered in one fell swoop towards the formation that sealed the entire Dragon God Continent, and the whole heaven and earth began to tremble.

Countless powerful people watched as the attack that could destroy the entire continent slammed into the sky.


After a loud roar that made the entire Dragon God Continent shudder

The large array broke a huge gap in just an instant.

Just when everyone thought that this time was successful, the change happened, and the whole big array was still running crazy.

In the next instant, all the aura above the entire Dragon God Continent was instantly drawn up madly.

The entire Dragon God Continent began to disintegrate rapidly without the support of Reiki.

And the formation that sealed the entire continent in the sky also began to recover rapidly, and all the attacks of the seven emperors rebounded.

The seven emperors who had exhausted their full strength instantly vanished under that terrifying attack.

And that force also crashed into the entire continent.

The Dragon God Continent shattered in an instant.

However, I don’t know what the reason was, after the Dragon God Continent collapsed, a small fragment was finally left behind, and this fragment was the current Dragon Teng Continent.

It’s just that the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is already ten compared to the Dragon God Continent before it shattered.

In the end, tens of billions of years passed before the first emperor was born, that is, the Yan Emperor.

Until one day, an old man found the Yan Emperor, and soon after, the Yan Emperor established the Endless Fire Domain, and finally sealed his whole body strength in the Endless Fire Domain.



Emperor Yan slowly told Yu Feng about the events of that year.

After listening to the other party’s words, Yu Feng also roughly understood the beginning and end of the matter.

No wonder the Heavenly Order Ultimate Formation that he had seen from that chessboard at the beginning seemed to be using eighteen small worlds as nodes, but Yu Feng was a little confused, because that formation he knew was a Heavenly Order Ultimate Formation called the Ten Thousand Realms Lock Heaven Grand Array, but the main formation nodes of this formation were twenty.

That is to say, there are two formation nodes that do not have a small world as an energy supply.

And now it seems that these small worlds are not supplying the energy of the entire array.

Instead, all the nodes of the entire formation are shrouded in it, and as long as twenty small worlds are exploded at the same time, it can produce an effect equivalent to the full force of twenty emperors.

The formation method will naturally be broken when the time comes.

At the same time, this is also the reason why after the establishment of each small world, the aura concentration of the entire Dragon Teng Continent will increase.

It should be to use the small world to directly extract the aura outside the Ten Thousand Realms Lock Heaven Grand Array to feed the entire Dragon Continent!

“That is to say, the purpose of the existence of the Demon God Domain to secretly cultivate you in the first place was to use the small world you condensed to wrap the nodes of this formation?” When you finally reach twenty more small worlds, you will break the whole formation!? However, in this way, didn’t the Dragon Teng Continent also be destroyed!? ”

Yu Feng frowned slightly, and asked Emperor Yan in doubt.

He didn’t believe that Emperor Yan gave up his life in the end for letting the Dragon Teng Continent shatter.

After listening to Yu Feng’s words, Emperor Yan was silent, obviously, he knew the consequences of doing so.

“The great man said that when the time comes, he will put all the people of the Dragon Continent into an alien space he has built, although there is no small world stability, but it is enough for the people of the Dragon Continent to survive for tens of billions of years.”

As long as a great emperor-level strong person appears in these ten billion years, there will be a chance to escape from the small world, and at that time, this square world will be different! ”

Emperor Yan looked solemnly into the distance, from a long time ago, only when that formation was broken, the warriors of the entire Dragon Teng Continent had a future to speak of.

If it weren’t for the formation that blocked the Dragon God Period, perhaps someone would have already surpassed the Emperor Realm.

“But do you really believe the old man!?”

Yu Feng said calmly.

And the corner of Yan Di’s mouth that heard here rose slightly.

“You don’t need to worry about this, as long as you see the other person, you will know that only the adult in the whole world is trustworthy!”

Emperor Yan smiled and said, Perhaps this was the reason why the other seventeen emperors were willing to give up all their strength to the master of the Demon God Domain!

Hearing Emperor Yan’s answer, Yu Feng frowned, he knew that the time for him to go to the Demon God Domain might not be far away.

“Is that so? By the way, in the end, I have another question, the strong man in the Demon God Domain, what is the extent of his realm, listening to you say so, he has lived at least two hundred billion years, right!? ”

After looking at the Yan Emperor whose figure was about to disappear slightly, Yu Feng asked curiously again.

“It’s hard to understand, you haven’t seen that predecessor since you reached this level, but I believe that as long as you see him, all your doubts will be solved, in addition, thanks to your death power, unfortunately, I am already a dead person, but I can see a glimmer of hope for the future in you and Yu Yanxiao, and I will be satisfied!”

Unfortunately, Emperor Yan did not answer Yu Feng in the end, and his figure finally disappeared into the void with a shaking.

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