
In the Demon Realm!

Yu Feng, who had sent Yu Zhangtian and the others to the Lineage Formation, walked directly out of the Ancient Battlefield.

“This alien space is actually in the Demon Domain, so what exactly does this Demon Domain exist!!”

Yu Feng was a little curious, to know that from all the knowledge he knew, the Dragon Continent, the Demon Domain, and the Endless Fire Domain were all in different spaces, so Yu Feng had a guess.

That is, these spaces are all independent spaces, even the Dragon Continent.

It’s like a small bubble in soapy water, which is equivalent to the Dragon Continent just a secret realm of the plane.

But if so, what world is that bowl of water?

That is to say, what the real Overworld is!

Yu Feng’s eyes flickered slightly at the thought of this, and if he wanted to solve all this, he could only look for those extremely powerful beings, and the existence of the so-called Demon Emperor in the Demon Domain seemed to be one of the beings who might know all this!

Thinking of this, Yu Feng was a little bit under his feet and flew directly towards the depths of the Demon Domain.

In the Demon Domain, there are countless demon clan strongmen.

These powerful people divided the entire Demon Domain into more than a hundred territories.

They are ruled by more than a hundred Demon Clan strongmen.

The junction of the Demon Domain and the Dragon Continent was the area guarded by Carlos, who had been killed by the Soul Shock before.

This place is located on the edge of the Demon Realm.

And now Yu Feng was flying rapidly towards the center of the Demon Domain.



Demon Temple!

The Demon Temple, located in the center of the entire Demon Domain, is the palace of the strongest person in the Demon Domain, the Demon Emperor.

At this time, the Demon Emperor was in the middle of the Demon God Temple looking at a map.

If Yu Feng is there, he will definitely find that this map is the map of the Dragon Teng Continent.

In each place of the map, there are red circles, ten of which are the ten forbidden places.

However, these circles are not only the Ten Forbidden Places, but also paint several areas that no one knows.

Even, there is a large red circle that envelops the entire Dragon Continent in it,

“All the kings of the eighteen formation nodes have already taken seventeen positions, and now they are the last Heavenly Sword Shrine Inheritors, if the Heavenly Sword Shrine Inheritance is obtained by Yu Zhangtian, my nine-hundred-million-year layout will be completed!!”

The Demon Emperor’s bloodshot eyes emitted a palpitating breath.

“Eighteen Formation Nodes!? I said, why would a demon realm suddenly appear, it turns out that these spaces are formation nodes! “

However, at this moment, a calm voice came from the endless void at this time.

After hearing this sound, the Demon Emperor’s hole contracted violently.

Then the corners of his mouth slowly rose.

“Yufeng! It turned out to be you!!!! ”

The Demon Emperor slowly turned his body, and then his eyes slowly looked towards Yu Feng.

At this time, the black fog that hung over him also slowly dissipated from his body.

A middle-aged man with extraordinary temperament and a terrifying and murderous spirit appeared in front of Yu Feng’s eyes.

In the next instant, a palpitating death force erupted from the Demon Emperor’s body.

“The power of death!? Are you the Holy Prince of Death who destroyed the Ten Holy Places countless years ago!? ”

Yu Feng raised an eyebrow and then said calmly.

He had already guessed that the appearance of this demon realm was absolutely related to the so-called Death Saint King.

“That’s right, it’s me, it seems that some of the messages I left on the Dragon Continent have also deceived the world!!”

The corners of the Death Lord’s mouth rose slightly.

However, his words made the corners of Yu Feng’s mouth rise slightly, and a smile of interest appeared on his face.

“Oh!? Let’s hear it!? I’d love to know!! ”

Yu Feng said calmly.

In the face of the sudden visit of Yu Feng, the Death Saint King seemed to have known that Yu Feng had returned, and with a slight wave of his right hand, a seat appeared next to Yu Feng.

Yu Feng was also not polite, sitting directly on the chair, watching what tricks the other party was going to do.

The Death Saint King also conjured up a chessboard and immediately sat down opposite Yu Feng.

“Let’s have a round!?”

The corner of Death Saint Jun’s mouth rose slightly, and then no matter whether Yu Feng replied or not, a chess piece landed directly on the chessboard!

And Yu Feng also found something wrong with these chess pieces, because these pieces actually need to be driven by the power of the mind.

You must know that at their level, it is not impossible for the power of the mind to burst out and destroy the heavens and the earth.


The corner of Yu Feng’s mouth rose slightly, and then he picked up the white child and fell directly towards the chessboard.

However, with the actions of the two people, the Ten Forbidden Lands, the Dragon Continent and even the few unknown spaces hidden in the void were all in a frenzied turmoil.

Yu Feng also knew, but he did not stop it.

“You should know the little information I left behind, I disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years after my failed bid for the position of Luo Tianhao Sect Leader!?”

The Death Saint Jun dropped the chess piece and said to Yu Feng.

Yu Feng nodded slightly, and at the same time, he was looking through this one chessboard, looking at eighteen different spaces.

Yu Feng, who possessed the Heavenly Order Ultimate Array Mage level, instantly saw that these eighteen small worlds had actually been linked into a Heavenly Order Elite Formation.

This made Yu Feng a little shocked, the Heavenly Order Excellent! Although the current Yufeng formation strength is arranged, it does not have enough materials or sufficient strength!

After all, just the base of the formation needed a full eighteen small worlds as the core of the formation, and now Yu Feng’s strength was still far behind.

However, he knew that in front of him, the Death Saint King, whose realm had reached the limit of the Absolute Immortal Realm, was happy to answer Yu Feng’s question.

That’s right, at this time, the Death Saint King had already reached the terrifying cultivation of the Absolute Immortal Realm.

“At that time, because of my failure, I directly betrayed Luo Tianhao Sect, and then I went to the Endless Blood Domain to practice, however, that experience not only made my realm break through to the Absolute Immortal Realm, but also allowed me to find another forbidden place in the heart of the Endless Blood Domain.”

The Death Saint King’s eyes flashed with a trace of memory, and he calmly said to Yu Feng.

“Another forbidden place?” Yu Feng’s chess hand winced slightly.

“That’s right, it’s another forbidden place, and there’s the tomb of the Ancient God Emperor, the Death Emperor!” It’s an ancient battlefield!

And in that ancient battlefield, I knew the method of condensing the body of death, and at the same time, I also knew the most important secret of this world! ”

When the Death Saint King said this, his face was slightly solemn.

“The most important secret of this world!? Could it be because the world is sealed secret!? ”

Yu Feng asked curiously.

However, the Death Saint King smiled slightly.

“No, what is banned is the Dragon Continent, but what I want to talk about is the common secret of these eighteen worlds!”

Death Saint Jun looked at Yu Feng’s appearance and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he was also a little confused about Yu Feng, who was not under his control, but now when he saw Yu Feng’s unaware look, he suddenly had a trace of pride in his heart.

“Oh! You’re talking about these eighteen little worlds being linked by a formation!? ”

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