“Brother Feng, what is the name of our child!?”

Beneath the maple tree, a young girl snuggled into the arms of a teenager while a sleeping baby lay in her arms.

Young Yu Feng looked through the maple tree at the outside sky and the corner of his mouth rose slightly.

“Just call him Battle Heaven, right?” Yu Zhan Tian? ”

After Yu Feng finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Zhixin for advice.

“Battle days? Will it be too much, I remember the grandmother next door said that the child’s name should not be too outstanding, otherwise it will be punished later, it is better to call it Zhang Tian. ”

Zhao Zhixin said with a smile.

“Dragon Zhang Fengzi, the destiny of heaven!” Nice name! ”

However, Yu Feng’s words made Zhao Zhixin stunned, isn’t this meaning more arrogant!?

However, seeing that Yu Feng was very satisfied with this name, Zhao Zhixin also smiled.

“Well, if that’s the case, then call him Zhang Tian!!”

Zhao Zhixin smiled slightly, and her gaze also followed Yu Feng’s gaze towards the maple tree.



Times have changed, and in the blink of an eye, it is already seventy or eighty years later.

Zhao Zhixin, who had once again returned to the small courtyard where she had been, looked at the maple tree that she and Yu Feng had planted together as if Yu Zhangtian was born yesterday.

“Remember something again!?”

A calm voice came from behind her, and then a cloak was draped over Zhao Zhixin’s body.

“Brother Feng, can you tell me what has happened all these years?”

Zhao Zhixin turned back to look at Yu Feng seriously.

Today is the Chinese New Year’s Eve, and it is also the day carefully selected by Yu Feng.

“Good !!!”

Yu Feng nodded slightly.

Immediately the two snuggled up to each other as they did then, and Yu Feng also told Zhao Zhixin about these years one by one.

Until it was said that the Yu family began to rise half a year ago.

Of course, Yu Feng didn’t say anything, the system just said that he had obtained some kind of inheritance, which could improve the talents of all family members.

As for why he did not tell Zhao Zhixin the truth, the reason is very simple, if the system is known, it will bring endless dangers to others.

And Zhao Zhixin also had full authority to believe Yu Feng’s words.

After listening to the Yu family go from a small family in the middle of the faint, step by step to the peak of the entire continent, it only took more than half a year after Zhao Zhixin couldn’t help but cover her mouth.

Such a terrifying growth rate, she and the Heavenly Fire Sect had never appeared before.

“By the way, I heard the Heavenly Fire Ancestor say that your memory has been sealed, but I have inspected your body, and it seems that all the seals have disappeared, do you remember what happened back then!?”

Things from before we first met and after you were injured and disappeared. ”

Yu Feng suddenly turned to Zhao Zhixin and asked in doubt.

After Zhao Zhixin heard this, she frowned slightly, trying to recall her original events.

“I wandered around the Middle Realm after I ran out of the Heavenly Fire Sect, and then I accidentally came to the Northern Realm by scheming to get rid of my father’s elders who were spying on me, but soon after I arrived in the Northern Realm, I lost my memory.

I’ll see you later! As for how I lost my memory, I don’t remember. ”

However, after Zhao Zhixin thought about it, she didn’t find anything wrong with her.

“Did you lose your memory after coming to the North?” So have you ever been through anything? Or meet someone!? ”

Yu Feng frowned slightly, and then said doubtfully to Zhao Zhixin.

“This, it seems, is not! I also walked around the town of Yunhai for four or five days, and when I became conscious again, I appeared in the forest of the back mountain to see you!! ”

Zhao Zhixin said helplessly.

However, after hearing his words, Yu Feng’s brow frowned slightly.

Lost your memory after a few days of wandering around the town of Yunhai? What is the situation.

However, thinking of what the Heavenly Fire Ancestor had said, Yu Feng was also relieved, and even the seals that the Heavenly Fire Old Ancestor could not undo were to be laid down at least beyond the Heavenly Fire Triple Heaven and above the Heavenly Heaven.

How could such a great power make Zhao Zhixin’s little girl look for any clues.

It’s just that Yu Feng still doesn’t know what kind of calculation the other party has made.

Just sealing Zhao Zhixin’s memory? Then when Zhao Zhixin was about to die, she once again sealed the memory of the other party and took the other party away.

Who can guess what the other person’s thoughts are!?

“No matter who you are, as long as I Yu Feng still have a little consciousness, I must understand all the causes and consequences of things, no!” Then I will directly find a way to understand the legendary time energy, with the time energy time and space reversal, I don’t believe that I can’t find you! ”

Yu Feng thought of holding Zhao Zhixin’s hand in his arms and tightened even tighter.



At the same time, tens of thousands of kilometers away, in the Heavenly Sword Canyon, that is, beyond the Xingyuan Canyon, a black shadow appeared above the canyon.

The black shadow radiated endless soul power around it. These soul forces shook the surrounding space and distorted it directly.

“Brother, brother, you and I have been comparing for thousands of years, in order to surpass me, you actually chose and destroyed to go to the Demon Domain to seek a breakthrough, but unfortunately, your amount of equipment is still only a little, and dying in the Demon Domain is also a kind of relief for you!!”

There was a hoarse sound in the shadows.

And as the black shadow slowly gathered a middle-aged man in a black and gold robe was condensed.

The double pupils of middle age are very conspicuous.

If anyone saw this double pupil, they would definitely exclaim, because this double pupil was the eyes of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, the Soul Clan Patriarch.

At that time, the Soul Clan and the Stone Clan and several other ancient families were called the Eight Great Families. 、

However, in the countless years, the eight major races were only the current Stone Clan and the Soul Clan.

Originally, the Soul Clan had already declined, but more than 70 million years ago, the Soul Clan gave birth to a pair of twins, one of whom was an older brother with a heavy pupil, which is now the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

The other brother is also very talented, born with the body of the undead!

The two brothers have crossed the chasm that countless people cannot cross, and become the strongest in the Immortal Realm.

However, if the two brothers joined forces, perhaps the other holy places would rely on their sniffles.

However, because of his more powerful talent, the Soul Heavenly Emperor crushed the head of the Undead Old Ancestor from an early age, and the Undead Old Ancestor was narrow-minded, and after becoming the Absolute Immortal Realm, he directly defected from the Soul Clan and established his own undead shrine.

It is the opposite of the Dark Soul Hall of the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

And more than ten million years ago, because the two brothers had a spirit in their hearts, they knew that the Soul Heavenly Emperor had actually secretly poked and poked through to the Immortal Realm Second Heaven Undead Old Ancestor could not help but feel the anger in his heart and directly enter the Demon Realm with the Wind and Snow Apocalypse to seek a breakthrough.

And the result is obvious, that is, the other party died directly in the Demon Domain.

However, the Soul Heavenly Emperor who knew the safe return of the Wind and Snow Apocalypse came directly here.

He was going to go to the Demon Domain, and the reason was simple, that is, to find the body of the undead ancestor.

As for the reason, I don’t know!!

“My stupid brother, I’ve come to you, don’t hide from me this time!”

The corners of the Soul Heavenly Emperor’s mouth rose slightly, and a pair of pupils contracted rapidly, and the next moment his figure rushed into the entrance of which alien space below.

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