Elder Luo Yu, who thought of this, had a feeling of admiration for Yu Batian.

“Student Luo Yu, please ask the teacher to accept my worship!!!”

Luo Yu’s movements immediately made everyone around him sluggish.

Only to see that he actually performed a student salute respectfully towards Yu Batian.

This scene happened to a refiner master in the middle of the earth level, which was absolutely shocking to anyone. ,

“Oh, why do you have to bow down to such a small matter?”

Yu Batian said helplessly and then he slowly lifted Luo Yu up.



Over the next few days, Yu Batian’s ascension technique was taught directly to all the ground level alchemists throughout the Funeral Instrument Mountain.

In an instant, the status of Yu Batian, a newly arrived alchemist, rose wildly, directly reaching a level that some alchemist masters could not match.

But what is even more frightening is that.

In the few days of teaching the refining technique, Yu Batian’s basic refining of three or four weapons had one awakening weapon.

Such a terrifying awakening rate instantly made Yu Batian’s mystery reach that the suzerainty was running towards his room every day.

Every time I came out, I had a look of sudden realization.

Not only him, but also the other alchemy masters were all excited when they sneaked out of Yu Batian’s room.

Over time, the deeds of Yu Yu’s overlordship also spread to the entire circle of alchemists, and the alchemists of those top alchemist sects also came to visit one by one.

However, after going back, they all respectfully called Yu Batian a teacher in front of outsiders!

Just fifteen days later, a piece of news came that shocked the entire Dragon Continent.

“Funeral Instrument Mountain, along with several other top alchemist sects, jointly elect Master Yu Batian’s new president of the Alchemist’s Guild!!”

As soon as a news came out, the entire Dragon Teng Continent shook instantly.

Because even the suzerainty of the Burial Instrument Mountain did not have such a high approval rate when he was elected as the president of the Alchemist’s Guild.

And now it was actually the joint election of all the alchemist sects.

That is to say, the current Yu Ba Tian was equivalent to having already convinced all the earth level alchemists on the entire Dragon Teng Continent.

Such a terrifying strength was something that the Heavenly Order Alchemist had never done before.

In an instant, the name Yu Batian’s name spread throughout the Middle Realm.



“President of the Alchemist’s Guild?” Zhang Tian, your brother actually has such talent? ”

In the Excalibur Alliance, Sword Yuntian said to Yu Zhangtian in disbelief, and at this time, Yu Zhangtian had already reached the peak of the Thirty Sword Meaning,

As long as you improve a little, you can reach forty percent of the sword intention, such a terrifying talent and strength that Sword Cloud Sky has not heard of for countless years.

“Although my younger brother has always been out of tune, neither cultivation talent nor refining talent is comparable to mine. So what he’s accomplished now feels normal!! ”

The long sword in Yu Zhangtian’s hand slowly pulled out a sword flower and said calmly.

In fact, he was also very happy in his heart, his brother could become the president of the Alchemist’s Guild in such a short period of time.

You know, even if he is only a Saint Son level now, if he wants to reach the suzerain, he may have to wait for his sword intent to successfully break through to the forty percent sword intention before there is a hint of possibility.

After all, his forty percent sword intent could increase his combat effectiveness twenty times under the bonus of the ancestral hall.

That is to say, his forty percent sword intent can completely match the fifty percent sword meaning of other strong people.

At that time, even the fifth and sixth heavens of the Heavenly Realm would be able to kill them.

But this step is very difficult to achieve.

Unable to reach the forty percent sword intent, the combat power he had now exploded was only comparable to reaching the Heavenly Realm One or Two Heavens.

“What kind of family are your Yu family!?”

Sword Yuntian said helplessly, and then he held the long sword in his hand and began to practice with Yu Zhangtian.


However, at this moment, a crisp cracking sound also reached the ears of Yu Zhangtian and Jian Yuntian at this time, and their faces changed slightly.

Yu Zhangtian hurriedly put his hand into his arms, but he found that the jade tablet that Yu Feng had given him in his arms had been broken.

“What’s going on!?!”

Yu Zhangtian’s face changed slightly, you must know that he just didn’t use force, and the jade medal in his hand was already broken!


However, at this moment, a terrifying wave slowly emerged from his jade medal.


In an instant, a terrifying aura that changed the color of the heavens and the earth fell from the sky and directly enveloped the entire Excalibur Alliance.

Such a terrifying power made Sword Cloud Tian feel a feeling of suffocation.

His face changed slightly, but now he had felt the Sword Saint Realm, and his strength was stronger than before, but it was such a terrifying force that made his face change.

“Sizzle… What level of power is this!? ”

Sword Cloud Heaven was extremely horrified in his heart, you know, the Sword Saint Power is equivalent to the Absolute Immortal Realm, and the force that appears now is several times more powerful than the Absolute Immortal Realm.

At this moment, he also knew that this was the external incarnation jade card given to him by Yu Zhangtian’s mysterious father, that is to say, Yu Zhangtian’s father’s strength alone was so strong that the super strong people of the ordinary Immortal Realm could not match!

“The external incarnation is so powerful, so how terrifying would it be if the Buddha-figure arrived?”

With this in mind, he now has a trace of respect!

“This teacher who wants to be compared to my eldest son, Jian Yuntian!!”

However, at this moment, a hearty laugh came from the endless void.

And the power after the jade card shattered was also transformed into a middle-aged man in a white robe at this time.

The supreme aura emanating from the man’s body made Jian Yuntian feel an unprecedented pressure.

“The Absolute Immortal Realm, really the Absolute Immortal Realm, the external incarnation is the super strong person of the Absolute Immortal Realm!?”

Sword Yuntian’s heart frantically echoed this sentence.

“Junior Excalibur Alliance Sword Cloud Heaven, have seen the seniors!!”

Sword Cloud Heaven respectfully arched his hand at Yu Feng, if anyone saw it, he would definitely be horrified, knowing that Sword Cloud Heaven was currently recognized as the strongest person in the entire Dragon Teng Continent.

“No need to be polite, the dog entrusts you with care, today the old man came to visit the dog, the second is to send a gift for the Sword Cloud Heavenly Sect Lord!!”

Yu Feng smiled slowly and said that immediately, in the doubtful eyes of Jian Yuntian, a bunch of materials were taken out by Yu Feng.


Suddenly, a furious aura that shook the heavens and the earth instantly erupted from Yu Feng’s body.

The sky for millions of miles began to change wildly.

A series of spirit snakes were raging madly in the sky, and in the frightened eyes of Sword Cloud Heaven, a golden flame book slowly emerged from Yu Feng’s hand.

With the appearance of this flame, the thunder in the sky finally stopped breathing, and a series of terrifying thunderbolts came madly towards the bottom, and this was just the reaction of this golden flame.

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