The place where Jessica brought him was her boudoir?

To Ye Xiao’s surprise, Jessica brought him to a room that was not too large.

Although compared to Iliu’s room full of pink girl’s heart, it was very simple, but it was also very clean, and Ye Xiao guessed that it should be Jessica’s room.

Looking at the white bishop Jessica, who had long blonde hair and exuded a holy aura, her cheeks were slightly red, and her eyes flowed.

Ye Xiao wanted to open his attribute bar to see if he triggered any peach blossom luck buff.

Of course, Ye Xiao is not the kind of person who ignores the brain and ignores it.

He believed that Jessica must have a purpose, otherwise how could the bishop of the Church of Light casually bring a man into his boudoir?

“Lord Bishop, I’m here too, let’s say something bluntly, men and women are in the same room, I’m afraid it’s a little uncomfortable, right?”

Ye Xiao squinted slightly, staring at Jessica, whose cheeks were crimson at this time, and she bit her lower lip lightly as if she was entangled in something.

Jessica struggled for a long time, but finally made a decision.

“I can’t take this thing out for others to see, that’s why I brought you here.”

Jessica explained as she pulled a box out of an unusually hidden cabinet.

“What I’m going to trouble you with is to help me get this box to one place.”

That said, but Jessica still clutched the box in her hand tightly, as if there was some rare treasure inside.

“What’s in this box?” Where to deliver? Ye Xiao asked directly unceremoniously.

“This box… Inside this box is an important piece for our Church of Light… One piece baby! ”

“As for the place to be delivered… It’s a bloody monastery! ”

Jessica said intermittently while thinking.

“As long as you help me deliver the box, I won’t tell anyone about you and Dana in the church before.”

As if sensing that she had a problem with her demanding tone, Jessica immediately changed her words.

“No, no, no, I’m not a threat, I sincerely ask you to do me this favor.”

“I can give you two pieces of gold-level equipment as a reward, you can choose it yourself, get the reward first and then do me this favor.”

Jessica said repeatedly, appearing sincere.

After hearing Jessica’s words, Ye Xiao thought a little and agreed.

He also wouldn’t be stupid enough to ask Jessica why she didn’t deliver it herself, or why she didn’t use her identity.

Let the paladin or who will send it.

Since you found yourself to send, it must be inconvenient to find someone else, which is something that does not need to be asked.

He just had to make sure he didn’t accept it.

And Jessica’s reward is very rich.

In addition to the big reward of two gold-level equipment, you can actually get a favor from Jessica by the way.

And Ye Xiao is also very curious about Jessica’s matter.

So Ye Xiao chose to accept.

And after hearing Ye Xiao agree, Jessica was also relieved.

She didn’t hand Ye Xiao the box she wanted to send to Ye Xiao first, but first discharged a bunch of equipment.

Most of these equipment were among the gold equipment that Ye Xiao had selected when his last mission was completed.

This seems quite sincere.

“I want both.”

Ye Xiao picked the gold-level bow and arrow that he wanted last time, as well as a gold-level dagger.

And Jessica was not vague, and directly handed the thing to Ye Xiao.

“Ding! Do you choose to accept ‘Jessica’s commission’? ”

“If you are paid by Jessica, it means that you have accepted ‘Jessica’s commission’!”

A prompt comes from the system.

This is the task to be generated, and after generating the task, it has to be completed.

“Yes.” Ye Xiao, who had decided well, did not hesitate.

Immediately, Ye Xiao had another task in the taskbar.

“Please take good care of it and send it well, although I accidentally obtained it from the Blood Monastery, but…”

Jessica said without speaking.

And Ye Xiao also reached out and took the box handed by Jessica.

Ye Xiao couldn’t guess what was inside through the box.

The box is rectangular in shape, about the length of a small adult arm.

However, there is a lock on the outside, and the inside seems to be relatively full.

Although it was a little heavy, it didn’t react when shaking, so it was difficult for Ye Xiao to guess what was inside.

Seeing Ye Xiao accept his request, he put the box away.

Jessica also breathed a big sigh of relief, and then smiled and stretched out her hand and said, “Trouble you.” ”

Ye Xiao also stretched out his hand and shook Jessica, who had been highly tense and had reddish cheeks from before until now.

“Entrusted by men, faithful to men.” Ye Xiao said with a smile.

Soon, Ye Xiao walked out of Jessica’s boudoir and walked towards the outside of the church.

After all, this is in the Church of Light.

What is it for a man to stay in the female bishop’s room all the time.

If it is discovered, I am afraid it will cause an uproar.

“Why does Jessica blush a little as soon as she touches my skin…”

“Is it because I’m adding a little bit of charm?” Or am I already handsome to this point? ”

Ye Xiao thought about Jessica’s previous abnormalities.

“Forget it, don’t think about it much. The answers to these questions can probably be found in this box. ”

Ye Xiao took out the box from the inventory and observed tentatively.

But apparently, the box is tightly locked.

Ye Xiao couldn’t guess what was inside.

At this moment, Amelia suddenly said: “Master, do you want to know the contents inside?” ”

Hearing Emilia’s words, Ye Xiao suddenly came to his senses.

“Yes! Amilia can scan objects at a certain distance and sense them! ”

After hearing Emilia’s words, Ye Xiao immediately said: “Amelia, scan what the items inside are, and send the information to me simultaneously.” ”


After hearing Ye Xiao’s words, Emilia nodded obediently.

Just when Ye Xiao was full of curiosity, waiting for Amelia to transmit the information to see what mystery was hidden in the box.

A three-dimensional diagram-like information passed into Ye Xiao’s mind.

It was as if Ye Xiao had seen the contents of the box with his own eyes.

But this look made Ye Xiao stunned.

Ye Xiao never dreamed that there was such a thing in the box!!!

This is the box that the Bishop of the Church of Light gave him, how could it be such a thing?!


[Thanks for the tip of ‘1373/7930/983’! ] 】

[Thanks also to ‘Internet Love Red Dust’, ‘My Day Your Brother’, ‘Li Xue’, JP139/6454/8109′, ‘1817/6276/547’ Monthly Pass】

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