In the upper district of Beloberg, the wealthy residents have mobile phones.

In the lower district, there are none.

As a result, Xier cannot contact Clara remotely to confirm her identity.

Of course...

Beloberg's mobile phone is completely incomparable to that of Bo Chang and others, and they cannot communicate with each other.

Because the difference between the two mobile phones is too big in terms of hardware and software.

Thinking of this, Bo Chang suddenly realized something and said, "Oh, this should also prove my identity."

The black-haired boy took out his mobile phone.

Sometimes March 7 likes to share beautiful pictures in the group.

And now, these pictures can be used to prove his identity.

Bo Chang showed the panoramic photos of Yalilo VI and Beloberg, and the photos of everyone fighting monsters together, and swiped them one by one to show each other.

Xier observed carefully from a distance.

Although the lower district was so poor that there was no mobile phone, she still knew about mobile phones.

She even played with them when she was a child.

However, after the upper and lower districts were completely closed, the mobile phones in the lower district were damaged over the years.

So Xier won't make a fuss.

"If these photos can't convince you... I can still show my strength..."

Bo Chang tapped his temple.

In the battle with Xier.

Bo Chang only relied on his own physique, gun skills, and spider sense to fight against him.

There are still a lot of abilities that have not been used...

It can be said that a lot of water has been released.

"No... That's enough." Xier shook his head slightly, "Anyway, whether you are Bo Chang or not, it doesn't matter to me."

Bo Chang was stunned for a moment and complained: "Then what are you asking?"

Xier: "..."

"Forget it, I still have things to do, I don't have time to chat with you..." Xier picked up the sickle, "Now you have seen my strength, there is no need to continue to follow me."

"Indeed... But I think, one more person means one more strength. If you want to find something, I can help you."

Bo Chang gave a thumbs up.

Xier frowned slightly and said: "You are really strange..."

"Huh? Why is it strange?"

Bo Chang looked at the other party a little confused.

Xier said: "You are so kindhearted, it's hard not to suspect that you have ulterior motives..."

"I just want to do a good deed every day."

Bo Chang's voice had just fallen.

Xier rubbed his hair with a headache.

"But... you are right, it is better to have one more person to help than me alone. Since you want to do a good deed every day, then follow me. Let me make it clear... the rules are the same as before, you are not allowed to get too close to me."

Xier said, waving the sickle in his hand.

Bo Chang shook his head secretly in his heart.

With Xier's strength, if he really wanted to do something, he could have knocked him to the ground and made him pose in all kinds of postures.


It is a good thing that the other party is more vigilant.

In a chaotic place like the lower area, if you are not vigilant, you will suffer a great loss sooner or later.

Now the upper and lower areas have just been handed over.

Although the Earth Fire Organization agreed that the Silver Mane Iron Guards would come to the lower area to guard.


The chaos in the lower area for many years is not something that the Silver Mane Iron Guards can change.

This kind of chaos is estimated to continue for a while before it can slowly recover.

Unfortunately, no matter how it recovers, as long as the opposition between the upper and lower areas still exists.

It is impossible to usher in real stability here.

Xier came to Rivet Town to look for supplies because the people underground fought for the earth's marrow veins. Many people were injured, and the medical supplies in the hands of doctor Natasha were not enough.

That's why Xier needed to take action...

Chapter 102 Clara who didn't want to leave her name (reward plus more!)

Of course...

Bo Chang didn't know the details of the incident.

Xier didn't want to explain, but just told him that she was looking for steel plates, bandages, medical alcohol and painkillers.

First go to the market in the center of Rivet Town, then the orphanage, and finally the old laboratory.

Under Xier's leadership.

The two first went to the central market of Rivet Town.

There are many goods that residents didn't have time to take away when they evacuated. It can be said that there are all kinds of things, just piled up in a mess.

And because it is located in the center of Rivet Town, few people can come here to look for things.

So these goods are still quite intact.

But many things were destroyed by monsters, and some food was expired, rotten and moldy.

Xier felt very distressed.

Then the two of them searched separately in the market.

Soon they found the steel plate and bandages. In addition, Bo Chang also found two carts and backpacks. With these two things, he can help carry the goods.

He came to Xier with two carts.

Bo Chang said: "Put everything in your backpack on it, so you can carry more."


Xier, who was busy looking for bandages and steel plates, raised her head.

When she saw Bo Chang holding a cart in each hand and the Spear of Oath floating beside him.

Xier was stunned.

"Your gun... can still fly?"

"This... indeed, it's amazing."

Bo Chang smiled.

Xi'er shook her head, and she dispersed the expression on her face. She didn't ask the reason, but just poured out all the supplies in the backpack and piled them on the cart.

The two spent more than 20 minutes in the central market.

Only then did they find enough bandages and steel plates.

In addition... there were a small amount of medical alcohol and painkillers, and some other things that Xi'er thought were useful.

It was not easy to come to Rivet Town.

And there are not many monsters here now.

Xi'er must want to bring more things, after all, there may not be such an opportunity in the future.

Just when the two were about to go to the orphanage.

Several world-breaking creatures appeared around.

The enemies were the Virtual Weaver, the Fire Disaster Shadow, and the Eternal Winter Disaster Shadow.

A total of three humanoid monsters.

And they were the first to discover Bo Chang and others and launch a sneak attack.

Suspended in the air... the imaginary weaver, who has the ability to fly and attack from a distance, was the first to attack. It waved its hand, and golden cracks immediately spread in the space in front of it.

Then golden imaginary rays gushed out from the middle.

The target was Xier, who was leading the way.

As soon as Bo Chang, who noticed the enemy, raised his hand, Xier put down the cart and clenched the sickle in his hand.

He rushed forward first.

He used the sickle to block the imaginary ray that was about to come in front of him.

There was a loud bang.

The blade of the sickle collided with the golden imaginary ray.

The two forces rubbed passionately in the air, and even the surrounding space was distorted.

After a stalemate of three seconds...

The offensive of the imaginary weaver paused.

Xier was hit by this imaginary ray and retreated several steps before stopping, and her hands were numb.

Although the imaginary weaver is just an ordinary monster.

But it is a turret mage.

The moves were all very powerful, and Xier had just fought with Bo Chang not long ago, so her strength had not yet fully recovered. It was normal for her to be in such an embarrassing situation when she took the opponent's big move head-on.

If it was a normal battle, Xier could dodge the attack.

But when carrying the supplies on the cart...

Xier couldn't dodge.

Once she dodged, everything she had finally found would be gone.

"Leave it to me."

Bo Chang said, without waiting for Xier to answer, he threw the Spear of Oath at the Virtual Weaver, then raised his hand and aimed at the two Fire and Winter Shadows that were rushing over.

The Virtual Weaver, covered with a lot of golden shells, couldn't dodge in time.

He was killed instantly by the Spear of Oath.

His head was directly shattered.

The Fire and Winter Shadows faced two dragon explosions, and they still wanted to resist with the weapons in their hands, but they were instantly submerged in the flames... and died in the explosion.

Seeing this, Xier's pupils trembled slightly, and she began to frantically calculate whether she could block the spear just now.

I was also calculating the probability of dodging Dragon Blast.

The result was...

Dragon Blast was impossible to dodge at close range, but there was still some hope at a distance.

As for the javelin, it was very difficult to block it.

I guess I could only dodge it.

Thinking about the fact that the opponent had just used the tail of the gun to fight me.

Xier understood a lot in an instant.

"He just fought me... He didn't use his full strength at all. If he really wanted to do something, he would have succeeded long ago..."

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