"It's nothing..." Bo Chang shook his head, "Go back and rest after eating."


The little girl with silver hair and red eyes nodded.

Bo Chang, who had already put on clothes, took a look at Clara's snow-white feet. Because of the power of fate, her feet were always clean, and there would never be a pair of dirty feet.

This is also the reason why she stepped on Bo Chang's back just now.

"How about preparing a pair of shoes as a gift for Clara? Unfortunately, there is no suitable equipment for the time being."

Bo Chang shook his head secretly.

After watching the two little girls finish the food in their hands.

Bo Chang took them back.

While walking on the road, Bo Chang also asked: "If my back gets sore in the future, can I still come to see Clara?"

The other person's answer is...


. . . . . .

After sending Clara back safely.

Bo Chang returned to the room prepared by Swaro.

After washing up a little, Bo Chang lay on the bed alone and said to Sophia, who was making a nest on the bedside table and preparing to rest: "Don't talk nonsense in the future, understand? Sophia, otherwise... you know the consequences. "

"But... during the day, I also want to help the master..."

Sophia looked pitiful.

Bochang said: "It won't happen next time."

"I know...Master."

Sophia nodded obediently.

Seeing this, Bo Chang ignored her, closed his eyes and prepared to sleep.

At the same time, I am also thinking about who should I use the power of the rat charm to resurrect next?

"Is it possible to do something like Sun Wukong...Erlang Shen...Tathagata Buddha? How about trying something like Tang Monk first?"

For the mythical characters of their original world.

Bo Chang still doesn't know if he can activate it with the rat charm.

If it can be resurrected.

That would be fun.

"But I still need to make the corresponding sculpture... Do you want to learn carpentry? No... Pascal can also carve it. Anyway, he only needs to download the corresponding carving technology from the Internet. , I just need to give it a rough shape."

Just as Bo Chang was thinking this, Sophia turned off the light.

The room became dark.

Just then.


Bo Chang's door was suddenly pushed open, and the light from the corridor entered the room.

Bo Chang opened his eyes and said, "Who?"

"It's me, March 7th." The pink-haired girl turned on the light, "Did you go to bed so early today?"

"It's getting late now."

Bo Chang sat up and shook his head. He didn't know why the other party came to him at this time.

I just subconsciously looked at March 7th.

The other party was wearing white pajamas, and her beautiful figure was completely obscured by the oversized pajamas, but...you could still see a hint of amorous feelings from the bulge on her chest.

"What do you want from me?"

"I was bored, so I wandered around." As he said, March Qi put one hand on his hip, "Just now... you and Clara came back from outside together, right... We all saw it ”

"Could it be that the person you were looking at just now was Mitsuki? But she shouldn't...wait...it doesn't seem like she can't understand."

Bo Chang had such a guess in his mind.

March 7th continued: "I said...you shouldn't really let Clara step on your back, right?"

Chapter 93 This March is going to be bad (more bounties will be added!)

"Don't get me wrong, March, Clara did it voluntarily, I didn't force her."

Bo Chang explained.

March 7 said speechlessly: "You guys are really stubborn. Is it really comfortable for a child to step on your back? Hum... I think it's not as comfortable as Teacher Dan Heng's."


Bo Chang was silent for a moment, recalling the situation at that time.

Dan Heng stepping on his back was a violent pleasure, and the pleasure was at the end, the process was a bit torture.

Clara stepped on her back, but it was like a stream of clear spring flowing into her heart and lungs. What was refreshing was the process. The two were completely different feelings.

"Dan Heng stepped on it really well, but it's a pity... one step would cost half his life..."

Bo Chang was almost stepped on several times today.

If it were an ordinary person.

Dan Heng could trample someone to death with these few kicks.

March 7 turned his head and said: "Who told you not to choose this girl? If it were me, I would definitely not be so forceful."

Speaking of which.

As if he realized something was wrong.

March 7's delicate face turned slightly red and she immediately changed the subject.

"Forget it...it's useless to talk about this now, Bo Chang. Since we have nothing to do, let's play a game."

"What game?" Bo Chang was stunned for a moment, "Isn't it a pillow fight?"

The black-haired boy subconsciously remembered what happened yesterday.

March 7th pursed her lips and said, "I really want to have a pillow fight, but you guys don't want to play. It's really boring."

"That's a game only played by children. We don't want to play it. It's normal."

Bo Chang shrugged helplessly.

March 7 glanced at him and spoke with an unhappy expression.

"Can we think that you are beating around the bush and saying that I look like a child?"

"March, don't think so, I'm just praising you for being young."

"Okay, then we won't pursue it anymore." March 7 sat on the edge of the bed, about thirty centimeters away from Bo Chang, "How about we play poker?"

"Poker cards? How about...calling Xing here? Just enough for three people."

Then call someone to say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao arrives.

As soon as Bo Chang finished speaking, Xing pushed the door open and said, "I seem to hear someone calling me."

"I seem to hear something! Are you just listening to the corner outside the door?" Bo Chang complained in his heart, and then his face straightened, "Xing, you came just in time. I want to play poker on March 7th, let's come together. Bar."

Poker is also a popular game in this universe.

The rules are similar to the world before Bo Chang traveled through.


Xing nodded and came to sit on the other side of Bo Chang.

The black-haired boy who was stuck in the middle stood up and sat down on the bed, forming a triangle with the two girls beside the bed.

See the stars appear.

The pink-haired girl was a little surprised, but she didn't show anything.

March 7 then took out a deck of cards, glanced at him and said, "Three people... let's play Landlords. Do you all know the rules?"

"No problem, I played it on my phone."

Bo Chang nodded.

Xingdao: "Me too."

"Humph... It's okay to play games without punishment. Whoever loses gets a glass of wine, how about that?"

March 7's eyes narrowed slightly, like a little fox.

Bochang said: "Wine? Did you bring wine?"

"Of course... Pascal, come in."

March 7 clapped his hands, and Pascal, who was curled up outside the door, instantly activated. He opened the door, walked in sideways, and said: "Star Train No. 1 self-defense robot - Pascal, is at your service."

"Miss March...do you need...help?"

"Bring out the wine."

March 7 snapped her fingers in a cool manner, and it seemed that she was using this robot very well.

It's quite easy.

"Command...received!" With the hum of the machine, Pascal immediately opened the armor on his chest, took out three bottles of white wine from his stomach, and placed them on the bed, "Mission...completed ...Waiting for...next instruction.”

After Bo Chang's maintenance and upgrades, Pascal's functions have been greatly increased.

Also comes with a small refrigerator.

Originally Bo Chang planned to store some food and drink in it later.

Unexpectedly, it was filled with liquor on March 7th.

Bo Chang's mouth twitched slightly and said, "I said...where did you get this liquor?"

"The supplies sent down by the Silver Mane Iron Guard just now contain liquor. Shivaro doesn't need it, so I brought it." March 7th waved his hand casually, "Don't worry about that, let's get started."

"How about changing to beer, liquor... don't get drunk by then."

Bo Chang doesn't like drinking.

Even if I drink, I only drink some red wine or beer, and basically don’t drink white wine.

"Are you kidding me? I can't drink a thousand glasses of wine. How can I get drunk? All liquor and other things are treated as water."

On March 7th, bold words were released.

Bochang said: "Really? I didn't realize you were such a good drinker. Apparently at the celebration banquet yesterday, you drank a glass of white wine and everyone said it was spicy to your throat..."

"It's definitely spicy for the throat...it's liquor after all, but...with my girl's physique, it's impossible to get drunk so easily, and only liquor can be used as punishment, beer... ..Isn’t that just a drink?”

March 7 is very stubborn.

Seeing this, Bo Chang stopped refuting.

Think about it, we are not ordinary people, how can we get drunk so easily.

Especially Bo Chang, whose physique is now twenty-four times that of an ordinary person.

If he could drink half a catty of liquor before, according to simple multiplication, he can drink twelve catties now.


This kind of thing definitely cannot be calculated by multiplication.

Bo Chang glanced at Xing and said, "Can I drink it?"

"It's fine."

The gray-haired girl gave a thumbs up.

Then comes fun game time.

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