After witnessing Bo Chang resurrecting and then dying of a teddy bear.

Sophia was finally reshaped.


This guy cried and begged Bo Chang not to let her die, and said that he would be obedient.

In this way, the black-haired boy subdued his first familiar.

At the same time, he also experimented.

Sure enough, after the teddy bear was resurrected with the power of the rat charm, like Sophia, it did not lose its memory. It still remembered that it had opened its eyes once, and it also remembered Bo Chang and the little princess.

Face this situation.

Bo Chang could only sigh with emotion - "Everything has animism."

But because the other party doesn't have any special power.

And his IQ was relatively low, so Bo Chang had no idea of ​​keeping the teddy bear.

Time flies to the next day.

After sitting up and stretching a lot, Bo Chang got up, grabbed Sophia who was lying on the bedside table, using a towel as a bed, and said: "Sofia, it's time to get up."


Bo Chang placed the demon on his shoulders and sat down.

Sofia, who was brought to life by a toy, looked quite kawaii. She had golden curly hair shawl... She rubbed the corners of her eyes sleepily, and then opened her scarlet pupils.

"Well...Good morning, Master."

Such a title.

Naturally, it was Bo Chang's bad taste. Although Sofia was a little repelled, she still accepted this reality.

Who made the black-haired boy choke her lifeline?

left each other.

There is only one way for Sophia to die.

Bo Chang got up at eight o'clock today, when he finished washing and came downstairs.

Dan Heng, March Qi and Xing were already chatting in the hall.

On March 7th, he saw Bo Chang walking downstairs and said, "You got up really late today. Come on, let's go out for a big dinner."

Bo Chang got up late today.

There is a reason.

One is because I don’t have to get up and make breakfast by myself today.

The second reason is because I played with Sophia for a while.

Third, because I used the power of the Sheep Charm a few days ago, I couldn't sleep well for two days in a row.

"Well... let's go."

Bo Chang nodded.

March 7 then asked curiously: "Is this the... familiar you are talking about? It looks so cute. Can you lend it to me to play with?"

"Yes, but whether I play with you or not is Sofia's business and has nothing to do with me."

Bo Chang smiled, but did not agree on behalf of his familiar.

Knowing that these familiars have memories...

Bo Chang decided to treat her as his life, and naturally chose to respect her opinion. Of course... this was also to better control the other party.

Sophia stood up, held her skirt with both hands and bowed her head in salute, saying, "I'm sorry, I would rather stay by the master's side."

Today, Sofia showed her princess etiquette.

No bad breath like yesterday.

"She actually called you master... Bo Chang, did you ask her to call you that?"

March 7 looked confused.

Bo Chang said: "It's not important."

"Okay." March Qi spread his hands helplessly, and showed an envious look, "Your ability is really easy to use. I'm afraid you can even summon an army of pillows easily."

The pink-haired girl brought up the pillow army.

Bo Chang remembered the other party's suggestion last night - a pillow fight.

But no one wants to play.

This matter will be settled.

"I can't do this..."

Bo Chang shook his head.

Xing rubbed his stomach and said, "I'm hungry..."

Upon seeing this, everyone stopped chatting and went to have breakfast together.

This meal money.

Naturally, it was also the city builders who gave the money.

When the pioneering team took action, they specially brought along a silver-maned iron guard who was responsible for giving money and leading the way, and this person was - Pella. Early in the morning, she was already outside the Goethe Hotel, waiting for them to go out. .

Breakfast is settled.

The group of people went to do DNA testing on Bo Chang and Xing as originally planned.

I completed the examination at the hospital in the morning and the results are not expected to be available until tomorrow.

So everyone still needs to wait.

And this period of time was not in vain, Bo Chang decided to go to the lower area to have some fun.

Look at Ciel, Natasha, Clara and others.

After Pella contacted Bronya on her mobile phone... the newly appointed great guardian rushed over with the silver-maned iron guard in a hurry.

"Distinguished guests." Bronya nodded slightly, "The Silver-maned Iron Guard has not yet resolved the issue of the passage in the lower area. Now is not a good time to go down..."

"Just go down and solve it together. We have time."

Bo Chang spoke casually.

Bronya only felt a little headache. She originally planned to wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to attack the lower area... She didn't expect them to be so anxious.

But if you reject the other party.

Bronya knows...

They might go down by themselves, and it was hard for her to stop them. Bronya had no choice but to act in advance.

Go all the way along the avenue.

The large group of people soon arrived at the passage connecting the lower area, where there was a staircase.

The winding path leads downward.

On weekdays... Silver Mane Guards also pass through this road to transport a lot of supplies.

It is not an exaggeration to regard this road as the artery of Beloberg.

Along the way, Sofia, sitting on Bochang's shoulders, looked at everything around with curious eyes. She washed her skirt herself last night and it looked much cleaner.

Just as Sofia looked around, passers-by were also looking at her curiously.

For this princess who is well-known in Beloberg.

Everyone knows her.

Seeing that she can move and talk, a child just ran over...

Asked Bochang where he bought this doll.

Bronya was already a little accustomed to the power shown by Bochang and others, but she guessed in her heart that he modified the toy and made it into an intelligent robot or something like that.

Bronya said: "This is the passage to the lower area. Dear guests, the scenery in the lower area may not be as good as you think..."

Lost the protection of the Silver Mane Guards.

The lower area, which was also eroded by the rift, still needed to frantically mine and dig the earth's marrow for the upper area.

In exchange for survival supplies.

No matter how Bronya thought about it, she felt that the scene in the lower area would not be too good...

So she gave Bo Chang and others a shot in advance.

"It doesn't matter, no matter what kind of society it is, we have seen it."

Dan Heng said calmly.

For the cold-faced little blue dragon who has traveled to many worlds.

He has seen all kinds of scenes and will not have any inner fluctuations at all.

But Bo Chang and Xing... They have just started, and they may feel uncomfortable when seeing certain scenes.

That is also a normal phenomenon.

"Lower area... Upper area... Beloberg..."

When Sophia sat on Bo Chang's shoulder, she kept her ears perked up to listen to the sounds around her, focusing on understanding the current situation.

Bo Chang felt...

It would be a good choice to let Sophia collect intelligence in the future.

Anyway, her ability is suitable for this.

Chapter 79 Lower Area (Reward plus more!)

The road leading to the lower area is called the furnace core.

In addition to an automatic pipeline for transporting materials, there are spiral stone steps. The whole journey is so long that it is like going down a mountain. After walking for several hours, everyone finally reached the destination.

March 7 complained as he walked: "With such advanced technology, why don't you build an elevator..."

"This is the order of the original city builder. It is said that it is to increase the efficiency of traffic and save resources. If an elevator is built, the number of people transported each time is limited, and it will consume more..."

Bronya explained.

One end of the furnace core is stationed by the Silver Mane Iron Guards, and the other end is stationed by robots.

It can be said that they have never interacted with each other.

But today...

Things took a turn for the better.

When Bronya brought a group of Silver Mane Iron Guards and the pioneering team to the robot stationing point, it immediately caused a shock. The robots couldn't believe that another Silver Mane Iron Guard came down.

After they stopped the visitors from the upper area.

Immediately notified their boss-Svarro.

This is a large robot that is more than two meters tall, with a single red eye. The blue mechanical shell also reveals a sense of simplicity. It seems to be quite old.

"Only Swarovski... Didn't Clara come?"

After seeing the other party appear, Bo Chang muttered in his heart.

Bronya personally came out to negotiate with Swarovski.

Things went much more smoothly than expected.

After Bronya said that the star core had been disposed of, based on the abnormality of the rift in the lower area yesterday, it also judged that what the other party said was very likely to be true.

Since the crisis in the lower area has been resolved.

Naturally, there is no need for Swarovski to continue to block the furnace core, but generously opened the passage.

Bo Chang and others successfully arrived at the lower area. The first place they came to was the mechanical settlement, which is also the gateway to the furnace core.

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