"I just defeated Bo Chang, why did another one emerge that was even more fierce?"

Huan Lu and Dan Heng passed a few moves, and then said: "Okay... very good, the strength of all the benefactors is indeed good, and they can actually force the little girl to look like this."

"Stop talking nonsense and let's capture him quickly."

Dan Heng spoke indifferently, and he casually slapped a thousand waves and pressed them towards the fake Ningyun.

Before Huan Hao could finish his words, he was forced to fight again.

She pushed with both hands, and the green tornadoes around her gathered together and collided with the endless waves.


Two different and powerful forces collided, causing the earth to suddenly crack, like a watermelon being split open.

Bottomless cracks spread outward.

Walter Yang and the giant dragon Bai Lu were completely unable to control the situation.

The cracks headed towards the outside of the huge hollow water ball.

In just a few seconds...

Almost half of Changletian was cracked, and a strong earthquake swept through the entire cave. As a result, many houses collapsed, leaving the scene in a mess.

Because the incident happened suddenly, many people still don’t know what happened now.

They couldn't continue to play cards leisurely.

Are you still playing cards at this time?

Don't be afraid!

Under the guidance of the Yunqi Army, a large number of residents fled Changletian.

And at this moment.

But two girls came to Changletian on the Xingcha. They were beautiful and gorgeously dressed.

What's different from others is...

Others were anxious to leave Changletian, but they were eager to enter.

Yunqijun noticed these two strangers.

I originally wanted to persuade them to leave, but in the end I just blinked.

The two strange and beautiful girls disappeared in the crowd.

I don’t know where I went.

If Bo Chang and others saw it, they would definitely be able to recognize the two girls who were incompatible with others at a glance.

Black Tower and Esta.

The webmaster and acting webmaster of the space station all came to Luofu Xianzhou.

Naturally, they came here for Bo Chang.

As a result, before they could find each other, they saw the chaotic scene of Chang Letian first.

"Did a star core actually cause the Luofu Immortal Boat to be in such chaos?"

Esta sighed with emotion.

Black Tower said: "Where there are star core hunters, it is not surprising that strange things happen. What's more... there is more than just a star core here. I have already felt the fluctuations of the Destruction Order. , it seems that a certain king is eyeing Luofu."

"Lord of Extermination? No way..."

Esta looked surprised.

Heita nodded, her expression unchanged.

"If my feeling is correct, someone is fighting the Lord of Extinction in the water ball over there."

The hollow water balloon is semicircular.

Fully five hundred meters high.

This thing is very conspicuous in Changletian. You can see it as long as you look up.

With just one glance, Black Tower knew that the hollow water ball was to control the scope of the battle and prevent the aftermath from affecting other places.


Chang Letian must have been beaten to death.

"It's indeed interesting..." Heita touched her chin. Then she raised her head and glanced at Esta, "I'll take the first step. You can wait for me outside Changle Tianwai."

The next journey.

Black Tower is not going to take Esta with him.

after all......

Her steps were too slow, and taking Esta with her would only delay the Black Tower.

"Okay, Ms. Heita, I will wait for your safe return outside Changle Tianwai..."

Esta lowered her eyebrows and had no objection.

Heita had no intention of talking nonsense anymore. She disappeared instantly like a gust of wind.

On the way.

Black Tower also saw the dead building trees growing and sprouting again.

The sky and the sun covered nearly one-third of the Luofu Immortal Boat.

. . . . . .

The battle continues inside the giant hollow water balloon.

As Walter Young and the dragon Bailu failed to succeed.

The focus of the battle began to shift from the sky to the land.

The scene became more and more frightening. The huge waves hundreds of meters high collided passionately with the blue tornado that dominated the world, causing the earth to continuously tear apart.

Bo Chang and others almost had no place to stand and could only stand on the back of the giant dragon Bailu.

"Come and taste the power of this girl!"

March 7, who was on the dragon's back, jumped up and shot his strongest arrow at Fake Tingyun. Unfortunately, after defeating a green tornado, he was unable to continue.

The pink-haired girl's attacks couldn't even get close to the enemy, let alone hurt her.

While resting, Bo Chang injected the magic power of the Dragon Talisman into the giant dragon Bailu so that it could maintain its dragon form.

A big dragon lolita who is infused with power.

It was like a chicken blood was injected, and it made a clear and loud dragon roar.

"No... we can't go on like this. I still have my power left to create a new body..."

Realizing that it would be difficult to defeat them in a short period of time, Genmu.

The thought of quitting came into my mind.

After reaching this point, Huanlong knew that he couldn't leave in despair, so he said: "Haha... Dear benefactors, I still have things to deal with, so I won't play with you anymore."

"Finally... let me give my benefactors a farewell gift."

Fake Tingyun raised one hand, and she pulled a meteorite with a diameter of several kilometers from an unknown place to fall.

The powerful force instantly tore the hollow water ball apart.

Everyone's pupils trembled when they saw it.

Chapter 183: Hanging Stars and Broken Moon

The giant dragon Bailu flapped its wings and stopped in midair.

Bochang, Sanyueqi and others on the dragon's back stared blankly at the sky.

When the meteorite was pulled to the Luofu Immortal Boat.

Although it was still far away from everyone.


It still gave everyone a great sense of oppression.

Bochang could even feel a huge gravitational force coming from high altitude, as if it was going to suck him away.

This was not an ordinary meteorite.

Bochang, who had good eyesight, could see it clearly.

The surface of the meteorite, which glowed brightly due to the high temperature... was inlaid with countless antimatter legion soldiers in different postures, and even anti-celestial weapons such as Doomsday Beast.

And some huge monsters that could not be named, which looked stronger than Doomsday Beast.

They were all dead, and they could not rest in peace after death. They were made into a meteorite by the Lord of Extinction.

The destructive power contained in it was so much that it was terrifying.

Walter Yang had no confidence that he could block this attack.

The same goes for Dan Heng. If he had all the power he had during the Dragon Lord period, he could certainly block it.

But the current cold-faced little blue dragon is not as strong as it was in its heyday.

After all...

Some of the power has been inherited by the new Dragon Lord - Bai Lu.

The current Dan Heng is far less powerful than before.

Or it is not as powerful as the Yin Yue Jun in the previous life.

Huanlong enjoyed their expressions and said, "My benefactors, the gift has been delivered, and I will go first."

After saying this, the fake Tingyun twisted her head to the side and she committed suicide directly.

Her body fell from the sky powerlessly and slowly dissipated in the process.

It was like a bubble in a dream.

Bo Chang and others could only see a blue flame escaping into the distance.

No one had time to deal with it, but looked at the meteorite falling from the sky with a serious face.

The fake Tingyun called this thing a gift.

To be honest...

It is indeed a gift.

After all, this meteorite was extracted after Huanlong destroyed a certain civilization...sacrificed the entire planet and the antimatter army that died in the battle.

If you are lucky enough.

Maybe you can find the rare objects left by other civilizations on it.

Huanlong had no intention of staying here at all. He left the meteorite in a hurry.

The secret of the King of Medicine successfully put the star core into the location of Jianmu.

Make it grow and sprout.

Next, Huanlong will go to fabricate his new body. As long as he gets a bigger and more powerful body, these people will be nothing more than ants.

What's more, Bo Chang and others may not be able to withstand this attack.

Although among Huanlong's treasures.

This meteorite can only be regarded as medium-sized, but it is completely enough to destroy a vibrant planet.

Even if Luofu Xianzhou takes this attack.

It will suffer huge losses.

This move also has a good name, called-Hanging Stars and Broken Moon.

Bo Chang and others naturally don't know the name of this move.

They only know that they are in big trouble now.

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