Since the hairpin conference, Suning relied on his handsome appearance and strong strength to circle a wave of fans in Shanglin City. The two didn't know it at first, until just after they went out.

Seeing more and more people gathered behind them, Suning and Jiang Bailin looked at each other, a trace of helplessness flashed across their faces.

"Grass, do these people have nothing to do by themselves?"

"Isn't it a champion of the conference, as for!"

Suning and Jiang Bailin ran all the way on the street, constantly complaining. Soon, the news of Suning’s appearance in Shanglin spread, attracting a large number of people to come to them. The big media have also sent people to interview Suning and the two.

"Your uncle, how long has it been until so many people have gathered."

"This is the point of stepping on a fart, it's good not to be annoyed by these people!"

Not far behind Suning and Jiang Bailin, a large group of fans swarmed in, looking like an idiot, chasing them both, and when they moved their wrists, a map of Shanglin City appeared in front of them.

"There are really too many people behind this. Let's find a chance to change clothes, otherwise we have to plan how to proceed."

"There seems to be a small alley ahead, go!"

Looking at the map in front of them, Suning and Jiang Bailin looked at each other, urging the spirit source in the body to gather on their laps, and stunned everyone behind them for a while.

Before everyone could catch up, Suning and Jiang Bailin completed their transformation in a thunderous manner. They took a long breath of relief in their hearts and walked out of the dark alley slowly.

Suning and Jiang Bailin thought that if this were the case, no one would know their whereabouts, but their whereabouts fell in the eyes of Fan Shengyun. Fan Shengyun floated in the air with his hands behind his back, watching with interest. With Suning and Jiang Bailin.

On the bustling street, a group of people chasing Suning and Suning arrived here, but they didn't see the figure of Suning and Suning. They paused, looked a little confused, and looked around with their eyes wide open.

"Hey, how about idol people, why did they disappear suddenly?"

"I lost, aren't you at the forefront? Why are you still missing!"

"Oh, what's the noise? Just look around and find it!"


Suning and Jiang Bailin looked at each other, taking advantage of the chaos, waiting for an opportunity to mix into the crowd, "Hey, I found it, over there!" Suning shouted.

When everyone heard the sound, they thought it was their own people who found the trail of Suning, and then they followed the direction pointed by Suning and Jiang Bailin, looking at the mighty group of people, Suning and Jiang Bailin. Both of them were shocked.

"Hey, your kid is really famous now, this movement."

After everyone left, Jiang Bailin glanced at Suning with a weird expression and opened his mouth slightly.

Suning was speechless at this time, and he did not expect that he would just win the championship of the hairpin conference. He did not expect to cause such a sensation. After a little thought, Suning had a new idea in his heart.

"Let's go, first go to Wang's house to see the situation."

With a move of Suning's wrist, a map of Shanglin City was slowly displayed in front of him, and he walked towards Wang's house following the location on the map.

Fan Shengyun in the air looked at the movements of Suning and Jiang Bailin, and a smile was drawn at the corners of his lips. He felt a sense of relief in his heart. He thought that Suning and Jiang Bailin were inviting him and the head of the royal family to attend his wedding. , And immediately moved his body, following the two of them to fly towards the Wang family.

The movement caused by Suning and Jiang Bailin in Shanglin City soon spread to the major families, causing a sensation among them.

At this time, the younger generation of the major families gritted their teeth against Suning. After all, most of Suning’s fans are women, and among these female fans, more or less people they like are in it. .

Along the way, Suning and Jiang Bailin were extremely cautious, their spiritual source auras restrained, and they were afraid that they would be discovered in disguise.

"What? Suning has come to Shanglin City?"

In the main hall of the Wang Family, Wang Pengyu violently got up from his chair, staring in surprise at the disciple who rushed to report in the hall.

"Yes, Patriarch, I heard that there was a lot of noise outside."

"Now the elders of other families are holding the attitude of drawing him in, shall we..."

The disciple in the temple said respectfully, kneeling halfway with his head down.

Obviously, Wang Pengyu did not expect that Suning would rush to Shanglin City so quickly, nor did he expect him to cause such a big sensation in Shanglin City. Faced with the pressure from the major media and Fan Shengyun, Wang Pengyu was even more entangled in his heart. If it were Wang Feng Without returning to the Wang family, Wang Pengyu would definitely not hesitate, and he would definitely make Suning and Pang family pay the price.

However, now Wang Feng has returned to the clan safely. If he were to deal with Suning and Pang’s people at this time, he would probably be overwhelmed. Even though the Wang family is powerful in Shanglin City, they have different opinions. They want to It will become even more difficult to consolidate your position in Shanglin City.

"Patriarch, Patriarch?"

In the main hall, Wang Pengyu thought carefully, and for a while, the disciples in the hall pulled him back with a slightly serious expression.

"The other families want to win him over, eh."

"Go on, I'll think about it first."

Wang Pengyu waved his hand, said lightly, and then sat on the gorgeous chair, supporting his head with one hand, his eyes slightly closed, his expression a little solemn.

Since being captured to the Wang family, Pang Jiu'er and the others have been detained for several days. During this period, several disciples of the Wang family continued to suppress them.

Pang Jiu'er was curled up in the corner of the wall, with a few blood stains on his body, and his eyes were bleak, as if he had given up hope of living. At this time, the door of the room she was in slowly opened.

Wang Feng was still wearing a black robe, and the two disciples behind him, holding food and healing pills in their hands, followed Wang Feng into the room slowly.

"Haha, Pang Jiu'er, Patriarch Pang! No, it should be Suning's fiancee."

"How about it, does it feel good?"

Looking at Pang Jiu'er in the corner, Wang Feng's mouth curled up, and a low ridicule appeared in his mouth. With a movement of his wrist, a faint black spiritual source appeared in his hand, emitting a strange energy wave.

The two behind them looked at the black spirit source power in Wang Feng's hand, and there was a hint of timidity in their eyes, and their lips trembled slightly. They placed the food in their hands in front of Pang Jiu'er, pinched Pang Jiu'er's mouth, and took the healing pill. The medicine was put into her mouth.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die. I want you to experience this feeling that life is better than death."

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