I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 827: Fighting Yellow Crane (Part 2)


Su Ning responded indifferently, the spirit in his body continued to roll, pouring into the Excalibur Sword in his hand.

"What a coincidence, I seem to be able to do this with you!"

As Suning's words fell, an extremely large spiritual source lightsaber gradually condensed in front of Suning. The horrible fluctuations seemed to tear the space apart, "Four swords in one!", the spiritual source lightsaber suddenly shot into the thunder. In the clouds, disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Huang He let out a burst of laughter.

"Boy, it seems you are destined to be in my hands today! Hahahaha"


After finishing speaking, Huang He waved his wrist and waved the long sword in his hand, as if he wanted to control the lightning to strike Suning, but no matter what he did, the thundercloud in the sky did not make any response, his figure was slightly taken aback. The look gradually became solemn.

"Boy, what did you do!"

Suning looked at Huang He's eyes, just like looking at a monkey, standing in place, seeming to be extremely confident, with a glint flashing in his eyes.

"Oh? Doesn't it feel like something is wrong there?"

"Since your attack is over, then try my attack!"

With the movement of Suning's wrist, the thunderclouds in the sky gradually turned into purple and black, and the rumbling noises gradually sounded, echoing in the round platform, submerged in the ears of the yellow crane.

Seeing this scene, Huang He's figure was directly stunned, and his eyes were full of surprise.

"Impossible, how can you control my spells!"

Seeing the surprised appearance of the yellow crane, Suning only smiled faintly, and a series of thick purple thunders suddenly slashed from the thunderclouds, slashing towards the yellow crane standing opposite.


An unprecedented sense of crisis surged in Huang He's heart. He had no time to dodge, so he could only raise the sword in his hand and fully urge the remaining spiritual power in his body to resist this terrifying lightning power.

The purple **** thunder kept slashing on the long sword in the hands of the yellow crane. Even though it was covered by spiritual power, the huge energy fluctuation still shook his tiger’s mouth with blood and blood. The sword body of the long sword was constantly on the purple **** thunder. Cracks gradually appeared under the bombardment.

With a clear sound, the long sword in Yellow Crane's hand shattered, losing the resistance of the long sword, and the purple divine thunder fell straight on top of the yellow Crane's head as if entering a man's land.


When the purple **** thunder touched the body of the yellow crane, a heart-piercing pain came from all over the body, as if being eaten by thousands of ants, making waves of screams. sound.

Fortunately, Suning's current strength is only limited to Lingtian realm. Otherwise, with the strength of Suning's holy rank, Huang He will probably become a fan under the bombardment of the purple gods.

Seeing the yellow crane kneeling on the ground under the bombardment of the purple divine thunder, Suning thought a move and stopped continuing to attack the yellow crane. With a movement, he appeared in front of the yellow crane, and the God Killing Sword pointed directly at the center of his eyebrows. .

"you lose."

Huang He knelt on the ground, his clothes became tattered under the bombardment of the purple divine thunder, and his body was covered with scars of blood, Suning said lightly.

At this time, Huang He was full of unwillingness and surprise, his physical pain was completely unknown, his eyes gradually became dim, and he seemed to have lost the faith to fight. After spitting out a mouthful of red blood, he let out a self-deprecating laugh. sound.

With the end of the battle, the enchantment covering the round table began to slowly dissipate.

"Just now, did you use your full strength or..."

Huang He raised his head hard and asked.

Suning looked at the yellow crane indifferently, moved his wrist, and put away the Excalibur.


Suning's words fell on Huang He's ears like a thunderbolt in the blue sky, and the whole person suddenly became more wilted, and blood continued to overflow from his mouth.

As if noticing the aggravation of Yellow Crane's injury, Suning raised his eyebrows slightly, took out a mixed-element pill from the bracelet and placed it in Yellow Crane's blood-filled hands.

If it hadn't been for this hairpin conference that it could not hurt people to death, Suning would definitely not help him recover based on Huang He's arrogant appearance.

"Thank you."

Huang He took Suning’s pill, swallowed it in his belly, and whispered in his mouth. As soon as the voice fell, a white light appeared all over his body. With the disappearance of the white light, the figure of the yellow crane also disappeared on the round platform and withdrew. Space for the finals.

"Will the defeated person be forcibly sent out of space?"

Seeing this scene, Suning raised her eyebrows slightly, and murmured in her mouth, remembering that there was a more fierce battle behind, Suning then sat cross-legged on the round table, swallowing a chaotic source of medicine, and the spiritual source in his body also began restore.

After a long time, Suning slowly got up, feeling the spiritual power in his body, a curve of the corner of his mouth, and then slowly came to the edge of the round table, watching the other people's battle.

"Fortunately, I chose a good location at the beginning. It should be the best to observe their strength here!"

Under the round platform on the tenth floor where Suning was located, everyone's battle was nearing an end, and many people began to attack higher levels, but there was still a short distance from where Suning was.

On the big screen in the center of the venue, the battle of Suning's Yellow Crane surfaced, watching the wonderful duel between the two, and the people around kept cheering.

"This kid is quite popular!"

In the box above the stands, Da Dawei laughed and said, Pang Hongya and Pang Jiu'er, who were on the side, rolled their eyes at him, and even the expressions of Feng Lingyue and Wan'er in the room became a little unnatural.

"Oh, don't worry too much. The strength of Brother Su is more clear than you than me. What he shows now is not all of him."

Da Pang explained that he was silly.

"Uncle Dawei, haven't you seen it? How dangerous is Big Brother Su and the others? If Big Brother Su was just a little careless, I'm afraid he would be hit hard!"

"You are still talking cool words here!"

Pang Hongya cast a blank glance at the huge behavior and exhorted loudly.

Feeling the immense pressure from the eyes of the four women in the room, Dao Da wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, smiled awkwardly, and did not dare to speak any more.

On the ship above the venue, Suning's weight in Fan Shengyun's heart is a little bit more. Although only watching the battle in the space through the screen, the horrible wave of the purple **** thunder just now seems to appear around him. .

"The power of communication between heaven and earth, how much can this kid have."

Fan Sheng let out a low groan in his mouth.

Wang Pengyu, who was sitting behind him, moved his ears slightly, as if he heard Fan Shengyun's praise for Suning, his expression gradually became a little cold, and his hands holding the handle of the chair became harder.

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