I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 823: Rush to the venue (below)

This person was the person that Wang Feng had sent to assassinate Wu Xu. Hearing the voice coming from behind, Wang Pengyu's figure was slightly taken aback, and then he let out a burst of laughter.

"Master Fan, wait a moment, go down to deal with the matter!"

"Well, don't miss the opening time of the finals."

Fan Shengyun said coldly without even looking at him.

Wang Pengyu slowly got up, walked behind the ship, changed his previous gentleness and humility, his expression gradually became cold.

"How about it, any clues?"

The man nodded slightly and whispered softly in Wang Pengyu's ear. Hearing the man's report, Wang Pengyu's eyes gradually became cold, and a cold light flashed deep in his eyes.

"Very well, I think you should know what to do."

Having said that, Wang Pengyu continued to pretend to be soft, and slowly sat beside Fan Shengyun.

"Why, has the matter of the royal patriarch finished?"

"It's just a small matter in the clan that Master Laofan has to remember."

Although Wang Pengyu did not show up in front of Fan Shengyun, Fan Shengyun's handling of Wang Feng left a knot in his heart. Fan Shengyun's tough attitude made him feel very dissatisfied, but it was hindered by the other side. He didn’t have much to say, but he greeted the ancestor Fan Shengyun hundreds of times in his heart.

"Okay, I'm sorry about Master Ling. I have to do this because of my duty."

"Also, something similar to Wu Xu, I don't want to see it again! Patriarch, do you understand?"

Although Fan Shengyun didn't look at Wang Pengyu, Wang Pengyu felt that there seemed to be thousands of pairs of eyes staring at him stubbornly around him. He was dissatisfied and a little frustrated at the same time.

"Hehe, Master Vatican, what are you talking about? Wang must do his best. The smooth end of the conference is what Wang wants in his heart."

"Hey, girl, the finals are about to begin, and the entrance is about to be closed. If you don't go in now, you won't have a chance later."

The person who registered at the entrance of the venue, looked at Pang Hongya who was constantly hovering not far away, and reminded.

"Wait a moment, wait two more minutes, trouble you!"

Pang Hongya whispered towards the registered person, with a pitiful appearance.

In the distance, two rainbow lights approached the venue at extremely fast speeds. It was Suning and Jiang Bailin. In order to increase the speed, Suning deliberately put Feng Lingyue and Wan'er into the purple traced glass tower. People go all out.

"Fuck, it's finally here!"

Jiang Bailin and Suning breathed a sigh of relief, and stopped at the entrance of the venue wearing mechas.


Seeing the two mechas approaching, several maids at the entrance looked wary, and the whole body surged.

Suning and Jiang Bailin looked at each other, only to realize that they had not removed the mecha. They couldn't see what they looked like, so they moved to put the mecha away.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Jiang, you can count it."

"Hurry up, the final is about to start, I'll take care of the things here."

Pang Hongya held one hand in hand, sent the two of them into the venue, and turned back to explain.

"Stop, stop, don't explain, I know Mr. Su, you should go in!"

"Then thank you brother guard!"

In the passage into the venue, Suning summoned Feng Lingyue and Wan'er from the purple-marked colored glass tower. After all, today is the final, and Feng Lingyue and Wan'er must really want to watch this game.

Seeing the five figures gradually walk in at the entrance of the venue, the people in the stands exclaimed, "Suning! Suning!" The voices one after another, the scene was quite magnificent.

Feeling the enthusiasm of everyone in the stands, Suning smiled at them and waved.

"Hong Ya, Yue'er and Wan'er are left to you, take good care of them!"

Suning confessed to Pang Hongya and then entered the venue. Now the venue of the venue has completely changed. Suning looked around and noticed the ships floating in the sky.

"Eh, brother, there are all top people on it? Such a big show?"

"Mr. Su? I don't know yet, but the person in charge of this conference is sitting on it. I heard that the royal family chief is also on it!"

Hearing this, Suning and Jiang Bailin glanced at each other, the corners of their mouths gradually evoked a curve, and their statures stopped and appeared on the periphery of the ship.

"Masters, the kid has something to say!"

Fan Shengyun stared at Suning with deep eyes. Since Suning appeared, he has been paying attention to Suning, and a very strange feeling flooded his heart.

Then Suning told them about their being imprisoned in the space barrier outside. People in the surrounding stands heard Suning's words and kept making protests.

Due to the pressure of everyone in the field, Fan Shengyun had to delay the game market. From the personnel in the field, several people who had been close to Suning were found and their names were expelled from the finals of the conference.

The final of the Hairpin Conference is different from the previous two competitions, and is also divided into up and down.

The first game is to take a wheel battle. Random draws determine the first person to come on stage, and the last three people who stay on stage are the top three in this hairpin conference. They directly enter the final game, hairpin!

This has advantages and disadvantages, the biggest disadvantage is the problem of spiritual restraint.

It is very likely that the three people who stood at the end were not able to beat the people who first came to power, and they were not straightforward.

"Xiao Ningzi, you must pay attention to safety!" Feng Lingyue said worriedly.

Suning held her hand and nodded solemnly.

Everyone was holding their breath and waiting for the finals to begin. Fan Yunsheng slowly stepped forward and raised his hands to open up the final space with two strong masters proficient in space laws.

Except for the people participating in the game, the rest were waiting outside, and could only follow the decisive battle inside in real time through the big screen in the air.

"Brother Jiang, Xiao Ningzi, you two must be careful!"

There was Wu Xu before Qin Qiong, and Feng Lingyue saw the gloom of this group of people, and the finals were coming soon. This was the most tense moment of all people's mouths, and the long-term efforts were for this moment.

Suning and Jiang Bailin nodded and walked slowly into the court.

After two competitions, there are still fifty people in the finals.

Fifty people standing around the round arena are all full of spirits, and no one wants to be the first to play.

If the first person on the field can stand till the end, it will definitely shine brightly and be noticed by everyone, but that also means that that person will stand longer than anyone else.

Some secrets and ancient methods were not fully revealed in the first two competitions, just to wait until the finals to overwhelm everyone. If the first one comes on, the moves will be seen by others.

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