I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 811: Battle Lin Yichen (Part 2)

"I killed you!"

Lin Yichen let out an angry shout.

We must know that there are thousands of people in the surrounding stands at this hairpin conference, not to mention the people who watch the game from the outside through the equipment. This slap of Suning completely beats Lin Yichen’s self-esteem. Gone.

Lin Yichen's eyes were red, and he looked at Suning with a sullen face, frantically urging the spirit source power in his body, and a pure and vigorous spirit source wave radiated from his body.


As Lin Yichen's arm moved slightly, fierce sword aura suddenly emitted from the black long sword, slashing towards Suning, and in a short time, the huge battle platform was full of sword aura.

Faced with Lin Yichen’s frantic attack, Suning urged the spirit in his body to originate from his feet. When his figure moved slightly, he avoided the attack of sword energy. Suning’s weird body skills continued to wander in the sword energy, no matter how Lin Yichen attacked Can't touch Suning at all.

Seeing Suning's wonderful performance in the field, the people in the surrounding stands exclaimed, and the face of the person who mocked Suning before gradually turned red.

"What a clever body technique!"

"Hey, this Lin Yichen is so faceless this time!"

"I have to say that it is right to suppress Suning!"


The shouts came one after another, and they were all cheering for Suning. From the beginning of the preliminary round to the present, Suning's powerful strength has made many people fall for it.

"Oh, it takes so long to deal with a person who has broken the extreme realm."

"Brother Wang, this person is really as strong as you say?"

At the top of the stands, in a room, the mocking sound gradually sounded and fell into Wang Feng's ears.

Wang Feng shook his head, was silent, and raised his eyebrows slightly. The eyes that looked at Suning gradually became serious.

"Hey, I said, can you change something?"

Suning kept walking in the sword aura, calmly figured, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, mocking Lin Yichen.

"Are you just hiding?"

Hearing Suning's words, Lin Yichen became more annoyed, and while exuding sword aura, he shouted sharply.

"Okay, okay, since you said that, then I won't hide it!"

After easily dodge the sword qi, Suning looked at Lin Yichen's deep eyes with a look, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and then his figure disappeared in place.

Seeing Suning disappear in an instant, Lin Yichen suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart. He backed away again and again, and looked around with vigilant eyes.


Suning's voice rang from above Lin Yichen. At the moment when Lin Yichen raised his head, a huge sole of his feet appeared in his eyes. At this moment, Lin Yichen's heart was filled with despair.


Following Suning's huge kick, Lin Yichen's figure flew out of the battlefield and smashed a big hole on the ground. A big red footprint on his face was particularly dazzling.

"This... This round, Suning wins!"

Looking at the battle between Suning and Lin Yichen, the referee felt a little unbelievable, and stammered announcing the result of the game, then a trace of pity flashed in the eyes of Lin Yichen.

On the surrounding stands, cheers came one after another.

In the pothole outside the battle platform, Lin Yichen stared at the blue sky blankly, and the sound from the surroundings slowed down in his ears and gradually became smaller.

"Why, in this world, the wicked are always stronger than the good."

Lin Yichen opened his mouth slightly, muttered in a low voice, his fists clenched tightly, and there was a crisp sound from his knuckles.

The boiling sound of the surrounding stands came to Suning's ears. Suning looked around at the people in the surrounding stands, then his eyes stayed on Feng Lingyue, and smiled at Feng Lingyue and Jiang Bailin's group.

In a room on the top floor of the stands, Wu Xu embraced a exposed woman in one hand and a glass of wine with a hint of fragrance in the other hand. Standing in front of the glass, his eyes fixed on the stand. Jiang Bailin and his party.

"Boy, let you surrender to my feet soon!"

Wu Xu took a sip of the wine, and a cold light flashed in his eyes when he looked at Jiang Bailin, then turned his head slightly, looking at Wan'er beside Jiang Bailin, a wretched scene flashed in his mind.

"Master Wu, please be prepared, it will be your turn in two more games!"

The door of the room gradually opened, and a maid lowered her head and spoke softly to Wu Xu in the room.

"Oh, I see!"

Wu Xu turned around slowly, holding the woman in his arms, and responded indifferently.

The maid raised her head and looked at the scene in the room, with a blush on her face, her expression a little surprised, she hurriedly closed the door of the room, turned and walked away quickly.

"Do you have to humiliate others so much?"

Feng Lingyue took Suning's arm and rolled her eyes at him.

"If he hadn't made me embarrassed in front of everyone before, I would not humiliate him so much."

Listening to Feng Lingyue's voice, Suning coughed slightly and said softly.

After the game just now, everyone watching the game around has a new understanding of Suning. Under the condition of suppressing half of the spiritual source power, Lin Yichen can be so easily defeated, everyone's hearts are raised against Suning. Admiration.

"The Suning just now, isn't it the one who had previously gained fame in Taikun City?"

"Huh? Taikun City? Why haven't I heard of it!"

"Let me go, which Horn Gada you live in? It is said that the station in Taikun City is quite huge! If it weren't for the Nangong family, I'm afraid the entire Taikun City would be destroyed!"

"Does this have anything to do with Suning?"

"Forget it, I won't be able to tell you clearly for a while. Go back and ask yourself!"


Not far from the group of Suning and Feng Lingyue, a whisper gradually sounded and fell in everyone's ears.

"Xiao Ningzi, you seem to be very famous!"

Feng Lingyue looked in the direction that made the sound. Many women looked at Suning with idiots, jealous, and whispered in Suning's ear.

"Hurt, Yue'er, after all, your husband and I are handsome and strong! No wonder these ordinary people are so enamoured of me!"

Hearing Feng Lingyue's words, Suning shook his head, pretending to be chic.

"haha, really?"

Feng Lingyue gritted her teeth and said, stepping on Suning's sole, and the hand holding Suning still pinched him vigorously.

Feeling the piercing pain on his feet and arms, the expression on Suning's face gradually became distorted, gritting his teeth and enduring the pain.

"Ahem, the intermission is over!"

"You are still satisfied with the fierce battle just now!"

On the stage, the referee held a microphone with a hint of joy on his face.

As the referee's words fell, the people in the stands issued a fierce response, the voices one after another, deafening.

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