I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 807: Competition

Seeing the suspicious looks of Suning and Jiang Bailin, Dawei's figure was slightly taken aback, and he shook his head helplessly. Although he knew the strength of Suning and Jiang Bailin, they didn't even know the competition system first.

"This hairpin conference is divided into three stages, the sea election, the semi-finals and the final finals."

"The sea election is the final decision of the top two hundred participants from the many participants in the conference, and the top two hundred talents are eligible to participate in the subsequent semi-finals."

"The semi-finals will be more cruel than the sea elections. Among the top two hundred people, half of them will be eliminated."

"Only the top 100 decided in the semi-finals can participate in the final battle, and the rules of this battle, in my opinion, are the most cruel and ruthless."

Pang Da told Suning and Jiang Bailin the rules of the competition in detail, and his tone became more solemn.

"This final final is a melee of a hundred people, and there will only be one winner in the end!"

When I said this, Daan was a solemn expression, beyond words.

After listening to Pangda’s explanation of the game system of this hairpin conference, both Suning and Jiang Bailin gradually became solemn. In the first two games alone, hundreds of people would be eliminated. It seems that this time the hairpin The flower conference should not be underestimated.

Everyone was chatting, outside the door, the organizer sent someone to send over the rules of the competition and the schedule.

In the early morning of the next day, Suning and Jiang Bailin each brought Feng Lingyue and Wan'er to the venue. The first half of the preliminary round will begin today. Although there was no Suning and others in the first half, they also wanted to come to the game. Let’s look at the strength of these people.

At this time, there are a lot of people sitting in densely packed arena. The entire arena is circular, surrounded by stands one after another. At the top, there is a room filled with glass. People outside cannot see it. Clear the look inside.

Suning and Jiang Bailin and the group were at the highest point of the stands, and they randomly found a place to sit down. Along the way, the other men around all cast strange glances at Feng Lingyue and Wan'er.

"Welcome everyone!"

"Please, the person in charge of this hairpin conference, the patriarch Wang and Lao, give a speech!"

In the center of the venue, a battle platform lined with defensive formations slowly rose, and a man in uniform stood on it, speaking loudly to the microphone in his hand.

As soon as the man's voice fell, in the glass room above the stands, a figure slowly floated into the air, and a vigorous voice came from his mouth, resounding throughout the venue.

"I won't say any more, I look forward to your talents to shine!"

The host was taken aback for a moment, and then began to announce the first round of the game.

Wu Xu fights Mu Linchen.

On the battle platform, Wu Xu and Mu Linchen slowly appeared, and the two clasped their fists slightly.

"Isn't this the person we met yesterday?"

"Unexpectedly, he could also participate in this conference!"

Seeing Wu Xu's short and fat figure on the platform, Wan'er felt nauseous and complained.

"There is nothing impossible. Judging from the attitude of Elder Wang yesterday, there should be something behind this person."

Suning looked at Wu Xu who was fighting with Mu Linchen on the platform and said with a smile.

As the battle continued, Wu Xu gradually fell into a disadvantage, and seemed to be on the verge of defeat at any time.

"Give up!"

"You will not be my opponent!"

The big knife in Mu Linchen's hand kept slashing towards Wu Xu, and the huge force directly shattered the floor under Wu Xu's feet.

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Wu Xu's mouth, mobilizing the remaining spiritual power in his body, sending out a fierce sword aura, as if he felt Wu Xu's energy fluctuations, Mu Linchen smiled slightly, before the sword aura was released. In an instant, he dodged.

Sword Qi pierced the site and aroused a thick smoke in the platform. Taking advantage of this momentary gap, Wu Xu took out a few Hunyuan pills from the bracelet and swallowed them into his abdomen.

A vast spirit source wave erupted from his body, shaking away the dense smoke in the venue.

Looking at Wu Xu in full state, Mu Linchen's expression gradually became serious.

"My grass, what's the situation?"

"Didn't all the spiritual powers have been exhausted just now? How come there is such a strong spiritual source fluctuation suddenly!"

"This person must be cheating!"

The people in the stands thought that Mu Linchen had already won this stop, but the horrible spiritual fluctuations that Wu Xu had erupted now made them a little unacceptable. They kept yelling at Wu Xu and fighting for Mu Linchen. .

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Wu Xu's mouth, "Boy, I'll take you!" As soon as the voice fell, Wu Xu's figure disappeared, and the sword of the carrier appeared in front of Mu Linchen. .


Mu Linchen did not expect that Wu Xu's strength suddenly soared. Before he could react, he was hit by the sword, and the whole person flew out and fell outside the battle platform.

"The first round, Wu Xusheng!"

Following the referee's voice, many people in the surrounding stands stood up and yelled at the referee and Wu Xu.

Under the tremendous pressure of the people around, the referee trembled and read out the next game information, with cold sweat on his forehead. When the second round of the game information was announced, Suning's figure was slightly taken aback, and his expression was a little surprised. Originally not in today's second round, Suning shook his head, rising into the air and slowly falling on the platform.

"Kun Tianyu, Suning!"

Suning gestured slightly towards the man on the opposite side of the platform.

"Nonsense, look at the trick!"

The man was full of self-confidence, looked at Suning's sluggish appearance, and said impatiently, then his figure moved, leaving a shadow on the court, and directly attacked Suning.

Seeing the man's eager appearance, Suning shook his head slightly. When playing, Suning felt the other's spiritual power fluctuations. He was just a little guy who broke the extreme. For him, this person almost didn't let him. The reason for the move, but looking at the appearance of the man, it seemed that he didn't put Suning in his eyes.

"Bengshan Fist!"

With an angry shout, the man's figure appeared in front of Suning, and a terrifying fist hit Suning's forehead.


A huge sound rang from the venue, and there was a huge pit where Suning was.

"So fast!"

Seeing that he missed a single blow, the man's heart was dignified and surprised. Suddenly, the huge power from his **** made his heart extremely shocked. Before he could react, he was kicked out by Suning.

"Suning wins the second round!"

The referee and the people in the surrounding stands saw this scene, their jaws fell to the ground in surprise, and they kept rubbing their eyes, as if they could not believe what had just happened.

"No, it's over before you start?"

"Hey, what kind of monsters are this conference!"

In the stands, the face of the young man who had mocked Suning before gradually turned pale, his hands clasped tightly.

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