I Have Six Plug-ins

Chapter 403 Torture

Gao Yujie, who was staring at Yu Xueting and the others, had very unkind eyes.

What do you want?

Yu Xueting asked in a deep voice.

Hehe, I didn't expect that the proud son of Tianyuanmen would ask such a stupid question. Gao Yujie looked at Yu Xueting contemptuously, with jealousy flashing in his eyes.

Yu Xueting's beauty and Yu Xueting's delicacy deeply stimulated Gao Yujie.

No beauty likes a more beautiful woman than her.

This kind of jealousy has been unscrupulously magnified in this lawless undead secret realm.

Hearing this, Ming Qiu took a step forward and said with a sneer: What are you proud of, you just controlled a giant skeleton that was about to fall apart.

Then, he rushed out with a stride.

court death!

Almost at the same time, Gao Yujie scolded coldly, and then the giant's right hand palm was clenched into a fist, and hit Mingqiu from top to bottom.

Ming Qiu raised his head, raised his arms, and punched brazenly.


The ground exploded and a large pit appeared.

The giant's right fist moved away.

I saw Ming Qiu standing in the pit, still holding his right fist, but a sharp pain flashed across his face.

His right wrist was actually broken!

With this punch, Ming Qiu exploded with his strongest bone strength, and hit the giant's right palm hard.

The result is tragic!

Sky-level bones, just break it.

As expected of the remains of the Heavenly Soldiers, the bones are really hard! Ming Qiu's face was full of awe, and there was a wry smile.

Hahaha, what a joke, how could you beat the Heavenly Soldiers? Gao Yujie laughed wantonly.

But suddenly, boom!

something heavy fell to the ground,

It was smashed loudly.

Gao Yujie looked down, and couldn't help but gasp. There was an extra section of the front end of the index finger of the right hand metacarpal of a giant hand on the ground.


Gao Yujie couldn't believe it, this was the remains of a heavenly soldier, the real bones of gods and demons.

Ming Qiu was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help laughing: Heavenly Soldiers died because of a madness, his bones were already broken, no wonder there are so many cracks on the surface.

Gao Yujie said angrily: So what? You just broke a small finger bone, but your right fist is useless. As long as you hit you with two more punches, you will be useless.

Ming Qiu couldn't help but tense his face.

This bitch was right, his bone strength couldn't withstand the blow of the giant's skeleton at all.

Not only him, even including Huang Ya and Yu Xueting, the three of them can't defeat the giant skeleton.

What to do? Yellow Fang asked in a low voice.

Yu Xueting said in a deep voice, Fight with her.

Huang Fang: Don't be impulsive, they can't manipulate the giant bones all the time, we have to find a way to delay the time, let's withdraw.

Yu Xueting was silent for a while, although she didn't like Huang Ya's temper when things went wrong, she had to admit that this time she had to listen to Huang Ya.

She glanced at Dian Wei: What about the little uncle?

Huang Ya: I carried the little uncle on my back, the four of us escaped together, and then separated and escaped immediately, so that they couldn't catch them.

Yu Xueting frowned: No, I'll carry my junior uncle, you go to help Mingqiu.

Huang Fang shrugged, bent down to pick up a few pieces of gravel, and threw them out suddenly, aiming at the Gao sisters.

Whoosh whoosh!

The giant skeleton immediately raised its arms to block, protecting the Gao sisters. When the arms were removed, they found that there was no one in front of them.

Sister, they escaped. Gao Bingqing glanced at the entrance, and a figure flashed by.


Gao Yujie gave an order, and the legs of the giant skeleton moved at an astonishing speed.

Escape separately! Huang Fang ran outside, heading down the mountain without looking back.

Ming Qiu looked at Yu Xueting, and asked anxiously, How do we meet?

Yu Xueting, who was carrying Dian Wei on her back, replied: Try to live to the end, we will meet at the decisive battle.

As long as the trial continues, as the poisonous mist spreads wider and wider, the survivors will eventually gather in a certain place for a decisive battle.

Ming Qiu understood, turned his head and left.

Almost at the next moment, a huge skeleton figure emerged from the triangular hole.

They fled separately. The Gao sisters immediately found that the four fled in three directions.

Sister, which one are you chasing? Gao Bingqing asked.

Obviously, of the two sisters, Gao Yujie is the smarter one, and she has always been making decisions.

Gao Yujie: Chasing after that Yu Xueting, she has a big man on her back, so she can't run fast.

The giant skeleton moved again, swift as the wind.

Under the night!

Yu Xueting ran all the way with the unconscious Dian Wei on her back. After a while, when she looked back, her expression changed drastically.

The Giant Skeleton is coming!

Less than five miles away!

Taking a deep breath, Yu Xueting suddenly increased her speed, turning into an afterimage and moving forward quickly.

Easy kung fu is my strong point, let's see how long you can chase me. Yu Xueting had confidence in her eyes.

night till dawn...

For sky-level bone forging, running overnight is not a big problem, but galloping at full speed overnight is definitely not easy.

Gradually, it was dawn.

The light of the sky shone on Yu Xueting's soft and beautiful face, revealing a look of exhaustion.

She ran wildly all night with Dian Wei on her back.


The Gao sisters gave up and stopped chasing her.

At this time, Yu Xueting found herself at the seaside, facing each other across the sea, there was another continent.

In the distance, there is a vague floating bridge connecting the two continents.

Yu Xueting looked around and found a high ground. After putting down Dian Wei, she sat on the ground to rest.

Only then did she have the chance to check whether Dian Wei was seriously injured, but when she reached out to touch Dian Wei's forehead, Dian Wei suddenly opened his eyes.

Little Master Uncle!

Yu Xueting withdrew her hand and cheered in surprise.

My head hurts...

Dian Wei sat up slowly, put his hands on his forehead, looked around, and asked, Where is this place? Where are the Gao sisters?

Yu Xueting is 1510.

Oh, I was plotted against by their surprise attack. Dian Wei sighed.

Yu Xueting worried: Is the injury serious?

Dian Wei felt his body: Fortunately, the injury shouldn't be serious, it's just that he was shaken by the giant's skeleton, and that's why he's been in a coma for so long.

Yu Xueting breathed a sigh of relief: That's good, if you are gone, it will be difficult for us to survive to the end.

Dian Wei looked at Yu Xueting and said earnestly, Thank you for your hard work this night.

Where are you talking? Yu Xueting blushed pretty, It's what I should do to protect my little uncle.

Dian Wei looked at the pontoon bridge: Two mainlands and one bridge, do we need to cross the bridge?

Yu Xueting: I need it.

Dian Wei: Oh, how do you determine that the Land of Decision will appear on another continent?

Yu Xueting: Although Nian beasts come and go alone, they actually live in groups. As far as I know, Nian beasts have a habit, that is, they usually gather in the same place, and at the same time maintain a certain distance from each other. Therefore, when Nian beasts appear on our continent, there is a high probability that there will be no Nian beasts on the other continent.”

Suddenly, Dian Wei pointed to the pontoon bridge and said, It seems that we need to cross the bridge. That pontoon bridge must be a battleground for military strategists.

Yu Xueting: Someone may set up an ambush on the bridge, or even destroy the pontoon bridge altogether.

She looked at another continent, It's really not possible, how about we just swim there?

Swim over?

Dian Wei was speechless for a while, with their physical strength, you must be able to swim through, but the problem is...

When the mindfulness reached this point, a Nian beast suddenly appeared in the field of vision.


The Nian beast spotted Dian Wei and Yu Xueting, took a closer look, then turned around and ran in another direction.

There may be someone in that direction. Dian Wei stood up, Let's go, let's follow this Nian beast.


Yu Xueting is very well-behaved.

The two immediately started tracking, following the strange beast.

After a while.

Looking up, Dian Wei found an extremely huge basin in front of him, and there were many boulders in the basin.

If you look carefully, the shapes of those boulders are all stone pillars, cuboids, standing upright, or collapsing to the ground, forming a mysterious stone formation.

Nian ran into Stonehenge.

Someone is hiding inside. Yu Xueting said with a twinkle in her eyes.

Dian Wei nodded: If you kill that Nian beast, you can get a precious bone, let's go!

As long as the Nian Beast encounters an older person, it will definitely become ferocious, and a precious bone will be born on its body.

Dian Wei was waiting for this opportunity.

The two rushed down and broke into Stonehenge.

However, Nian Beast has long since disappeared in Stonehenge, and Stonehenge is very large, like a maze.

Seeing this situation, Dian Wei and Yu Xueting immediately searched separately, they both have great confidence in their own strength.

Dian Wei jumped up and landed on a stone pillar. Looking at Yu Xueting below who was touching to the left, he turned his head and searched to the right.

The two drifted apart.

Suddenly, Dian Wei stopped.

See you soon!

A huge skeleton leaned on a stone pillar, and there were two figures sitting on the ground.

It is the Gao sisters!

They chased them all night, and finally they were exhausted, unable to hold on, and turned to find a safe place to rest.

Unexpectedly, Dian Wei tracked down Nian Beast and found them by accident.

Hey, it's you!

The Gao sisters noticed something, and immediately spotted Dian Wei who was slowly walking up to him.

You are quite courageous, and you dare to appear in front of our sisters.

Gao Yujie quickly cut through her palm and pressed on the giant's skeleton, letting the blood spread along the skeleton one by one.

Dian Wei said indifferently: I came here specially to thank you.

The Gao sisters were taken aback by these words, looked at each other, and said at the same time, Thank you?

Dian Wei: I've always wanted to find an opportunity to act independently from the other three, and you gave me this opportunity.

Gao Yujie frowned, feeling uneasy in her heart: Dianwei, what do you mean?

Dian Wei put his hands behind his back and said unhurriedly: Before I set off, I was framed by someone in Guyun Villa. I carefully deduced the situation at that time and found one thing. To meet at that time and place, it is necessary to keep track of my whereabouts at all times. Only the people around me can do this.

At this point, Dian Wei sighed: There is a traitor around me, but I'm not sure who that person is, it may be Yu Xueting, it may be Ming Qiu, or it may be Huang Ya.

Gao Yujie swallowed.

Dian Wei looked at the Gao sisters, and said slowly: I expected a long time ago that it was not accidental that you found Tianbing. At first I thought you had something to do with Tianbing, but Tianbing died soon. At that time I realized , your purpose is most likely to obtain the remains of the Heavenly Soldiers.

Gao Yujie was suffocated, and said coldly, Nonsense, since you discovered this, you still dare to let us control the skeletons of the heavenly soldiers?

Dian Wei pointed to the leg of the skeleton of the Heavenly Soldiers: Look carefully?

The Gao sisters looked intently, their complexions suddenly changed drastically.

There is actually a five-finger handprint on the calf of the Tianbing skeleton.

Dian Wei said calmly: Before you control the skeleton of the heavenly soldier, I have done a test, and I have enough power to destroy it. Otherwise, you really think that you can get close to the skeleton of the heavenly soldier so easily, and you have done so many little tricks. Be noticed by me?

The corners of Gao Yujie's eyes couldn't help twitching, she shook her head and said, Don't scare us, who are you lying to?

During the conversation, Tianbing Skeleton stood up, clenched his right palm into a fist, and slammed at Dian Wei violently.


Dian Wei's stature suddenly swelled, becoming more than ten meters tall!

At this moment, he is full of muscles, dominating the world, and possessing unparalleled power.

With a sway of his shoulders, in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the skeleton of the Heavenly Soldiers as if teleporting, and smashed his fists at his sternum.

Boom boom boom...

Ka Ka Ka...

Bone breaking and flying, unstoppable!

The brutal punch destroyed the giant's ribs, and broke the spine in a short while.

The giant's skeleton broke in two!

Pieces of huge bones collapsed and flew in all directions, sweeping in all directions.

The Gao sisters were hit by broken bones one after another. Seeing the giant's bones shattered, they had to retreat.

However, Dian Wei shot left and right, grabbed Gao Bingqing with his left hand, and Gao Yujie with his right hand.

Thumbs were inserted between their legs and they were stirred violently.


The shrill scream was indescribable.

Gao Bingqing: Forgive me, I was wrong, I was wrong...

Gao Yujie: Let us go, kill us...

Dian Wei said indifferently: I have passed, if you lie to me, you will find that I may be more terrifying than those four from Linghemen.

Time seemed to pass very slowly, and the screams never stopped.

But they were in Stonehenge, and the sound didn't seem to be able to travel too far.

So, their screams and their pleas for help were all in vain.

I don't know how long it has been.

Dian Wei finally had enough of playing and had fun, he squeezed two beautiful bodies with all his strength with both hands.

Afterwards, his figure returned to normal.

Because the specially made human leather jacket is elastic and has not been torn by Dian Wei, at this moment he is not naked, so there is no need to be too embarrassed.

Dian Wei shook off the flesh and blood from his hands, jumped onto a stone pillar, and continued to search forward.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty minutes have passed...

Are you sure this thing is a fragment of the magic blade of the magic weapon?

Just as Dian Wei was walking forward, a voice suddenly came from somewhere.

Dian Wei's actions were silent, and the other party should not have noticed him.

I am sure.

Another voice sounded, Forget it if you don't want it, I want it!

Who doesn't want it anymore? Do I want it myself? the previous person choked.

Dian Wei approached from above, and soon found two figures beside a stone pillar, and they were concentrating on what looked like a scrap of iron in their hands.



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