Chapter 880 Comprehend the truth

Ling’an and Jin Yutang naturally didn’t know that Yang Hao in front of them had moved to the right again, otherwise they would call this Yang Hao an idiot again. After Ling’an and Jin Yutang walked into the left passage together, Xinjian felt that something was wrong, but when he looked back, it was different from the road he had walked before. Is this always changing? Ling’an didn’t understand. Only by persisting until now can he escape the danger. This kind of

The ruins are full of crisis. Without fixed strength and wisdom, he can only fall here.

After walking in the passage for half an hour, Ling’an and Jin Yutang finally came to different places. This is a gate, a bronze gate, with long meters and high meters. Standing in front of the door, Ling’an and Jin Yutang feel that they are very small.

However, after a while, Ling’an’s gaze fell on a stone tablet in front of the door, which clearly read: The gate of heaven and the gate of Taixu skills pass the test, and you can get Emperor Wu, the Taixu skills and the mysterious. Heavenly Court.

In a simple sentence, let Ling’an and Jinyutang move. This is the test left by Emperor Taixu. If the test is successful, you will get a baby. That day, the mysterious spirit sounded 813 very powerful.

When Ling’an and Jin Yutang thought of this, the wall next to them shook a bit and slowly separated to the side, revealing a huge bronze door. Is there a test?


“Boom.” The wall slowly moved down, revealing a passage on the other side and a huge bronze door at the end of the passage. There is a sign in front of the door, but the content is different.

In the first road, in front of the bronze gate, it is written: After the Taixu’s Ice Gate and the Medicine Gate pass the test, you can get the basic Taixu medicine. Bingxuantian Pills Ling’an and Jin Yutang read it again. However, there were small prints under the door, which said that only individuals can enter each door to take the test.

“Bingxuan, I’ll open the door. I just need that Bing Xuantian Pills to break through the realm of Taixu,” Ling An turned his head and said.

“Well, I also need too virtual skills. I am jealous of seeing so many brothers and sisters of Ling’an too virtual skills. I will take the door to heaven!” In this way, Ling’an and Jinyutang match their bronze Door.

(bcdb) “Rain, don’t bear it, safety first.” Ling’an turned and touched Jin Yutang’s little head and face.

“Ling’an’s sister too, there will still be too vain things in the future, second in life.” You raised his head and smiled. When a girl was preparing, Yang Hao also went to the passage, but now Yang Hao is very cautious. The end of the passage is the first way! The bronze door is also the last bronze door.

Each passage leads to a bronze gate. This gate is a test item left by the sacred Emperor Wu and Tai Xu. Before Yang Hao reached the first bronze gate, Ling’an and Jin Yutang had already pushed in. The huge bronze gate is a bit heavy, but in Jinyutang’s little hand, it was pushed slowly. The golden Wu’s voice envelops Jin Yutang’s smaller body,

This made Jin Yutang look golden, his eyes were filled with golden light, and the bronze door was pushed open in Jin Yutang’s charming Hesheng.

On the other hand, Ling’an naturally has the ability to push open the bronze door, which is much easier than Jin Yutang. According to Ling’an observation, I am afraid that only the strength of Taixu Shengqu can push the bronze door, so the lowest threshold for this test should be too Virtual sacred song.

After Jin Yutang walked into the bronze gate, he felt that the air was heavy, and the elements in the air seemed to be several times richer than those outside. Behind the bronze door is a huge hall, but there is no one in the hall and there is no life.

Jin Yutang, carrying the dark blood soul, walked into the empty hall step by step, and the bronze gate behind him, pushed open by Jin Yutang, had slowly closed. But Jin Yutang didn’t seem to care about these. Now Jin Yutang has begun to observe this strange place.

The empty hall seemed to have nothing special except the power of the elements. Jin Yutang is still moving forward, but the strange silence always makes her more vigilant.

Finally, the quiet hall finally got impatient. After the strange sound, the green flag at Jin Yutang’s feet turned into muddy water. With Jin Yutang’s feet as the center, the green flag turned into a swamp.

However, at the beginning, Jin Yuyan had found him jumping from the ground. But to Jin Yutang’s surprise, the swamp spread faster than her. In a blink of an eye, a swamp a few meters around is at the foot of Jin Yutang

In such a big swamp, Jin Yutang didn’t panic at all. Calm is the key to her success. Those beautiful eyes blinked, and the dark blood soul in his hand was directly put into the empty ring by Jin Yutang. His hands were shining, and each one appeared outside the ordinary spear.

Jin Yutang spread his hands, and directly inserted the ordinary spear that Jin Yutang threw into the swamp. Only the gun fence guarding the outside, Jin Yutang also floated down at this time, with a little toe, they stepped on the gun fence.

This time, the strange voice rang again, and this time, Jin Yutang finally heard it clearly, and it seemed that he had read something “Xuanmu”. After the strange sound, the swamp at the foot of Jinyutang boiled, and the gray-black wooden thorns at their roots came directly out of the swamp.

“Huh!” Jin Yutang looked at He Sheng coldly, with golden light flickering under her feet, her body quickly pulled up, and jumped into the air again. At that time, it was inserted next to the spear in the swamp, and the gray-black wooden thorn came out. Seeing the wood thorn with a gloomy feeling, Jin Yutang swiped his right hand, the dark blood soul reappeared, and the golden Taixu Qi rose into the air. Taixu Sanyu’s early Tai

The imaginary spirit is obvious. “Fang Tian is going to kill Fang Tian again!” Jin Yutang looked natural, his eyes fixed on the dark blood soul in his hand, as if to blend into the dark blood soul and express his feelings. If you can integrate with the Holy Spirit Treasure to achieve such a state of human-machine harmony, you will be a master-level master in the sanctuary, and your combat effectiveness can be greatly improved.

However, today’s Jin Yutang is like a perfect game, it is still far from the realm of harmony between people and equipment. However, it can be considered a genius. Much better than Yang Hao. Although Yang Hao likes to use swords, he also loves swords, but he still hasn’t grasped the true meaning, not even getting started. .

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